
Last Revision:
Version 1.0, 2003-10-10
First Version
Build Requirements:
Runtime Requirements:
Carbon CodeWarrior Pro 5, Universal Headers 3.3.2, CarbonLib SDK 1.0.4

This sample has been updated for the Carbon API. This snippet shows how to use both CalcCMask or CalcMask to create a mask given a source bitmap image. As decribed on pages IV-24 and V-72 of Inside Mac, the two routines compute a destination bitmap image with 1's only in the pixels where paint can not leak from any of the outer edges, This is similar to the lasso tool found in many drawing apps. Requirements: CodeWarrior Pro 5, Universal Headers 3.3.2, CarbonLib SDK 1.0.4 Keywords: CopyBits Mask CalcMask CalcCMask