CloudPhotos (OS X).swift/CloudPhotos/CloudPhoto.swift

Copyright (C) 2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
Object to describe a photo in this app: a wrapper for CKRecord and useful for Cocoa Bindings.
import Foundation
import CloudKit
class CloudPhoto : NSObject {
    var cloudRecord : CKRecord
    var isMyPhoto : Bool = false
    var distanceFromUser : Double = -1  // in kilometers
    init(record : CKRecord) {
        cloudRecord = record
        // Used for Cocoa bindings, when the filterPredicate of the array controller filters by "Mine".
        isMyPhoto = (CloudManager.isMyRecord(cloudRecord.creatorUserRecordID))
    class func keyPathsForValuesAffectingIsPhotoNearMe() -> Set<String> {
        // "isPhotoNearMe" key path depends on "distanceFromUser" for it's value
        return NSSet(objects:"distanceFromUser") as! Set<String>
    Used for Cocoa bindings, when the filterPredicate of the array controller filters by "Near Me"
    returns true if the given photo is within kNearMeDistance or the user's current location.
    var isPhotoNearMe : Bool {
        get {
            // return yes if the distance is within kNearMeDistance of the user
            return distanceFromUser < kNearMeDistance && distanceFromUser != -1
    /// Used for Cocoa bindings, when the filterPredicate of the array controller filters by "Recent".
    var isRecentPhoto : Bool {
        get {
            let calendar: Calendar = Calendar.current
            let date1 = Date()
            let date2 = calendar.startOfDay(for: photoDate!)
            let components = calendar.dateComponents([], from: date2, to: date1)
            return! <= 5  // recent within last 5 days
    // TITLE
    /// Returns the name or title of this CloudPhoto object.
    var photoTitle : String {
        get {
            return cloudRecord[APLCloudManager.photoTitleAttribute()] as! String
        set(title) {
            cloudRecord[APLCloudManager.photoTitleAttribute()] = title as CKRecordValue
    // DATE
    /// Returns the date when this CloudPhoto object was created. (optional as some photos may not have a mod date)
    var photoDate : Date? {
        get {
            return cloudRecord[APLCloudManager.photoDateAttribute()] as? Date
        set(date) {
            cloudRecord[APLCloudManager.photoDateAttribute()] = date as? CKRecordValue
    /// Returns the CLLocation (geo tagged location) of this CloudPhoto object. (optional as some photos may not have a location)
    var photoLocation : CLLocation? {
        get {
            return cloudRecord[APLCloudManager.photoLocationAttribute()] as? CLLocation
        set(location) {
            cloudRecord[APLCloudManager.photoLocationAttribute()] = location as? CKRecordValue
    func record() -> CKRecord {
        return cloudRecord
    // IMAGE
    /// Returns the NSImage of this CloudPhoto object.
    var photoImage : NSImage? {
        get {
            guard let photoAsset = cloudRecord[APLCloudManager.photoAssetAttribute()] as? CKAsset,
                photoAsset.fileURL.path.characters.count > 0 else { return nil }
            let imageData = NSImage(contentsOfFile: photoAsset.fileURL.path)!
            return imageData
        set {
            cloudRecord[APLCloudManager.photoAssetAttribute()] = nil
    func setPhotoImageURL(_ imageURL: URL) {
        let asset = CKAsset(fileURL:imageURL)
        cloudRecord[APLCloudManager.photoAssetAttribute()] = asset
    // OWNER
    Returns the owner of this CloudPhoto object; asynchronously fetches the owner of a given photo,
    and uses the completion handler to return it back.
    func photoOwner(_ completionHandler: @escaping (String?) -> Void) {
        CloudManager.fetchUserName(from: cloudRecord.creatorUserRecordID) { (familyName) in