
; ==========================================================================================
;   Program:    CPlusTESample 2.0
;   Files:      TESampleGlue.a
;   by Mark Bennett
;   of Apple Macintosh Developer Technical Support
;   Copyright © 1989-1990 Apple Computer, Inc.
;   All rights reserved.
; ==========================================================================================
;   AsmClickLoop
;   This routine gets called by the TextEdit Manager from TEClick.
;   It calls the old, default click loop routine that scrolls the
;   text, and then calls our own Pascal routine that handles
;   tracking the scroll bars to follow along.  It doesn't bother
;   with saving registers A0 and D0, because they are trashed
;   anyway by TextEdit.
AsmClickLoop    PROC        EXPORT
            MOVEM.L     D1-D2/A1,-(SP)      ; D0 and A0 need not be saved
            CLR.L       -(SP)               ; make space for procedure pointer
            JSR         GETOLDCLICKLOOP     ; get the old clickLoop
            MOVEA.L     (SP)+,A0            ; into A0
            MOVEM.L     (SP)+,D1-D2/A1      ; restore the world as it was
            JSR         (A0)                ; and execute old clickLoop
            MOVEM.L     D1-D2/A1,-(SP)      ; D0 and A0 need not be saved
            JSR         PASCALCLICKLOOP     ; do our clickLoop
            MOVEQ       #1,D0               ; clear the zero flag so TextEdit keeps going
            MOVEM.L     (SP)+,D1-D2/A1      ; restore the world as it was