ATP Demo.h

    Program:    < ATP Demo >
    File:       < ATP Demo.h >
    Written by  Scott Kuechle
    of <Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support>
    10/92 SRK created
    8/94 SRK Modified to use a queue of parameter
    Copyright © 1992, 1994 Apple Computer, Inc.
    All rights reserved.
#include    <types.h>
#include    <quickdraw.h>
#include    <toolutils.h>
#include    <fonts.h>
#include    <events.h>
#include    <windows.h>
#include    <dialogs.h>
#include    <menus.h>
#include    <desk.h>
#include    <textedit.h>
#include    <scrap.h>
#include    <segload.h>
#include    <osevents.h>
#include    <files.h>
#include    <devices.h>
#include    <memory.h>
#include    <appletalk.h>
#include    <lists.h>
#include    <SysEqu.h>
#include    <Script.h>
#include    <CursorCtl.h>
#include    <Resources.h>
#include    <ADSP.h>
#include    <Packages.h>
#include    <String.h>
#include    <Strings.h>
#include    <Traps.h>
#include    <GestaltEqu.h>
#include    <Errors.h>
typedef short SICN[16];
typedef SICN *SICNList;
typedef SICNList *SICNHand;
/* 1.01 - kMinHeap - This is the minimum result from the following
            ORD(GetApplLimit) - ORD(ApplicZone)
     for the application to run. It will insure that enough memory will
     be around for reasonable-sized scraps, FKEYs, etc. to exist with the
     application, and still give the application some 'breathing room'.
     To derive this number, we ran under a MultiFinder partition that was
     our requested minimum size, as given in the 'SIZE' resource. */
#define     kMinHeap                (29 * 1024)
#define     kMinSpace               (20 * 1024)
#define     _WaitNextEvent          0xA860
#define     _Unimplemented          0xA89F
/* For System 7.0 */
#define     _Gestalt                0xA1AD
#define     appleID                 128             /* This is a resource ID */
#define     fileID                  129             /* ditto */
#define     editID                  130             /* ditto */
#define     extremeNeg              -32768
#define     extremePos              32767 - 1           /* required for old region bug */
#define     osEvent                 app4Evt     /* event used by MultiFinder */
#define     resumeMask              1           /* bit of message field for resume vs. suspend */
#define     sysEnvironsVersion      1
#define     kATPTimeOutVal          3           /* re-try ATP SendRequest every 3 seconds */
#define     kATPRetryCount          5           /* for five times */
#define     kZonesSize              578         /* size of buffer for zone names */
#define     kGetZoneList            8           /* the Zone Information Protocol socket */
#define     kZIPSocket              6           /* the Zone Information Protocol socket */
#define     kMoreZones              0xFF000000  /* mask to see if more zones to come */
#define     kZoneCount              0x0000FFFF  /* mask to count zones in buffer */
#define     kHilite                 1           /* hilite value for button control */
#define     kDeHilite               0           /* dehilite value for button control */
#define     theBridgeSocket         0x6
 *  constants for window activation 
#define     kActivateWindow         1
#define     kDeactivateWindow       0
#define     maxZones                250             /* max. number of zones we can save in our buffer */
#define     ZoneBufSize             maxZones * 33   /* our ugly, mondo zone buffer */
#define     BigLookupBuffer         10000           /* another big, ugly buffer - for nbp lookups */
// ------------------------------------------------
#define     rMenuBar                128                 /*application's menu bar*/
#define     ZoneMenuID              220
#define     TypeMenuID              221
#define     ObjectMenuID            222
#define     DataSizeMenuID          223
#define     rAboutDialog            128                 /*about alert*/
#define     rDialog                 129                 /*application's window*/
#define     rErrorDialog            130                 /*error alert window*/
    /* The following constants are used to identify menus and their items. The menu IDs*/
    /* have an "m" prefix and the item numbers within each menu have an "i" prefix.*/
#define     mApple                  128                 /*Apple menu*/
#define     iAbout                  1
#define     mFile                   129                 /*File menu*/
#define     iClose                  1
#define     iQuit                   2
#define     mEdit                   130                 /*Edit menu*/
#define     iUndo                   1
#define     iCut                    3
#define     iCopy                   4
#define     iPaste                  5
#define     iClear                  6
#define     mRequestOptions         131                 /*Request Options menu*/
#define     iReqClockTime           1
#define     iReqData                2
#define     iSingleRequest          4
#define     iMultipleRequests       5
#define     kStandardTriSICN        -3990
/* dialog items */
#define     kobjectItemID           1
#define     ktypeItemID             2
#define     kMoofFilterCheckBox     3
#define     kzoneItemID             4
#define     kPopupBorderID          8
#define     kClockTime              9
#define     kClockTimeBorder        11
#define     kReqDataButton          10
#define     kStatusText             12
/* our error message codes */
#define     atalkErr                1
#define     memErr                  2
#define     menuErr                 3
#define     nbpErr                  4
#define     noTargetErr             5
#define     badROMsErr              6
#define     heapErr                 7
#define     noMemErr                8
#define     DrvrErr                 9
#define     SktErr                  10
#define     RsrcErr                 11
#define     dataNotValidErr         12
#define     dataIsValid             13
    /* our test data resource definitions */
#define     kTestDataRsrcID         128
#define     kTestDataType           'test'
/* defines for req/resp packet */
#define     maxQElements            10
    /* our request command codes */
#define     kSendTime               1
#define     kSendData               2
#define     kMaxPacketSize          578     /* max. size for atp data is 578 bytes */
#define     kMaxResponses           8       /* maximum number of responses we expect */
#define     kRespBufSize            kMaxPacketSize * kMaxResponses  /* our response buffer */
#define     kSendReqBtnText         "\pSend Request"
#define     kStopReqBtnText         "\pStop Requests"
#define     kTestDataCorrect        "\pTest data received is correct!"
#define     kTestDataIncorrect      "\pTest data received is not correct."
#define     kBlankText              "\p                                  "
#define     kMaxBDSElements         8   /* from the header file def. for BDSElement */
struct ourRespBuf
    char buf[kRespBufSize];
typedef struct ourRespBuf ourRespBuf;
struct ourReqData
    char data[kMaxPacketSize];
typedef struct ourReqData ourReqData;
#define myPrivateFields \
    OSErr           functionResult;\
    Ptr             reqData;\
    Ptr             respData;\
    Ptr             bdsPtr; \
    long            myA5;\
    ProcPtr         ourCompletion;
struct ourParamBlockFields
typedef struct ourParamBlockFields ourParamBlockFields;
#define kOurPBNegOffset sizeof(ourParamBlockFields)
    /* our parameter block structure - Note that
        the "myA5" and "ourCompletion" fields must
        remain 4 & 8 bytes above the atp pb. If you
        change this, you must change our assembly
        routine "PreCompletion" */
struct myATPParamBlock
    ATPParamBlock   u;
typedef struct myATPParamBlock myATPParamBlock;
typedef struct myATPParamBlock *myATPParamBlockPtr;
#define atpEntityFilter     "\patp"