
    Program:    < ATP Demo >
    File:       < Atalk.c >
    Written by  Scott Kuechle
    of <Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support>
    10/92 SRK created
    8/94 SRK Modified to use a queue of parameter
    Copyright © 1992, 1994 Apple Computer, Inc.
    All rights reserved.
/*  I N C L U D E S
#include    "ATP Demo.h"
#include    "ATP Demo.protos"
/*  G L O B A L   V A R I A B L E   D E C L A R A T I O N S
ATPPBPtr        gATPPBPtr;          /* the parameter block for GetZoneList call */
XPPParmBlkPtr   gXPBPBPtr;          /* structure for Phase 2 NBP lookups */
short           xppDriverRefNum;
Str255          gZoneString, gObjStr, gTypeStr;
Str32           myName;
short           gMenuItem;
NamesTableEntry myNTE;
AddrBlock       theBridgeAddress;
/* E X T E R N A L S
extern SysEnvRec    gMac;               /* set up by Initialize */
extern void         ShowError(short index);
extern void         CopyPstr(Ptr pSource, Ptr pDest);
extern void         Terminate();
extern void         Exit(short message);
extern qsort (Ptr base, long n, long size, ProcPtr compare);
#pragma segment Main
//#pragma segment atlk
// *****************************************************************
// *    registerMyName
// *
// *    registers our nbp name on the network so we can find other
// *    machines that are running our application.
// *****************************************************************
void registerMyName(char socket)
    MPPParamBlock pb;
    StringHandle userName;
        userName = GetString(-16096);
        myName[0] = 0;
        if (userName != nil)
            if (*userName[0] != 0)
        NBPSetNTE((Ptr)&myNTE, &myName, atpEntityFilter, "\p*", socket);
        pb.NBP.interval = 2;
        pb.NBP.count = 3;
        pb.NBP.NBPPtrs.entityPtr = (Ptr)&myNTE;
        pb.NBP.parm.verifyFlag = 1;
        if (PRegisterName(&pb,false) != noErr)
// *****************************************************************
// *    removeMyName
// *
// *    removes our nbp name from the network.
// *****************************************************************
void removeMyName()
    MPPParamBlock pb;
    OSErr err;
        pb.NBP.NBPPtrs.entityPtr = (Ptr)&myNTE.nt.entityData;
        err = PRemoveName(&pb, false);
// *****************************************************************
// *    myCompare
// *
// *    this uses stand International Utilites package for sorting
// *****************************************************************
long myCompare (Str255 aStr, Str255 bStr)
        return ((long)IUCompString(bStr, aStr));
// *****************************************************************
// *    letsSort
// *
// * calls a standard C qSort routine compiled with Pascal calling 
// * conventions the 33 is the standard size of a Str32 type, which
// * is the standard size of an AppleTalk NBP object.
// *****************************************************************
void letsSort (Ptr theBuffPtr, long numZonesGot)
        qsort(theBuffPtr, numZonesGot, 33, &myCompare);
// *****************************************************************
// *    addZonesToBuffer
// *
// *    
// *****************************************************************
void addZonesToBuffer (Ptr LkUpBuffer,
                Ptr BufferForZoneMenu,
                short NumZonesGot,
                short CurrentTotal)
    char curLength;
    long index;
    short i;
        index = 0;
        curLength = 0;
        for (i=CurrentTotal;i<=(NumZonesGot + CurrentTotal) && (i < maxZones);++i)
            curLength = *(LkUpBuffer + index);
            BlockMove((LkUpBuffer + index), (BufferForZoneMenu + (i * 33)), 33);
            index = index + curLength + 1;
// *****************************************************************
// *    parseItemsAddToMenu
// *
// *    this routine adds zone name items to our zones popup menu
// *****************************************************************
void parseItemsAddToMenu (Ptr theBuffPtr,
                    MenuHandle zoneMenu,
                    short NumZonesGot)
    long index;
    Str255 tempString;
    short i;
        letsSort(theBuffPtr, NumZonesGot);
        index = 0;
        for (i=0; i<=(NumZonesGot - 1); ++i)
                BlockMove((theBuffPtr + i * 33), &tempString, 33);
                    /* initially insert a blank item so meta-characters aren't used */
                AppendMenu(zoneMenu, "\p ");
                    /* use SetItem so we can display meta-chars in zone names */
                SetItem(zoneMenu, i + 1, tempString);
// *****************************************************************
// *    zonesPresent
// *
// * this checks to see if there is a local bridge available
// *****************************************************************
Boolean zonesPresent()
    short mynode, ignore;
        theBridgeAddress.aNode = 0;
        theBridgeAddress.aNode = GetBridgeAddress();
        ignore = GetNodeAddress(&mynode, &theBridgeAddress.aNet);
        if (theBridgeAddress.aNode != 0) 
            theBridgeAddress.aSocket = theBridgeSocket;
            return true;
            CopyPstr("\p*", &gZoneString);
            return false;
// *****************************************************************
// *    parseLkupBuffAddToMenu
// *
// *    this routine takes all the names returned from the nbp lookup
// *    and checks to see if the item is already in the list. If not,
// *    the item is added to the appropriate popup menu.
// *****************************************************************
void parseLkupBuffAddToMenu (Ptr theBuffPtr,
                        Ptr bigBuffer,
                        MenuHandle lookupMenu,
                        short NumGot,
                        Boolean doObjects)
    Str255 menuString, str;
    short i, j, k;
    EntityName abEntity;
    AddrBlock address;
    OSErr resultCode;
    Boolean weHaveDupe;
        k = 1;
        for (i=1; i<=NumGot; ++i)
            resultCode = NBPExtract(theBuffPtr, NumGot, i, &abEntity, &address);
            if (doObjects)
            else    /* do type strings */
            weHaveDupe = false;
            j = 0;
                j = j + 1;
                BlockMove((bigBuffer + (j - 1) * 33), &str, 33);
                if (EqualString(str, menuString, false, true))
                    weHaveDupe = true;
            while ((j <= k) && (weHaveDupe == false));
            if (weHaveDupe == false) 
                BlockMove(&menuString, (bigBuffer + (k - 1) * 33), 33);
                k = k + 1;
        parseItemsAddToMenu(bigBuffer, lookupMenu, k - 1);
// *****************************************************************
// *    LookupNames
// *
// *    issues an nbp lookup for the desired object, type and zone
// *    the user has specified with the target machine popup menus.
// *****************************************************************
void LookupNames (MenuHandle lookupMenu,
                Boolean doObjects)
    Str32 NBPObject, NBPType, NBPZone;
    NamesTableEntry lookupEntity;
    Ptr buffer; /* totally gross mondo buffer for returned zones */
    Ptr bigBuffer;
    MPPParamBlock pbLKP;
        buffer = nil;
        bigBuffer = nil;
        buffer = NewPtr(BigLookupBuffer);
        if (buffer == nil)
        bigBuffer = NewPtr(250 * 33);
        if (bigBuffer == nil)
            goto Exit;
        CopyPstr("\p=", NBPObject);
        if (!doObjects)
            CopyPstr("\p=", NBPType);
        if (zonesPresent()) 
            CopyPstr("\p*", NBPZone);
        NBPSetEntity((Ptr)&lookupEntity.nt.entityData, NBPObject, NBPType, NBPZone);
        pbLKP.NBP.ioCompletion = nil;
        pbLKP.NBP.interval = 3;
        pbLKP.NBP.count = 3;
        pbLKP.NBPentityPtr = &lookupEntity.nt.entityData;
        pbLKP.NBPretBuffSize = BigLookupBuffer;
        pbLKP.NBPretBuffPtr = buffer;
        pbLKP.NBPmaxToGet = (BigLookupBuffer/sizeof(NTElement));
        if (PLookupName(&pbLKP, false) == noErr)
            if (pbLKP.NBPnumGotten > 0)
                parseLkupBuffAddToMenu(buffer, bigBuffer, lookupMenu, pbLKP.NBPnumGotten, doObjects);
        if (buffer != nil)
        if (bigBuffer != nil)
// *****************************************************************
// *    BuildZoneListPhase1
// *
// *    Create the list of zones on the network. Find a bridge to talk to , if one is
// *    present, then ask it for zone names. Add the names to the list in the dialog.
// *****************************************************************
void BuildZoneListPhase1(MenuHandle zoneMenu)
    BDSElement  dBDS;               /* the BDS for GetZoneList call */
    ATPPBPtr    gATPPBPtr;
    Ptr         gZones,sortBuffer;
    long        tempUserData;
    short       zIndex,zoneCallType;
    Boolean     DontGetMoreZones;
    short       NumZonesGot, totalZones;
        gATPPBPtr = nil;                                            /* init some important variables*/
        gZones = nil;
        sortBuffer = nil;
        if (zonesPresent() == false)
        gATPPBPtr = (ATPPBPtr)NewPtr(sizeof(ATPParamBlock));
        if (gATPPBPtr == nil)
            goto Exit;
        gZones = NewPtr(kZonesSize);
        if (gZones == nil)
            goto Exit;
        sortBuffer = NewPtr(ZoneBufSize);
        if (sortBuffer == nil)
            goto Exit;
        zoneCallType = kGetZoneList;
        zIndex = 1;
        dBDS.buffSize = kZonesSize;                                 /* set up BDS */
        dBDS.buffPtr = gZones;
        dBDS.dataSize = 0;
        dBDS.userBytes = 0;
        gATPPBPtr->ATPatpFlags = 0;
        gATPPBPtr->ATPaddrBlock.aNet = theBridgeAddress.aNet;
        gATPPBPtr->ATPaddrBlock.aNode = theBridgeAddress.aNode;                 /* get node of bridge */
        gATPPBPtr->ATPaddrBlock.aSocket = kZIPSocket;               /* the socket we want */
        gATPPBPtr->ATPreqLength = 0;
        gATPPBPtr->ATPreqPointer = nil;
        gATPPBPtr->ATPbdsPointer = (Ptr) &dBDS;
        gATPPBPtr->ATPnumOfBuffs = 1;
        gATPPBPtr->ATPtimeOutVal = kATPTimeOutVal;
        gATPPBPtr->ATPretryCount = kATPRetryCount;
        NumZonesGot = 0;
        totalZones = 0;
        DontGetMoreZones = false;
            /*   keep going until none left (and we haven't exceeded our buffer size) */
        while (!DontGetMoreZones && (totalZones <= maxZones)) 
            zIndex += NumZonesGot;          /* index count. 1 for start */
            BlockMove((Ptr) &zoneCallType + 1, (Ptr) &tempUserData, 1L);
            BlockMove((Ptr) &zIndex, (Ptr)&tempUserData + 2, 2L);
            gATPPBPtr->ATPuserData = tempUserData;                      /* indicate GetZoneList request */
            if (PSendRequest(gATPPBPtr, false) != noErr)        /* send sync request */
            tempUserData = dBDS.userBytes;
            BlockMove((Ptr) &tempUserData, (Ptr) &DontGetMoreZones, 1); /* the highbyte will be nonzero if its the last packet of zones */
            BlockMove((Ptr)&tempUserData + 2, (Ptr) &NumZonesGot, 2);
            totalZones += NumZonesGot;
        totalZones = (totalZones <= maxZones) ? totalZones : maxZones;
            if (gATPPBPtr != nil)
            if (gZones != nil)
            if (sortBuffer != nil)
} /* BuildZoneList */
// *****************************************************************
// *    BuildZoneListPhase2
// *
// *    Create the list of zones on the network. Find a bridge to talk to , if one is
// *    present, then ask it for zone names. Add the names to the list in the dialog.
// *****************************************************************
void BuildZoneListPhase2(MenuHandle zoneMenu)
    Ptr         bigBuffer;
    short       TotalZones;
    Ptr         gZones;     /* the data buffer for GetZoneList call */
        gXPBPBPtr = nil;                                            /* init some important variables*/
        gZones = nil;
        bigBuffer = nil;
        if (zonesPresent() == false)
        gXPBPBPtr = (XPPParmBlkPtr)NewPtr(sizeof(XCallParam));
        if (gXPBPBPtr == nil)
        gZones = NewPtr(kZonesSize);
        if (gZones == nil)
            goto Exit;
            /* big, ugly mondo buffer to hold complete zone list so we can sort them */
        bigBuffer = NewPtr(ZoneBufSize);
        if (bigBuffer == nil)
            goto Exit;
        gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.zipInfoField[0] = 0;   /* ALWAYS 0 on first call.  has state info on subsequent calls */
        gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.zipInfoField[1] = 0;   /* ALWAYS 0 on first call.  has state info on subsequent calls */
        gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.zipLastFlag = 0;
        gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.ioRefNum = xppDriverRefNum;
        gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.csCode = xCall;
        gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.xppSubCode = zipGetZoneList;
        gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.xppTimeout = kATPTimeOutVal;
        gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.xppRetry = kATPRetryCount;
        gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.zipBuffPtr = (Ptr) gZones;
        TotalZones = 0;
            if (PBControl((ParmBlkPtr) gXPBPBPtr, false) != noErr)
            TotalZones = TotalZones + gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.zipNumZones;                     /* find out how many returned */
        } while ((gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.zipLastFlag == 0) && (TotalZones <= maxZones));              /*   keep going until none left */
        TotalZones = (TotalZones <= maxZones) ? TotalZones : maxZones;
        if (gXPBPBPtr != nil)
            DisposPtr((Ptr)gXPBPBPtr);          /* get rid of pb block */
        if (gZones != nil)
            DisposPtr(gZones);                  /* and buffer */
        if (bigBuffer != nil)
            DisposPtr(bigBuffer);                   /* and buffer */
} /* BuildZoneList */
// *****************************************************************
// *    GetZones
// *
// *    checks which version of AppleTalk we are using and then calls
// *    the appropriate routine for building the zone list.
// *****************************************************************
void GetZones(MenuHandle ZoneMenu)
    if(gMac.atDrvrVersNum > 52)
        BuildZoneListPhase2(ZoneMenu);                                  /*  put the stuff into the list */
        BuildZoneListPhase1(ZoneMenu);                                  /*  put the stuff into the list */
//#pragma segment Initialize
// *****************************************************************
// *    getOurZonePhase2
// *
// *    gets our local zone using AppleTalk Phase 2 calls
// *****************************************************************
void getOurZonePhase2()
    gXPBPBPtr = nil;            /* init some important variables*/
    gZoneString[0] = 0;
    if (zonesPresent() == false)
    gXPBPBPtr = (XPPParmBlkPtr)NewPtr(sizeof(XCallParam));
    if (gXPBPBPtr == nil)
    gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.zipInfoField[0] = 0;   /* ALWAYS 0 on first call.  has state info on subsequent calls */
    gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.zipInfoField[1] = 0;   /* ALWAYS 0 on first call.  has state info on subsequent calls */
    gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.zipLastFlag = 0;
    gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.ioRefNum = xppDriverRefNum;
    gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.csCode = xCall;
    gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.xppSubCode = zipGetMyZone;
    gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.xppTimeout = kATPTimeOutVal;
    gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.xppRetry = kATPRetryCount;
    gXPBPBPtr->XCALL.zipBuffPtr = (Ptr)&gZoneString;
    if (PBControl((ParmBlkPtr) gXPBPBPtr, false) != noErr)      /* send sync control call */
    if (gXPBPBPtr != nil)
        DisposPtr((Ptr)gXPBPBPtr);          /* get rid of pb block */
// *****************************************************************
// *    getOurZonePhase1
// *
// *    gets our local zone using AppleTalk Phase 1 calls
// *****************************************************************
void getOurZonePhase1()
    BDSElement myZoneBDS;
    ATPParamBlock ZonePB;
    long tempUserData;
    Ptr theBufferPtr;
    char zoneCallType;
        zoneCallType = 7;  /*8 for zone list   7 returns my zone */
        theBufferPtr = nil;
        gZoneString[0] = 0;
        if (zonesPresent() == true)
            theBufferPtr = NewPtr(33);
            if (theBufferPtr != nil) 
                myZoneBDS.buffSize = 33;
                myZoneBDS.buffPtr = theBufferPtr;
                myZoneBDS.dataSize = 0;
                myZoneBDS.userBytes = 0;
                ZonePB.ATP.atpFlags = 0;
                ZonePB.ATP.ioCompletion = nil;
                ZonePB.ATP.userData = 0;/*  ATP user data  */
                ZonePB.ATP.addrBlock = theBridgeAddress;
                ZonePB.ATP.reqLength = 0;
                ZonePB.ATP.reqPointer = nil;
                ZonePB.ATP.bdsPointer = (Ptr)&myZoneBDS;
                ZonePB.ATPnumOfBuffs = 1;
                ZonePB.ATPtimeOutVal = 2;
                ZonePB.ATPretryCount = 3;
                /* 0 this out so bottom three bytes are 0 */
                tempUserData = 0;
                BlockMove(&zoneCallType, (Ptr)&tempUserData, 1);
                ZonePB.ATP.userData = tempUserData;
                gZoneString[0] = 0;
                if (PSendRequest(&ZonePB, false) == noErr) 
                    BlockMove(myZoneBDS.buffPtr, &gZoneString, 33);
// *****************************************************************
// *    InitAppleTalk
// *
// *    opens the appropriate AppleTalk drivers
// *****************************************************************
OSErr InitAppleTalk()
    OSErr err;
    short ref;
        if (gMac.atDrvrVersNum > 52)
            err = OpenDriver("\p.MPP",&ref);
            if (err != noErr)
                return err;
            err = OpenDriver("\p.XPP",&xppDriverRefNum);
            err = MPPOpen();
        return err;
// *****************************************************************
// *    GetOurZone
// *
// *    checks which version of AppleTalk we are using and then calls
// *    the appropriate phase 1 or phase 2 call to get the local zone.
// *****************************************************************
void GetOurZone()
    if(gMac.atDrvrVersNum > 52)
        getOurZonePhase2();                                 /*  put the stuff into the list */
        getOurZonePhase1();                                 /*  put the stuff into the list */