Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
;============================================================================= |
; Failure Handler Assembly Routines |
; |
; |
; Copyright © 1984-1990 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. |
; |
; when who what |
; -------- ---- -------------------------------------------------------------- |
; 88.07.28 srf add header and includes for Macros |
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Blanks On |
String AsIs |
Case On |
Print Off |
LOAD 'ProgStrucMacs.d' |
LOAD 'FlowCtlMacs.d' |
Print On |
;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Macro |
Head |
Link A6,#0 ; These two instructions form a slow no-op |
Move.L (SP)+,A6 |
EndM |
Macro |
Procnam &theName |
String Asis |
LCLC &DbgTemp |
LCLC &DbgName ; name to generate for MacsBug |
&DbgTemp: SETC &theName ; Generate new type symbols |
IF &Len(&theName) < 32 THEN ; If module name < 32 chars |
IF &Len(&theName) // 2 = 0 THEN ; Add space if even so that... |
&DbgTemp: SETC &Concat(&theName,' ') ; string length plus length byte... |
ENDIF ; will align to word boundary |
&DbgName: SETC &Concat(&Chr($80 + &Len(&theName)), &DbgTemp) |
ELSE ; Length is greater than 32 characters |
IF &Len(&theName) // 2 = 1 THEN ; Add space if length is odd |
&DbgTemp: SETC &Concat(&theName,' ') |
&DbgName: SETC &Concat(&Chr($80), &Chr(&Len(&theName)), &DbgTemp) |
DC.B '&DbgName' |
EndM |
Macro |
Tail &theName |
Unlk A6 |
Rts |
PROCNAM &theName |
EndM |
;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
UFailureGlobals Record |
Export gAskAboutAlloc, gAskFailure |
gAskAboutAlloc DC.W 0 ; Boolean: ask about each allocation |
gAskFailure DC.W 0 ; Boolean: ask about failures |
EndR |
nSavedRegs Equ 11 |
Seg 'MAFailureRes' |
;------------------------------------------------------------------- |
;PROCEDURE CatchFailures(VAR fi: FailInfo; PROCEDURE Handler(e: INTEGER; m: LONGINT)); EXTERNAL; |
;------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Export gTopHandler:Data |
gTopHandler DC.L 0 ;Pointer to the top level (most recent) handler |
A6Link Equ 4 ; static link which the Pascal compiler |
; automatically pushes on the stack after |
; pushing a ProcPtr ("PROCEDURE Handler") |
handler Equ A6Link + 4 ; the ProcPtr ("PROCEDURE Handler") |
fiVAR Equ handler + 4 |
parmSize Equ fiVAR + 4 - A6Link |
Head |
Move.L fiVAR(SP),A0 ; get pointer to FailInfo block |
MoveM.L A2-A7/D3-D7,(A0) ; save All regs first |
Add #nSavedRegs*4,A0 ; advance pointer by # bytes regs |
Clr.W (A0)+ ; clear error field |
Clr.L (A0)+ ; clear message field |
Lea A6Link(SP),A1 ; save the A6Link And Proc ptr |
Move.L (A1)+,(A0)+ ; save the A6Link |
Move.L (A1)+,(A0)+ ; save the Proc ptr |
Move.L gTopHandler(A5),(A0)+ ; Link the FailInfo into the LIST |
Move.L fiVAR(SP),gTopHandler(A5) |
exit |
Move.L (SP)+,A0 |
Add.L #parmSize,SP |
Jmp (A0) |
Seg 'MAFailureRes' |
;------------------------------------------------------------------- |
;PROCEDURE DoFailure(pf: PFailInfo); EXTERNAL; |
;------------------------------------------------------------------- |
DOFAILURE Proc Export |
Import FAILURE |
pf Equ 4 |
Head |
Move.L pf(SP),A0 ; get pointer to FailInfo |
MoveM.L (A0),A2-A7/D3-D7 ; restore regs (can't use A7 anymore) |
Add #nSavedRegs*4,A0 ; advance pointer |
Move.W (A0)+,D0 ; get error |
Move.L (A0)+,D1 ; And message |
MoveM.L D0/D1,-(SP) ; save for later use |
Move.W D0,-(SP) |
Move.L D1,-(SP) ; parameters to failure handler |
Move.L (A0)+,D0 ; check the A6Link |
Beq.S @1 ; If NIL Then don't pass it |
Move.L D0,-(SP) ; Else Do pass it |
@1 |
Move.L (A0)+,A0 ; get address of failure handler |
Jsr (A0) ; call failure handler |
MoveM.L (SP)+,D0/D1 ; get error & message back |
Move.W D0,-(SP) |
Move.L D1,-(SP) ; parameters to Failure |
; should Not return |
End |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14