
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Configuration information and parameters for the game's gameplay. Adjust these numbers to modify how the game behaves.
import Foundation
import CoreGraphics
struct GameplayConfiguration {
    struct Beam {
        /// The distance (in points) over which the beam can be fired.
        static let arcLength: CGFloat = 300.0
        /// The arc angle (in radians) within which the beam is effective.
        static let arcAngle = CGFloat(45.0 * (M_PI / 180.0))
        /// The maximum arc angle (in radians) after being adjusted for distance from target.
        static let maxArcAngle = CGFloat(0.35)
        /// The maximum number of seconds for which the beam can be fired before recharging.
        static let maximumFireDuration: TimeInterval = 2.0
        /// The amount of charge points the beam drains from `TaskBot`s per second.
        static let chargeLossPerSecond = 90.0
        /// The length of time that the beam takes to recharge when it is fully depleted.
        static let coolDownDuration: TimeInterval = 1.0
    struct PlayerBot {
        /// The movement speed (in points per second) for the `PlayerBot`.
        static let movementSpeed: CGFloat = 210.0
        /// The angular rotation speed (in radians per second) for the `PlayerBot`.
        static let angularSpeed = CGFloat(M_PI) * 1.4
        /// The radius of the `PlayerBot`'s physics body.
        static var physicsBodyRadius: CGFloat = 30.0
        /// The offset of the `PlayerBot`'s physics body's center from the `PlayerBot`'s center.
        static let physicsBodyOffset = CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: -25.0)
        /// The radius of the agent associated with this `PlayerBot` for pathfinding.
        static let agentRadius = Float(physicsBodyRadius)
        /// The offset of the agent's center from the `PlayerBot`'s center.
        static let agentOffset = physicsBodyOffset
        /// The offset of the `PlayerBot`'s antenna
        static let antennaOffset = CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 50.0)
        /// The offset of the `PlayerBot`'s charge bar from its position.
        static let chargeBarOffset = CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 65.0)
        /// The initial charge value for the `PlayerBot`'s health bar.
        static let initialCharge = 100.0
        /// The maximum charge value for the `PlayerBot`'s health bar.
        static let maximumCharge = 100.0
        /// The length of time for which the `PlayerBot` remains in its "hit" state.
        static let hitStateDuration: TimeInterval = 0.75
        /// The length of time that it takes the `PlayerBot` to recharge when deactivated.
        static let rechargeDelayWhenInactive: TimeInterval = 2.0
        /// The amount of charge that the `PlayerBot` gains per second when recharging.
        static let rechargeAmountPerSecond = 10.0
        /// The amount of time it takes the `PlayerBot` to appear in a level before becoming controllable by the player.
        static let appearDuration: TimeInterval = 0.50
    struct TaskBot {
        /// The length of time a `TaskBot` waits before re-evaluating its rules.
        static let rulesUpdateWaitDuration: TimeInterval = 1.0
        /// The length of time a `TaskBot` waits before re-checking for an appropriate behavior.
        static let behaviorUpdateWaitDuration: TimeInterval = 0.25
        /// How close a `TaskBot` has to be to a patrol path start point in order to start patrolling.
        static let thresholdProximityToPatrolPathStartPoint: Float = 50.0
        /// The maximum speed (in points per second) for the `TaskBot` when in its "good" state.
        static let maximumSpeedWhenGood: Float = 250.0
        /// The maximum speed (in points per second) for the `TaskBot` when in its "bad" state.
        static let maximumSpeedWhenBad: Float = 120.0
        /// A convenience function to return the max speed for a state.
        static func maximumSpeedForIsGood(isGood: Bool) -> Float {
            return isGood ? maximumSpeedWhenGood : maximumSpeedWhenBad
            `maximumAcceleration` is set to a high number to enable the TaskBot to turn very quickly.
            This ensures that the `TaskBot` can follow its patrol path more effectively.
        /// The maximum acceleration (in points per second per second) for the `TaskBot`.
        static let maximumAcceleration: Float = 300.0
        /// The agent's mass.
        static let agentMass: Float = 0.25
        /// The radius of the `TaskBot`'s physics body.
        static var physicsBodyRadius: CGFloat = 35.0
        /// The offset of the `TaskBot` physics body's center from the `TaskBot`'s center.
        static let physicsBodyOffset = CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: -25.0)
        /// The radius (in points) of the agent associated with this `TaskBot` for steering.
        static let agentRadius = Float(physicsBodyRadius)
        /// The offset of the agent's center from the `TaskBot`'s center.
        static let agentOffset = physicsBodyOffset
        /// The maximum time to look ahead when following a path.
        static let maxPredictionTimeWhenFollowingPath: TimeInterval = 1.0
        /// The maximum time to look ahead for obstacles to be avoided.
        static let maxPredictionTimeForObstacleAvoidance: TimeInterval = 1.0
        /// The radius of the path along which an agent patrols.
        static let patrolPathRadius: Float = 10.0
        /// The radius of the path along which an agent travels when hunting.
        static let huntPathRadius: Float = 20.0
        /// The radius of the path along which an agent travels when returning to its patrol path.
        static let returnToPatrolPathRadius: Float = 20.0
        /// The buffer radius (in points) to add to polygon obstacles when calculating agent pathfinding.
        static let pathfindingGraphBufferRadius: Float = 30.0
        /// The duration of a `TaskBot`'s pre-attack state.
        static let preAttackStateDuration: TimeInterval = 0.8
        /// The duration of a `TaskBot`'s zapped state.
        static let zappedStateDuration: TimeInterval = 0.75
    struct FlyingBot {
        /// The maximum amount of charge a `FlyingBot` stores.
        static let maximumCharge = 100.0
        /// The radius of a `FlyingBot` blast.
        static let blastRadius: Float = 100.0
        /// The amount of charge a `FlyingBot` blast drains from `PlayerBot`s per second.
        static let blastChargeLossPerSecond = 25.0
        /// The duration of a `FlyingBot` blast.
        static let blastDuration: TimeInterval = 1.25
        /// The duration over which a `FlyingBot` blast affects entities in its blast radius.
        static let blastEffectDuration: TimeInterval = 0.75
        /// The offset from the `FlyingBot`'s position for the blast particle emitter node.
        static let blastEmitterOffset = CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 20.0)
        /// The offset from the `FlyingBot`'s position that should be used for beam targeting.
        static let beamTargetOffset = CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 65.0)
    struct GroundBot {
        /// The maximum amount of charge a `GroundBot` stores.
        static let maximumCharge = 100.0
        /// The amount of charge a `PlayerBot` loses by a single `GroundBot` attack.
        static let chargeLossPerContact = 25.0
        /// The maximum distance a `GroundBot` can be from a target before it attacks.
        static let maximumAttackDistance: Float = 300.0
        /// Proximity to the target after which the `GroundBot` attack should end.
        static let attackEndProximity: Float = 7.0
        /// How fast the `GroundBot` rotates to face its target in radians per second.
        static let preAttackRotationSpeed = M_PI_4
        /// How much faster the `GroundBot` can move when attacking.
        static let movementSpeedMultiplierWhenAttacking: CGFloat = 2.5
        /// How much faster the `GroundBot` can rotate when attacking.
        static let angularSpeedMultiplierWhenAttacking: CGFloat = 2.5
        /// The amount of time to wait between `GroundBot` attacks.
        static let delayBetweenAttacks: TimeInterval = 2.0
        /// The offset from the `GroundBot`'s position that should be used for beam targeting.
        static let beamTargetOffset = CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 40.0)
    struct Flocking {
        /// Separation, alignment, and cohesion parameters for multiple `TaskBot`s.
        static let separationRadius: Float = 25.3
        static let separationAngle = Float (3 * M_PI_4)
        static let separationWeight: Float = 2.0
        static let alignmentRadius: Float = 43.333
        static let alignmentAngle = Float(M_PI_4)
        static let alignmentWeight: Float = 1.667
        static let cohesionRadius: Float = 50.0
        static let cohesionAngle = Float(M_PI_2)
        static let cohesionWeight: Float = 1.667
        static let agentSearchDistanceForFlocking: Float = 50.0
    struct TouchControl {
        /// The minimum distance a virtual thumbstick must move before it is considered to have been moved.
        static let minimumRequiredThumbstickDisplacement: Float = 0.35
        /// The minimum size for an on-screen control.
        static let minimumControlSize: CGFloat = 140
        /// The ideal size for an on-screen control as a ratio of the scene's width.
        static let idealRelativeControlSize: CGFloat = 0.15
    struct SceneManager {
        /// The duration of a transition between loaded scenes.
        static let transitionDuration: TimeInterval = 2.0
        /// The duration of a transition from the progress scene to its loaded scene.
        static let progressSceneTransitionDuration: TimeInterval = 0.5
    struct Timer {
        /// The name of the font to use for the timer.
        static let fontName = "DINCondensed-Bold"
        /// The size of the timer node font as a proportion of the level scene's height.
        static let fontSize: CGFloat = 0.05
        #if os(tvOS)
        /// The size of padding between the top of the scene and the timer node.
        static let paddingSize: CGFloat = 60.0
        /// The size of padding between the top of the scene and the timer node as a proportion of the timer node's font size.
        static let paddingSize: CGFloat = 0.2