
;           EGRET Manager Equates
;   File:       EgretWakeUp.a
;   Contains:   Some Equate definitions used by EgretMgr.a 
;   11/02/93 DTS
    IF &TYPE('__Includingegretequ__') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN
__Includingegretequ__   SET 1
;                           Egret parameter block
EgretPB     RECORD      0,increment
pbCmdType       ds.b    1               ; command type
pbCmd           ds.b    1               ; Egret command
pbParam         ds.b    4               ; Generic parameter (Addr, Time, etc), if needed for this command
pbByteCnt       ds.w    1               ; # bytes of send/rcv data, if needed for this command
pbBufPtr        ds.l    1               ; ptr to send/receive data, if any
pbFlags         ds.b    1               ; Egrets flags (from response packet)
pbSpareFlags    ds.b    1               ; 
pbResult        ds.w    1               ; result code (if any)
pbCompletion    ds.l    1               ; ptr to completion routine
EgretPBSize     EQU     *
;                       Packet types
pseudoPkt       EQU     $0001           ; pseudo commands packet type
;                       Pseudo commands
WrPwrupTime     equ     $0B             ; Set powerup time
    ENDIF   ; ...already included