/* |
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
A `GKComponent` that enables an entity to move appropriately for the input directing it. Used by a `PlayerBot` to move around a level in response to input from its `InputComponent`, and used by a `GroundBot` to perform its charging-forward attack. |
*/ |
import SpriteKit |
import GameplayKit |
/** |
In DemoBots you have the ability to request two different kinds of movement. |
- `isRelativeToOrientation = true`: moves the node based on the node's existing rotation |
and is thus "relative" to the node's orientation. |
- `isRelativeToOrientation = false`: moves the node in exactly the manner specified |
by the vector and is not adjusted for the node's orientation. |
For example: |
If the node is facing to the right of the level, supplying `isRelativeToOrientation = true` |
and `float2(x: 1, y: 0)` will move the node forward - towards the right of the screen. |
Passing the same vector but `isRelativeToOrientation = false` will move the node to the top |
of the screen regardless of the node's orientation. |
*/ |
struct MovementKind { |
// MARK: Properties |
/** |
Relative movement accounts for the current orientation of the entity when |
calculating displacement. |
*/ |
let isRelativeToOrientation: Bool |
/// The movement to execute. |
let displacement: float2 |
// MARK: Initializers |
init(displacement: float2, relativeToOrientation: Bool = false) { |
isRelativeToOrientation = relativeToOrientation |
self.displacement = displacement |
} |
} |
class MovementComponent: GKComponent { |
// MARK: Properties |
/// Value used to calculate the translational movement of the entity. |
var nextTranslation: MovementKind? |
/// Value used to calculate the rotational movement of the entity. |
var nextRotation: MovementKind? |
var allowsStrafing = false |
/// The `RenderComponent` for this component's entity. |
var renderComponent: RenderComponent { |
guard let renderComponent = entity?.component(ofType: RenderComponent.self) else { fatalError("A MovementComponent's entity must have a RenderComponent") } |
return renderComponent |
} |
/// The `AnimationComponent` for this component's entity. |
var animationComponent: AnimationComponent { |
guard let animationComponent = entity?.component(ofType: AnimationComponent.self) else { fatalError("A MovementComponent's entity must have an AnimationComponent") } |
return animationComponent |
} |
/// The `OrientationComponent` for this component's entity. |
var orientationComponent: OrientationComponent { |
guard let orientationComponent = entity?.component(ofType: OrientationComponent.self) else { fatalError("A MovementComponent's entity must have an OrientationComponent") } |
return orientationComponent |
} |
/// Determines how quickly the entity is moved in points per second. |
var movementSpeed: CGFloat |
/// Determines how quickly the entity rotates about its z-axis in radians per second. |
var angularSpeed: CGFloat |
// MARK: Initializers |
override init() { |
movementSpeed = GameplayConfiguration.PlayerBot.movementSpeed |
angularSpeed = GameplayConfiguration.PlayerBot.angularSpeed |
super.init() |
} |
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { |
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") |
} |
// MARK: GKComponent Life Cycle |
override func update(deltaTime: TimeInterval) { |
super.update(deltaTime: deltaTime) |
// Declare local versions of computed properties so we don't compute them multiple times. |
let node = renderComponent.node |
let orientationComponent = self.orientationComponent |
var animationState: AnimationState? |
/* |
Check if strafing behavior is enabled. Strafing allows the entity to remain |
fixed in the direction of the target while the beam is locked. |
*/ |
if allowsStrafing, let targetVector = vectorForBeamTowardsCurrentTarget() { |
// Overwrite the `nextRotation` to face the target. |
nextRotation = MovementKind(displacement: targetVector) |
} |
if let movement = nextRotation, let newRotation = angleForRotatingNode(node: node, withRotationalMovement: movement, duration: deltaTime) { |
// Update the node's `zRotation` with new rotation information. |
orientationComponent.zRotation = newRotation |
animationState = .idle |
} |
else { |
// Clear the rotation if a valid angle could not be created. |
nextRotation = nil |
} |
// Update the node's `position` with new displacement information. |
if let movement = nextTranslation, let newPosition = pointForTranslatingNode(node: node, withTranslationalMovement: movement, duration: deltaTime) { |
node.position = newPosition |
// If no explicit rotation is being provided, orient in the direction of movement. |
if nextRotation == nil { |
orientationComponent.zRotation = CGFloat(atan2(movement.displacement.y, movement.displacement.x)) |
} |
/* |
Always request a walking animation, but distinguish between walking |
forward and backwards based on node's `zRotation`. |
*/ |
animationState = animationStateForDestination(node: node, destination: newPosition) |
} |
else { |
// Clear the translation if a valid point could not be created. |
nextTranslation = nil |
} |
/* |
If an animation is required, and the `AnimationComponent` is running, |
and the requested animation can be overwritten, update the `AnimationComponent`'s |
requested animation state. |
*/ |
if let animationState = animationState { |
// `animationComponent` is a computed property. Declare a local version so we don't compute it multiple times. |
let animationComponent = self.animationComponent |
if animationStateCanBeOverwritten(animationState: animationComponent.currentAnimation?.animationState) && animationStateCanBeOverwritten(animationState: animationComponent.requestedAnimationState) { |
animationComponent.requestedAnimationState = animationState |
} |
} |
} |
// MARK: Convenience Methods |
/// Creates a vector towards the current target of a `BeamComponent` attack (if one exists). |
func vectorForBeamTowardsCurrentTarget() -> float2? { |
guard let beamComponent = entity?.component(ofType: BeamComponent.self) else { return nil } |
let target = (beamComponent.stateMachine.currentState as? BeamFiringState)?.target |
guard let taskBotPosition = target?.component(ofType: RenderComponent.self)?.node.position else { return nil } |
let playerBotPosition = beamComponent.playerBotAntenna.position |
// Return a vector translating from the `taskBotPosition` to the `playerBotPosition`. |
return float2(x: Float(taskBotPosition.x - playerBotPosition.x), y: Float(taskBotPosition.y - playerBotPosition.y)) |
} |
/// Produces the destination point for the node, based on the provided translation. |
func pointForTranslatingNode(node: SKNode, withTranslationalMovement translation: MovementKind, duration: TimeInterval) -> CGPoint? { |
// No translation if the vector is a zeroVector. |
guard translation.displacement != float2() else { return nil } |
var displacement = translation.displacement |
/* |
If the translation is relative, the displacement vector needs to be |
rotated to account for the node's current orientation. |
*/ |
if translation.isRelativeToOrientation { |
// Ensure the relative displacement component is non-zero. |
guard displacement.x != 0 else { return nil } |
displacement = calculateAbsoluteDisplacementFromRelativeDisplacement(relativeDisplacement: displacement) |
} |
let angle = CGFloat(atan2(displacement.y, displacement.x)) |
// Calculate the furthest distance between two points the entity could travel. |
let maxPossibleDistanceToMove = movementSpeed * CGFloat(duration) |
/* |
Make sure that the total possible distance that can be travelled by |
the node is scaled by the the displacement's magnitude. For example, |
if a user is interacting with a `GameControlInputSource` that is using |
a thumb-stick to move the player, the actual displacement value would be |
between 0.0 and 1.0. In that case, we want to move the corresponding |
node relative to that amount of input. |
*/ |
let normalizedDisplacement: float2 |
if length(displacement) > 1.0 { |
normalizedDisplacement = normalize(displacement) |
} |
else { |
normalizedDisplacement = displacement |
} |
let actualDistanceToMove = CGFloat(length(normalizedDisplacement)) * maxPossibleDistanceToMove |
// Find the x and y components of the distance based on the angle. |
let dx = actualDistanceToMove * cos(angle) |
let dy = actualDistanceToMove * sin(angle) |
// Return the final point the entity should move to. |
return CGPoint(x: node.position.x + dx, y: node.position.y + dy) |
} |
func angleForRotatingNode(node: SKNode, withRotationalMovement rotation: MovementKind, duration: TimeInterval) -> CGFloat? { |
// No rotation if the vector is a zeroVector. |
guard rotation.displacement != float2() else { return nil } |
let angle: CGFloat |
if rotation.isRelativeToOrientation { |
// Clockwise: (dx: 0.0, dy: -1.0), CounterClockwise: (dx: 0.0, dy: 1.0) |
let rotationComponent = rotation.displacement.y |
guard rotationComponent != 0 else { return nil } |
/* |
Add a fixed amount to the node's existing `zRotation` based |
on the direction of the relative angle. |
*/ |
let rotationDirection = CGFloat(rotationComponent > 0 ? 1 : -1) |
// Calculate the maximum rotation an entity could travel given the duration. |
let maxPossibleRotation = angularSpeed * CGFloat(duration) |
/* |
Determine the rotational displacement. |
In an application with full 2π rotation, the magnitude of the `angularDisplacement` |
could be used to determine the rate of rotation. Here we are just concerned with the angle. |
*/ |
let dz = rotationDirection * maxPossibleRotation |
// Add to the node's existing rotation. |
angle = orientationComponent.zRotation + dz |
} |
else { |
// Determine the angle of the rotational displacement. |
angle = CGFloat(atan2(rotation.displacement.y, rotation.displacement.x)) |
} |
return angle |
} |
/// Provides the appropriate animation depending on how the node is moving in reference to its `zRotation`. |
private func animationStateForDestination(node: SKNode, destination: CGPoint) -> AnimationState { |
// Ensures nodes rotation is the same direction as the destination point. |
let isMovingWithOrientation = (orientationComponent.zRotation * atan2(destination.y, destination.x)) > 0 |
return isMovingWithOrientation ? .walkForward : .walkBackward |
} |
/** |
Calculates a new vector by taking a relative displacement and adjusting |
the angle to match the initial orientation and requested displacement. |
*/ |
private func calculateAbsoluteDisplacementFromRelativeDisplacement(relativeDisplacement: float2) -> float2 { |
// If available use the `nextRotation` for the most recent request, otherwise use current `zRotation`. |
var angleRelativeToOrientation = Float(orientationComponent.zRotation) |
// Forward: (dx: 1.0, dy: 0.0), Backward: (dx: -1.0, dy: 0.0) |
if relativeDisplacement.x < 0 { |
// The entity is moving backwards, add 180 degrees to the angle |
angleRelativeToOrientation += Float(M_PI) |
} |
// Calculate the components of a new vector with direction based off the `angleRelativeToOrientation`. |
let dx = length(relativeDisplacement) * cos(angleRelativeToOrientation) |
let dy = length(relativeDisplacement) * sin(angleRelativeToOrientation) |
// Make rotation correspond with relative movement, so that entities can walk and face the same direction. |
if nextRotation == nil { |
let directionFactor = Float(relativeDisplacement.x) |
nextRotation = MovementKind(displacement: float2(x: directionFactor * dx, y: directionFactor * dy)) |
} |
return float2(x: dx, y: dy) |
} |
/** |
Determine if the `animationState` can be overwritten. For example, if |
an `.Attack` animation is being run, we do not want to replace this |
with any sort of movement animation. |
*/ |
private func animationStateCanBeOverwritten(animationState: AnimationState?) -> Bool { |
switch animationState { |
case .idle?, .walkForward?, .walkBackward?: |
return true |
default: |
return false |
} |
} |
} |
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