Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// File: AlrtDlogTools.h |
// Date: February 20, 1989 |
// |
// By Mike Puckett, Macintosh CPU Software Quality, x4-1332. |
// ©Ê1989 - 1990, Apple Computer, Inc. |
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
*/ |
#ifndef __ADTOOLS__ |
#define __ADTOOLS__ 1 |
#ifndef __MAINUTILS__ |
#include "MainUtils.h" /* For EvtHndlrProcPtr definition. */ |
#endif |
#ifndef __WCENTER__ |
#include "WCenter.h" /* For CenteringProcPtr definition. */ |
#endif |
#ifdef THINK_C |
#define cancel Cancel |
#define ok OK |
#endif |
/* Useful Definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
*/ |
#define decimalOnly false /* For use with EditNumText(), GetNumEditText(). */ |
#define hexDecimal true |
#ifndef THINK_C |
typedef pascal Boolean (* ValidTextProcPtr)(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem); |
#else |
typedef ValidTextProc ProcPtr; |
#endif |
#define okayOnly false /* For use with DoXAlert(). */ |
#define okayCancel true |
#define noAbort true /* For use with SaveChanges(). */ |
#define fullClose false |
typedef struct /* (Dialog)Item Type. */ |
{ Handle itemHandle; |
Rect itemRect; |
char itemType, |
data[]; /* data[0] is length of data array. */ |
} |
IType, |
*ITPtr; |
typedef struct /* (Dialog)Item List. */ |
{ short numItems; |
IType item[]; /* Array of ITypes. */ |
} |
IList, |
*ILPtr, |
**ILHandle; |
typedef struct /* For use with Append/RemoveDITL() */ |
{ DialogTHndl origDLOG, |
addDLOG; |
ILHandle origDITL, |
addDITL; |
} |
ApndInfo, |
*ApndPtr, |
**ApndHandle; |
/* |
CloseType is the three-state mechanism used to return a response from the |
standard ÒDo you want to make changes to xxx?Ó close dialog box. |
Note: These were originally named: yes, abort, no, but abort is defined |
in the StdLib.h file. Oh, well. |
*/ |
#define closeDlog (short)1908 /* For use with Save[W]Changes(). */ |
enum |
{ closeYes = 1, |
closeCancel, |
closeNo |
}; |
typedef short CloseType; |
#define alterSCMsgFlag "\pSaveChanges" |
#define alterSCFIndex 0 |
#define alterSCMIndex 1 |
#define ALTERSCMSG(m) ParamText(alterSCMsgFlag,m,emptyString,emptyString) |
/* |
The following string is used to HandleOkayCancel that it is dealing with |
SFGetFile, which uses item #3 as the cancel button (bozos!). |
This string should be set in the sf1stOpen part of the GetDlgHook routine. |
*/ |
#define SFGetTitle "\pSFG" |
#define SFPutTitle "\pSFP" |
#define noArrow "\pNoA" |
#define noTextMod "\pNoTM" |
/* SFParams is a data structue that encapsulates the two low-memory globals, |
// SFSaveDisk and CurDirStore, which are responsible for displaying SFPutFile |
// and SFGetFile volumes and directories. |
*/ |
typedef struct /* For use with StdPut/GetDialog(). */ |
{ short sfSaveDisk; /* This is the vRefNum (not minus). */ |
long curDirStore; |
} |
SFParams, |
*SFParamsPtr; |
#define creatorRsrc '**ct' /* For use with SFPSelectCreator(). */ |
#define sfpPutCreatorID (short)2050 /* These numbers are really in the */ |
#define sfpEdtCreaotrID (short)2052 /* LogFile range, oh well. */ |
#define aboutLibDlogID (short)1877 /* For use with StdLibAboutDlog(). */ |
#define gnrlStrs (short)1836 /* Various strings. */ |
#define gsStop 1 |
#define gsContinue 2 |
#define ptSet "\ptSet" /* ParamText set for DoIndErr(). */ |
#define gnrlAlert (short)1876 /* For use with DoIndErr/StrAlert() */ |
#define stopErrs (gnrlAlert+stopIcon) |
#define stopChoosePr 1 |
#define noteErrs (gnrlAlert+noteIcon) |
#define noteWrongSys (short)1 |
#define noteInitErr (short)2 |
#define noteNotEnufMem (short)3 |
#define noteFSErr (short)4 |
#define notePrErr (short)5 |
#define cautionErrs (gnrlAlert+cautionIcon) |
#define cautionDAMemErr (short)1 |
#define cautionDAResErr (short)2 |
#ifdef __safe_link |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
extern pascal void InitAlrtDlogTools( EvtHndlrProcPtr eventHandler); |
/* Dialog-Item Maninpulation Routines -------------------------------------------------- |
*/ |
extern pascal short GetNumDITLItems( short rsrcID); |
extern pascal void GetDITLString( short rsrcID, |
short itemNumber, |
char *theString); |
extern pascal void UpdtDItem( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short theItem); |
extern pascal void SetDItemTxt( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short theItem, |
char *theText); |
extern pascal void GetDItemTxt( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short theItem, |
char *theText); |
extern pascal void SetDItemCtlValue( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short theItem, |
short theValue); |
extern pascal short GetDItemCtlValue( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short theItem); |
extern pascal void SetDItemCTitle( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short theItem, |
char *theTitle); |
extern pascal void GetDItemCTitle( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short theItem, |
char *theTitle); |
extern pascal ControlHandle GetDItemCtlHandle( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short theItem); |
extern pascal unsigned short GetDItemHiliteState( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short theItem); |
extern pascal Boolean DoHiliteControl( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short theItem, |
short thePart); |
extern pascal void SetControlHilite( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short theItem, |
short theHilite); |
extern pascal void HandleRadioButtons( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short startItem, |
short stopItem, |
short setItem); |
extern pascal Boolean ToggleCheckBox( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short checkItem, |
Boolean oldValue); |
extern pascal void SetupUserItem( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short theItem, |
ProcPtr drawProc); |
extern pascal void SetupUserItems( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short uiStart, |
short uiStop, |
ProcPtr drawProc); |
extern pascal void IBeamCursorAdjust( DialogPtr theDialog, |
ValidTextProcPtr validProc); |
extern pascal void HandleScrap( DialogPtr theDialog, |
EventRecord *theEvent); |
extern pascal void DeleteLeadingPeriods( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short textItem); |
extern pascal Boolean HandleOkayCancel( DialogPtr theDialog, |
EventRecord *theEvent, |
short *itemHit); |
extern pascal Boolean EditStrText( DialogPtr theDialog, |
EventRecord *theEvent, |
short editItem, |
short maxSizeStr, |
char *excludeChars); |
extern pascal Boolean StdValidDecTextProc( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short theItem); |
extern pascal Boolean EditNumText( DialogPtr theDialog, |
EventRecord *theEvent, |
short editItem, |
long minValue, |
long maxValue, |
Boolean allowHex); |
extern pascal long GetNumEditText( DialogPtr theDialog, |
short editItem, |
Boolean allowHex); |
extern pascal void StdDlogActivate( DialogPtr theDialog, |
EventRecord *theEvent); |
extern pascal void StdDlogUpdate( DialogPtr theDialog, |
EventRecord *theEvent); |
extern pascal Boolean StdDlogFilter( DialogPtr theDialog, |
EventRecord *theEvent, |
short *itemHit); |
extern pascal ApndHandle AppendDITL( ResType resType, |
short theDialog, |
short addDialog); |
extern pascal void RemoveDITL( ApndHandle apndHandle); |
/* Dialogs --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
*/ |
extern pascal short DoStrAlert( short alertType, |
short alertID, |
char *str0, |
char *str1, |
char *str2, |
char *str3, |
Boolean showCancel, |
char *okayName, |
char *cancelName); |
extern pascal short DoIndErrAlert( short alertType, |
short alertID, |
short messageIndex, |
long errorValue, |
Boolean showCancel); |
extern pascal CloseType SaveWChanges( char *wName, |
char *actionType, |
short dlogID, |
Boolean cantAbort); |
extern pascal CloseType SaveChanges( char *message, |
Boolean cantAbort, |
CenteringProcPtr centeringProc, |
short constraint); |
extern pascal short StdSFPutHook( short theItem, |
DialogPtr theDialog); |
extern pascal void StdSFPutDialog( char *promptStr, |
char *origStr, |
SFReply *sfReply, |
SFParams *sfParams, |
CenteringProcPtr centeringProc, |
short constraint); |
extern pascal short StdSFGetHook( short theItem, |
DialogPtr theDialog); |
extern pascal void StdSFGetDialog( short numTypes, |
SFTypeList typeList, |
ProcPtr fileFilter, |
SFReply *sfReply, |
SFParams *sfParams, |
CenteringProcPtr centeringProc, |
short constraint); |
extern pascal void SFPSelectCreator( short putCreatorID, |
short otherDlogID, |
ResType *defaultCreator, |
char *promptStr, |
char *origStr, |
SFReply *sfReply, |
SFParams *sfParams); |
extern pascal void AddCreator( void); |
extern pascal void StdLibAboutDlog( char *libName, |
char *versStr, |
short dlogID, |
WindowPtr parentWindow); |
#ifdef __safe_link |
} |
#endif |
#endif |
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