
    File:       Utilities.c
    Contains:   Collection of Utilities for DTS Sample code
    Written by:     
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1988-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                8/18/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
#ifndef __CONTROLS__
#include <Controls.h>
#ifndef __DEVICES__
#include <Devices.h>
#ifndef __EVENTS__
#include <Events.h>
#ifndef __FIXMATH__
#include <FixMath.h>
#ifndef __FONTS__
#include <Fonts.h>
#ifndef __MENUS__
#include <Menus.h>
#ifndef __PACKAGES__
#include <Packages.h>
#ifndef __RESOURCES__
#include <Resources.h>
#ifndef __SCRIPT__
#include <Script.h>
#ifndef __SEGLOAD__
#include <SegLoad.h>
#ifndef __STRING__
#include <String.h>
#ifndef __LOWMEM__
#include <LowMem.h>
#ifndef __TEXTEDIT__
#include <TextEdit.h>
#ifndef __TOOLUTILS__
#include <ToolUtils.h>
#ifndef __TRAPS__
#include <Traps.h>
#ifndef __ERRORS__
#include <Errors.h>
#include "Utilities.h"
#include <TextUtils.h>
    Private Functions 
    Global variables -- See Utilities.h for more explanation
short           gMachineType;           /* which machine this is */
short           gSystemVersion;         /* System version number */
short           gProcessorType;         /* which CPU this is */
Boolean         gHasFPU;                /* true if machine has an FPU */
short           gQDVersion;             /* major QD version #; 0 for original, 
                                                    1 for color QD, 2 for 32-bit QD */
short           gKeyboardType;          /* which type of keyboard is present */
short           gAppleTalkVersion;      /* AppleTalk version number */
Boolean         gHasPMMU;               /* true if machine has a PMMU or equivalent */
short           gAUXVersion;            /* major A/UX version number (0 if not present) */
Boolean         gHasWaitNextEvent;
short           gAppResRef;
Boolean         gInBackground;
Str255          gAppName;
OSType          gSignature = '????';
Boolean         gUtilitiesInited;
/* Given an alert ID and a window pointer the alert relates to, this function
** will center the alertÕs rectangle before showing it on the proper screen.
** This follows the Apple Human Interface Guidelines for where to place a
** centered window on the screen.  If the alert is not closely associated with
** another window, pass a NULL for the window pointer of the related window.  If
** you pass a NULL, the alert is simply displayed where the resource
** would indicate.  Note that if an error occurs when getting the resource for
** the alert, then the alert is not displayed, and the returned value is not
** the item hit, but is the error that occured when reading the resource. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
short   CenteredAlert(short alertID, WindowPtr relatedWindow)
    AlertTHndl  alertHandle;
    WindowPtr   tempWindow;
    Rect        alertRect;
    short       itemHit;
    char        hstate;
    OSErr       err;
    alertHandle = (AlertTHndl)GetAppResource('ALRT', alertID, &err);
    if (err) return((short)err);
    hstate = LockHandleHigh((Handle)alertHandle);
        /* Do our part to help prevent fragmentation. */
    alertRect = (*alertHandle)->boundsRect;
        /* Preserve the real alert bounding rectangle. */
    if (tempWindow = NewWindow(NULL, &alertRect, "\p", false, dBoxProc,
                              (WindowPtr)NULL, false, 0)) {
        /* Use an invisible temporary window to calculate where the alert will go. */
        (*alertHandle)->boundsRect = CenterWindow(tempWindow, relatedWindow);
    itemHit = Alert(alertID, NULL);
    (*alertHandle)->boundsRect = alertRect;
        /* Restore the resource's bounding rect, so if this resource is ever used
        ** not through this function, it will open where the resource indicates. */
    HSetState((Handle)alertHandle, hstate);
/* Given two rects, this function centers the second one within the first. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    CenterRectInRect(Rect outerRect, Rect *innerRect)
    PositionRectInRect(outerRect, innerRect, FixRatio(1, 2), FixRatio(1, 2));
/* Center a window within a particular device.  The device to center the window
** within is determined by passing a related window.  This allows related
** windows to be kept on the same device.  This is useful if an alert related
** to a specific window, for example. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
Rect    CenterWindow(WindowPtr window, WindowPtr relatedWindow)
    WindowPtr   whichDevice;
    Rect        deviceRect, oldWindowRect, newWindowRect, contentRect;
    if (!(whichDevice = relatedWindow)) whichDevice = window;
        /* If we have a window to center against, use the device for that window,
        ** else use the device for the window that is getting centered. */
    deviceRect = GetWindowDeviceRectNMB(whichDevice);
        /* We now have the rectangle of the device we want to center within. */
    oldWindowRect = newWindowRect = GetWindowStructureRect(window);
    PositionRectInRect(deviceRect, &newWindowRect, FixRatio (1, 2),
                       FixRatio (1, 3));
        /* Figure out the new window strucRect so we can compare it against
        ** the old strucRect.  This will tell us how much to move the window. */
    contentRect = GetWindowContentRect(window);
        /* Get where the window is now. */
    OffsetRect(&contentRect, newWindowRect.left - oldWindowRect.left,
                            newWindowRect.top  - oldWindowRect.top);
        /* Calculate the new content rect. */
    MoveWindow(window, contentRect.left, contentRect.top, false);
        /* Move the window to the new location. */
/* Close a window.  This handles desk accessory and application windows.  Use
** this call (instead of DisposeAnyWindow) if the memory for the window was
** allocated by you.  (Same as CloseWindow v.s. DisposeWindow.) */
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    CloseAnyWindow(WindowPtr window)
    if (IsDAWindow(window))
    else {
        if (IsAppWindow(window))
        else if (((WindowPeek)window)->windowKind >= dialogKind)
/* Dispose a window.  This handles desk accessory and application windows.  Use
** this call (instead of CloseAnyWindow) if you want the memory for the window
** record to be disposed of.  (Same as CloseWindow v.s. DisposeWindow.) */
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    DisposeAnyWindow(WindowPtr window)
    if (IsDAWindow(window))
    else {
        if (IsAppWindow(window))
        else if (((WindowPeek)window)->windowKind >= dialogKind)
/* Display an alert that tells the user an error occurred, then exit the
** program.  This function is used as an ultimate bail-out for serious errors
** that prohibit the continuation of the application.  Errors that do not
** require the termination of the application should be handled in a different
** manner. */  
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    DeathAlert(short errResID, short errStringIndex)
    ErrorAlert(errResID, errStringIndex);
/* Display an alert that tells the user an error occurred, then exit the
** program.  This function is used as an ultimate bail-out for serious errors
** that prohibit the continuation of the application.  Errors that do not
** require the termination of the application should be handled in a different
** manner.  The message parameter is an error code that is to be displayed. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    DeathAlertMessage(short errResID, short errStringIndex, short message)
    ErrorAlertMessage(errResID, errStringIndex, message);
/* Display an alert that tells the user an error occurred. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    ErrorAlert(short errResID, short errStringIndex)
    ErrorAlertMessage(errResID, errStringIndex, 0);
/* Display an alert to inform the user of an error.  errStringIndex acts as an
** index into a STR# resource of error messages.  If no errStringIndex is
** given, i.e. = 0, then use a standard message.  If message is not noErr then
** display it as well.
** BUG NOTE:  GetIndString returns a bogus String if the index is
**            not positive. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    ErrorAlertMessage(short errResID, short errStringIndex, short message)
    Str255  msg1, msg2;
    if (errStringIndex <= 0) {
        errStringIndex = eStandardErr;
        errResID = rUtilStrings;
    GetIndString(msg1, errResID, errStringIndex);
    if (message == noErr) {
        ParamText(msg1, "\p", "\p", "\p");
        CenteredAlert(rUtilErrorAlert, NULL);
    } else {
        NumToString(message, msg2);
        ParamText(msg1, msg2, "\p", "\p");
        CenteredAlert(rUtilErrorMessageAlert, NULL);
/* FindSysFolder returns the (real) vRefNum, and the DirID of the current
** system folder.  It uses the Folder Manager if present, otherwise it falls
** back to SysEnvirons.  It returns zero on success, otherwise a standard
** system error. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
OSErr   FindSysFolder(short *foundVRefNum, long *foundDirID)
    long            gesResponse;
    SysEnvRec       envRec;
    WDPBRec         myWDPB;
    unsigned char   volName[34];
    OSErr           err;
    *foundVRefNum = 0;
    *foundDirID = 0;
    if (!Gestalt (gestaltFindFolderAttr, &gesResponse) &&
        BTstQ (gesResponse, gestaltFindFolderPresent)) {    /* Does Folder Manager exist? */
            err = FindFolder (kOnSystemDisk, kSystemFolderType, kDontCreateFolder, 
                foundVRefNum, foundDirID);
    } else {
        /* Gestalt can't give us the answer, so we resort to SysEnvirons */
        if (!(err = SysEnvirons (curSysEnvVers, &envRec))) {
            myWDPB.ioVRefNum = envRec.sysVRefNum;
            volName[0] = '\000';                    /* Zero volume name */
            myWDPB.ioNamePtr = volName;
            myWDPB.ioWDIndex = 0;
            myWDPB.ioWDProcID = 0;
            if (!(err = PBGetWDInfo (&myWDPB, 0))) {
                *foundVRefNum = myWDPB.ioWDVRefNum;
                *foundDirID = myWDPB.ioWDDirID;
    return (err);
/* GetAppIndResource gets a resource from the application's resource file
** by index. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
Handle  GetAppIndResource(ResType theType, short index, OSErr *err)
#pragma unused (err)
    short   savedResFile;
    Handle  returnHandle;
    savedResFile = CurResFile ();
    UseResFile (gAppResRef);
    returnHandle = Get1IndResource(theType, index);
    UseResFile (savedResFile);
    return (returnHandle);
/* GetAppNamedResource gets a resource from the application's resource file
** by name. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
Handle  GetAppNamedResource(ResType theType, Str255 name, OSErr *err)
    short   savedResFile;
    Handle  returnHandle;
    savedResFile = CurResFile ();
    UseResFile (gAppResRef);
    returnHandle = Get1NamedResource(theType, name);
    *err = ResError();
    UseResFile (savedResFile);
    return (returnHandle);
/* GetAppResource gets a resource from the application's resource file by
** resource ID. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
Handle  GetAppResource(ResType theType,short theID, OSErr *err)
    short   savedResFile;
    Handle  returnHandle;
    savedResFile = CurResFile ();
    UseResFile (gAppResRef);
    returnHandle = Get1Resource(theType, theID);
    *err = ResError();
    UseResFile (savedResFile);
    return (returnHandle);
/* Checks for the presence of A/UX by whatever means is appropriate.  Returns
** the major version number of A/UX (i.e. 0 if A/UX is not present, 1 for
** any 1.x.x version 2 for any 2.x version, etc.
** This code should work for all past, present and future A/UX systems. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
short   GetAUXVersion(void)
    long    auxVersion;
    short   err;
     *  This code assumes the Gestalt glue checks for the presence of the _Gestalt
     *  trap and does something intelligent if the trap is unavailable, i.e.
     *  return unknown selector.
    auxVersion = 0;
    err = Gestalt(gestaltAUXVersion, &auxVersion);
     *  If gestaltUnknownErr or gestaltUndefSelectorErr was returned, then either 
     *  we weren't running on A/UX, or the _Gestalt trap is unavailable so use 
     *  HWCfgFlags instead.
     *  All other errors are ignored (implies A/UX not present).
    if (err == gestaltUnknownErr || err == gestaltUndefSelectorErr) {   /* Use HWCfgFlags */
        if (BTstQ(LMGetHWCfgFlags(), 9))
            auxVersion = 0x100;         /* Do Have A/UX, so assume version 1.x.x */
     *  Now right shift auxVersion by 8 bits to get major version number
    auxVersion >>= 8;
/* Given a dialog ID and a window pointer the dialog relates to, this function
** will center the dialogÕs rectangle before showing it on the proper screen.
** This follows the Apple Human Interface Guidelines for where to place a
** centered window on the screen.  If the dialog is not closely associated with
** another window, pass a NULL for the window pointer of the related window.  If
** you pass a NULL, the dialog is simply displayed where the resource
** would indicate. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
DialogPtr   GetCenteredDialog(short id, DialogPtr storage, WindowPtr relatedWindow, WindowPtr behind)
    DialogTHndl     dlogResource;
    DialogPtr       dialog;
    Boolean         oldVis;
    char            hstate;
    OSErr           err;
    dialog = NULL;
    if (dlogResource = (DialogTHndl)GetAppResource('DLOG', id, &err)) {
        hstate = LockHandleHigh((Handle)dlogResource);
        oldVis = (*dlogResource)->visible;
        (*dlogResource)->visible = false;
        if (dialog = GetNewDialog(id, storage, behind)) {
            CenterWindow(dialog, relatedWindow);
            if (oldVis) ShowWindow(dialog);
        (*dlogResource)->visible = oldVis;
        HSetState((Handle)dlogResource, hstate);
/* Given a window ID and a window pointer the window relates to, this function
** will center the windowÕs rectangle before showing it on the proper screen.
** This follows the Apple Human Interface Guidelines for where to place a
** centered window on the screen.  If the window is not closely associated with
** another window, pass a NULL for the window pointer of the related window.  If
** you pass a NULL, the window is simply displayed where the resource
** would indicate. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
WindowPtr   GetCenteredWindow(short id, Ptr storage, WindowPtr relatedWindow,
                              WindowPtr behind, Boolean inColor)
    return(GetSomeKindOfWindow(CenterWindow, id, storage, relatedWindow, behind, inColor));
#pragma segment UtilMain
Boolean GetCheckOrRadio(DialogPtr dlgPtr, short itemNo)
    short   iKind;
    Handle  iHandle;
    Rect    iRect;
    GetDialogItem(dlgPtr, itemNo, &iKind, &iHandle, &iRect);
    return(GetControlValue((ControlHandle)iHandle) != 0);
/* GetGestaltResult returns the result value from Gestalt for the specified
** selector.  If Gestalt returned an error GetGestaltResult returns zero.
** Use of this function is only cool if we don't care whether Gestalt returned
** an error.  In many cases you may need to know the exact Gestalt error code
** so then this function would be inappropriate.
** See GetAUXVersion for an example. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
long    GetGestaltResult(OSType gestaltSelector)
    long    gestaltResult;
    if (Gestalt(gestaltSelector, &gestaltResult) == noErr)
/* Get the global coordinates of the mouse.  When you call OSEventAvail it will
** return either a pending event or a null event.  In either case, the where
** field of the event record will contain the current position of the mouse in
** global coordinates and the modifiers field will reflect the current state of
** the modifiers.  Another way to get the global coordinates is to call
** GetMouse and LocalToGlobal, but that requires being sure that thePort is set
** to a valid port. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
Point   GetGlobalMouse(void)
    EventRecord event;
    OSEventAvail(kNoEvents, &event);    /* we arenÕt interested in any events */
    return(event.where);                /* just the mouse position */
/* Given a window, this will return the top left point of the windowÕs port in
** global coordinates.  Something this doesnÕt include is the windowÕs drag
** region (or title bar).  This returns the top left point of the windowÕs
** content area only. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
Point   GetGlobalTopLeft(WindowPtr window)
    GrafPtr         oldPort;
    Point           globalPt;
    globalPt = TopLeft(window->portRect);
/* Return the amount of free space on the volume in KBytes. -1 is returned as
** the size if there is an error. */
#pragma segment UtilInit
long    GetKFreeSpace(short vRefNum)
    HParamBlockRec  pb;
    OSErr           err;
    pb.volumeParam.ioNamePtr = NULL;            /* we don't care about the name */
    pb.volumeParam.ioVRefNum = vRefNum;
    pb.volumeParam.ioVolIndex = 0;          /* use ioVRefNum only */
    err = PBHGetVInfo(&pb, false);
    if (err == noErr)
        return((pb.volumeParam.ioVFrBlk * pb.volumeParam.ioVAlBlkSiz) / 1024);
#pragma segment UtilMain
Rect    GetMainScreenRect(void)
    GDHandle    mainDevice;
    GrafPtr     mainPort;
    if (gQDVersion > kQDOriginal) {
        mainDevice = GetMainDevice();
    } else {
/* Find the greatest overlap device for the given global rectangle. */
#pragma segment UtilInit
GDHandle    GetRectDevice(Rect globalRect)
    long        area;
    long        maxArea;
    GDHandle    device;
    GDHandle    deviceToReturn;
    Rect        intersection;
    deviceToReturn = GetMainDevice();           /* Use as default choice. */
    maxArea = 0;
    for (device = GetDeviceList(); device; device = GetNextDevice(device)) {
        if (TestDeviceAttribute(device, screenDevice)
          && TestDeviceAttribute(device, screenActive)
          && SectRect(&globalRect, &((*device)->gdRect), &intersection)) {
            area = (intersection.right - intersection.left) *
                   (intersection.bottom - intersection.top);
            if (area > maxArea) {
                deviceToReturn = device;
                maxArea = area;
/* Find the rect of the greatest overlap device for the given global rect. */
#pragma segment UtilInit
Rect    GetRectDeviceRect(Rect globalRect)
    if (gQDVersion > kQDOriginal)
/* Given a window positioning procedure pointer, a window ID and a window
** pointer the window relates to, this function open a new window by either
** a NewCWindow or a NewWindow call, depending on the value of inColor.  The
** window will be opened invisible, independent of what the resource says.
** Once the window is opened successfully, the positioning procedure is
** called.  The positioning procedure is passed a pointer to the just-opened
** invisible window and a pointer to the related window.  It is up to the
** positioning procedure to move the invisible window to the correct location
** on the correct device.  Once the positioning procedure returns, the window
** will be made visible if so indicated by the resource. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
WindowPtr   GetSomeKindOfWindow(PositionWndProcPtr whatKind, short windID,
                                Ptr storage, WindowPtr relatedWindow,
                                WindowPtr behind, Boolean inColor)
    WindowTHndl     windowResource;
    WindowTemplate  wt;             /* Window template. */
    WindowPtr       aWindow;
    OSErr           err;
    if (!gQDVersion) inColor = false;
    aWindow = NULL;     /* Assume we will fail.  (Good attitude.) */
    if (!storage) storage = NewPtr(sizeof(WindowRecord));
    if (storage) {          /* If we have memory for the window record... */
        if (windowResource = (WindowTHndl)GetAppResource('WIND', windID, &err)) {
            /* If we can load the window resource... */
            wt = **windowResource;      /* Make local copy of resource. */
            aWindow = (inColor ? NewCWindow(storage, &wt.boundsRect,
                                            wt.title, false, wt.procID,
                                            behind, wt.goAwayFlag, wt.refCon)
                               : NewWindow(storage, &wt.boundsRect, wt.title,
                                           false, wt.procID,
                                           behind, wt.goAwayFlag, wt.refCon));
                /* Open either a regular or color window. */
            if (aWindow) {      /* If we were able to open a window... */
                (*whatKind)(aWindow, relatedWindow);
                    /* Call the designated window positioning procedure. */
                if (wt.visible) ShowWindow(aWindow);
                    /* If resource says window should be visible, do it. */
        if (!aWindow) DisposePtr(storage);
            /* If we failed, then get rid of window record memory. */
/* Given a window ID and a window pointer the window relates to, this function
** will stagger the windowÕs rectangle before showing it on the proper screen.
** This follows the Apple Human Interface Guidelines for where to place a
** staggered window on the screen.  If the window is not closely associated
** with another window, pass a NULL for the window pointer of the related
** window.  If you pass a NULL, the window is simply displayed where the
** resource would indicate. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
WindowPtr   GetStaggeredWindow(short id, Ptr storage, WindowPtr relatedWindow,
                               WindowPtr behind, Boolean inColor)
    return(GetSomeKindOfWindow(StaggerWindow, id, storage, relatedWindow, behind, inColor));
/*  Check the bits of a trap number to determine its type. */
#pragma segment UtilInit
TrapType    GetTrapType(short theTrap)
    /* OS traps start with A0, Tool with A8 or AA. */
    if ((theTrap & 0x0800) == 0)                    /* per D.A. */
        return (OSTrap);
        return (ToolTrap);
/* Given a window pointer, return the global rectangle that encloses the
** content area of the window. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
Rect    GetWindowContentRect(WindowPtr window)
    WindowPtr   oldPort;
    Rect        contentRect;
    contentRect = window->portRect;
/* This procedure counts the number of windows in the application plane.
** You have the choices of also including DAs and invisible windows in
** this count. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
short   GetWindowCount(Boolean includeDAs, Boolean includeInvisibles)
    WindowPeek  window;
    short       count;
    for (count = 0, window = (WindowPeek)LMGetWindowList();
         (window != NULL); window = window->nextWindow) {
        if ((window->windowKind < 0) && (!includeDAs)) continue;
        if ((window->visible) || (includeInvisibles)) count++;
    return (count);
/* Find the greatest overlap device for the given window. */
#pragma segment UtilInit
GDHandle    GetWindowDevice(WindowPtr window)
/* Given a window pointer, find the device that contains most of the window
** and return the device's bounding rectangle. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
Rect    GetWindowDeviceRect(WindowPtr window)
    if (gQDVersion > kQDOriginal)
/* Given a window pointer, find the device that contains most of the window
** and return the device's bounding rectangle.  If this device is the main
** device, then remove the menubar area from the rectangle. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
Rect    GetWindowDeviceRectNMB(WindowPtr window)
    Rect        deviceRect, tempRect;
    deviceRect = GetWindowDeviceRect(window);
    tempRect = GetMainScreenRect();
    if (EqualRect(&deviceRect, &tempRect)) deviceRect.top += GetMBarHeight();
/* This procedure is used to get the rectangle that surrounds the entire
** structure of a window.  This is true whether or not the window is visible.
** If the window is visible, then it is a simple matter of using the bounding
** rectangle of the structure region.  If the window is invisible, then the
** strucRgn is not correct.  To make it correct, then window has to be moved
** way off the screen and then made visible.  This generates a valid strucRgn,
** although it is valid for the position that is way off the screen.  It still
** needs to be offset back into the original position.  Once the bounding
** rectangle for the strucRgn is obtained, the window can then be hidden again
** and moved back to its correct location.  Note that ShowHide is used,
** instead of ShowWindow and HideWindow.  HideWindow can change the plane of
** the window.  Also, ShowHide does not affect the hiliting of windows. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
Rect    GetWindowStructureRect(WindowPtr window)
#define kOffscreenLoc 0x4000
    GrafPtr     oldPort;
    Rect        structureRect;
    Point       windowLoc;
    if (((WindowPeek)window)->visible)
        structureRect = (*(((WindowPeek)window)->strucRgn))->rgnBBox;
    else {
        windowLoc = GetGlobalTopLeft(window);
        MoveWindow(window, windowLoc.h, kOffscreenLoc, false);
        ShowHide(window, true);
        structureRect = (*(((WindowPeek)window)->strucRgn))->rgnBBox;
        ShowHide(window, false);
        MoveWindow(window, windowLoc.h, windowLoc.v, false);
        OffsetRect(&structureRect, 0, windowLoc.v - kOffscreenLoc);
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    GlobalToLocalRect(Rect *aRect)
#pragma segment UtilInit
void    InitToolBox(void)
    InitGraf((Ptr) &QD(thePort));
/* InitUtilities sets up some global variables for use by the utilities
** package.  If you call StandardInitialization, you don't need to call this,
** as it will do it for you. */ 
#pragma segment UtilInit
void    InitUtilities(void)
    //Handle    apParam;
    Handle  bndlResource;
    OSErr   err;
    gUtilitiesInited = false;
    /* Init all the Gestalt variables */
    gMachineType = GetGestaltResult (gestaltMachineType);
    gSystemVersion = GetGestaltResult (gestaltSystemVersion);
    gProcessorType = GetGestaltResult (gestaltProcessorType);
    /* We only concern ourselves with there being an FPU, not which type it is */
    gHasFPU = (GetGestaltResult (gestaltFPUType) != gestaltNoFPU);
     *  We only concern ourselves with the major QD version number
     *  0 for original QD, 1 for 8-bit color QD, and 2 for 32-bit QD
    gQDVersion = (GetGestaltResult (gestaltQuickdrawVersion) >> 8) & 0xFF;
    gKeyboardType = GetGestaltResult (gestaltKeyboardType);
    gAppleTalkVersion = GetGestaltResult (gestaltAppleTalkVersion);
    /* We only concern ourselves with there being an PMMU, not which type it is */
    gHasPMMU = GetGestaltResult (gestaltMMUType) >= gestalt68851;
    gAUXVersion = GetAUXVersion ();
    gHasWaitNextEvent = TrapExists(_WaitNextEvent);
    gInBackground = false;
10/16/90 pvh/MacDTS
With GetAppParams(), THINK C in project mode returns the project resource file AND NOT 
the .rsrc file, which is what one really wants (trust me).  If THINK is present we will 
return CurResFile() which will be the .rsrc file instead.  The name will still be the 
project name in project mode, so be aware of that.
    //GetAppParms(gAppName, &gAppResRef, &apParam);
    gAppResRef = CurResFile();          /* returns refNum of .rsrc file */
    bndlResource = GetAppIndResource('BNDL', 1, &err);
    if (bndlResource)
        gSignature = *(OSType *) (*bndlResource);
    gUtilitiesInited = true;
/* Check to see if a window belongs to the application.  If the window pointer
** passed was NULL, then it could not be an application window.  WindowKinds
** that are negative belong to the system and windowKinds less than userKind
** are reserved by Apple except for windowKinds equal to dialogKind, which
** mean it is a dialog. */  
#pragma segment UtilMain
Boolean IsAppWindow(WindowPtr window)
    if (window)
        return (((WindowPeek)window)->windowKind >= userKind);
        return false;
/* Check to see if a window belongs to a desk accessory. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
Boolean IsDAWindow(WindowPtr window)
    if (window) /* DA windows have negative windowKinds */
        return (((WindowPeek) window)->windowKind < 0);
        return false;
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    LocalToGlobalRect(Rect *aRect)
#pragma segment UtilMain
char    LockHandleHigh(Handle theHandle)
    char    hstate;
    hstate = HGetState(theHandle);
/* InitGraf is always implemented (trap $A86E).  If the trap table is big
** enough, trap $AA6E will always point to either Unimplemented or some other
** trap, but will never be the same as InitGraf.  Thus, you can check the size
** of the trap table by asking if the address of trap $A86E is the same as
** $AA6E. */
#pragma segment UtilInit
short   NumToolboxTraps(void)
    if (NGetTrapAddress(_InitGraf, ToolTrap) == NGetTrapAddress(0xAA6E, ToolTrap))
        return (0x200);
        return (0x400);
/* Given any control handle, this will draw an outline around it.  This is used
** for the default button of a window.  The extra nice feature here is that
** IÕll erase the outline for buttons that are inactive.  Seems like there
** should be a Toolbox call for getting a controlÕs hilite state.  Since there
** isnÕt, I have to look into the control record myself.  This should be called
** for update and activate events.
** The method for determining the oval diameters for the roundrect is a little
** different than that recommended by Inside Mac. IM I-407 suggests that you
** use a hardcoded (16,16) for the diameters.  However, this only looks good
** for small roundrects.  For larger ones, the outline doesnÕt follow the inner
** roundrect because the CDEF for simple buttons doesnÕt use (16,16).  Instead,
** it uses half the height of the button as the diameter.  By using this
** formula, too, our outlines look better.
** WARNING: This will set the current port to the controlÕs window. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    OutlineControl(ControlHandle button)
    Rect        theRect;
    PenState    curPen;
    short       buttonOval;
    if (button) {
        theRect = (*button)->contrlRect;
        InsetRect(&theRect, kButtonFrameInset, kButtonFrameInset);
        buttonOval = (theRect.bottom - theRect.top) / 2 + 2;
        PenPat((*button)->contrlHilite == kCntlActivate ? &QD(black) : &QD(gray));
        PenSize(kButtonFrameSize, kButtonFrameSize);
        FrameRoundRect(&theRect, buttonOval, buttonOval);
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    OutlineDialogItem(DialogPtr dlgPtr, short item)
    short iKind;
    Handle iHandle;
    Rect iRect;
    GetDialogItem (dlgPtr, item, &iKind, &iHandle, &iRect);
    OutlineControl((ControlHandle) iHandle);
/* Given two rectangles, this function positions the second within the first
** one so that it maintains the spacing specified by the horzRatio and
** vertRatio parameters.  In other words, to center an inner rectangle
** hoizontally, but have its center be 1/3 from the top of the outer rectangle,
** call this function with horzRatio = FixRatio (1, 2), vertRatio =
** FixRatio(1, 3).  We use Fixed rather than floating point to avoid
** complications when mixing MC68881/non-MC68881 versions of Utilities. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    PositionRectInRect(Rect outerRect, Rect *innerRect, Fixed horzRatio, Fixed vertRatio)
    short       outerRectHeight;
    short       outerRectWidth;
    short       innerRectHeight;
    short       innerRectWidth;
    short       yLocation;
    short       xLocation;
    outerRectHeight = outerRect.bottom - outerRect.top;
    outerRectWidth = outerRect.right - outerRect.left;
    innerRectHeight = innerRect->bottom - innerRect->top;
    innerRectWidth = innerRect->right - innerRect->left;
        yLocation = Fix2Long(FixMul(Long2Fix(outerRectHeight - innerRectHeight), vertRatio))
            + outerRect.top;
        xLocation = Fix2Long(FixMul(Long2Fix(outerRectWidth - innerRectWidth), horzRatio))
            + outerRect.left;
    innerRect->top = yLocation;
    innerRect->left = xLocation;
    innerRect->bottom = yLocation + innerRectHeight;
    innerRect->right = xLocation + innerRectWidth;
/* Concatenate a Pascal string onto another. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    PStrConcat(Str255 targetStr, Str255 appendStr)
    long appendLen;
    /* Figure out number of bytes to copy, up to 255 */
    if ((StrLength (targetStr) + StrLength (appendStr)) > 255)
        appendLen = 255 - StrLength (targetStr);
        appendLen = StrLength (appendStr);
    if (appendLen > 0) {
        BlockMove (appendStr + 1, targetStr + StrLength (targetStr) + 1, appendLen);
        targetStr [0] += appendLen;
#pragma segment UtilInit
void    PullApplicationToFront(void)
#define kBroughtToFront 3
    EventRecord event;
    short       count;
    for (count = 1; count <= kBroughtToFront; count++)
        EventAvail(everyEvent, &event);
/* Given the button control handle, this will cause the button to look as if it
** has been clicked in.  This is nice to do for the user if they type return or
** enter to select the default item. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    SelectButton(ControlHandle button)
    unsigned long           finalTicks;
    HiliteControl(button, kSelect);
    Delay(kDelayTime, &finalTicks);
    HiliteControl(button, kDeselect);
/* Handy function for setting the value of a radio button.  Given a dialog
** pointer, and item number, and a state, this function will take care of the
** rest. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    SetCheckOrRadioButton(DialogPtr dlgPtr, short itemNo, short state)
    short   iKind;
    Handle  iHandle;
    Rect    iRect;
    GetDialogItem(dlgPtr, itemNo, &iKind, &iHandle, &iRect);
    SetControlValue((ControlHandle) iHandle, state);
/* This algorithm for staggering windows does quite a good job.  It also is
** quite gnarly.  Here's the deal:
** There are pre-designated positions that we will try when positioning a
** window.  These slots will be tried from the upper-left corner towards the
** lower-right corner.  If there are other windows in that slot, then we will
** consider that slot taken, and proceed to the next slot.  A slot is
** determined to be taken by checking a point with a slop area.  This slop
** area is diamond-shaped, not simply rectangular.  If there is no other
** visible window with an upper-left corner within the slopt diamond, then
** we are allowed to position our window there.
** The above rule holds true unless this forces the window to be partly
** off the screen.  If the window ends up partly off the screen, then we try
** a new diagonal just below the first diagonal we tried.  We keep trying
** lower and lower diagonals until we find a spot for the window, or the
** diagonal doesn't fit on the screen at all.  If the diagonal doesn't fit,
** then we try diagonals to the right of the first diagonal.  If even this
** doesn't work, then we give up and put the window in the original spot
** we tried. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
Rect    StaggerWindow(WindowPtr window, WindowPtr relatedWindow)
    WindowPtr   whichDevice, staggerFromWindow;
    Rect        deviceRect, oldWindowRect, newWindowRect, slot1;
    Rect        testRect, contentRect, staggerFromRect;
    Point       delta, absdelta;
    Boolean     contained, vertTry;
    short       diamondSize, diagNum, tryNum;
    if (!(whichDevice = relatedWindow)) whichDevice = window;
        /* If we have a window to stagger from, use the device for that window,
        ** else use the device for the window that is getting staggered. */
    deviceRect = GetWindowDeviceRectNMB(whichDevice);
        /* We now have the rect of the device we want to stagger within. */
    oldWindowRect = GetWindowStructureRect(window);
    newWindowRect.top    = deviceRect.top  + kStartPtV;
    newWindowRect.left   = deviceRect.left + kStartPtH;
    newWindowRect.bottom = newWindowRect.top  + oldWindowRect.bottom - oldWindowRect.top;
    newWindowRect.right  = newWindowRect.left + oldWindowRect.right  - oldWindowRect.left;
        /* We now have a new rect for the first window position slot. */
    slot1 = newWindowRect;
        /* We keep this slot in case we find no acceptable slots.  If we
        ** don't find an acceptable one, we will use this one anyway. */
    diamondSize = (kStaggerH < kStaggerV) ? kStaggerH : kStaggerV;
    for (diagNum = 0, vertTry = true;;) {
        for (tryNum = 0;; ++tryNum) {
            SectRect(&newWindowRect, &deviceRect, &testRect);
            if (!(contained = EqualRect(&newWindowRect, &testRect))) break;
                /* Break if the slot we are testing went off the device. */
            for (staggerFromWindow = FrontWindow();
                 staggerFromWindow =
            ) {
                if (!((WindowPeek)staggerFromWindow)->visible) continue;
                    /* This window is invisible.  Staggering from an invisible
                    ** window is going to confuse the user, so don't do it. */
                testRect = GetWindowDeviceRectNMB(staggerFromWindow);
                if (!EqualRect(&testRect, &deviceRect)) continue;
                    /* This window doesn't belong to the device we are trying to
                    ** stagger on, so skip it and go to the next window. */
                staggerFromRect = GetWindowStructureRect(staggerFromWindow);
                delta.v = staggerFromRect.top  - newWindowRect.top;
                delta.h = staggerFromRect.left - newWindowRect.left;
                if ((absdelta.v = delta.v) < 0) absdelta.v = -delta.v;
                if ((absdelta.h = delta.h) < 0) absdelta.h = -delta.h;
                if ((absdelta.h + absdelta.v) < diamondSize) {
                    if ((delta.h + delta.v) > 0)
                        OffsetRect(&newWindowRect, delta.h, delta.v);
                            /* If the window that took our slot is closer to
                            ** the lower-right corner than we are, then use
                            ** this window's location as the basis for the
                            ** slots from now on.  This will align new windows
                            ** with previous windows that are not gridded to
                            ** the default slot positions.  The check for > 0
                            ** is necessary to prevent bouncing between two
                            ** existing windows.  This check guarantees that
                            ** we are progressing with the evaluation. */
                        /* Break because this slot is already used. */  
            if (!staggerFromWindow) break;
                /* If the window pointer is NULL, then we tried all the windows
                ** and none of them occupied this slot.  This means that the
                ** slot is available for the new window. */
                OffsetRect(&newWindowRect, kStaggerH, kStaggerV);
                /* Since this slot was taken, try the next slot and go through
                ** the window list again. */
        if (contained) break;
        newWindowRect = slot1;
        if (!tryNum) {
            if (!vertTry) break;        /* Nothing works.  No spots at all. */
            vertTry = false;            /* Try across for the next pass. */
            diagNum = 0;
        if (vertTry) OffsetRect(&newWindowRect, 0, diagNum * kStaggerV);
        else         OffsetRect(&newWindowRect, diagNum * kStaggerH, 0);
    contentRect = GetWindowContentRect(window);
        /* Get where the window is now. */
    OffsetRect(&contentRect, newWindowRect.left - oldWindowRect.left,
                            newWindowRect.top  - oldWindowRect.top);
        /* Calculate the new content rect. */
    MoveWindow(window, contentRect.left, contentRect.top, false);
        /* Move the window to the new location. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    StandardAbout(short appNameStringID)
    StringHandle    apNameHndl;
    VersRecHndl     curVersion;
    Str255          apName;
    Str255          verNum = "\p????";
    Ptr             verNumLocation;
    OSErr           err;
    if (!gUtilitiesInited)              /* Make sure we were initialized */
    apNameHndl = (StringHandle)NULL;
    if (appNameStringID != kUseRealAppName) {
        if (appNameStringID != kUseCreatorString)
            apNameHndl = GetString(appNameStringID);
        if (!apNameHndl)
            apNameHndl = (StringHandle) GetAppResource(gSignature, 0, &err);
    if ((!apNameHndl) || (appNameStringID == kUseRealAppName))
        PStrCopy(apName, gAppName);
        PStrCopy(apName, *apNameHndl);
    curVersion = (VersRecHndl) GetAppResource('vers', 1, &err);
    if (curVersion) {
        verNumLocation = (Ptr) ((long)(*curVersion)->shortVersion
                        + (long)*(*curVersion)->shortVersion + 1);
        PStrCopy(verNum, verNumLocation);
    ParamText(apName, verNum, "\p", "\p");
    CenteredAlert(rStdAboutAlert, NULL);
#pragma segment UtilInit
void    StandardInitialization(short callsToMoreMasters)
    while (callsToMoreMasters--)
#pragma segment UtilInit
void    StandardMenuSetup(short MBARID, short AppleMenuID)
    Handle menuBar = GetNewMBar(MBARID);            /* read menus into menu bar */
    if (!menuBar) 
        DeathAlert(rUtilStrings, eNoMenuBar);
    SetMenuBar(menuBar);                            /* install menus */
    AppendResMenu(GetMenuHandle(AppleMenuID), 'DRVR');  /* add DA names to Apple menu */
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    ToggleCheck(DialogPtr dlgPtr, short chkItem)
    short iKind;
    Handle iHandle;
    Rect iRect;
    GetDialogItem (dlgPtr, chkItem, &iKind, &iHandle, &iRect);
    SetControlValue((ControlHandle) iHandle, !GetControlValue((ControlHandle)iHandle));
/* Check to see if a given trap is implemented.  This is only used by the
** Initialize function in this program, so we put it in the
** Initialize segment. */ 
#pragma segment UtilInit
Boolean TrapExists(short theTrap)
    TrapType    theTrapType;
    theTrapType = GetTrapType(theTrap);
    if ((theTrapType == ToolTrap) && ((theTrap &= 0x07FF) >= NumToolboxTraps()))
        theTrap = _Unimplemented;
    return (NGetTrapAddress(_Unimplemented, ToolTrap) != NGetTrapAddress(theTrap,
/* Zoom the window to the size appropriate for the device that contains the
** most of the window.  An additional feature is that you can state the
** maximum that a window should be zoomed, either horizontally or vertically.
** If you pass in a maximum of 0 for the zoom for either direction, then that
** direction will be zoomed to fit the device. */
#pragma segment UtilMain
void    ZoomToWindowDevice(WindowPtr window, short maxWidth, short maxHeight,
                           short zoomDir, Boolean front)
    GrafPtr     oldPort;
    Rect        contentRect, structureRect, deviceRect, newRect;
    short       width, height, dx, dy;
    EraseRect(&window->portRect);       /* Recommended for cosmetic reasons. */
    /* If there is the possibility of multiple gDevices, then we must check them to
    ** make sure we are zooming onto the right display device when zooming out. */
    if ((zoomDir == inZoomOut) && (gQDVersion > kQDOriginal)) {
        contentRect   = GetWindowContentRect(window);
        structureRect = GetWindowStructureRect(window);
        deviceRect    = GetWindowDeviceRectNMB(window);
        deviceRect.left   += (contentRect.left - structureRect.left + 2);
        deviceRect.top    += (contentRect.top - structureRect.top + 2);
        deviceRect.right  -= (structureRect.right - contentRect.right + 2);
        deviceRect.bottom -= (structureRect.bottom - contentRect.bottom + 2);
        newRect = deviceRect;
        if (maxWidth)
            if ((width = deviceRect.right - deviceRect.left) > maxWidth)
                newRect.right = (newRect.left = contentRect.left) + maxWidth;
        if (maxHeight)
            if ((height = deviceRect.bottom - deviceRect.top) > maxHeight)
                newRect.bottom = (newRect.top = contentRect.top) + maxHeight;
        if ((dx = deviceRect.left - newRect.left) < 0)
            if ((dx = deviceRect.right - newRect.right) > 0)
                dx = 0;
        if ((dy = deviceRect.top - newRect.top) < 0)
            if ((dy = deviceRect.bottom - newRect.bottom) > 0)
                dy = 0;
        OffsetRect(&newRect, dx, dy);
        (*(WStateDataHandle)(((WindowPeek)window)->dataHandle))->stdState = newRect;
            /* Set up the WStateData record for this window. */
    ZoomWindow(window, zoomDir, front);