HTMLSample Pages/docs/generalroutines.html

   <TITLE>HTMLRenderingLib - General Routines</TITLE>
<H3>HTMLRenderingLib - General routines for accessing
HTMLRenderingLib's services</H3>
<H4><A NAME=HRHTMLRenderingLibAvailable></A></H4>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRHTMLRenderingLibAvailable</FONT></H4>
<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>pascal Boolean HRHTMLRenderingLibAvailable()</PRE></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>HRHTMLRenderingLibAvailable returns true if the HTMLRenderinLib is
available for your application to use, false if it is not. If you
have weak-linked your application to the HTMLRenderingLib, then this
function can be used to determine if the library was loaded when your
program was launched.</P>
<P><A HREF="index.html">return to index</A></P>
<H4><A NAME=HRGetHTMLRenderingLibVersion></A></H4>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRGetHTMLRenderingLibVersion</FONT></H4>
<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>pascal OSStatus HRGetHTMLRenderingLibVersion(
        NumVersion *returnVers)
   <P><B>returnVers</B> - A pointer to a NumVersion structure. On
   return, this structure contains a value.</P>
   <P>function result - an error code.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>HRGetHTMLRenderingLibVersion returns the version of the
HTMLRenderingLib that is currently installed.</P>
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<P><A NAME=HRNewReference></A></P>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRNewReference</FONT></H4>
<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>pascal OSStatus HRNewReference(
        <A HREF="types.html#HRReference">HRReference</A> *hrRef,
        OSType rendererType,
        grafPtr GrafPtr)</PRE>
   <P><B>hrRef</B> - is a pointer to a location to store the newly
   created <A HREF="types.html#HRReference">HRReference</A> when
   HRNewReference is able to run successfully.</P>
   <P><B>rendererType</B> - A value of type OSType identifying the
   type of HTML renderer available. Currently, the constant <A HREF="types.html#kHRRendererHTML32Type">kHRRendererHTML32Type</A>
   is the only value you may pass in this parameter.</P>
   <P><B>grafPtr</B> - the quickdraw grafport where the HTML should
   be drawn.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>HRNewReference creates a new reference to a HTML rendering object
for your application to use in conjunction with other
HTMLRenderingLib calls.</P>
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<P><A NAME=HRDisposeReference></A></P>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRDisposeReference</FONT></H4>
<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>pascal OSStatus HRDisposeReference(
        <A HREF="types.html#HRReference">HRReference</A> hrRef)</PRE>
   <P><B>hrRef</B> - a reference to a HTML rendering object
   previously obtained by calling HRNewReference.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>HRDisposeReference deallocates the HTML rendering object freeing
up structures associated with the reference.</P>
<P>NOTE: HRDisposeReference does not deallocate any files cached in
the HTMLRenderingLib's memory cache. To deallocate the cache, you
must make call to HRFreeMemory.</P>
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<P><A NAME=HRFreeMemory></A></P>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRFreeMemory</FONT></H4>
<P>Attempts to release cache memory for use by your application.</P>
<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>pascal SInt32 HRFreeMemory(
        Size inBytesNeeded)</PRE>
   <P><B>inBytesNeeded</B> - the total number of bytes needed.</P>
   <P>function result - the number of bytes released from cache
   memory by the HRFreeMemory call.</P></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>HRFreeMemory can be called to return memory occupied by the
HTMLRenderingLib's memory cache to the application. </P>
<P><A HREF="index.html">return to index</A></P>
<P><A NAME=HRScreenConfigurationChanged></A></P>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRScreenConfigurationChanged</FONT></H4>
<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>pascal void HRScreenConfigurationChanged()</PRE></BLOCKQUOTE>
<P>HRScreenConfigurationChanged should be called whenever the depth
of the screen changes. This allows the HTML Rendering Library to
adjust its drawing parameters so they are appropriate for the
screen's depth.</P>
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<P><A NAME=HRIsHREvent></A></P>
<H4><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">HRIsHREvent</FONT></H4>
<BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>pascal Boolean HRIsHREvent(
        const EventRecord *eventRecord)</PRE>
   <P>eventRecord - a pointer to an event record returned by
<P>HRIsHREvent returns true if the HTML Rendering Library handled the
event. If HRIsHREvent returns false, then the event was not handled
and your application should go ahead and process the event. You
should call HRIsHREvent every time after calling WaitNextEvent to
give the HTML Rendering Library an opportunity to handle the
<P><A HREF="index.html">return to index</A></P>