
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    A `GKComponent` that supplies and manages the `PlayerBot`'s beam. The beam is used to convert "bad" `TaskBot`s into "good" `TaskBot`s.
import SpriteKit
import GameplayKit
class BeamComponent: GKComponent {
    // MARK: Types
    struct AntennaInfo {
        /// The position of the antenna.
        let position: CGPoint
        /// The direction the antenna is facing.
        let rotation: Float
        init(entity: GKEntity, antennaOffset: CGPoint) {
            guard let renderComponent = entity.component(ofType: RenderComponent.self) else { fatalError("An AntennaInfo must be created with an entity that has a RenderComponent") }
            guard let orientationComponent = entity.component(ofType: OrientationComponent.self) else { fatalError("An AntennaInfo must be created with an entity that has an OrientationComponent") }
            position = CGPoint(x: renderComponent.node.position.x + antennaOffset.x, y: renderComponent.node.position.y + antennaOffset.y)
            rotation = Float(orientationComponent.zRotation)
        func angleTo(target: AntennaInfo) -> Float {
            // Create a vector that represents the translation to the target position.
            let translationVector = float2(x: Float(target.position.x - position.x), y: Float(target.position.y - position.y))
            // Create a unit vector that represents the rotation.
            let angleVector = float2(x: cos(rotation), y: sin(rotation))
            // Calculate the dot product.
            let dotProduct = dot(translationVector, angleVector)
            // Use the dot product and magnitude of the translation vector to determine the angle to the target.
            let translationVectorMagnitude = hypot(translationVector.x, translationVector.y)
            let angle = acos(dotProduct / translationVectorMagnitude)
            return angle
    // MARK: Properties
    /// Set to `true` whenever the player is holding down the attack button.
    var isTriggered = false
    let beamNode = BeamNode()
    var playerBotAntenna: AntennaInfo {
        return AntennaInfo(entity: playerBot, antennaOffset: playerBot.antennaOffset)
        The state machine for this `BeamComponent`. Defined as an implicitly
        unwrapped optional property, because it is created during initialization,
        but cannot be created until after we have called super.init().
    var stateMachine: GKStateMachine!
    /// The 'PlayerBot' this component is associated with.
    var playerBot: PlayerBot {
        guard let playerBot = entity as? PlayerBot else { fatalError("BeamComponents must be associated with a PlayerBot") }
        return playerBot
    /// The `RenderComponent' for this component's 'entity'.
    var renderComponent: RenderComponent {
        guard let renderComponent = entity?.component(ofType: RenderComponent.self) else { fatalError("A BeamComponent's entity must have a RenderComponent") }
        return renderComponent
    // MARK: Initializers
    override init() {
        stateMachine = GKStateMachine(states: [
            BeamIdleState(beamComponent: self),
            BeamFiringState(beamComponent: self),
            BeamCoolingState(beamComponent: self)
    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
    deinit {
        // Remove the beam node from the scene.
    // MARK: GKComponent Life Cycle
    override func update(deltaTime seconds: TimeInterval) {
        stateMachine.update(deltaTime: seconds)
    // MARK: Convenience
        Finds the nearest "bad" `TaskBot` that lies within the beam's arc.
        Returns `nil` if no `TaskBot`s are within targeting range.
    func findTargetInBeamArc(withCurrentTarget currentTarget: TaskBot?) -> TaskBot? {
        let playerBotNode = renderComponent.node
        // Use the player's `EntitySnapshot` to build an array of targetable `TaskBot`s who's antennas are within the beam's arc.
        guard let level = playerBotNode.scene as? LevelScene else { return nil }
        guard let snapshot = level.entitySnapshotForEntity(entity: playerBot) else { return nil }
        let botsInArc = snapshot.entityDistances.filter { entityDistance in
            guard let taskBot = as? TaskBot else { return false }
            // Filter out entities that aren't "bad" `TaskBot`s with a `RenderComponent`.
            guard let taskBotNode = taskBot.component(ofType: RenderComponent.self)?.node else { return false }
            if taskBot.isGood {
                return false
            // Filter out `TaskBot`s that are too far away.
            if entityDistance.distance > Float(GameplayConfiguration.Beam.arcLength) {
                return false
            // Filter out any `TaskBot` who's antenna is not within the beam's arc.
            let taskBotAntenna = AntennaInfo(entity: taskBot, antennaOffset: taskBot.beamTargetOffset)
            let targetDistanceRatio = entityDistance.distance / Float(GameplayConfiguration.Beam.arcLength)
                Determine the angle between the `playerBotAntenna` and the `taskBotAntenna`
                adjusting for the distance between the two entities. 
                This adjustment allows for easier aiming as the `PlayerBot` and `TaskBot`
                get closer together.
            let arcAngle = playerBotAntenna.angleTo(target: taskBotAntenna) * targetDistanceRatio
            if arcAngle > Float(GameplayConfiguration.Beam.maxArcAngle) {
                return false
            // Filter out `TaskBot`s where there is scenery between their antenna and the `PlayerBot`'s antenna.
            var hasLineOfSite = true
            level.physicsWorld.enumerateBodies(alongRayStart: playerBotAntenna.position, end: taskBotAntenna.position) { obstacleBody, _, _, stop in
                // Ignore nodes that have an entity as they are not scenery.
                if obstacleBody.node?.entity != nil {
                // Calculate the lowest y-position for the obstacle's node.
                guard let obstacleNode = obstacleBody.node else { return }
                let obstacleLowestY = obstacleNode.calculateAccumulatedFrame().origin.y
                    If the obstacle's lowest y-position is less than the `TaskBot`'s y-position or
                    the 'PlayerBot'`s y-position, then it blocks the line of sight.
                if obstacleLowestY < taskBotNode.position.y || obstacleLowestY < playerBotNode.position.y {
                    hasLineOfSite = false
                    stop.pointee = true
            return hasLineOfSite
        }.map {
            return $ as! TaskBot
        let target: TaskBot?
        // If the current target is still targetable, continue to target it.
        if let currentTarget = currentTarget, botsInArc.contains(currentTarget) {
            target = currentTarget
        else {
            // Else, return the closest target in the beam's arc.
            target = botsInArc.first
        return target