
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    A state used by `SceneLoader` to indicate that resources for the scene are being loaded into memory.
import GameplayKit
class SceneLoaderPreparingResourcesState: GKState {
    // MARK: Properties
    unowned let sceneLoader: SceneLoader
    /// An internal operation queue for loading scene resources in the background.
    let operationQueue = OperationQueue()
        An NSProgress object that can be used to query and monitor progress of 
        the resources being loaded. Also supports cancellation.
    var progress: Progress? {
        didSet {
            guard let progress = progress else { return }
                Setup the progress object's cancellation handler to cancel any pending operations and update
                the state machine to the appropriate state.
            progress.cancellationHandler = { [unowned self] in
    // MARK: Initialization
    init(sceneLoader: SceneLoader) {
        self.sceneLoader = sceneLoader
        // Set the name of the operation queue to identify the queue at run time. = ""
            The preparing resources state is often initiated automatically by the `LevelScene`
            state machine. Setting the `qualityOfService` as `.Utility` reflects the
            fact that this is an important task, but is not blocking the user.
        operationQueue.qualityOfService = .utility
    // MARK: GKState Life Cycle
    override func didEnter(from previousState: GKState?) {
        super.didEnter(from: previousState)
        // Begin loading the scene and associated resources in the background.
    override func isValidNextState(_ stateClass: AnyClass) -> Bool {
        switch stateClass {
            // Only valid if the `sceneLoader`'s scene has been loaded.
            case is SceneLoaderResourcesReadyState.Type where sceneLoader.scene != nil:
                return true
            case is SceneLoaderResourcesAvailableState.Type:
                return true
                return false
    // MARK: Load Resources
        Loads all resources specific to the requested scene with a series of
        Note: You must ensure the resources have been downloaded before calling 
        this method. Attempting to load the scene without the necessary 
        resources in local storage will result in a crash.
    private func loadResourcesAsynchronously() {
        let sceneMetadata = sceneLoader.sceneMetadata
            Create an `NSProgress` object with the total unit count equal to the number of entities that
            need to be loaded plus a unit for loading the scene itself.
        let loadingProgress = Progress(totalUnitCount: sceneMetadata.loadableTypes.count + 1)
        // Add the `SceneLoaderPreparingResourcesState`'s progress to the overall `sceneLoader`'s progress.
        sceneLoader.progress?.addChild(loadingProgress, withPendingUnitCount: 1)
        progress = loadingProgress
            Create an operation to load the scene. Dependencies will be added to this operation so that
            it does not begin to execute until all the necessary resources have been loaded.
        let loadSceneOperation = LoadSceneOperation(sceneMetadata: sceneMetadata)
        loadingProgress.addChild(loadSceneOperation.progress, withPendingUnitCount: 1)
        loadSceneOperation.completionBlock = { [unowned self] in
            // Enter the next state on the main queue.
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                self.sceneLoader.scene = loadSceneOperation.scene
                let didEnterReadyState = self.stateMachine!.enter(SceneLoaderResourcesReadyState.self)
                assert(didEnterReadyState, "Failed to transition to `ReadyState` after resources were prepared.")
            Create an operation for each resource that needs to be loaded. Make `loadSceneOperation`
            dependent on each new operation.
        for loaderType in sceneMetadata.loadableTypes {
            let loadResourcesOperation = LoadResourcesOperation(loadableType: loaderType)
            // Update the progress object's completed unit count when the operation has completed.
            loadingProgress.addChild(loadResourcesOperation.progress, withPendingUnitCount: 1)
            // Make `loadSceneOperation` dependent on the completion of the new operation.
            // Add `loadResourcesOperation` to be managed by the operation queue.
        // Add `loadSceneOperation` to the operation queue now it has all its dependancies setup.
    /// Cancels all pending operations and sets an appropriate error.
    func cancel() {
        // Ensure all operations are cancelled.
        sceneLoader.scene = nil
        sceneLoader.error = NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: NSUserCancelledError, userInfo: nil)
        // Enter the next state on the main queue.
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            // Notify that loading was not completed.
   NSNotification.Name.SceneLoaderDidFailNotification, object: self.sceneLoader)