
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Handles logic controlling the scene. Primarily, it initializes the game's entities and components structure, and handles game updates.
import SceneKit
import GameplayKit
class Game: NSObject, SCNSceneRendererDelegate {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// The scene that the game controls.
    let scene = SCNScene(named: "GameScene.scn")!
        Manages all of the player control components, allowing you to access all 
        of them in one place.
    let playerControlComponentSystem = GKComponentSystem(componentClass: PlayerControlComponent.self)
        Manages all of the particle components, allowing you to update all of 
        them synchronously.
    let particleComponentSystem = GKComponentSystem(componentClass: ParticleComponent.self)
    /// Holds the box entities, so they won't be deallocated.
    var boxEntities = [GKEntity]()
    /// Keeps track of the time for use in the update method.
    var previousUpdateTime: TimeInterval = 0
    // MARK: Initialization
    override init() {
        Sets up the entities for the scene. It creates four entities with a
        factory method, but leaves the purple box entity for you to set up 
    func setUpEntities() {
        // Create entities with components using the factory method.
        let redBoxEntity = makeBoxEntity(forNodeWithName: "redBox")
        let yellowBoxEntity = makeBoxEntity(forNodeWithName: "yellowBox", withParticleComponentNamed: "Fire")
        let greenBoxEntity = makeBoxEntity(forNodeWithName: "greenBox", wantsPlayerControlComponent: true)
        let blueBoxEntity = makeBoxEntity(forNodeWithName: "blueBox", wantsPlayerControlComponent: true, withParticleComponentNamed: "Sparkle")
        // Create the box entity and grab its node from the scene.
        let purpleBoxEntity = GKEntity()
        let purpleBoxNode = scene.rootNode.childNode(withName: "purpleBox", recursively: false)
        // Create the purple box's geometry component, and add it to the entity.
        let geometryComponent = GeometryComponent(geometryNode: purpleBoxNode!)
            Experiment for yourself:
            Try creating and attaching a ParticleComponent and 
            PlayerControlComponent for the purple box in the space below.
        // Keep track of all the newly-created box entities.
        boxEntities = [
        Checks each box for components. If a box has a particle and/or player 
        control component, it is added to the appropriate component system.
        Since the methods `jumpBoxes(_:)` and `renderer(_:)` use component
        systems to reference components, a component will not properly affect 
        the scene unless it is added to one of these systems.
    func addComponentsToComponentSystems() {
        for box in boxEntities {
            particleComponentSystem.addComponent(foundIn: box)
            playerControlComponentSystem.addComponent(foundIn: box)
    // MARK: Methods
        Causes each box controlled by an entity with a playerControlComponent 
        to jump.
    func jumpBoxes() {
            Iterate over each component in the component system that is a
        for case let component as PlayerControlComponent in playerControlComponentSystem.components {
        Updates every frame, and keeps components in the particle component 
        system up to date.
    func renderer(_: SCNSceneRenderer, updateAtTime time: TimeInterval) {
        // Calculate the time change since the previous update.
        let timeSincePreviousUpdate = time - previousUpdateTime
        // Update the particle component system with the time change.
        particleComponentSystem.update(deltaTime: timeSincePreviousUpdate)
        // Update the previous update time to keep future calculations accurate.
        previousUpdateTime = time
    // MARK: Box Factory Method
        Creates box entities with a set of components as specified in the 
        parameters. It uses default parameter values so parameters can be 
        ommitted in the method call. The parameter particleComponentName is a 
        string optional so its default parameter value can be nil.
        - Parameter name: The name of the box that this entity should manage.
        - Parameter wantsPlayerControlComponent: Whether or not this entity 
        should be set up with a player control component.
        - Parameter particleComponentName: The name of the particle
        component entity should be set up with.
        - Returns: An entity with the set of components requested.
    func makeBoxEntity(forNodeWithName name: String, wantsPlayerControlComponent: Bool = false, withParticleComponentNamed particleComponentName: String? = nil) -> GKEntity {
        // Create the box entity and grab its node from the scene.
        let box = GKEntity()
        guard let boxNode = scene.rootNode.childNode(withName: name, recursively: false) else {
            fatalError("Making box with name \(name) failed because the GameScene scene file contains no nodes with that name.")
        // Create and attach a geometry component to the box.
        let geometryComponent = GeometryComponent(geometryNode: boxNode)
        // If requested, create and attach a particle component.
        if let particleComponentName = particleComponentName {
            let particleComponent = ParticleComponent(particleName: particleComponentName)
        // If requested, create and attach a player control component.
        if wantsPlayerControlComponent {
            let playerControlComponent = PlayerControlComponent()
        return box