
#ifndef __AUTOCURSOR__
#define __AUTOCURSOR__
//  File:       AutoCursor.h
//  Date:       July 12, 1989
//  Mods:       Apr  16, 1990        JMP        Completely revised.
//  By Mike Puckett, Macintosh CPU Software Quality, x4-1332.
//  ©Ê1989 - 1990, Apple Computer, Inc.
/* Data Structures ----------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct ACRecord                         /* ACRecord is NOT public at this time. */
#define kACMinThreshTicks   60L                 /* For some machines, <1 sec looks bad. */
#define kACStdThreshTicks   120L                /* About every 2 seconds.               */
#define kACStdSpinTicks     12L                 /* About every 1/5th second.            */
#define rACStdACURID        (short)256          /* Seemed like a good number to me.     */
/* The WaitNextEvent yield time should be SOMEWHAT less than the threshold value,
// otherwise the timer will go off too soon and the animation will kick in when
// the app is NOT busy.  The following formula seems to work pretty well when
// tt >= 120L (tt is threshold ticks).
#define AC_WNE_YIELD(tt)    ((tt) >> 2)
/* Constants for use with AutoCursorCommand()É
{   acUpdtThreshTicks = 1,
/* AutoCursorCommand() MacrosÉ
#define AC_GETTHRESTICKS    acGetThreshTicks,   nil
#define AC_GETSPINTICKS     acGetSpinTicks,     nil
#define AC_FORCEBUSY        acForceBusy,        nil
#define AC_FORCEIDLE        acForceIdle,        nil
/* The Routines  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __safe_link
extern "C" {
extern pascal   AutoCursor      InstAutoCursor(     short           acurRsrcID,
                                                    unsigned long   threshTicks,
                                                    unsigned long   spinTicks);
extern pascal   void            PrmeAutoCursor(     AutoCursor      autoCursor);
extern pascal   void            RmveAutoCursor(     AutoCursor      autoCursor);
extern pascal   void            ImmedAutoCursor(    AutoCursor      autoCursor);
extern pascal   void            SuspendAutoCursor(  AutoCursor      autoCursor);
extern pascal   void            ResumeAutoCursor(   AutoCursor      autoCursor);
extern pascal   long            AutoCursorCommand(  AutoCursor      autoCursor,
                                                    short           acCommand,
                                                    long            acParam);
#ifdef __safe_link
#endif /* __AUTOCURSOR__ */