CloudPhotos (OS X).swift/CloudPhotos/MasterViewController.swift

Copyright (C) 2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
This sample's master view controller listing all photos from CloudKit.
import Cocoa
import SystemConfiguration
class MasterViewController : NSViewController, CLLocationManagerDelegate, DetailViewControllerDelegate {
    // MARK: - Constants
    struct SegueIdentifier {
        static let editPhoto = "editPhoto"    // segue name to edit the photo (opens ChoosePhotoViewController)
        static let addPhoto = "addPhoto"      // segue name to add a photo (opens ChoosePhotoViewController)
    // NSSegmentedControl below the master table to add and remove photos.
    struct SegmentedControl {
        static let addSegment = 0
        static let removeSegment = 1
    // KVO key for listening to selection changes in the NSArrayController.
    static let selectionIndexesKey = "selectionIndexes"
    // MARK: - Properties
    // Listen for updates due to push notification processing, so we can update our UI.
    private var notifObserver : NSObjectProtocol!
    // The array controller data source of photos
    @IBOutlet var photoArrayController: NSArrayController!
    // The data source for "photoArrayController" (used for accessing "all" photos regardless
    // of what's filtered by the search bar's predicate).
    lazy var photoArrayBacking = [CloudPhoto]()
    @IBOutlet weak var addRemoveSegmentedControl: NSSegmentedControl!
    @IBOutlet weak var progressIndicator: NSProgressIndicator!
    @IBOutlet weak var refreshButton: NSButton!
    @IBOutlet weak var searchField: NSSearchField!
    // So we can inform the delegate of table selection changes (from the user or from the array controller).
    var delegate: MasterViewControllerDelegate?
    // Transformer to converts CKAsset to NSImage (used indirectly by Interface Builder).
    private let imageTransformer: AssetToImageTransformer = {
        let imageTransformer: AssetToImageTransformer = AssetToImageTransformer()
        // Add to the name-based registry for shared objects used when
        // loading nib files with transformers specified by name in Interface Builder.
        ValueTransformer.setValueTransformer(imageTransformer, forName: NSValueTransformerName("AssetToImageTransformer"))
        return imageTransformer
    // MARK: - View Controller Lifecycle
    deinit {
        // No longer need to observe for these.
        photoArrayController.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: MasterViewController.selectionIndexesKey)
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        refreshButton.isEnabled = true
        // Listen for app resume (to start tracking user location).
        resumeObserver = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(
            forName: NSNotification.Name.NSApplicationDidBecomeActive,
            object: nil,
            queue: OperationQueue.main) { notification in
                if CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() == .authorizedAlways
        // Listen for app suspend (to stop tracking user location).
        suspendObserver = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(
            forName: NSNotification.Name.NSApplicationDidResignActive,
            object: nil,
            queue: OperationQueue.main) { [weak self] notification in
                if CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() {
        let updateContentNotifName : NSNotification.Name = NSNotification.Name(APLCloudManager.updateContentWithNotification())
        // Listen for updates due to push notification processing, so we can update our UI.
        notifObserver = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(
            forName: updateContentNotifName,
            object: nil,
            queue: OperationQueue.main) { notification in
                // A push notification (CKQueryNotification) has arrived,
                // update our table for added, removed or updates photos.
                let queryNotification = notification.object as! CKQueryNotification
                let reason = queryNotification.queryNotificationReason
                let recordID = queryNotification.recordID! as CKRecordID
                // Notify the splitview's master and detail view controllers of this notification.
                self.handlePush(recordID: recordID, reason:reason)
        // Setup location services and configure our location manager.
        locationManager.delegate = self
        locationManager.distanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone
        locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest  // Current Macs of 2016 use wifi for location, not GPS.
        // Listen for when the array controller changes it's selection.
        self.photoArrayController.addObserver(self, forKeyPath:"selectionIndexes",, context:nil)
        // Before loading the photos check if we have our cloud service.
        CloudManager.cloudServiceAvailable { [weak self] (available) -> Void in
            if available {
                // Load all the photos.
                self?.loadPhotos {
                    // Restore the table view selection from last time.
                    if self!.selectedPhotoRecordName.characters.count > 0 {
                        // debugging:
                        // print("photos = \(photoArrayController.arrangedObjects)")
                        // Find the photo with the matching record name.
                        let recordID = CKRecordID(recordName: self!.selectedPhotoRecordName)
                        let photoIndex = self!.indexForPhoto(recordID: recordID)
                        if photoIndex != -1 {
                            // Found a proper index to select the photo.
        // Restore the search field with the restored string value and unselect its text.
        guard self.searchBarString.characters.count > 0 else { return }
        self.searchField.stringValue = self.searchBarString
        self.searchField.performClick(self) // Force a refilter of the array controller.
    // MARK: - User Interface
    /// Called by the NSArrayController to obtain it's sort descriptor (sort by photo title).
    func photoSortDescriptor() -> NSArray {
        // Used by our array controller through bindings to obtain it's sort descriptor.
        let sortDesc = NSSortDescriptor(key: "photoTitle", ascending: true, selector: #selector(NSString.localizedStandardCompare(_:)))
        return [sortDesc]
    /// Utility to start/stop spinning gear whenever network activity has started.
    private func startProgressIndicator(start: Bool) {
        progressIndicator.isHidden = !start
        if start {
        else {
    /// Disables the entire segmented control (both buttons).
    private func disableSegmentedControl() {
        addRemoveSegmentedControl.setEnabled(false, forSegment: SegmentedControl.addSegment)
        addRemoveSegmentedControl.setEnabled(false, forSegment: SegmentedControl.removeSegment)
    Adjust the NSSegmentedControl (add/remove buttons), according to the
    login status and current selection in the master table.
    private func adjustSegmentedControl() {
        // Check if we have our cloud service to properly set the state of add/remove buttons.
        if CloudManager.accountAvailable && CloudManager.userLoginIsValid {
            self.addRemoveSegmentedControl.setEnabled(true, forSegment: SegmentedControl.addSegment)
            // Check if we have a photo selected adjust the segmented control remove segment accordingly.
            let selectedRow = self.photoArrayController.selectionIndexes.first
            guard (selectedRow != NSNotFound && selectedRow != nil) else {
                // No selection, disable the remmove button.
                self.addRemoveSegmentedControl.setEnabled(false, forSegment: SegmentedControl.removeSegment)
            let photos = self.photoArrayController.arrangedObjects as! Array<AnyObject>
            let selectedPhoto = photos[selectedRow!] as! CloudPhoto
            self.addRemoveSegmentedControl.setEnabled(selectedPhoto.isMyPhoto, forSegment: SegmentedControl.removeSegment)
        else {
            // Not logged in, disable add and remove of photos.
    func loginUpdate() {
        // The user has signed in or out of iCloud,
        // so we need to refresh our UI reflect user login, so re-load all the photos.
        delegate!.didChangePhotoSelection(masterViewController: self, selection: -1)
        loadPhotos {
            // Photo loading completed.
    // MARK: - KVO
    Used for observing for NSArrayController selection changes:
    (selection changes as a result of filtering (user search) will not send NSTableViewSelectionDidChangeNotification),
    so we handle it right here to help target our detail view controller.
    override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
        if keyPath! == MasterViewController.selectionIndexesKey && object as! NSArrayController == photoArrayController {
            // Obtain the selection index from our array controller.
            let selection = (object as! NSArrayController).selectionIndex
            if delegate != nil {
                delegate!.didChangePhotoSelection(masterViewController: self, selection: selection)
            // A different photo was selected, update the state of our segmented control
            // (i.e. enable/disable remove button if it's our photo or not).
            if selection == NSNotFound {
                selectedPhotoRecordName = String()
            else {
                // Remember the selected photo for state restoration later at relaunch.
                let selectedPhoto = photoArrayController.selectedObjects[0] as! CloudPhoto
                selectedPhotoRecordName = selectedPhoto.record().recordID.recordName
        else {
            super.observeValue(forKeyPath: keyPath, of: object, change: change, context: context)
    // MARK: - Actions
    override func keyDown(with theEvent: NSEvent) {
        let characters = theEvent.characters!
        // Allow the user to delete photos by delete key.
        switch (characters as NSString).character(at: 0) {
        case unichar(NSDeleteFunctionKey),
        default: break
    /// Refreshes the table view list of CloudPhotos.
    @IBAction func refreshAction(_ sender: NSButton) {
        // A refresh of the photos list means clear the detail view,
        // this notifies the split view controller so it can clear it's detail view.
        delegate!.didChangePhotoSelection(masterViewController: self, selection: -1)
        loadPhotos {
            // Photo loading completed.
    /// Action method for the segmented control that adds and removes CloudPhotos.
    @IBAction func addRemoveSegmentedControlAction(_ sender: NSSegmentedControl) {
        switch (sender.selectedSegment) {
        case SegmentedControl.addSegment:
            // User wants to add a photo, bring up ChoosePhotoViewController as a sheet input.
            // Create a CKRecord photo: generic title, current date/time, no location - and save it as a CloudPhoto instance.
            CloudManager.addNewRecord(NSLocalizedString("Untitled Title", comment: ""), date: NSDate() as Date!, location: nil) { [weak self] (record, error) in
                if record != nil && error == nil
                    // Create the CloudPhoto object with the associated CKRecord.
                    let photo = CloudPhoto(record: record!)
                    photo.distanceFromUser = self!.photoDistanceFromUser(location: photo.photoLocation)
            let appDelegate = NSApplication.shared().delegate as! AppDelegate
        case SegmentedControl.removeSegment:
            // User wants to remove the photo.
        default: break
    // MARK: - Location Services
    // For tracking user location.
    private var currentLocation : CLLocation!
    private var locationManager = CLLocationManager()
    // Listen for app resume (to start tracking user location).
    private var resumeObserver : NSObjectProtocol!
    // Listen for app suspend (to stop tracking user location).
    private var suspendObserver : NSObjectProtocol!
    /// Helps compute the distance between the input "location" and our tracked user location.
    private func photoDistanceFromUser(location: CLLocation?) -> Double {
        var distance : Double = -1
        guard let location = location else { return distance }
        // Some photos might not have a valid location.
        if currentLocation != nil {
            // Distance is measures in meters.
            let distanceFromPhoto = currentLocation.distance(from: location)
            // Final distance is measured in kilometers.
            distance = distanceFromPhoto/100
        return distance
    /// User has changed/updated it's location.
    func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateTo newLocation: CLLocation, from oldLocation: CLLocation) {
        // User has moved, store their location.
        currentLocation = newLocation
        // Stop looking, once we have a fix on the user's location.
        // Change the content of the photo list based on location (particularly for filtering photos near me).
        if oldLocation.distance(from: newLocation) > 5 {
            // Don't be notified too often, ignore movement less than 5 meters).
            for photo in photoArrayBacking {
                photo.distanceFromUser = photoDistanceFromUser(location: photo.photoLocation)
            // Changing the backed array alone won't update the array controller, so set the array controller content.
            let indexes = NSIndexSet(indexesIn: NSMakeRange(0, photoArrayBacking.count))
            photoArrayController.willChange(.setting, valuesAt: indexes as IndexSet, forKey: "content")
            photoArrayController.content = photoArrayBacking
            photoArrayController.didChange(.setting, valuesAt: indexes as IndexSet, forKey: "content")
        // Note: we will stop location tracking when the app is suspended and start it again when it resumes.
    // MARK: - State Restoration
    // Restorable key for the currently selected photo on state restoration.
    private static let selectedPhotoRestoreKey = "selectedPhotoRestoreKey"
    // Restorable key for the search bar's search text on state restoration.
    private static let searchBarStringRestoreKey = "searchBarStringRestoreKey"
    var selectedPhotoRecordName = String() {
        didSet {
            // State restoration needs to know when this changes.
    var searchBarString = String() {
        didSet {
            // State restoration needs to know when this changes.
    /// Encode state. Helps save the restorable state of this view controller.
    override func encodeRestorableState(with coder: NSCoder) {
        coder.encode(selectedPhotoRecordName, forKey: MasterViewController.selectedPhotoRestoreKey)
        coder.encode(searchField.stringValue, forKey: MasterViewController.searchBarStringRestoreKey)
        super.encodeRestorableState(with: coder)
    /// Decode state.  Helps restore any previously stored state.
    override func restoreState(with coder: NSCoder) {
        super.restoreState(with: coder)
        if let selectedPhoto = coder.decodeObject(forKey: MasterViewController.selectedPhotoRestoreKey) as? String {
            // Remember this for later after the initial fetch finishes.
            selectedPhotoRecordName = selectedPhoto
        if let searchBarStr = coder.decodeObject(forKey: MasterViewController.searchBarStringRestoreKey) as? String {
            // Remember this for later after the initial fetch finishes.
            searchBarString = searchBarStr
    // MARK: - Photo Management
    /// Obtains the index row number of the given recordID, -1 if it cannot be found.
    private func indexForPhoto(recordID: CKRecordID) -> Int {
        var foundIndex = -1
        let photos = photoArrayController.arrangedObjects as! [CloudPhoto]
        for (index, photo) in photos.enumerated() {
            if photo.record().recordID.isEqual(recordID)
                foundIndex = index
                break // We found the photo record that matches the recordID.
        return foundIndex
    /// Loads the entire set of CloudPhotos available to this app.
    private func loadPhotos(completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
        // This could take some time.
        self.startProgressIndicator(start: true)
        // No additional refreshes allowed until it completes.
        self.refreshButton.isEnabled = false
        CloudManager.fetchRecords { [weak self] (records, error) -> Void in
            if error != nil {
                let errorCode = (error as! NSError).code
                switch errorCode {
                case CKError.Code.limitExceeded.rawValue:
                    // The request to the server was too large. Retry this request as a smaller batch.
                case CKError.Code.serverRejectedRequest.rawValue:
                    // Service or server problems
                    // (may be because the record type is not defined in the schema yet or the
                    //  schema was removed from CloudKit Dashboard).
                case CKError.Code.unknownItem.rawValue:
                    // Note we can get CKErrorUnknownItem for the first time the app is open
                    // (no records added to that container yet, no schema defined),
                case CKError.Code.networkUnavailable.rawValue:
                    // No network available
                default: break
                // On CKErrorServiceUnavailable or CKErrorRequestRateLimited errors:
                // the userInfo dictionary may contain a NSNumber instance that specifies the period of time in seconds after
                // which the client may retry the request.  So here we will try again.
                if errorCode == CKError.Code.serviceUnavailable.rawValue || errorCode == CKError.Code.requestRateLimited.rawValue
                    let retryAfterDict = (error as! NSError).userInfo as AnyObject
                    var retryAfterValue = retryAfterDict[CKErrorRetryAfterKey]! as? DispatchTime
                    if retryAfterValue == nil {
                        retryAfterValue = + Double(Int64(3 * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC))) / Double(NSEC_PER_SEC)
                    print("Error: \(error!.localizedDescription). Recoverable, retry after \(retryAfterValue) seconds")
                    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: retryAfterValue!) {
                        self?.loadPhotos(completionHandler: completionHandler)
                    // Due to an error, no records should be shown.
                    self?.photoArrayController.remove(contentsOf: self?.photoArrayController.arrangedObjects as! [AnyObject])
            else {
                // Remove the photos, in favor of new ones.
                let photos : NSArray = self?.photoArrayController.arrangedObjects as! NSArray
                if photos.count > 0 {
                    self?.photoArrayController.remove(contentsOf: self?.photoArrayController.arrangedObjects as! [AnyObject])
                // All is good, as we get back an array of CKRecords, convert them to CloudPhoto objects.
                for record in records! {
                    let photoRecord = record as! CKRecord
                    // Create the CloudPhoto object with the associated CKRecord.
                    let photo = CloudPhoto(record: photoRecord)
                    photo.distanceFromUser = self!.photoDistanceFromUser(location: photo.photoLocation)
                    if !(self!.photoArrayController.arrangedObjects as! NSArray).contains(photoRecord) {
            self?.startProgressIndicator(start: false)
            self?.refreshButton.isEnabled = true
            // Load completed, adjust our segmented control based on login status.
            // Make sure to invoke our caller's completion handler to inform them we are done.
    /// Removes the selected CloudPhoto in the table view list.
    private func handleRemovePhoto() {
        let selectedRow = photoArrayController.selectionIndexes.first
        guard (selectedRow != NSNotFound) else { return }
        let photos = photoArrayController.arrangedObjects as! Array<AnyObject>
        let photoToDelete = photos[selectedRow!] as! CloudPhoto
        guard photoToDelete.isMyPhoto else { return }
        // We own this photo, so we are allowed to delete it.
        let alert = NSAlert()
        alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("OK Button Title", comment: ""))
        alert.addButton(withTitle: NSLocalizedString("Cancel Button Title", comment: ""))
        let strFormat = NSLocalizedString("Confirm Delete", comment:"")
        let deletedRecordTitle = photoToDelete.photoTitle
        alert.messageText = String(format:strFormat, deletedRecordTitle)
        alert.informativeText = NSLocalizedString("Confirm Delete Detail", comment: "")
        alert.alertStyle = .warning
        alert.beginSheetModal(for: view.window!, completionHandler: { (result) -> Void in
            if result == NSAlertFirstButtonReturn {
                self.startProgressIndicator(start: true)   // this could take some time
                CloudManager.deleteRecord(with: photoToDelete.record().recordID, completionHandler: { (recordID, error) -> Void in
                    self.startProgressIndicator(start: false)
                    if error == nil {
                        // Remove the deleted photo from our table.
                        // This notifies the split view controller so it can update it's
                        // detail view (after delete no record selected).
                        self.delegate!.didChangePhotoSelection(masterViewController: self, selection: -1)
    // MARK: - NSSearchField Editing
    /// The search text in the search bar text has changed.
    override func controlTextDidChange(_ notif: Notification) {
        let searchField = notif.object as! NSSearchField
        searchBarString = searchField.stringValue
    // MARK: - Table Updating - Push Notifications
    Called as a result of a subscription notification.  Updates just the table cell this CKRecordID is associated with,
    instead of just doing an entire table re-fetch, let's be efficient and just apply the update for the photo in question
    private func updateTable(recordID: CKRecordID, reason: CKQueryNotificationReason) {
        if reason == .recordDeleted {
            // We are being asked to remove an existing photo.
            let photoIndex = indexForPhoto(recordID: recordID)
            if photoIndex != -1 {
                // We found the photo that needs removing, remove it from the table.
                photoArrayController.remove(atArrangedObjectIndex: photoIndex)
        else {
            // We are being told a photo was added or updated.
            startProgressIndicator(start: true)
            CloudManager.fetchRecord(with: recordID) { [weak self] (foundRecord, error) in
                guard (foundRecord != nil) else { return }
                self?.startProgressIndicator(start: false)
                if reason == .recordUpdated {
                    // We found the photo that needs "updating", change our data source.
                    let photoIndex = self?.indexForPhoto(recordID: recordID)
                    if photoIndex! >= 0 {
                        self?.photoArrayController.remove(atArrangedObjectIndex: photoIndex!)
                        // Reassign a new CloudPhoto object along with its associated CKRecord
                        // and the computed distance from the current user's location.
                        let photo = CloudPhoto(record: foundRecord!)
                        photo.distanceFromUser = self!.photoDistanceFromUser(location: photo.photoLocation)
                else if reason == .recordCreated {
                    // A photo needs to be added.
                    var foundPhoto = false
                    // ensure we don't add the object more than once
                    for photoToCheck in self?.photoArrayController.arrangedObjects as! [CloudPhoto] {
                        if photoToCheck.cloudRecord.recordID.recordName.isEqual(recordID.recordName) {
                            foundPhoto = true
                            break // We found the photo that matches the recordID.
                    if !foundPhoto {
                        // Create the CloudPhoto object with the associated CKRecord.
                        let photo = CloudPhoto(record: foundRecord!)
                        photo.distanceFromUser = self!.photoDistanceFromUser(location: photo.photoLocation)
    Called by our AppDelegate to handle a specific push notification of a specifc CKRecordID,
    that photo could have beed added, deleted or updated.  This is done silently.
    func handlePush(recordID: CKRecordID, reason: CKQueryNotificationReason) {
        // A photo has come in that was added, deleted or updated.
        // Update just the table cell this CKRecord is associated with,
        // instead of just doing an entire table re-fetch, let's be efficient and just apply the update for the photo in question.
        updateTable(recordID: recordID, reason: reason)
    // MARK: - DetailViewControllerDelegate
    func didChangeCloudRecord(_ detailViewController: DetailViewController, photoRecord: CloudPhoto) {
        updateTable(recordID: photoRecord.record().recordID, reason: .recordUpdated)
// MARK: - MasterViewControllerDelegate
/// Used for informing the delegate of the array controller selection change (as a result of filtering from the search field).
protocol MasterViewControllerDelegate {
    func didChangePhotoSelection(masterViewController: MasterViewController, selection: Int)