Retired Document
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CloudPhotos (OS X).swift/CloudPhotos/MasterViewController.swift
/* |
Copyright (C) 2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
This sample's master view controller listing all photos from CloudKit. |
*/ |
import Cocoa |
import SystemConfiguration |
class MasterViewController : NSViewController, CLLocationManagerDelegate, DetailViewControllerDelegate { |
// MARK: - Constants |
struct SegueIdentifier { |
static let editPhoto = "editPhoto" // segue name to edit the photo (opens ChoosePhotoViewController) |
static let addPhoto = "addPhoto" // segue name to add a photo (opens ChoosePhotoViewController) |
} |
// NSSegmentedControl below the master table to add and remove photos. |
struct SegmentedControl { |
static let addSegment = 0 |
static let removeSegment = 1 |
} |
// KVO key for listening to selection changes in the NSArrayController. |
static let selectionIndexesKey = "selectionIndexes" |
// MARK: - Properties |
// Listen for updates due to push notification processing, so we can update our UI. |
private var notifObserver : NSObjectProtocol! |
// The array controller data source of photos |
@IBOutlet var photoArrayController: NSArrayController! |
// The data source for "photoArrayController" (used for accessing "all" photos regardless |
// of what's filtered by the search bar's predicate). |
lazy var photoArrayBacking = [CloudPhoto]() |
@IBOutlet weak var addRemoveSegmentedControl: NSSegmentedControl! |
@IBOutlet weak var progressIndicator: NSProgressIndicator! |
@IBOutlet weak var refreshButton: NSButton! |
@IBOutlet weak var searchField: NSSearchField! |
// So we can inform the delegate of table selection changes (from the user or from the array controller). |
var delegate: MasterViewControllerDelegate? |
// Transformer to converts CKAsset to NSImage (used indirectly by Interface Builder). |
private let imageTransformer: AssetToImageTransformer = { |
let imageTransformer: AssetToImageTransformer = AssetToImageTransformer() |
// Add to the name-based registry for shared objects used when |
// loading nib files with transformers specified by name in Interface Builder. |
// |
ValueTransformer.setValueTransformer(imageTransformer, forName: NSValueTransformerName("AssetToImageTransformer")) |
return imageTransformer |
}() |
// MARK: - View Controller Lifecycle |
deinit { |
// No longer need to observe for these. |
photoArrayController.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: MasterViewController.selectionIndexesKey) |
NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(resumeObserver) |
NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(suspendObserver) |
NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(notifObserver) |
} |
override func viewDidLoad() { |
super.viewDidLoad() |
refreshButton.isEnabled = true |
// Listen for app resume (to start tracking user location). |
resumeObserver = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( |
forName: NSNotification.Name.NSApplicationDidBecomeActive, |
object: nil, |
queue: OperationQueue.main) { notification in |
if CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() == .authorizedAlways |
{ |
self.locationManager.startUpdatingLocation() |
} |
} |
// Listen for app suspend (to stop tracking user location). |
suspendObserver = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( |
forName: NSNotification.Name.NSApplicationDidResignActive, |
object: nil, |
queue: OperationQueue.main) { [weak self] notification in |
if CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() { |
self?.locationManager.stopUpdatingLocation() |
} |
} |
let updateContentNotifName : NSNotification.Name = NSNotification.Name(APLCloudManager.updateContentWithNotification()) |
// Listen for updates due to push notification processing, so we can update our UI. |
notifObserver = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( |
forName: updateContentNotifName, |
object: nil, |
queue: OperationQueue.main) { notification in |
// A push notification (CKQueryNotification) has arrived, |
// update our table for added, removed or updates photos. |
// |
let queryNotification = notification.object as! CKQueryNotification |
let reason = queryNotification.queryNotificationReason |
let recordID = queryNotification.recordID! as CKRecordID |
// Notify the splitview's master and detail view controllers of this notification. |
self.handlePush(recordID: recordID, reason:reason) |
} |
// Setup location services and configure our location manager. |
locationManager.delegate = self |
locationManager.distanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone |
locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest // Current Macs of 2016 use wifi for location, not GPS. |
// Listen for when the array controller changes it's selection. |
self.photoArrayController.addObserver(self, forKeyPath:"selectionIndexes",, context:nil) |
// Before loading the photos check if we have our cloud service. |
CloudManager.cloudServiceAvailable { [weak self] (available) -> Void in |
if available { |
// Load all the photos. |
self?.loadPhotos { |
// Restore the table view selection from last time. |
if self!.selectedPhotoRecordName.characters.count > 0 { |
// debugging: |
// print("photos = \(photoArrayController.arrangedObjects)") |
// Find the photo with the matching record name. |
let recordID = CKRecordID(recordName: self!.selectedPhotoRecordName) |
let photoIndex = self!.indexForPhoto(recordID: recordID) |
if photoIndex != -1 { |
// Found a proper index to select the photo. |
self!.photoArrayController.setSelectionIndex(photoIndex) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// Restore the search field with the restored string value and unselect its text. |
guard self.searchBarString.characters.count > 0 else { return } |
self.searchField.stringValue = self.searchBarString |
self.searchField.performClick(self) // Force a refilter of the array controller. |
} |
// MARK: - User Interface |
/// Called by the NSArrayController to obtain it's sort descriptor (sort by photo title). |
func photoSortDescriptor() -> NSArray { |
// Used by our array controller through bindings to obtain it's sort descriptor. |
let sortDesc = NSSortDescriptor(key: "photoTitle", ascending: true, selector: #selector(NSString.localizedStandardCompare(_:))) |
return [sortDesc] |
} |
/// Utility to start/stop spinning gear whenever network activity has started. |
private func startProgressIndicator(start: Bool) { |
progressIndicator.isHidden = !start |
if start { |
progressIndicator.startAnimation(self) |
} |
else { |
progressIndicator.stopAnimation(self) |
} |
} |
/// Disables the entire segmented control (both buttons). |
private func disableSegmentedControl() { |
addRemoveSegmentedControl.setEnabled(false, forSegment: SegmentedControl.addSegment) |
addRemoveSegmentedControl.setEnabled(false, forSegment: SegmentedControl.removeSegment) |
} |
/** |
Adjust the NSSegmentedControl (add/remove buttons), according to the |
login status and current selection in the master table. |
*/ |
private func adjustSegmentedControl() { |
// Check if we have our cloud service to properly set the state of add/remove buttons. |
if CloudManager.accountAvailable && CloudManager.userLoginIsValid { |
self.addRemoveSegmentedControl.setEnabled(true, forSegment: SegmentedControl.addSegment) |
// Check if we have a photo selected adjust the segmented control remove segment accordingly. |
let selectedRow = self.photoArrayController.selectionIndexes.first |
guard (selectedRow != NSNotFound && selectedRow != nil) else { |
// No selection, disable the remmove button. |
self.addRemoveSegmentedControl.setEnabled(false, forSegment: SegmentedControl.removeSegment) |
return |
} |
let photos = self.photoArrayController.arrangedObjects as! Array<AnyObject> |
let selectedPhoto = photos[selectedRow!] as! CloudPhoto |
self.addRemoveSegmentedControl.setEnabled(selectedPhoto.isMyPhoto, forSegment: SegmentedControl.removeSegment) |
} |
else { |
// Not logged in, disable add and remove of photos. |
self.disableSegmentedControl() |
} |
} |
func loginUpdate() { |
// The user has signed in or out of iCloud, |
// so we need to refresh our UI reflect user login, so re-load all the photos. |
// |
delegate!.didChangePhotoSelection(masterViewController: self, selection: -1) |
loadPhotos { |
// Photo loading completed. |
} |
} |
// MARK: - KVO |
/** |
Used for observing for NSArrayController selection changes: |
(selection changes as a result of filtering (user search) will not send NSTableViewSelectionDidChangeNotification), |
so we handle it right here to help target our detail view controller. |
*/ |
override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) { |
if keyPath! == MasterViewController.selectionIndexesKey && object as! NSArrayController == photoArrayController { |
// Obtain the selection index from our array controller. |
let selection = (object as! NSArrayController).selectionIndex |
if delegate != nil { |
delegate!.didChangePhotoSelection(masterViewController: self, selection: selection) |
} |
// A different photo was selected, update the state of our segmented control |
// (i.e. enable/disable remove button if it's our photo or not). |
// |
adjustSegmentedControl() |
if selection == NSNotFound { |
selectedPhotoRecordName = String() |
} |
else { |
// Remember the selected photo for state restoration later at relaunch. |
let selectedPhoto = photoArrayController.selectedObjects[0] as! CloudPhoto |
selectedPhotoRecordName = selectedPhoto.record().recordID.recordName |
} |
} |
else { |
super.observeValue(forKeyPath: keyPath, of: object, change: change, context: context) |
} |
} |
// MARK: - Actions |
override func keyDown(with theEvent: NSEvent) { |
let characters = theEvent.characters! |
// Allow the user to delete photos by delete key. |
switch (characters as NSString).character(at: 0) { |
case unichar(NSDeleteFunctionKey), |
unichar(NSDeleteCharFunctionKey), |
unichar(NSDeleteCharacter): |
handleRemovePhoto() |
default: break |
} |
} |
/// Refreshes the table view list of CloudPhotos. |
@IBAction func refreshAction(_ sender: NSButton) { |
// A refresh of the photos list means clear the detail view, |
// this notifies the split view controller so it can clear it's detail view. |
// |
delegate!.didChangePhotoSelection(masterViewController: self, selection: -1) |
loadPhotos { |
// Photo loading completed. |
} |
} |
/// Action method for the segmented control that adds and removes CloudPhotos. |
@IBAction func addRemoveSegmentedControlAction(_ sender: NSSegmentedControl) { |
switch (sender.selectedSegment) { |
case SegmentedControl.addSegment: |
// User wants to add a photo, bring up ChoosePhotoViewController as a sheet input. |
// Create a CKRecord photo: generic title, current date/time, no location - and save it as a CloudPhoto instance. |
CloudManager.addNewRecord(NSLocalizedString("Untitled Title", comment: ""), date: NSDate() as Date!, location: nil) { [weak self] (record, error) in |
if record != nil && error == nil |
{ |
// Create the CloudPhoto object with the associated CKRecord. |
let photo = CloudPhoto(record: record!) |
photo.distanceFromUser = self!.photoDistanceFromUser(location: photo.photoLocation) |
self?.photoArrayController.addObject(photo) |
self?.photoArrayController.setSelectedObjects([photo]) |
} |
} |
let appDelegate = NSApplication.shared().delegate as! AppDelegate |
appDelegate.openPhotoBrowser(self) |
break |
case SegmentedControl.removeSegment: |
// User wants to remove the photo. |
handleRemovePhoto() |
break |
default: break |
} |
} |
// MARK: - Location Services |
// For tracking user location. |
private var currentLocation : CLLocation! |
private var locationManager = CLLocationManager() |
// Listen for app resume (to start tracking user location). |
private var resumeObserver : NSObjectProtocol! |
// Listen for app suspend (to stop tracking user location). |
private var suspendObserver : NSObjectProtocol! |
/// Helps compute the distance between the input "location" and our tracked user location. |
private func photoDistanceFromUser(location: CLLocation?) -> Double { |
var distance : Double = -1 |
guard let location = location else { return distance } |
// Some photos might not have a valid location. |
if currentLocation != nil { |
// Distance is measures in meters. |
let distanceFromPhoto = currentLocation.distance(from: location) |
// Final distance is measured in kilometers. |
distance = distanceFromPhoto/100 |
} |
return distance |
} |
/// User has changed/updated it's location. |
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateTo newLocation: CLLocation, from oldLocation: CLLocation) { |
// User has moved, store their location. |
currentLocation = newLocation |
// Stop looking, once we have a fix on the user's location. |
locationManager.stopUpdatingLocation() |
// Change the content of the photo list based on location (particularly for filtering photos near me). |
if oldLocation.distance(from: newLocation) > 5 { |
// Don't be notified too often, ignore movement less than 5 meters). |
for photo in photoArrayBacking { |
photo.distanceFromUser = photoDistanceFromUser(location: photo.photoLocation) |
} |
// Changing the backed array alone won't update the array controller, so set the array controller content. |
let indexes = NSIndexSet(indexesIn: NSMakeRange(0, photoArrayBacking.count)) |
photoArrayController.willChange(.setting, valuesAt: indexes as IndexSet, forKey: "content") |
photoArrayController.content = photoArrayBacking |
photoArrayController.didChange(.setting, valuesAt: indexes as IndexSet, forKey: "content") |
} |
// Note: we will stop location tracking when the app is suspended and start it again when it resumes. |
} |
// MARK: - State Restoration |
// Restorable key for the currently selected photo on state restoration. |
private static let selectedPhotoRestoreKey = "selectedPhotoRestoreKey" |
// Restorable key for the search bar's search text on state restoration. |
private static let searchBarStringRestoreKey = "searchBarStringRestoreKey" |
var selectedPhotoRecordName = String() { |
didSet { |
// State restoration needs to know when this changes. |
invalidateRestorableState() |
} |
} |
var searchBarString = String() { |
didSet { |
// State restoration needs to know when this changes. |
invalidateRestorableState() |
} |
} |
/// Encode state. Helps save the restorable state of this view controller. |
override func encodeRestorableState(with coder: NSCoder) { |
coder.encode(selectedPhotoRecordName, forKey: MasterViewController.selectedPhotoRestoreKey) |
coder.encode(searchField.stringValue, forKey: MasterViewController.searchBarStringRestoreKey) |
super.encodeRestorableState(with: coder) |
} |
/// Decode state. Helps restore any previously stored state. |
override func restoreState(with coder: NSCoder) { |
super.restoreState(with: coder) |
if let selectedPhoto = coder.decodeObject(forKey: MasterViewController.selectedPhotoRestoreKey) as? String { |
// Remember this for later after the initial fetch finishes. |
selectedPhotoRecordName = selectedPhoto |
} |
if let searchBarStr = coder.decodeObject(forKey: MasterViewController.searchBarStringRestoreKey) as? String { |
// Remember this for later after the initial fetch finishes. |
searchBarString = searchBarStr |
} |
} |
// MARK: - Photo Management |
/// Obtains the index row number of the given recordID, -1 if it cannot be found. |
private func indexForPhoto(recordID: CKRecordID) -> Int { |
var foundIndex = -1 |
let photos = photoArrayController.arrangedObjects as! [CloudPhoto] |
for (index, photo) in photos.enumerated() { |
if photo.record().recordID.isEqual(recordID) |
{ |
foundIndex = index |
break // We found the photo record that matches the recordID. |
} |
} |
return foundIndex |
} |
/// Loads the entire set of CloudPhotos available to this app. |
private func loadPhotos(completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) { |
// This could take some time. |
self.startProgressIndicator(start: true) |
// No additional refreshes allowed until it completes. |
self.refreshButton.isEnabled = false |
CloudManager.fetchRecords { [weak self] (records, error) -> Void in |
if error != nil { |
let errorCode = (error as! NSError).code |
switch errorCode { |
case CKError.Code.limitExceeded.rawValue: |
// The request to the server was too large. Retry this request as a smaller batch. |
break |
case CKError.Code.serverRejectedRequest.rawValue: |
// Service or server problems |
// (may be because the record type is not defined in the schema yet or the |
// schema was removed from CloudKit Dashboard). |
// |
break |
case CKError.Code.unknownItem.rawValue: |
// Note we can get CKErrorUnknownItem for the first time the app is open |
// (no records added to that container yet, no schema defined), |
// |
break |
case CKError.Code.networkUnavailable.rawValue: |
// No network available |
break |
default: break |
} |
// On CKErrorServiceUnavailable or CKErrorRequestRateLimited errors: |
// the userInfo dictionary may contain a NSNumber instance that specifies the period of time in seconds after |
// which the client may retry the request. So here we will try again. |
// |
if errorCode == CKError.Code.serviceUnavailable.rawValue || errorCode == CKError.Code.requestRateLimited.rawValue |
{ |
let retryAfterDict = (error as! NSError).userInfo as AnyObject |
var retryAfterValue = retryAfterDict[CKErrorRetryAfterKey]! as? DispatchTime |
if retryAfterValue == nil { |
retryAfterValue = + Double(Int64(3 * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC))) / Double(NSEC_PER_SEC) |
} |
print("Error: \(error!.localizedDescription). Recoverable, retry after \(retryAfterValue) seconds") |
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: retryAfterValue!) { |
self?.loadPhotos(completionHandler: completionHandler) |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
// Due to an error, no records should be shown. |
self?.photoArrayController.remove(contentsOf: self?.photoArrayController.arrangedObjects as! [AnyObject]) |
} |
} |
else { |
// Remove the photos, in favor of new ones. |
let photos : NSArray = self?.photoArrayController.arrangedObjects as! NSArray |
if photos.count > 0 { |
self?.photoArrayController.remove(contentsOf: self?.photoArrayController.arrangedObjects as! [AnyObject]) |
} |
// All is good, as we get back an array of CKRecords, convert them to CloudPhoto objects. |
for record in records! { |
let photoRecord = record as! CKRecord |
// Create the CloudPhoto object with the associated CKRecord. |
let photo = CloudPhoto(record: photoRecord) |
photo.distanceFromUser = self!.photoDistanceFromUser(location: photo.photoLocation) |
if !(self!.photoArrayController.arrangedObjects as! NSArray).contains(photoRecord) { |
self?.photoArrayController.addObject(photo) |
} |
} |
} |
self?.startProgressIndicator(start: false) |
self?.refreshButton.isEnabled = true |
// Load completed, adjust our segmented control based on login status. |
self?.adjustSegmentedControl() |
// Make sure to invoke our caller's completion handler to inform them we are done. |
completionHandler() |
} |
} |
/// Removes the selected CloudPhoto in the table view list. |
private func handleRemovePhoto() { |
let selectedRow = photoArrayController.selectionIndexes.first |
guard (selectedRow != NSNotFound) else { return } |
let photos = photoArrayController.arrangedObjects as! Array<AnyObject> |
let photoToDelete = photos[selectedRow!] as! CloudPhoto |
guard photoToDelete.isMyPhoto else { return } |
// We own this photo, so we are allowed to delete it. |
// |
let alert = NSAlert() |
alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("OK Button Title", comment: "")) |
alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Cancel Button Title", comment: "")) |
let strFormat = NSLocalizedString("Confirm Delete", comment:"") |
let deletedRecordTitle = photoToDelete.photoTitle |
alert.messageText = String(format:strFormat, deletedRecordTitle) |
alert.informativeText = NSLocalizedString("Confirm Delete Detail", comment: "") |
alert.alertStyle = .warning |
alert.beginSheetModal(for: view.window!, completionHandler: { (result) -> Void in |
if result == NSAlertFirstButtonReturn { |
self.startProgressIndicator(start: true) // this could take some time |
CloudManager.deleteRecord(with: photoToDelete.record().recordID, completionHandler: { (recordID, error) -> Void in |
self.startProgressIndicator(start: false) |
if error == nil { |
// Remove the deleted photo from our table. |
self.photoArrayController.removeObject(photoToDelete) |
// This notifies the split view controller so it can update it's |
// detail view (after delete no record selected). |
self.delegate!.didChangePhotoSelection(masterViewController: self, selection: -1) |
} |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
// MARK: - NSSearchField Editing |
/// The search text in the search bar text has changed. |
override func controlTextDidChange(_ notif: Notification) { |
let searchField = notif.object as! NSSearchField |
searchBarString = searchField.stringValue |
} |
// MARK: - Table Updating - Push Notifications |
/** |
Called as a result of a subscription notification. Updates just the table cell this CKRecordID is associated with, |
instead of just doing an entire table re-fetch, let's be efficient and just apply the update for the photo in question |
*/ |
private func updateTable(recordID: CKRecordID, reason: CKQueryNotificationReason) { |
if reason == .recordDeleted { |
// We are being asked to remove an existing photo. |
// |
let photoIndex = indexForPhoto(recordID: recordID) |
if photoIndex != -1 { |
// We found the photo that needs removing, remove it from the table. |
photoArrayController.remove(atArrangedObjectIndex: photoIndex) |
} |
} |
else { |
// We are being told a photo was added or updated. |
// |
startProgressIndicator(start: true) |
CloudManager.fetchRecord(with: recordID) { [weak self] (foundRecord, error) in |
guard (foundRecord != nil) else { return } |
self?.startProgressIndicator(start: false) |
if reason == .recordUpdated { |
// We found the photo that needs "updating", change our data source. |
// |
let photoIndex = self?.indexForPhoto(recordID: recordID) |
if photoIndex! >= 0 { |
self?.photoArrayController.remove(atArrangedObjectIndex: photoIndex!) |
// Reassign a new CloudPhoto object along with its associated CKRecord |
// and the computed distance from the current user's location. |
let photo = CloudPhoto(record: foundRecord!) |
photo.distanceFromUser = self!.photoDistanceFromUser(location: photo.photoLocation) |
self?.photoArrayController.addObject(photo) |
self?.photoArrayController.setSelectedObjects([photo]) |
} |
} |
else if reason == .recordCreated { |
// A photo needs to be added. |
var foundPhoto = false |
// ensure we don't add the object more than once |
for photoToCheck in self?.photoArrayController.arrangedObjects as! [CloudPhoto] { |
if photoToCheck.cloudRecord.recordID.recordName.isEqual(recordID.recordName) { |
foundPhoto = true |
break // We found the photo that matches the recordID. |
} |
} |
if !foundPhoto { |
// Create the CloudPhoto object with the associated CKRecord. |
let photo = CloudPhoto(record: foundRecord!) |
photo.distanceFromUser = self!.photoDistanceFromUser(location: photo.photoLocation) |
self?.photoArrayController.addObject(photo) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
Called by our AppDelegate to handle a specific push notification of a specifc CKRecordID, |
that photo could have beed added, deleted or updated. This is done silently. |
*/ |
func handlePush(recordID: CKRecordID, reason: CKQueryNotificationReason) { |
// A photo has come in that was added, deleted or updated. |
// |
// Update just the table cell this CKRecord is associated with, |
// instead of just doing an entire table re-fetch, let's be efficient and just apply the update for the photo in question. |
// |
updateTable(recordID: recordID, reason: reason) |
} |
// MARK: - DetailViewControllerDelegate |
func didChangeCloudRecord(_ detailViewController: DetailViewController, photoRecord: CloudPhoto) { |
updateTable(recordID: photoRecord.record().recordID, reason: .recordUpdated) |
} |
} |
// MARK: - MasterViewControllerDelegate |
/// Used for informing the delegate of the array controller selection change (as a result of filtering from the search field). |
protocol MasterViewControllerDelegate { |
func didChangePhotoSelection(masterViewController: MasterViewController, selection: Int) |
} |
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