
 Copyright (C) 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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 Functions for performing vector math.
#ifndef __VECTOR_UTIL_H__
#define __VECTOR_UTIL_H__
// A Vector is floating point array with either 3 or 4 components
// functions with the vec4 prefix require 4 elements in the array
// functions with vec3 prefix require only 3 elements in the array
// Subtracts one 4D vector to another
void vec4Add(float* vec, const float* lhs, const float* rhs);
// Subtracts one 4D vector from another
void vec4Subtract(float* vec, const float* lhs, const float* rhs);
// Multiplys one 4D vector by another
void vec4Multiply(float* vec, const float* lhs, const float* rhs);
// Divides one 4D vector by another
void vec4Divide(float* vec, const float* lhs, const float* rhs);
// Subtracts one 4D vector to another
void vec3Add(float* vec, const float* lhs, const float* rhs);
// Subtracts one 4D vector from another
void vec3Subtract(float* vec, const float* lhs, const float* rhs);
// Multiplys one 4D vector by another
void vec3Multiply(float* vec, const float* lhs, const float* rhs);
// Divides one 4D vector by another
void vec3Divide(float* vec, const float* lhs, const float* rhs);
// Calculates the Cross Product of a 3D vector
void vec3CrossProduct(float* vec, const float* lhs, const float* rhs);
// Normalizes a 3D vector
void vec3Normalize(float* vec, const float* src);
// Returns the Dot Product of 2 3D vectors
float vec3DotProduct(const float* lhs, const float* rhs);
// Returns the Dot Product of 2 4D vectors
float vec4DotProduct(const float* lhs, const float* rhs);
// Returns the length of a 3D vector 
// (i.e the distance of a point from the origin)
float vec3Length(const float* vec);
// Returns the distance between two 3D points
float vec3Distance(const float* pointA, const float* pointB);
#endif //__VECTOR_UTIL_H__