
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    A `GKComponent` that enables an entity to move appropriately for the input directing it. Used by a `PlayerBot` to move around a level in response to input from its `InputComponent`, and used by a `GroundBot` to perform its charging-forward attack.
import SpriteKit
import GameplayKit
    In DemoBots you have the ability to request two different kinds of movement.
        - `isRelativeToOrientation = true`: moves the node based on the node's existing rotation
            and is thus "relative" to the node's orientation. 
        - `isRelativeToOrientation = false`: moves the node in exactly the manner specified
            by the vector and is not adjusted for the node's orientation.
        For example:
            If the node is facing to the right of the level, supplying `isRelativeToOrientation = true`
            and `float2(x: 1, y: 0)` will move the node forward - towards the right of the screen.
            Passing the same vector but `isRelativeToOrientation = false` will move the node to the top
            of the screen regardless of the node's orientation.
struct MovementKind {
    // MARK: Properties
        Relative movement accounts for the current orientation of the entity when
        calculating displacement.
    let isRelativeToOrientation: Bool
    /// The movement to execute.
    let displacement: float2
    // MARK: Initializers
    init(displacement: float2, relativeToOrientation: Bool = false) {
        isRelativeToOrientation = relativeToOrientation
        self.displacement = displacement
class MovementComponent: GKComponent {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// Value used to calculate the translational movement of the entity.
    var nextTranslation: MovementKind?
    /// Value used to calculate the rotational movement of the entity.
    var nextRotation: MovementKind?
    var allowsStrafing = false
    /// The `RenderComponent` for this component's entity.
    var renderComponent: RenderComponent {
        guard let renderComponent = entity?.component(ofType: RenderComponent.self) else { fatalError("A MovementComponent's entity must have a RenderComponent") }
        return renderComponent
    /// The `AnimationComponent` for this component's entity.
    var animationComponent: AnimationComponent {
        guard let animationComponent = entity?.component(ofType: AnimationComponent.self) else { fatalError("A MovementComponent's entity must have an AnimationComponent") }
        return animationComponent
    /// The `OrientationComponent` for this component's entity.
    var orientationComponent: OrientationComponent {
        guard let orientationComponent = entity?.component(ofType: OrientationComponent.self) else { fatalError("A MovementComponent's entity must have an OrientationComponent") }
        return orientationComponent
    /// Determines how quickly the entity is moved in points per second.
    var movementSpeed: CGFloat
    /// Determines how quickly the entity rotates about its z-axis in radians per second.
    var angularSpeed: CGFloat
    // MARK: Initializers
    override init() {
        movementSpeed = GameplayConfiguration.PlayerBot.movementSpeed
        angularSpeed = GameplayConfiguration.PlayerBot.angularSpeed
    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
    // MARK: GKComponent Life Cycle
    override func update(deltaTime: TimeInterval) {
        super.update(deltaTime: deltaTime)
        // Declare local versions of computed properties so we don't compute them multiple times.
        let node = renderComponent.node
        let orientationComponent = self.orientationComponent
        var animationState: AnimationState?
            Check if strafing behavior is enabled. Strafing allows the entity to remain
            fixed in the direction of the target while the beam is locked.
        if allowsStrafing, let targetVector = vectorForBeamTowardsCurrentTarget() {
            // Overwrite the `nextRotation` to face the target.
            nextRotation = MovementKind(displacement: targetVector)
        if let movement = nextRotation, let newRotation = angleForRotatingNode(node: node, withRotationalMovement: movement, duration: deltaTime)  {
            // Update the node's `zRotation` with new rotation information.
            orientationComponent.zRotation = newRotation
            animationState = .idle
        else {
            // Clear the rotation if a valid angle could not be created.
            nextRotation = nil
        // Update the node's `position` with new displacement information.
        if let movement = nextTranslation, let newPosition = pointForTranslatingNode(node: node, withTranslationalMovement: movement, duration: deltaTime) {
            node.position = newPosition
            // If no explicit rotation is being provided, orient in the direction of movement.
            if nextRotation == nil {
                orientationComponent.zRotation = CGFloat(atan2(movement.displacement.y, movement.displacement.x))
                Always request a walking animation, but distinguish between walking
                forward and backwards based on node's `zRotation`.
            animationState = animationStateForDestination(node: node, destination: newPosition)
        else {
            // Clear the translation if a valid point could not be created.
            nextTranslation = nil
            If an animation is required, and the `AnimationComponent` is running,
            and the requested animation can be overwritten, update the `AnimationComponent`'s
            requested animation state.
        if let animationState = animationState {
            // `animationComponent` is a computed property. Declare a local version so we don't compute it multiple times.
            let animationComponent = self.animationComponent
            if animationStateCanBeOverwritten(animationState: animationComponent.currentAnimation?.animationState) && animationStateCanBeOverwritten(animationState: animationComponent.requestedAnimationState) {
                animationComponent.requestedAnimationState = animationState
    // MARK: Convenience Methods
    /// Creates a vector towards the current target of a `BeamComponent` attack (if one exists).
    func vectorForBeamTowardsCurrentTarget() -> float2? {
        guard let beamComponent = entity?.component(ofType: BeamComponent.self) else { return nil }
        let target = (beamComponent.stateMachine.currentState as? BeamFiringState)?.target
        guard let taskBotPosition = target?.component(ofType: RenderComponent.self)?.node.position else { return nil }
        let playerBotPosition = beamComponent.playerBotAntenna.position
        // Return a vector translating from the `taskBotPosition` to the `playerBotPosition`.
        return float2(x: Float(taskBotPosition.x - playerBotPosition.x), y: Float(taskBotPosition.y - playerBotPosition.y))
    /// Produces the destination point for the node, based on the provided translation.
    func pointForTranslatingNode(node: SKNode, withTranslationalMovement translation: MovementKind, duration: TimeInterval) -> CGPoint? {
        // No translation if the vector is a zeroVector.
        guard translation.displacement != float2() else { return nil }
        var displacement = translation.displacement
            If the translation is relative, the displacement vector needs to be
            rotated to account for the node's current orientation.
        if translation.isRelativeToOrientation {
            // Ensure the relative displacement component is non-zero.
            guard displacement.x != 0 else { return nil }
            displacement = calculateAbsoluteDisplacementFromRelativeDisplacement(relativeDisplacement: displacement)
        let angle = CGFloat(atan2(displacement.y, displacement.x))
        // Calculate the furthest distance between two points the entity could travel.
        let maxPossibleDistanceToMove = movementSpeed * CGFloat(duration)
            Make sure that the total possible distance that can be travelled by
            the node is scaled by the the displacement's magnitude. For example,
            if a user is interacting with a `GameControlInputSource` that is using
            a thumb-stick to move the player, the actual displacement value would be
            between 0.0 and 1.0. In that case, we want to move the corresponding
            node relative to that amount of input.
        let normalizedDisplacement: float2
        if length(displacement) > 1.0 {
            normalizedDisplacement = normalize(displacement)
        else {
            normalizedDisplacement = displacement
        let actualDistanceToMove = CGFloat(length(normalizedDisplacement)) * maxPossibleDistanceToMove
        // Find the x and y components of the distance based on the angle.
        let dx = actualDistanceToMove * cos(angle)
        let dy = actualDistanceToMove * sin(angle)
        // Return the final point the entity should move to.
        return CGPoint(x: node.position.x + dx, y: node.position.y + dy)
    func angleForRotatingNode(node: SKNode, withRotationalMovement rotation: MovementKind, duration: TimeInterval) -> CGFloat? {
        // No rotation if the vector is a zeroVector.
        guard rotation.displacement != float2() else { return nil }
        let angle: CGFloat
        if rotation.isRelativeToOrientation {
            // Clockwise: (dx: 0.0, dy: -1.0), CounterClockwise: (dx: 0.0, dy: 1.0)
            let rotationComponent = rotation.displacement.y
            guard rotationComponent != 0 else { return nil }
                Add a fixed amount to the node's existing `zRotation` based
                on the direction of the relative angle.
            let rotationDirection = CGFloat(rotationComponent > 0 ? 1 : -1)
            // Calculate the maximum rotation an entity could travel given the duration.
            let maxPossibleRotation = angularSpeed * CGFloat(duration)
                Determine the rotational displacement.
                In an application with full 2π rotation, the magnitude of the `angularDisplacement`
                could be used to determine the rate of rotation. Here we are just concerned with the angle.
            let dz = rotationDirection * maxPossibleRotation
            // Add to the node's existing rotation.
            angle = orientationComponent.zRotation + dz
        else {
            // Determine the angle of the rotational displacement.
            angle = CGFloat(atan2(rotation.displacement.y, rotation.displacement.x))
        return angle
    /// Provides the appropriate animation depending on how the node is moving in reference to its `zRotation`.
    private func animationStateForDestination(node: SKNode, destination: CGPoint) -> AnimationState {
        // Ensures nodes rotation is the same direction as the destination point.
        let isMovingWithOrientation = (orientationComponent.zRotation * atan2(destination.y, destination.x)) > 0
        return isMovingWithOrientation ? .walkForward : .walkBackward
        Calculates a new vector by taking a relative displacement and adjusting 
        the angle to match the initial orientation and requested displacement.
    private func calculateAbsoluteDisplacementFromRelativeDisplacement(relativeDisplacement: float2) -> float2 {
        // If available use the `nextRotation` for the most recent request, otherwise use current `zRotation`.
        var angleRelativeToOrientation = Float(orientationComponent.zRotation)
        // Forward: (dx: 1.0, dy: 0.0), Backward: (dx: -1.0, dy: 0.0)
        if relativeDisplacement.x < 0 {
            // The entity is moving backwards, add 180 degrees to the angle
            angleRelativeToOrientation += Float(M_PI)
        // Calculate the components of a new vector with direction based off the `angleRelativeToOrientation`.
        let dx = length(relativeDisplacement) * cos(angleRelativeToOrientation)
        let dy = length(relativeDisplacement) * sin(angleRelativeToOrientation)
        // Make rotation correspond with relative movement, so that entities can walk and face the same direction.
        if nextRotation == nil {
            let directionFactor = Float(relativeDisplacement.x)
            nextRotation = MovementKind(displacement: float2(x: directionFactor * dx, y: directionFactor * dy))
        return float2(x: dx, y: dy)
        Determine if the `animationState` can be overwritten. For example, if
        an `.Attack` animation is being run, we do not want to replace this 
        with any sort of movement animation.
    private func animationStateCanBeOverwritten(animationState: AnimationState?) -> Bool {
        switch animationState {
            case .idle?, .walkForward?, .walkBackward?:
                return true
                return false