HTMLSample Pages/docs/drawing.html

   <TITLE>HTMLRenderingLib - Drawing Routines</TITLE>
<H3>HTMLRenderingLib - Routines for drawing and affecting HTML
display characteristics.</H3>
<H4><A NAME=HRSetGrafPtr></A></H4>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRSetGrafPtr</FONT></H4>
        <A HREF="types.html#HRReference">HRReference</A> hrRef,
        GrafPtr grafPtr);</PRE>
   <P><B>hrRef</B> - a reference to a HTML rendering object
   previously obtained by calling <A HREF="generalroutines.html#HRNewReference">HRNewReference</A>.</P>
   <P><B>grafPtr</B> - a pointer to a quickdraw grafport where the
   HTML should be drawn.</P>
   <P>function result - an error code or noErr if successful.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>HRSetGrafPtr can be used to set the grafport an HTML rendering
object uses for drawing.</P>
<P><A HREF="index.html">return to index</A></P>
<H4><A NAME=HRActivate></A></H4>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRActivate</FONT></H4>
        <A HREF="types.html#HRReference">HRReference</A> hrRef);</PRE>
   <P><B>hrRef</B> - a reference to a HTML rendering object
   previously obtained by calling <A HREF="generalroutines.html#HRNewReference">HRNewReference</A>.</P>
   <P>function result - an error code or noErr if successful.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>Call HRActivate when one of a window containing an HTML rendering
object receives an activate event.</P>
<P><A HREF="index.html">return to index</A></P>
<P><A NAME=HRDeactivate></A></P>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRDeactivate</FONT></H4>
<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>OSStatus HRDeactivate(
        <A HREF="types.html#HRReference">HRReference</A> hrRef);</PRE>
   <P><B>hrRef</B> - a reference to a HTML rendering object
   previously obtained by calling <A HREF="generalroutines.html#HRNewReference">HRNewReference</A>.</P>
   <P>function result - an error code or noErr if successful.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>Call HRDeactivate when one of a window containing an HTML
rendering object receives an deactivate event.</P>
<P><A HREF="index.html">return to index</A></P>
<P><A NAME=HRDraw></A></P>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRDraw</FONT></H4>
        <A HREF="types.html#HRReference">HRReference</A> hrRef,
        RgnHandle updateRgnH);</PRE>
   <P><B>hrRef</B> - a reference to a HTML rendering object
   previously obtained by calling <A HREF="generalroutines.html#HRNewReference">HRNewReference</A>.</P>
   <P><B>updateRgnH</B> - if not NULL, updateRgnH contains a region
   handle representing the area of the screen that should be redrawn.
   Normally, for update events, you will provide the window's visRgn
   in this parameter.</P>
   <P>function result - an error code or noErr if successful.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>Call HRDraw when one of a window containing an HTML rendering
object receives an update event, or when you would like to redraw the
HTML being displayed by an HTML rendering object.</P>
<P><A HREF="index.html">return to index</A></P>
<P><A NAME=HRSetRenderingRect></A></P>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRSetRenderingRect</FONT></H4>
<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>OSStatus HRSetRenderingRect(
        <A HREF="types.html#HRReference">HRReference</A> hrRef,
        const Rect *renderingRect);</PRE>
   <P><B>hrRef</B> - a reference to a HTML rendering object
   previously obtained by calling <A HREF="generalroutines.html#HRNewReference">HRNewReference</A>.</P>
   <P><B>renderingRect</B> - a pointer to a QuickDraw Rect structure
   defining the rectangle where the HTML should be drawn. This
   rectangle will include the HTML and the scroll bars when they are
   <P>function result - an error code or noErr if successful.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>Call HRSetRenderingRect to set the rectangle where the HTML
rendering object should draw.</P>
<P><A HREF="index.html">return to index</A></P>
<P><A NAME=HRGetRenderedImageSize></A></P>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRGetRenderedImageSize</FONT></H4>
<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>OSStatus HRGetRenderedImageSize(
        <A HREF="types.html#HRReference">HRReference</A> hrRef,
        Point *renderingSize);</PRE>
   <P><B>hrRef</B> - a reference to a HTML rendering object
   previously obtained by calling <A HREF="generalroutines.html#HRNewReference">HRNewReference</A>.</P>
   <P><B>renderingSize</B> - a pointer to a QuickDraw Point
   <P>function result - an error code or noErr if successful.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>HRGetRenderedImageSize can be used to establish the actual size of
the rendered HTML given the viewing rectangle specified in the last
call to <A HREF="#HRSetRenderingRect">HRSetRenderingRect</A>. </P>
<P>NOTE: HTMLRenderingLib does its best to fit the HTML into the
viewing rectangle, however in some cases its width or height may
extend beyond the boundaries of this rectangle.</P>
<P><A HREF="index.html">return to index</A></P>
<P><A NAME=HRScrollToLocation></A></P>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRScrollToLocation</FONT></H4>
<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>OSStatus HRScrollToLocation(
        <A HREF="types.html#HRReference">HRReference</A> hrRef,
        Point *location);</PRE>
   <P><B>hrRef</B> - a reference to a HTML rendering object
   previously obtained by calling <A HREF="generalroutines.html#HRNewReference">HRNewReference</A>.</P>
   <P><B>location</B> - a pointer to a QuickDraw Point structure
   describing the horizontal and vertical coordinates (inside of the
   rendered HTML image) that should be moved to the top left corner
   of the view rectangle.</P>
   <P>function result - an error code or noErr if successful.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>Cal HRScrollToLocation to set the viewing origin to a particular
location inside of the rendered HTML document.</P>
<P><A HREF="index.html">return to index</A></P>
<P><A NAME=HRForceQuickdraw></A></P>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRForceQuickdraw</FONT></H4>
<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>OSStatus HRForceQuickdraw(
        <A HREF="types.html#HRReference">HRReference</A> hrRef,
        Boolean forceQuickdraw);</PRE>
   <P><B>hrRef</B> - a reference to a HTML rendering object
   previously obtained by calling <A HREF="generalroutines.html#HRNewReference">HRNewReference</A>.</P>
   <P><B>forceQuickdraw</B> - a boolean value.</P>
   <P>function result - an error code or noErr if successful.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>Call HRForceQuickdraw to turn on and off QuickDraw drawing. It is
appropriate to turn on QuickDraw drawing when asking the
HTMLRenderingLib to draw to some devices such as, for example,
<P><A HREF="index.html">return to index</A></P>
<P><A NAME=HRSetScrollbarState></A></P>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRSetScrollbarState</FONT></H4>
<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>OSStatus HRSetScrollbarState(
        <A HREF="types.html#HRReference">HRReference</A> hrRef,
        <A HREF="types.html#HRScrollbarState">HRScrollbarState</A> hScrollbarState,
        <A HREF="types.html#HRScrollbarState">HRScrollbarState</A> vScrollbarState);</PRE>
   <P><B>hrRef</B> - a reference to a HTML rendering object
   previously obtained by calling <A HREF="generalroutines.html#HRNewReference">HRNewReference</A>.</P>
   <P><B>hScrollbarState</B> - a value of type <A HREF="types.html#HRScrollbarState">HRScrollbarState</A>
   specifying the state for the horizontal scroll bar. This can be
   either eHRScrollbarOn, eHRScrollbarOff, or eHRScrollbarAuto.</P>
   <P><B>vScrollbarState</B> - a value of type <A HREF="types.html#HRScrollbarState">HRScrollbarState</A>
   specifying the state for the vertical scroll bar. This can be
   either eHRScrollbarOn, eHRScrollbarOff, or eHRScrollbarAuto.</P>
   <P>function result - an error code or noErr if successful.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>HRSetScrollbarState can be called to explicity turn on or of the
scroll bars in the rendering area. By default, the scroll bars are
set to automatically show/hide themselves as appropriate depending on
the size of the HTML image being displayed.</P>
<P><A HREF="index.html">return to index</A></P>
<P><A NAME=HRSetDrawBorder></A></P>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRSetDrawBorder</FONT></H4>
<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>OSStatus HRSetDrawBorder(
        HRReference hrRef,
        Boolean drawBorder);</PRE>
   <P><B>hrRef</B> - a reference to a HTML rendering object
   previously obtained by calling <A HREF="generalroutines.html#HRNewReference">HRNewReference</A>.</P>
   <P><B>drawBorder</B> -a boolean value.</P>
   <P>function result - an error code or noErr if successful.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>Call HRSetDrawBorder to ask the HTMLRenderingLib to draw a
standard border around the outside of the area specified in the to
<A HREF="#HRSetRenderingRect">HRSetRenderingRect</A> call.</P>
<P><A HREF="index.html">return to index</A></P>
<P><A NAME=HRSetGrowboxCutout></A></P>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRSetGrowboxCutout</FONT></H4>
<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>OSStatus HRSetGrowboxCutout(
        HRReference hrRef,
        Boolean allowCutout);</PRE>
   <P><B>hrRef</B> - a reference to a HTML rendering object
   previously obtained by calling <A HREF="generalroutines.html#HRNewReference">HRNewReference</A>.</P>
   <P><B>allowCutout</B> - a boolean value.</P>
   <P>function result - an error code or noErr if successful.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>Call HRSetGrowboxCutout to notify the HTML rendering object that
the HTML is being rendered inside of a window that has a grow box in
the bottom right hand corner. If allowCutout is true, then the
HTMLRenderingLib will not draw in the bottom right 16 by 16 pixel
area of the viewing rectangle.</P>
<P><A HREF="index.html">return to index</A></P>