
;  File:  EgretWakeUp.a
;  11/02/93 DTS
            BLANKS      ON
            STRING      ASIS
            PRINT       OFF
            MACHINE     MC68020
            INCLUDE     'EgretWakeUpEqu.a'
            INCLUDE     'Traps.a'
            PRINT       ON
;  PROCEDURE SetEgretWakeUpTime(WakeUpWhen: LONGINT);
;   This external Pascal procedure calls the egret trap set a wake up time for the IIsi.
;   Input arguments:    (on stack) Wake up time in seconds
;   Returns:            nothing
;   Destroys:           a1
SetEgretWakeUpTime  PROC    EXPORT                          ;it's a procedure, make it visible to outside
BuildPB     move.l  a0, -(sp)                               ;save a0
            sub.l   #EgretPB.EgretPBSize,sp                 ;make a param block on stack
            move.l  sp, a0                                  ;point a0 to pb
;fill in the parameter block
            move.b  #pseudoPkt,     EgretPB.pbCmdType(a0)
            move.b  #WrPwrupTime,   EgretPB.pbCmd(a0)
            move.l  4(a7),          EgretPB.pbParam(a0)     ;copy wake up time to pb.
            clr.w                   EgretPB.pbByteCnt(a0)   ;Power Up CDEV does this (instead of 
                                                            ;move.w #4, EgretPB.pbByteCnt(a0)
            clr.l                   EgretPB.pbBufPtr(a0)
            clr.b                   EgretPB.pbFlags(a0)
            clr.b                   EgretPB.pbSpareFlags(a0)
            clr.w                   EgretPB.pbResult(a0)
            clr.l                   EgretPB.pbCompletion(a0)
            add.l   #EgretPB.EgretPBSize,sp                 ;strip pb off stack
            move.l  (sp)+,a0                                ;Restore a0
            move.l  (sp)+,a1                                ;pop return address
            add.l   #4,sp                                   ;kill input argument (wake up time)
            jmp     (a1)                                    ;return