/* |
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
A state that `GroundBot`s enter prior to rotate toward the `PlayerBot` or another `TaskBot` prior to attack. |
*/ |
import SpriteKit |
import GameplayKit |
class GroundBotRotateToAttackState: GKState { |
// MARK: Properties |
unowned var entity: GroundBot |
/// The `AnimationComponent` associated with the `entity`. |
var animationComponent: AnimationComponent { |
guard let animationComponent = entity.component(ofType: AnimationComponent.self) else { fatalError("A GroundBotRotateToAttackState's entity must have an AnimationComponent.") } |
return animationComponent |
} |
/// The `OrientationComponent` associated with the `entity`. |
var orientationComponent: OrientationComponent { |
guard let orientationComponent = entity.component(ofType: OrientationComponent.self) else { fatalError("A GroundBotRotateToAttackState's entity must have an OrientationComponent.") } |
return orientationComponent |
} |
/// The `targetPosition` from the `entity`. |
var targetPosition: float2 { |
guard let targetPosition = entity.targetPosition else { fatalError("A GroundBotRotateToAttackState's entity must have a targetLocation set.") } |
return targetPosition |
} |
// MARK: Initializers |
required init(entity: GroundBot) { |
self.entity = entity |
} |
// MARK: GPState Life Cycle |
override func didEnter(from previousState: GKState?) { |
super.didEnter(from: previousState) |
// Request the "walk forward" animation for this `GroundBot`. |
animationComponent.requestedAnimationState = .walkForward |
} |
override func update(deltaTime seconds: TimeInterval) { |
super.update(deltaTime: seconds) |
// `orientationComponent` is a computed property. Declare a local version so we don't compute it multiple times. |
let orientationComponent = self.orientationComponent |
// Calculate the angle the `GroundBot` needs to turn to face the `targetPosition`. |
let angleDeltaToTarget = shortestAngleDeltaToTargetFromRotation(entityRotation: Float(orientationComponent.zRotation)) |
// Calculate the amount of rotation that should be applied during this update. |
var delta = CGFloat(seconds * GameplayConfiguration.GroundBot.preAttackRotationSpeed) |
if angleDeltaToTarget < 0 { |
delta *= -1 |
} |
// Check if the `GroundBot` would reach the angle required to face the target during this update. |
if abs(delta) >= abs(angleDeltaToTarget) { |
// Finish the rotation and enter `GroundBotPreAttackState`. |
orientationComponent.zRotation += angleDeltaToTarget |
stateMachine?.enter(GroundBotPreAttackState.self) |
return |
} |
// Apply the delta to the `GroundBot`'s rotation. |
orientationComponent.zRotation += delta |
// The `GroundBot` may have rotated into a new `FacingDirection`, so re-request the "walk forward" animation. |
animationComponent.requestedAnimationState = .walkForward |
} |
override func isValidNextState(_ stateClass: AnyClass) -> Bool { |
switch stateClass { |
case is TaskBotAgentControlledState.Type, is GroundBotPreAttackState.Type, is TaskBotZappedState.Type: |
return true |
default: |
return false |
} |
} |
// MARK: Convenience |
func shortestAngleDeltaToTargetFromRotation(entityRotation: Float) -> CGFloat { |
// Determine the start and end points and the angle the `GroundBot` is facing. |
let groundBotPosition = entity.agent.position |
let targetPosition = self.targetPosition |
// Create a vector that represents the translation from the `GroundBot` to the target position. |
let translationVector = float2(x: targetPosition.x - groundBotPosition.x, y: targetPosition.y - groundBotPosition.y) |
// Create a unit vector that represents the angle the `GroundBot` is facing. |
let angleVector = float2(x: cos(entityRotation), y: sin(entityRotation)) |
// Calculate dot and cross products. |
let dotProduct = dot(translationVector, angleVector) |
let crossProduct = cross(translationVector, angleVector) |
// Use the dot product and magnitude of the translation vector to determine the shortest angle to face the target. |
let translationVectorMagnitude = hypot(translationVector.x, translationVector.y) |
let angle = acos(dotProduct / translationVectorMagnitude) |
// Use the cross product to determine the direction of travel to face the target. |
if crossProduct.z < 0 { |
return CGFloat(angle) |
} |
else { |
return CGFloat(-angle) |
} |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2016-09-13