
    File:       Utilities.h
    Contains:   Collection of Utilities for DTS Sample code
    Written by:     
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1988-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                8/18/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
#ifndef __UTILITIES__
#define __UTILITIES__
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#ifndef __QUICKDRAW__
#include <QuickDraw.h>
#ifndef __DIALOGS__
#include <Dialogs.h>
#ifndef __FILES__
#include <Files.h>
#ifndef __MEMORY__
#include <Memory.h>
#ifndef __OSUTILS__
#include <OSUtils.h>
#ifndef __WINDOWS__
#include <Windows.h>
#ifndef __GESTALT__
#include "Gestalt.h"
#ifndef __FOLDERS__
#include <Folders.h>
#include "UtilitiesCommon.h"
    Global constants
#define kOSEvent                app4Evt     /* event used by MultiFinder */
#define kSuspendResumeMessage   1           /* high byte of suspend/resume event message */
#define kResumeMask             1           /* bit of message field for resume vs. suspend */
#define kMouseMovedMessage      0xFA        /* high byte of mouse-moved event message */
#define kNoEvents               0           /* no events mask */
#define kDelayTime              8           /* For the delay time when flashing the
                                               menubar and highlighting a button.
                                               8/60ths of a second*/
#define kStartPtH               2           /* offset from the left of the screen */
#define kStartPtV               2           /* offset from the top of the screen */
#define kStaggerH               12          /* staggering amounts for new windows */
#define kStaggerV               16
#define chBackspace             '\b'        /* ASCII code for Backspace character */
#define chClear                 '\033'      /* ASCII code for Clear key (aka ESC) */
#define chDown                  '\037'      /* ASCII code for down arrow */
#define chEnd                   '\004'      /* ASCII code for the End key */
#define chEnter                 '\003'      /* ASCII code for Enter character */
#define chEscape                '\033'      /* ASCII code for Escape (aka Clear) key */
#define chFunction              '\020'      /* ASCII code for any function key */
#define chFwdDelete             '\177'      /* ASCII code for forward delete */
#define chHelp                  '\005'      /* ASCII code for Help key */
#define chHome                  '\001'      /* ASCII code for the Home key */
#define chLeft                  '\034'      /* ASCII code for left arrow */
#define chPageDown              '\f'        /* ASCII code for Page Down key */
#define chPageUp                '\013'      /* ASCII code for Page Up key */
#define chReturn                '\n'        /* ASCII code for Return character */
#define chRight                 '\035'      /* ASCII code for right arrow */
#define chSpace                 ' '         /* ASCII code for Space character */
#define chTab                   '\t'        /* ASCII code for Tab character */
#define chUp                    '\036'      /* ASCII code for up arrow */
enum { kQDOriginal = 0, kQD8Bit, kQD32Bit };    /* For use with gQDVersion */
typedef short *IntegerPtr, **IntegerHandle;
typedef long *LongintPtr, **LongintHandle;
typedef Boolean *BooleanPtr, **BooleanHandle;
typedef Rect **RectHandle;
struct  WindowTemplate  {                   /*template to a WIND resource*/
    Rect    boundsRect;
    short   procID;
    Boolean visible;
    Boolean filler1;
    Boolean goAwayFlag;
    Boolean filler2;
    long    refCon;
    Str255  title;
typedef struct  WindowTemplate  WindowTemplate;
typedef         WindowTemplate  *WindowTPtr, **WindowTHndl;
typedef Rect (*PositionWndProcPtr)(WindowPtr window, WindowPtr relatedWindow);
    Handy Macros/inlines
#ifdef false                                        /* The c++ stuff is turned OFF!!! */
inline long abs(val) 
{   return ((val < 0) ? (-val) : (val)); }          /* Absolute value */
inline void PStrCopy(dest, src)                     /* Pascal string copy */
{   BlockMove (src, dest, (*(char *)(src))+1); }
inline Point* TopLeft(Rect& r)                      /* provide access to rect.topLeft  */
{   return (Point*)(&r.top); }
inline Point* BotRight(Rect& r)                     /* provide access to rect.botRight  */
{   return (Point*)(&r.bottom); }
inline void SETPT(Point *pt,short h,short v)
{   (*pt).h = h; (*pt).v = v); }
inline void SETRECT(Rect *r,short left,short top,short right,short bottom)
{   SETPT(TopLeft(*r), left, top); SETPT(BotRight(*r), right, bottom); }
 *  Useful functions for testing gestalt attribute responses
 *  BTstBool returns a true boolean value (0 or 1), but is slower than:
 *  BTstQ which simply returns a non-zero value if the bit is set which
 *  means the result could get lost if assigned to a short, for example.
 *  arg is any integer value, bitnbr is the number of the bit to be tested.
 *  bitnbr = 0 is the least significant bit.
inline short BTstBool(arg, bitnbr)  
{   return ((arg >> bitnbr) & 1); }
inline long BTstQ(arg, bitnbr)
{   return (arg & (1 << bitnbr)); }
#ifndef THINK_C
#define QD(whatever) (qd.##whatever)
#define QD(whatever) (whatever)
/* define our own abs() so we don't need StdLib */
#define abs(val) (((val) < 0) ? (-(val)) : (val))
/* Pascal string copy */
#define PStrCopy(dest, src) (BlockMove (src, dest, (*(char *)(src))+1))
#define TopLeft(r)      (* (Point *) &(r).top)
#define BotRight(r)     (* (Point *) &(r).bottom)
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b) )
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b) )
#define SETPT(pt, x, y) (*(pt)).h = (x); (*(pt)).v = (y)
#define SETRECT(r, left, top, right, bottom)    \
                        SETPT(&TopLeft(*(r)), (left), (top)); \
                        SETPT(&BotRight(*(r)), (right), (bottom))
 *  Useful macros for testing gestalt attribute responses
 *  BTstBool returns a true boolean value (0 or 1), but is slower than:
 *  BTstQ which simply returns a non-zero value if the bit is set which
 *  means the result could get lost if assigned to a short, for example.
 *  arg is any integer value, bitnbr is the number of the bit to be tested.
 *  bitnbr = 0 is the least significant bit.
#define BTstBool(arg, bitnbr)   ((arg >> bitnbr) & 1)
#define BTstQ(arg, bitnbr)      (arg & (1 << bitnbr))
    Global variables
/*  The following global variables are initialized by StardardInitialization to
 *  define the environnment.  This used to be a single SysEnvRec, but now,
 *  all those variables defined in a SysEnvRec can be returned by Gestalt
 *  (except sysVRefNum; see FindSysFolder).  Note that all the variables
 *  below will be correctly initialized whether Gestalt is available or not;
 *  the Gestalt glue handles this.
extern short            gMachineType;           /* which machine this is */
extern short            gSystemVersion;         /* System version number */
extern short            gProcessorType;         /* which CPU this is */
extern Boolean          gHasFPU;                /* true if machine has an FPU */
extern short            gQDVersion;             /* major QD version #; 0 for original, 
                                                    1 for color QD, 2 for 32-bit QD */
extern short            gKeyboardType;          /* which type of keyboard is present */
extern short            gAppleTalkVersion;      /* AppleTalk version number */
/*  These are also handled by Gestalt. gHasPMMU has no corresponding SysEnvRec
 *  field, but it is handled by the glue, so we include it here for completeness.
 *  gAUXVersion will be initialized with Gestalt if present, but correctly
 *  set even if Gestalt is not available
extern Boolean          gHasPMMU;               /* true if machine has a PMMU or equivalent */
extern short            gAUXVersion;            /* major A/UX version number (0 if not present) */
 *  gHasWaitNextEvent is set to TRUE if the Macintosh we are running on has
 *  WaitNextEvent implemented. We can use this in our main event loop to
 *  determine whether to call WaitNextEvent or GetNextEvent.
extern Boolean          gHasWaitNextEvent;
 *  gAppResRef is the applicationÕs resource file reference. I need to save
 *  this since I can open other resource files. The current resource file is
 *  always gAppResRef unless I momentarily set it to another file to read its
 *  resources, and then immediately restore it back.
extern short            gAppResRef;
 *  gInBackground is maintained by our osEvent handling routines. Any part of
 *  the program can check it to find out if it is currently in the background.
extern Boolean          gInBackground;          /* maintained by StandardInitialization
                                                      and DoEvent */
 *  gAppName holds the name of the application that's running. You can use if
 *  for any purpose you'd like. It is also used by StandardAbout if it can't
 *  find a string to use for the application name in a resource, so make sure
 *  you call InitForStandardAbout if you are going to call StandardAbout. If you
 *  call StandardInitialization, this is done for you.
extern Str255           gAppName;
 *  gSignature holds the creator signature for the running application. It follows the
 *  same rules as those for gAppName.
extern OSType           gSignature;
 *  Initial values of these global variables are set to zero or FALSE by MPW's 
 *  runtime initialization routines.  If the Utilities initialization routines
 *  have been properly called, then gUtilitiesInited will be true.  If it is
 *  not true, then the values of the above global variables are invalid.
extern Boolean          gUtilitiesInited;
    Interface to routines
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
short       CenteredAlert(short alertID, WindowPtr relWindow);
            /* Given an Alert ID and a related window pointer, this routine will center
               the alert on the same device as the related window.  If the related
               window pointer is NULL, then the alert will be centered on the device
               that the alert would normally be placed if Alert was called directly. */
void        CenterRectInRect(Rect outerRect, Rect *innerRect);
            /* Given two rectangles, this routine centers the second one within the first. */
Rect        CenterWindow(WindowPtr window, WindowPtr relatedWindow);
            /* Given a window pointer and a related window pointer, this routine will
               center the window on the same device as the related window.  If the
               related window pointer is NULL, then the window will be centered on the
               device that the window already is.
               WARNING: This routine may move or purge memory. */
void        CloseAnyWindow(WindowPtr window);
            /* Closes the indicated window.  Does the right thing, taking into account
               that the window may belong to a DA.
               WARNING: An application window is closed via a CloseWindow call.  Use
                        this call when you want to keep the storage for the window
                        record.  (Compare against DisposeAnyWindow.) */
void        DisposeAnyWindow(WindowPtr window);
            /* Disposes of the indicated window.  Does the right thing, taking into account
               that the window may belong to a DA.
               WARNING: An application window is closed via a DisposeWindow call.  Use
                        this call when you want to free up the storage for the window
                        record.  (Compare against CloseAnyWindow.) */
void        DeathAlert(short errResID, short errStringIndex);
            /* Display an alert that tells the user an error occurred, then exit the
               program. This routine is used as an ultimate bail-out for serious errors
               that prohibit the continuation of the application. */ 
void        DeathAlertMessage(short errResID, short errStringIndex, short message);
void        ErrorAlert(short errResID, short errStringIndex);
void        ErrorAlertMessage(short errResID, short errStringIndex, short message);
OSErr       FindSysFolder(short *foundVRefNum, long *foundDirID);
            /* FindSysFolder returns the (real) vRefNum, and the DirID of the current
               system folder.  It uses the Folder Manager if present, otherwise
               it falls back to SysEnvirons.  It returns zero on success, otherwise
               a standard system error. */
Handle      GetAppIndResource(ResType theType, short index, OSErr *err);
            /* GetAppIndResource gets a resource from the application's res file by index */
Handle      GetAppNamedResource(ResType theType, Str255 name, OSErr *err);
            /* GetAppNamedResource gets a resource from the application's res file by name */
Handle      GetAppResource(ResType theType, short theID, OSErr *err);
            /* GetAppResource gets a resource from the application's res file by resource ID */
short       GetAUXVersion( void);
            /* getAUXVersion -- Checks for the presence of A/UX by whatever means is
               appropriate.  Returns the major version number of A/UX (i.e. 0 if A/UX 
               is not present, 1 for any 1.x.x version 2 for any 2.x version, etc.
               This code should work for all past, present and future A/UX systems. */
DialogPtr   GetCenteredDialog(short id, DialogPtr storage, WindowPtr relatedWindow, WindowPtr behind);
            /* Given a dialog ID and a related window pointer, this routine will center
               the dialog on the same device as the related window.  If the related
               window pointer is NULL, then the dialog will be centered on the device
               that the dialog would normally be placed if GetNewDialog was called. */
WindowPtr   GetCenteredWindow(short id, Ptr storage, WindowPtr relWindow, WindowPtr behind, Boolean inColor);
            /* Given a window ID and a related window pointer, this routine will center
               the window on the same device as the related window.  If the related
               window pointer is NULL, then the window will be centered on the device
               that the window would normally be placed if GetNewWindow was called. */
Boolean     GetCheckOrRadio(DialogPtr dlgPtr, short itemNo);
long        GetGestaltResult(OSType gestaltSelector);
            /* GetGestaltResult returns the result value from Gestalt for the specified
               selector.  If Gestalt returned an error GetGestaltResult returns zero.  Use 
               of this function is only cool if we don't care whether Gestalt returned an 
               error.  In many casesyou may need to know the exact Gestalt error code so 
               then this routine would be inappropriate. */
Point       GetGlobalMouse(void);
            /* Returns the location of the mouse in local coordinates. It does this by
               calling OSEventAvail(). */ 
Point       GetGlobalTopLeft(WindowPtr window);
            /*  Given a window, this will return the top left point of the windowÕs port in
                global coordinates. Something this doesnÕt include, is the windowÕs drag
                region (or title bar). This returns the top left point of the windowÕs
                content area only. */
long        GetKFreeSpace(short vRefNum);
Rect        GetMainScreenRect(void);
GDHandle    GetRectDevice(Rect globalRect);
            /* Find the greatest overlap device for the given global rectangle. */
Rect        GetRectDeviceRect(Rect globalRect);
            /* Find the rect of the greatest overlap device for the given global rect. */
WindowPtr   GetSomeKindOfWindow(PositionWndProcPtr whatKind, short windID, Ptr storage, WindowPtr relWindow, WindowPtr behind, Boolean inColor);
            /* Given a window positioning procedure pointer, a window ID and a window
               pointer the window relates to, this function open a new window by either
               a NewCWindow or a NewWindow call, depending on the value of inColor.  The
               window will be opened invisible, independent of what the resource says.
               Once the window is opened successfully, the positioning procedure is
               called.  The positioning procedure is passed a pointer to the just-opened
               invisible window and a pointer to the related window.  It is up to the
               positioning procedure to move the invisible window to the correct location
               on the correct device.  Once the positioning procedure returns, the window
               will be made visible if so indicated by the resource. */
WindowPtr   GetStaggeredWindow(short id, Ptr storage, WindowPtr relWindow, WindowPtr behind, Boolean inColor);
            /* Given a window ID and a window pointer the window relates to, this function
               will stagger the windowÕs rectangle before showing it on the proper screen.
               This follows the Apple Human Interface Guidelines for where to place a
               staggered window on the screen.  If the window is not closely associated
               with another window, pass a NULL for the window pointer of the related
               window.  If you pass a NULL, the window is simply displayed where the
               resource would indicate. */
TrapType    GetTrapType(short theTrap);
            /* Returns the type (OSType or ToolType) of the trap. It does this by checking
               the bits of the trap word. */ 
Rect        GetWindowContentRect(WindowPtr window);
            /* Given a window pointer, return the global rectangle that encloses the
               content area of the window. */
short       GetWindowCount(Boolean includeDAs, Boolean includeInvisibles);
            /* This procedure counts the number of windows in the application plane.  You have the
               choices of also including DAs and invisible windows in this count. */
GDHandle    GetWindowDevice(WindowPtr window);
            /* Find the greatest overlap device for the given window. */
Rect        GetWindowDeviceRect(WindowPtr window);
            /* Given a window pointer, find the device that contains most of the window
               and return the device's bounding rectangle. */
Rect        GetWindowDeviceRectNMB(WindowPtr window);
            /* Given a window pointer, find the device that contains most of the window
               and return the device's bounding rectangle.  If this device is the main
               device, then remove the menubar area from the rectangle. */
Rect        GetWindowStructureRect(WindowPtr window);
            /* This procedure is used to get the rectangle that surrounds the entire
               structure of a window.  This is true whether or not the window is visible.
               If the window is visible, then it is a simple matter of using the bounding
               rectangle of the structure region.  If the window is invisible, then the
               strucRgn is not correct.  To make it correct, then window has to be moved
               way off the screen and then made visible.  This generates a valid strucRgn,
               although it is valid for the position that is way off the screen.  It still
               needs to be offset back into the original position.  Once the bounding
               rectangle for the strucRgn is obtained, the window can then be hidden again
               and moved back to its correct location.  Note that ShowHide is used,
               instead of ShowWindow and HideWindow.  HideWindow can change the plane of
               the window.  Also, ShowHide does not affect the hiliting of windows. */
void        GlobalToLocalRect(Rect *aRect);
void        InitToolBox(void);
void        InitUtilities(void);
            /* This sets up some global variables for use by the utilities package.  If you call
               StandardInitialization, you don't need to call this, as it will do it for you. */ 
Boolean     IsAppWindow(WindowPtr window);
            /* Returns TRUE if the windowKind of the window is greater than or equal to
               userKind. If it is less, or the window is NIL, then return FALSE. */ 
Boolean     IsDAWindow(WindowPtr window);
            /* Returns TRUE if the windowKind of the window is less than zero. If not, or
               the window is NIL, then return FALSE. */ 
void        LocalToGlobalRect(Rect *aRect);
char        LockHandleHigh(Handle theHandle);
            /* Does a MoveHHi on the handle and then locks it.  Also, the original state
               of the handle is returned, so you can keep it and set the handle back to it's
               original state with a HSetState call. */
short       NumToolboxTraps(void);
            /* Determines the size of the Tool trap table. It does this by sampling a
               couple of trap locations and seeing which, if any are Unimplemented. */ 
void        OutlineControl(ControlHandle button);
void        OutlineDialogItem(DialogPtr dlgPtr, short item);
void        PositionRectInRect(Rect outerRect, Rect *innerRect, Fixed horzRatio, Fixed vertRatio);
            /* Given two rectangles, this routine positions the second within the first one
               so that the it maintains the spacing specified the the horzRatio and vertRatio
               parameters. In other words, to center an inner rectangle hoizontally, but
               have its center be 1/3 from the top of the outer rectangle, call this
               routine with horzRatio = FixRatio(1, 2), vertRatio = FixRatio(1, 3). */
void        PullApplicationToFront(void);
void        PStrConcat(Str255 targetStr, Str255 appendStr);
            /* Concatenate a Pascal string onto another. */
void        SelectButton(ControlHandle button);
            /* Given the button control handle, this will cause the button to look as if it
               has been clicked in. This is nice to do for the user if they type return or
               enter to select the default item. */
void        SetCheckOrRadioButton(DialogPtr dlgPtr, short itemNo, short state);
Rect        StaggerWindow(WindowPtr window, WindowPtr relatedWindow);
            /* This algorithm for staggering windows does quite a good job.  It also is
               quite gnarly.  Here's the deal:
               There are pre-designated positions that we will try when positioning a
               window.  These slots will be tried from the upper-left corner towards the
               lower-right corner.  If there are other windows in that slot, then we will
               consider that slot taken, and proceed to the next slot.  A slot is
               determined to be taken by checking a point with a slop area.  This slop
               area is diamond-shaped, not simply rectangular.  If there is no other
               visible window with an upper-left corner within the slopt diamond, then
               we are allowed to position our window there.
               The above rule holds true unless this forces the window to be partly
               off the screen.  If the window ends up partly off the screen, then we give
               up and just put it in the first slot. */
void        StandardAbout(short appNameStringID);
            /* Shows a standard about box with the name of the application, its version
               number, a copyright notice, and DTS credits. Most of this information is
               taking from a standard DITL and the applicationÕs 'vers' resource. The name
               of the application is taken either from the 'STR ' resource passed in to
               this routine, or from GetAppParms() if that resource doesnÕt exist, or you
               pass in -1. */ 
void        StandardInitialization(short callsToMoreMasters);
            /* Initializes ÒgInBackGroundÓ to FALSE. Makes the following InitXXX calls:
               InitGraf(), InitFonts(), InitWindows(), InitMenus(), TEInit(),
               InitDialogs(), InitCursor(). Brings application to front with 3 EventAvail
               calls. Calls SysEnvirons to initialize ÒgMacÓ. Calls TrapExists() to
               initialize ÒgHasWaitNextEventÓ. */ 
void        StandardMenuSetup(short MBARID, short AppleMenuID);
            /* Installs and draws the menus indicated by 'MBAR'(MBARID). Adds DAÕs to the
               menu indicated by AppleMenuID by calling AddResMenu. If the menuBar cannot
               be created, the alert specified by rDeathAlert is displayed. */   
void        ToggleCheck(DialogPtr dlgPtr, short cChkItem);
Boolean     TrapExists(short theTrap);
            /* Returns TRUE if the trap exists (i.e., itÕs callable without getting DS
               error 12) */ 
void        ZoomToWindowDevice(WindowPtr window, short maxWidth, short maxHeight,
                               short zoomDir, Boolean front);
#ifdef __cplusplus