Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: THexEditorScrollableView.cp |
Version: 1.0 |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, |
please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject |
to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under AppleÕs |
copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, |
reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without |
modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute |
the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain |
this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of |
the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of |
Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the |
Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, |
are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that |
may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple |
Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO |
Copyright © 2002 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved |
*/ |
#include <ctype.h> // for toascii |
#include "THexEditorScrollableView.h" |
#if __MWERKS__ |
#warning Metrowerks doesnt implement toascii. Bypassing it. |
#define toascii(c) (c) |
#endif |
// This is the class ID that we've assigned to this view |
#define kHexEditorScrollClassID CFSTR("") |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// const data has internal linkage, so these will not pollute the |
// global namespace |
// |
const ControlKind kHexEditorScrollableViewKind = { 'Samp', 'HxSV' }; |
static const EventTypeSpec kEvents[] = |
{ |
{ kEventClassScrollable, kEventScrollableGetInfo }, |
{ kEventClassScrollable, kEventScrollableScrollTo } |
}; |
// Some of the character metric constants below are just guesses of the actual metrics |
// that work in this case. |
// You wouldn't want to do this in shipping software -- you would instead want to get |
// the metrics from ATS for the Courier font and use that. |
const float kCharacterWidth = 7.0; // character width (just a guess) |
const float kCharacterHeight = 12.0; // the character height (just a guess) |
const char kFontName[] = "Courier"; // font to draw with |
const int kBytesPerColumn = 2; // number of bytes per hex column |
const int kCharactersPerByte = 2; // characters required per byte in the hex column |
const float kColumnSeparatorPad = 10.0; // padding required for the column separators |
const float kHexColumnPad = 5.0; // padding for the hex column entries |
const float kRowPad = 2.0; // vertical padding for each row |
const float kFontSize = 12.0; // the font size to draw the font in |
const float kColumnOffsetMaxChars = 10; // max number of characters to draw in the offsest column |
const long kNoSelection = -1; // indicate that there is no selection |
const float kRowHeight = kCharacterHeight + kRowPad; |
const float kHexColumnWidth = ( kCharacterWidth * ( kBytesPerColumn * kCharactersPerByte ) ) + kHexColumnPad; |
const float kColumnOffsetWidth = kCharacterWidth * kColumnOffsetMaxChars; |
const EventTimerInterval kCaretBlinkFrequency = kEventDurationSecond / 2.0; |
// View defined Carbon Event types which are used in this translation unit |
enum |
{ |
kEventParamDataBuffer = 'Data', // typeCFDataRef |
typeCFDataRef = 'CFDt' |
}; |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// THexEditorScrollableView |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
THexEditorScrollableView::THexEditorScrollableView( ControlRef inControl ) |
: |
TView( inControl ), |
fData( NULL ), |
fSelectionStart( kNoSelection ), |
fSelectionEnd( kNoSelection ), |
fCaretState( kCaretStateOff ), |
fCaretColumn( kControlNoPart ), |
fHalfByteInsertion( false ), |
fCaretTimer( NULL ), |
fHandler( NULL ) |
{ |
fImageOrigin.x = fImageOrigin.y = 0; |
for ( int index = 0; index < kDataColumnCount; index++ ) |
fDataColumnWidths[ index ] = 0; |
verify_noerr( ::InstallEventHandler( |
GetEventTarget(), |
EventHandler, |
GetEventTypeCount( kEvents ), |
kEvents, |
this, |
&fHandler ) ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// THexEditorScrollableView::THexEditorScrollableView |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
THexEditorScrollableView::~THexEditorScrollableView() |
{ |
if ( fHandler != NULL ) |
verify_noerr( ::RemoveEventHandler( fHandler ) ); |
if ( fCaretTimer != NULL ) |
verify_noerr( ::RemoveEventLoopTimer( fCaretTimer ) ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Create API |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// This is the creation API to get an instance of this class |
// |
OSStatus |
THexEditorScrollableView::Create( |
CFDataRef inData, |
HIViewRef* outControl ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
EventRef event = CreateInitializationEvent(); |
RegisterClass(); |
// store the given data in the creation event |
verify_noerr( ::SetEventParameter( |
event, |
kEventParamDataBuffer, |
typeCFDataRef, |
sizeof( CFMutableDataRef ), |
&inData ) ); |
err = ::_HIObjectCreate( kHexEditorScrollClassID, event, (HIObjectRef*)outControl ); |
::ReleaseEvent( event ); |
return err; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// RegisterClass |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::RegisterClass() |
{ |
static Boolean sRegistered; |
if ( not sRegistered ) |
{ |
TView::RegisterSubclass( kHexEditorScrollClassID, Construct ); |
sRegistered = true; |
} |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetDataSize API |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// API to return the data size of the given instance |
// |
OSStatus |
THexEditorScrollableView::GetDataSize( |
HIViewRef inView, |
long* outSize ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
THexEditorScrollableView* view; |
// verify that there are valid parameters |
require_action( inView != NULL, GetDataSize_BadParam_NoView, err = paramErr ); |
require_action( outSize != NULL, GetDataSize_BadParam_NoSize, err = paramErr ); |
// cast the given view to an instance of this class so we can call |
// its methods |
view = (THexEditorScrollableView*)::HIObjectDynamicCast( |
(HIObjectRef) inView, |
kHexEditorScrollClassID ); |
require_action( view != NULL, GetDataSize_NoView, err = paramErr ); |
// get the data size |
*outSize = view->GetDataLength(); |
GetDataSize_NoView: |
GetDataSize_BadParam_NoSize: |
GetDataSize_BadParam_NoView: |
return err; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetDataSelection API |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// API to return the current selection of this instance |
// |
OSStatus |
THexEditorScrollableView::GetDataSelection( |
HIViewRef inView, |
long* outSelectionStart, |
long* outSelectionEnd ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
THexEditorScrollableView* view; |
// verify the parameters |
require_action( inView != NULL, GetDataSelection_NoView, err = paramErr ); |
require_action( outSelectionStart != NULL, GetDataSelection_NoSelection, err = paramErr ); |
require_action( outSelectionEnd != NULL, GetDataSelection_NoSelection, err = paramErr ); |
// cast the view to an instance of this class so we can call its |
// methods |
view = (THexEditorScrollableView*)::HIObjectDynamicCast( |
(HIObjectRef) inView, |
kHexEditorScrollClassID ); |
require_action( view != NULL, GetDataSelection_NoView, err = paramErr ); |
// get the selection |
view->GetSelection( outSelectionStart, outSelectionEnd ); |
GetDataSelection_NoSelection: |
GetDataSelection_NoView: |
return err; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// SetCFData API |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// API to get the data from this view and return it to the caller |
// |
OSStatus |
THexEditorScrollableView::SetCFData( |
HIViewRef inView, |
CFDataRef inData ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
THexEditorScrollableView* view; |
// verify the parameters |
require_action( inView != NULL, SetData_NoView, err = paramErr ); |
require_action( inData != NULL, SetData_NoOutData, err = paramErr ); |
// cast the view to an instance of this class so we can call |
// its methods |
view = (THexEditorScrollableView*)::HIObjectDynamicCast( |
(HIObjectRef) inView, |
kHexEditorScrollClassID ); |
require_action( view != NULL, SetData_NoView, err = paramErr ); |
// copy the data and return it to the caller |
view->SetCFData( inData ); |
SetData_NoOutData: |
SetData_NoView: |
return err; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetCFData API |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// API to get the data from this view and return it to the caller |
// |
OSStatus |
THexEditorScrollableView::GetCFData( |
HIViewRef inView, |
CFDataRef* outData ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
THexEditorScrollableView* view; |
// verify the parameters |
require_action( inView != NULL, GetData_NoView, err = paramErr ); |
require_action( outData != NULL, GetData_NoOutData, err = paramErr ); |
// cast the view to an instance of this class so we can call |
// its methods |
view = (THexEditorScrollableView*)::HIObjectDynamicCast( |
(HIObjectRef) inView, |
kHexEditorScrollClassID ); |
require_action( view != NULL, GetData_NoView, err = paramErr ); |
// copy the data and return it to the caller |
*outData = view->GetCFData(); |
GetData_NoOutData: |
GetData_NoView: |
return err; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ScrollTo |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Scroll to the given point. Validate the given point to make sure |
// we aren't scrolling to an invalid point -- for sanity |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::ScrollTo( const HIPoint& where ) |
{ |
float dX, dY; |
if ( where.x < 0.0 ) |
{ |
dX = -fImageOrigin.x; |
fImageOrigin.x = 0.0; |
} |
else |
{ |
dX = fImageOrigin.x - where.x; |
fImageOrigin.x = where.x; |
} |
if ( where.y < 0.0 ) |
{ |
dY = -fImageOrigin.y; |
fImageOrigin.y = 0; |
} |
else |
{ |
dY = fImageOrigin.y - where.y; |
fImageOrigin.y = where.y; |
} |
::HIViewScrollRect( GetViewRef(), NULL, dX, dY ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ImageSize |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Return the ideal size of this view |
// |
HISize |
THexEditorScrollableView::ImageSize() |
{ |
HISize size = {0, 0}; |
TRect bounds = Bounds(); |
long virtualRowCount; |
check( BytesPerRow() > 0 ); |
// the ideal width will fit the width of the number of columns |
size.width = fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnOffset ] + fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnHex ] + fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnChar ]; |
// the ideal height will fit the number of rows required to fit all the bytes |
virtualRowCount = (long)ceil( GetDataLength() / (float)BytesPerRow() ); |
size.height = (virtualRowCount * kRowHeight) + kRowPad; |
return size; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ImageOrigin |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
HIPoint |
THexEditorScrollableView::ImageOrigin() |
{ |
return fImageOrigin; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ViewSize |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
HISize |
THexEditorScrollableView::ViewSize() |
{ |
return Bounds().size; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// LineSize |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
HISize |
THexEditorScrollableView::LineSize() |
{ |
HISize size = { TRect( Bounds() ).Width(), kRowHeight }; |
return size; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetCFData |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
CFDataRef |
THexEditorScrollableView::GetCFData() |
{ |
return fData; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// CopyCFData |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Create a copy of the CFData from this instance and return it |
// |
CFDataRef |
THexEditorScrollableView::CopyCFData() |
{ |
CFDataRef data = NULL; |
if ( fData != NULL ) |
data = ::CFDataCreateCopy( kCFAllocatorDefault, fData ); |
return data; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// SetCFData |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::SetCFData( CFDataRef inData ) |
{ |
// out with the old |
if ( fData ) |
CFRelease( fData ); |
// in with the new |
fData = ::CFDataCreateMutableCopy( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, inData ); |
// Reset our member data |
ResetData(); |
// we'll need to redraw |
SendViewInfoChangedNotification(); |
Invalidate(); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetDataLength |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Get the size of the data |
// |
long |
THexEditorScrollableView::GetDataLength() |
{ |
return ( fData == NULL ) ? 0 : ::CFDataGetLength( fData ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetSelection |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Get the current selection |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::GetSelection( |
long* outSelectionStart, |
long* outSelectionEnd ) |
{ |
check( outSelectionStart != NULL ); |
check( outSelectionEnd != NULL ); |
*outSelectionStart = fSelectionStart == kNoSelection ? 0 : fSelectionStart; |
*outSelectionEnd = fSelectionEnd == kNoSelection ? 0 : fSelectionEnd; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Initialize |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
THexEditorScrollableView::Initialize( TCarbonEvent& inEvent ) |
{ |
CFMutableDataRef data = NULL; |
// It's okay if this parameter doesn't exist, it will leave data untouched |
inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamDataBuffer, typeCFDataRef, sizeof( CFMutableDataRef ), &data ); |
// Create a mutable copy for our own use. This way the client can dispose their |
// copy and we can allow editing |
if ( data != NULL ) |
fData = ::CFDataCreateMutableCopy( kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, data ); |
// We also activate the keyboard interface so we get text input events |
return ActivateInterface( kKeyboardFocus ); |
} |
#pragma mark --- HANDLERS --- |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Draw |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::Draw( |
RgnHandle limitRgn, |
CGContextRef inContext ) |
{ |
long byteOffset = 0; |
long finalRow; |
long rowsToDraw; |
float verticalOffset; |
UInt8* byteHead; |
long bytesPerRow = BytesPerRow(); |
Boolean createdBuffer = false; |
#pragma unused( limitRgn ) |
check( inContext != NULL ); |
// save the context |
::CGContextSaveGState( inContext ); |
// prep the context |
PrepContext( inContext ); |
// erase the background |
DrawBackground( inContext ); |
// draw the separators between each column |
DrawColumnSeparators( inContext ); |
// don't draw anything if there is nothing to draw |
require_quiet( fData != NULL, Draw_NothingToDraw ); |
// figure out the draw starting point |
CalculateDrawOffsets( &byteOffset, &verticalOffset ); |
// Determine how many rows we need to draw |
rowsToDraw = RowsToDraw(); |
byteHead = (UInt8*)::CFDataGetBytePtr( fData ); |
// If we got a pointer to the bytes, it's pointing to the start of the data, |
// so offset it by the offset count, if it's NULL, we need to get the data out into |
// a buffer. |
if ( byteHead != NULL ) |
{ |
byteHead += byteOffset; |
} |
else |
{ |
byteHead = (UInt8*)malloc( bytesPerRow ); |
if ( byteHead != NULL ) |
{ |
createdBuffer = true; |
::CFDataGetBytes( fData, ::CFRangeMake( byteOffset, bytesPerRow ), byteHead ); |
} |
} |
require( byteHead != NULL, Draw_CantGetRowBuffer ); |
finalRow = RowForByteOffset( byteOffset ) + rowsToDraw; |
// Draw all the visible rows |
for ( long row = RowForByteOffset( byteOffset ); row < finalRow; row++ ) |
{ |
char offsetString[ 16 ]; |
float offsetStringOffset; |
long bytesToDraw = DrawableRowBytes( byteOffset ); |
// Get the offset string and drawing offset for this string |
GetOffsetStringAndOffset( byteOffset, offsetString, &offsetStringOffset ); |
// Draw the highlight |
if ( not IsEmptySelection() ) |
{ |
long highlightStart; |
long highlightEnd; |
float startOffset; |
float endOffset; |
// Calculate the highlight region for this row |
CalculateRowHighlightSelection( row, &highlightStart, &highlightEnd ); |
// Draw the highlight for the hex column |
startOffset = HexColumnXOffsetOfByteOffset( highlightStart ) + GetColumnOffset( kDataColumnHex ); |
endOffset = HexColumnXOffsetOfByteOffset( highlightEnd ) + GetColumnOffset( kDataColumnHex ); |
DrawRowHighlight( inContext, verticalOffset, startOffset, endOffset ); |
// Draw the highlight for the char column |
startOffset = CharColumnXOffsetOfByteOffset( highlightStart ) + GetColumnOffset( kDataColumnChar ); |
endOffset = CharColumnXOffsetOfByteOffset( highlightEnd ) + GetColumnOffset( kDataColumnChar ); |
DrawRowHighlight( inContext, verticalOffset, startOffset, endOffset ); |
} |
// Draw the offset column |
DrawCharBytes( |
inContext, |
offsetString, |
strlen( offsetString ), |
verticalOffset, |
GetColumnOffset( kDataColumnOffset ) + offsetStringOffset ); |
// Draw the hex column |
DrawHexBytes( inContext, byteHead, bytesToDraw, verticalOffset, GetColumnOffset( kDataColumnHex ) ); |
// Draw the char column |
DrawCharBytes( inContext, byteHead, bytesToDraw, verticalOffset, GetColumnOffset( kDataColumnChar ) ); |
// Bump the offset to the next row |
byteOffset += bytesPerRow; |
// If we didn't have to create a buffer to hold the data, advance the data ptr, |
// otherwise, get the next row of bytes |
if ( !createdBuffer ) |
byteHead += bytesPerRow; |
else |
::CFDataGetBytes( fData, CFRangeMake( byteOffset, bytesToDraw ), byteHead ); |
// advance the vertical offset to the next row |
verticalOffset += kRowHeight; |
} |
DrawCaret( inContext ); |
// if we created the buffer, dispose of it properly so we don't leak |
if ( createdBuffer ) |
free( byteHead ); |
Draw_CantGetRowBuffer: |
Draw_NothingToDraw: |
// restore our context |
::CGContextRestoreGState( inContext ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HitTest |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
ControlPartCode |
THexEditorScrollableView::HitTest( const HIPoint& where ) |
{ |
ControlPartCode partHit = kControlNoPart; |
TRect bounds = Bounds(); |
if ( ::CGRectContainsPoint( bounds, where ) ) |
partHit = FindPart( where ); |
return partHit; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Track |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Track the control |
// |
OSStatus |
THexEditorScrollableView::Track( |
TCarbonEvent& inEvent, |
ControlPartCode* outPartHit ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = eventNotHandledErr; |
HIPoint startPt; |
HIPoint trackingPt; |
ControlPartCode startPart; |
MouseTrackingResult trackingResult; |
long trackingStartOffset; |
UInt32 modifiers; |
// get the starting mouse location and modifier keys |
verify_noerr( inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamMouseLocation, &startPt ) ); |
verify_noerr( inEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamKeyModifiers, &modifiers ) ); |
// find what part was hit |
startPart = FindPart( startPt ); |
// make sure it is in a valid column |
require_quiet( (startPart == kHexEditorHexColumnPart) |
|| (startPart == kHexEditorCharColumnPart), Track_InvalidTrackingClick ); |
// we need to cache what column part the click was in to blink |
// the cursor in the right place |
fCaretColumn = startPart; |
trackingStartOffset = ByteOffsetOfViewPoint( startPt ); |
if ( ( modifiers & shiftKey ) == 0 ) |
{ |
// the mouse down was here |
fSelectionStart = fSelectionEnd = trackingStartOffset; |
} |
else |
{ |
fSelectionEnd = trackingStartOffset; |
trackingStartOffset = fSelectionStart; |
} |
// turn off any caret blinking |
BlinkCaret( false ); |
// loop while tracking the mouse. Verify that the mouse is still down before getting |
// into this loop. It is quite possible that the mouse up has left the queue already |
// if the machine is under a heavy load. |
if ( ::StillDown() ) |
{ |
while ( true ) |
{ |
Point mousePt; |
ControlPartCode trackingPart; |
long trackingSelection; |
verify_noerr( ::TrackMouseLocation( (GrafPtr)-1 /*global coords*/, &mousePt, &trackingResult ) ); |
// convert it to this view's coordinate space |
ConvertGlobalQDPointToViewHIPoint( mousePt, &trackingPt ); |
trackingPart = FindPart( trackingPt ); |
// If the user is tracking the mouse in the same part that they started in |
// update visuals, otherwise, ignore |
if ( trackingPart == startPart ) |
{ |
trackingSelection = ByteOffsetOfViewPoint( trackingPt ); |
// update the selection offsets to properly reflect "start" and "end" |
if ( trackingSelection < trackingStartOffset ) |
{ |
fSelectionStart = trackingSelection; |
fSelectionEnd = trackingStartOffset; |
} |
else |
{ |
fSelectionStart = trackingStartOffset; |
fSelectionEnd = trackingSelection; |
} |
SelectionChanged( trackingSelection ); |
InvalidateSelection(); |
} |
// break out of the tracking loop if we get a mouse up |
if ( trackingResult == kMouseTrackingMouseUp ) |
break; |
} |
} |
// if there is an empty selection, we want to blink the caret again |
if ( IsEmptySelection() ) |
BlinkCaret( true ); |
fHalfByteInsertion = false; |
*outPartHit = startPart; |
Track_InvalidTrackingClick: |
return err; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ActiveStateChanged |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Adjust whether the cursor is blinking on activation/deactivation |
// |
OSStatus |
THexEditorScrollableView::ActiveStateChanged() |
{ |
if ( IsActive() && IsEmptySelection() ) |
BlinkCaret( true ); |
else |
BlinkCaret( false ); |
Invalidate(); |
return noErr; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// BoundsChanged |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
THexEditorScrollableView::BoundsChanged( |
UInt32 inOptions, |
const HIRect& inOriginalBounds, |
const HIRect& inCurrentBounds, |
RgnHandle inInvalRgn ) |
{ |
TRect bounds = Bounds(); |
float workableWidth; |
float hexSpacesPerByte; |
float charSpacesPerByte; |
float proportion; |
#pragma unused( inOptions, inOriginalBounds, inCurrentBounds, inInvalRgn ) |
// |
// recalculate the column widths |
// |
workableWidth = bounds.Width(); |
// First, we know that the offset column is of a fixed width |
fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnOffset ] = kColumnOffsetWidth; |
workableWidth -= kColumnOffsetWidth; |
// Second, we know the available width must take into account the 2 separators |
// between the offset and hex columns and between the hex and char columns |
workableWidth -= ( 2 * kColumnSeparatorPad ); |
// Next, we calculate the ratio required for the hex column to the char column |
// in terms of character spaces per byte |
// first figure the hex proportion |
hexSpacesPerByte = ( ( kBytesPerColumn * kCharactersPerByte ) + 1 ) / kCharactersPerByte; |
// now figure the char proportion (which is 1 character per 1 byte ) |
charSpacesPerByte = 1; |
// now figure the proportion that we need to figure for the availableWidth |
proportion = hexSpacesPerByte + charSpacesPerByte; |
check( proportion != 0 ); |
proportion = workableWidth / proportion; |
// Now we can determine the width of each column |
fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnHex ] = proportion * hexSpacesPerByte; |
fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnChar ] = proportion * charSpacesPerByte; |
// verify that the widths are about right, giving room for roundoff error. |
check( ::abs( bounds.Width() - ( fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnOffset ] |
+ fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnHex ] |
+ fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnChar ] ) ) < 1.0 ); |
return noErr; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetRegion |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
THexEditorScrollableView::GetRegion( |
ControlPartCode inPart, |
RgnHandle outRgn ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
TRect bounds = Bounds(); |
TRect regionBounds; |
Rect qdBounds; |
check( outRgn != NULL ); |
switch ( inPart ) |
{ |
case kHexEditorOffsetColumnPart: |
{ |
regionBounds.Set( |
GetColumnOffset( kDataColumnOffset ), |
bounds.MinY(), |
fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnOffset ], |
bounds.Height() ); |
qdBounds = regionBounds; |
RectRgn( outRgn, &qdBounds ); |
} |
break; |
case kHexEditorOffsetSeparatorPart: |
{ |
regionBounds.Set( |
GetColumnOffset( kDataColumnOffset ) + fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnOffset ], |
bounds.MinY(), |
kColumnSeparatorPad, |
bounds.Height() ); |
qdBounds = regionBounds; |
RectRgn( outRgn, &qdBounds ); |
} |
break; |
case kHexEditorHexColumnPart: |
{ |
regionBounds.Set( |
GetColumnOffset( kDataColumnHex ), |
bounds.MinY(), |
fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnHex ], |
bounds.Height() ); |
qdBounds = regionBounds; |
RectRgn( outRgn, &qdBounds ); |
} |
break; |
case kHexEditorHexColumnSeparatorPart: |
{ |
regionBounds.Set( |
GetColumnOffset( kDataColumnHex ) + fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnHex ], |
bounds.MinY(), |
kColumnSeparatorPad, |
bounds.Height() ); |
qdBounds = regionBounds; |
RectRgn( outRgn, &qdBounds ); |
} |
break; |
case kHexEditorCharColumnPart: |
{ |
regionBounds.Set( |
GetColumnOffset( kDataColumnChar ), |
bounds.MinY(), |
fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnChar ], |
bounds.Height() ); |
qdBounds = regionBounds; |
RectRgn( outRgn, &qdBounds ); |
} |
break; |
default: |
err = TView::GetRegion( inPart, outRgn ); |
break; |
} |
return err; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetKind |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
ControlKind |
THexEditorScrollableView::GetKind() |
{ |
return kHexEditorScrollableViewKind; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetBehaviors |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
UInt32 |
THexEditorScrollableView::GetBehaviors() |
{ |
return TView::GetBehaviors() | kControlGetsFocusOnClick; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// SetFocusPart |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// We claim to accept focus, and we need this to support text input |
// |
OSStatus |
THexEditorScrollableView::SetFocusPart( |
ControlPartCode inDesiredFocus, |
RgnHandle inInvalidRgn, |
Boolean inFocusEverything, |
ControlPartCode* outActualFocus ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( inInvalidRgn, inFocusEverything ) |
check( outActualFocus != NULL ); |
if ( ( inDesiredFocus == kHexEditorHexColumnPart ) |
|| ( inDesiredFocus == kHexEditorCharColumnPart ) ) |
{ |
fCaretColumn = inDesiredFocus; |
BlinkCaret( true ); |
*outActualFocus = fCaretColumn; |
} |
else |
{ |
fCaretColumn = kControlNoPart; |
BlinkCaret( false ); |
*outActualFocus = kControlNoPart; |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TextInput |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Handle text input here |
// |
OSStatus |
THexEditorScrollableView::TextInput( TCarbonEvent& inEvent ) |
{ |
OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr; |
OSStatus err; |
char keyChar; |
EventRef rawKeyboardEvent; |
require_quiet( fSelectionStart != kNoSelection, TextInput_NoSelection ); |
// We just want raw characters since we're not doing any fancy |
// unicode editing or such, so retrieve the raw key event from this event |
err = inEvent.GetParameter( |
kEventParamTextInputSendKeyboardEvent, |
typeEventRef, |
sizeof( EventRef ), |
&rawKeyboardEvent ); |
require_noerr( err, TextInput_CantGetOriginalRawKeyEvent ); |
check( rawKeyboardEvent != NULL ); |
// then get the character code from the raw key event |
verify_noerr( TCarbonEvent( rawKeyboardEvent ).GetParameter( |
kEventParamKeyMacCharCodes, |
typeChar, |
sizeof( char ), |
&keyChar ) ); |
// if the key is a special character for the control, handle it in the |
// central place otherwise pass the key to the individual column that is |
// accepting the input |
if ( IsSpecialCharacter( keyChar ) ) |
{ |
err = HandleSpecialCharacter( keyChar ); |
} |
else |
{ |
switch ( fCaretColumn ) |
{ |
case kHexEditorHexColumnPart: |
err = HandleHexColumnInput( keyChar ); |
break; |
case kHexEditorCharColumnPart: |
err = HandleCharColumnInput( keyChar ); |
break; |
default: |
// do nothing |
break; |
} |
} |
TextInput_CantGetOriginalRawKeyEvent: |
TextInput_NoSelection: |
return result; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// FindPart |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Find the part code associated with the current point |
// expects where to be in view coordinates |
// |
ControlPartCode |
THexEditorScrollableView::FindPart( const HIPoint& where ) |
{ |
TRect bounds = Bounds(); |
TRect partRect; |
// |
// find where the click is |
// |
// is it in the offset field? |
partRect.Set( bounds.MinX(), bounds.MinY(), fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnOffset ], bounds.Height() ); |
if ( partRect.Contains( where ) ) |
return kHexEditorOffsetColumnPart; |
// is it in the offset separator? |
partRect.MoveBy( partRect.Width(), 0 ); |
partRect.SetWidth( kColumnSeparatorPad ); |
if ( partRect.Contains( where ) ) |
return kHexEditorOffsetSeparatorPart; |
// is it the hex field? |
partRect.MoveBy( partRect.Width(), 0 ); |
partRect.SetWidth( fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnHex ] ); |
if ( partRect.Contains( where ) ) |
return kHexEditorHexColumnPart; |
// is it the hex separator? |
partRect.MoveBy( partRect.Width(), 0 ); |
partRect.SetWidth( kColumnSeparatorPad ); |
if ( partRect.Contains( where ) ) |
return kHexEditorHexColumnSeparatorPart; |
// is it the character column |
partRect.MoveBy( partRect.Width(), 0 ); |
partRect.SetWidth( fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnChar ] ); |
if ( partRect.Contains( where ) ) |
return kHexEditorCharColumnPart; |
return kControlNoPart; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Scroll |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Scroll the view with the specified action. This just generates |
// a delta and passes that delta to the more generic scroll method |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::Scroll( ScrollAction inAction ) |
{ |
switch ( inAction ) |
{ |
case kScrollHome: |
Scroll( -fImageOrigin.y ); |
break; |
case kScrollEnd: |
Scroll( ImageSize().height - fImageOrigin.y ); |
break; |
case kScrollPageUp: |
Scroll( -ViewSize().height + LineSize().height ); |
break; |
case kScrollPageDown: |
Scroll( ViewSize().height - LineSize().height ); |
break; |
} |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Scroll |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Scroll the view by the specified vertical delta |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::Scroll( float inVDelta ) |
{ |
float newOffset = fImageOrigin.y + inVDelta; |
float maxOffset; |
check( parentView != NULL ); |
// make sure we didn't over shoot the boundaries of the view |
newOffset = newOffset < 0 ? 0 : newOffset; |
maxOffset = ImageSize().height - ViewSize().height; |
fImageOrigin.y = newOffset > maxOffset ? maxOffset : newOffset; |
// Notify the parent view that our state has changed |
SendViewInfoChangedNotification(); |
// force a redraw of my view and my parent |
Invalidate(); |
InvalidateContainerView(); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// AdjustSelection |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Adjust the current selection with the given action |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::AdjustSelection( AdjustSelectionAction inAction ) |
{ |
long newSelectionPoint = 0; |
long dataSize = GetDataLength(); |
long tempPoint; |
switch ( inAction ) |
{ |
case kAdjustSelectionLeft: |
tempPoint = fSelectionStart - 1; |
newSelectionPoint = tempPoint < 0 ? 0 : tempPoint; |
break; |
case kAdjustSelectionRight: |
tempPoint = fSelectionEnd + 1; |
newSelectionPoint = tempPoint > dataSize ? dataSize : tempPoint; |
break; |
case kAdjustSelectionUp: |
tempPoint = fSelectionStart - BytesPerRow(); |
newSelectionPoint = tempPoint < 0 ? 0 : tempPoint; |
break; |
case kAdjustSelectionDown: |
tempPoint = fSelectionEnd + BytesPerRow(); |
newSelectionPoint = tempPoint > dataSize ? dataSize : tempPoint; |
break; |
default: |
debug_string( "Unknown adjustment action" ); |
break; |
} |
fSelectionStart = fSelectionEnd = newSelectionPoint; |
SelectionChanged( newSelectionPoint ); |
// Update the caret, so we can see that it moved immediately |
BlinkCaret( true ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// SendViewInfoChangedNotification |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Send a notification that our internal state has changed so the |
// parent view can get updated appropriately |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::SendViewInfoChangedNotification() |
{ |
TCarbonEvent event( kEventClassScrollable, kEventScrollableInfoChanged ); |
// Tell the containing view that my info has just changed, this event |
// will get propogated to my parent |
::SendEventToEventTarget( event, GetEventTarget() ); |
} |
#pragma mark --- METRIC CALCULATIONS --- |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// NumDrawableRows |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Get the count of the number of rows that are drawable within |
// our bounds which can be displayed (not the absolute value that |
// this view can display) |
// |
long |
THexEditorScrollableView::NumDrawableRows() |
{ |
TRect bounds = Bounds(); |
return (long) ceil( bounds.Height() / kRowHeight ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// NumVisibleRows |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Calculate the number of user visible rows that can be displayed. There |
// is a fudge here because a partial row may be visible. |
// |
long |
THexEditorScrollableView::NumVisibleRows() |
{ |
TRect bounds = Bounds(); |
return (long) ( bounds.Height() / kRowHeight ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// NumHexColumns |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Get the count of the number of visible hex columns based off of the |
// hex dimensions |
// |
long |
THexEditorScrollableView::NumHexColumns() |
{ |
TRect bounds = Bounds(); |
return (long)(fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnHex ] / kHexColumnWidth); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetColumnOffset |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Calculate the offset of the given column type |
// |
float |
THexEditorScrollableView::GetColumnOffset( HexEditorDataColumn inColumn ) |
{ |
switch ( inColumn ) |
{ |
case kDataColumnOffset: |
return 0; |
break; |
case kDataColumnHex: |
return fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnOffset ] + kColumnSeparatorPad; |
break; |
case kDataColumnChar: |
return fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnOffset ] + fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnHex ] + ( 2 * kColumnSeparatorPad ); |
break; |
default: |
debug_string( "Unknown DataColumn type" ); |
return 0; |
} |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// VisibleVirtualBytes |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
long |
THexEditorScrollableView::VisibleVirtualBytes() |
{ |
return NumDrawableRows() * BytesPerRow(); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// BytesPerRow |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
long |
THexEditorScrollableView::BytesPerRow() |
{ |
return NumHexColumns() * kBytesPerColumn; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// RowsToDraw |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// If the buffer size is greater than the visible bytes on the screen |
// then draw the entire visible rows, otherwise find the subset required |
// |
long |
THexEditorScrollableView::RowsToDraw() |
{ |
long topLeftRow; |
long rows; |
long visibleBytes; |
RowForYOffset( fImageOrigin.y, &topLeftRow, NULL ); |
visibleBytes = GetDataLength() - ByteOffsetOfRow( topLeftRow ); |
// If there are more bytes to draw than will fit in the view, |
// draw the number of visible rows |
if ( visibleBytes >= VisibleVirtualBytes() ) |
rows = NumDrawableRows(); |
else |
rows = (long)ceil( (float)visibleBytes / (float)BytesPerRow() ); |
return rows; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// DrawableRowBytes |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Calculates the number of bytes that can be drawn for the row |
// that begins at the given offset |
// |
long |
THexEditorScrollableView::DrawableRowBytes( long inOffset ) |
{ |
CFIndex bufferSize; |
bufferSize = GetDataLength(); |
// if the number of bytes left in the buffer is greater than the bytes |
// that can be drawn in the row, draw the entire row, otherwise find the |
// number of bytes required |
if ( ( bufferSize - inOffset ) >= BytesPerRow() ) |
return BytesPerRow(); |
else |
return ( bufferSize - inOffset ) % BytesPerRow(); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetOffsetStringAndOffset |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Get the offset string from the given offset, and determine the |
// offset required to draw it in a pretty location. |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::GetOffsetStringAndOffset( |
long inByteOffset, |
char* outOffsetString, |
float* outHorizontalOffset ) |
{ |
int chars; |
check( outOffsetString != NULL ); |
check( outHorizontalOffset != NULL ); |
// fill in the offset string |
chars = ::sprintf( outOffsetString, "%ld", inByteOffset ); |
// calculate the offset within this column to make the text appear |
// right justified |
*outHorizontalOffset = kColumnOffsetWidth - ( chars * kCharacterWidth ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// CalculateDrawOffsets |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Calculate the byte offset position and the drawable offsets |
// to begin drawing at the image origin. Any parameter can be NULL |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::CalculateDrawOffsets( |
long* outByteOffset, |
float* outVerticalOffset ) |
{ |
long row; |
// Make sure we're doing work for something |
check( outByteOffset || outVerticalOffset ); |
RowForYOffset( fImageOrigin.y, &row, outVerticalOffset ); |
if ( outByteOffset != NULL ) |
*outByteOffset = ByteOffsetOfRow( row ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ByteOffsetOfViewPoint |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Calculate the byte offset of the given point in view coordinates |
// |
long |
THexEditorScrollableView::ByteOffsetOfViewPoint( const HIPoint& inPoint ) |
{ |
HIPoint point; |
long row; |
long byteOffset; |
ControlPartCode part; |
// find what part this is |
part = FindPart( inPoint ); |
// translate the point to virtual view coordinates (offset by origin) |
point = inPoint; |
point.x += fImageOrigin.x; |
point.y += fImageOrigin.y; |
// find the row that was clicked in |
RowForYOffset( point.y, &row, NULL ); |
// find this byte offset |
byteOffset = ByteOffsetOfRow( row ); |
switch ( part ) |
{ |
case kHexEditorOffsetColumnPart: |
// invalid, no offset available here |
break; |
case kHexEditorHexColumnPart: |
byteOffset += ByteOffsetOfHexColumnXOffset( inPoint.x - GetColumnOffset( kDataColumnHex ) ); |
break; |
case kHexEditorCharColumnPart: |
byteOffset += ByteOffsetOfCharColumnXOffset( inPoint.x - GetColumnOffset( kDataColumnChar ) ); |
break; |
} |
// the offset can't be greater than the size of the data |
return byteOffset > GetDataLength() ? GetDataLength() : byteOffset; |
} |
#pragma mark -- ROW CALCULATIONS -- |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ByteOffsetOfRow |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Find the byte offset for the given row, i.e. what byte corresponds |
// to the beginning of this row |
// |
long |
THexEditorScrollableView::ByteOffsetOfRow( long inRow ) |
{ |
return inRow * BytesPerRow(); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// RowForByteOffset |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Determine what row the given byte offset is in |
// |
long |
THexEditorScrollableView::RowForByteOffset( long inByteOffset ) |
{ |
check( inByteOffset < GetDataLength() ); |
return inByteOffset / BytesPerRow(); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// RowForYOffset |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Determine the row number for the offset, and what the offset is |
// to the bottom of the visible text within that row. |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::RowForYOffset( |
float inYOffset, |
long* outRow, |
float* outTextStartOffset ) // can be NULL |
{ |
check( outRow != NULL ); |
// the vertical origin may be in the middle of a line. If this is the case, |
// we need to draw the row above this one as well |
*outRow = (long)floor( inYOffset / kRowHeight ); |
// The origin may be within a row, if this is the case, find the offset |
// within the row so we can determine where the pen position should be. |
if ( outTextStartOffset != NULL ) |
*outTextStartOffset = kRowHeight - ( inYOffset - ( *outRow * kRowHeight ) ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// VerticalOffsetOfRow |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Determine the appropriate vertical offset to the top of the given row |
// |
float |
THexEditorScrollableView::VerticalOffsetOfRow( long inRow ) |
{ |
return inRow * kRowHeight; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// CalculateRowHighlightSelection |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Calculates the byte offsets in the given row to which the highlight |
// should be applied if there is a selection in that row. This is the |
// relative offset within this row, not the absolute byte offset. |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::CalculateRowHighlightSelection( |
long inRow, |
long* outSelectionStart, |
long* outSelectionEnd ) |
{ |
long rowByteOffset; |
long rowSelectionStart; |
long rowSelectionEnd; |
check( outSelectionStart != NULL ); |
check( outSelectionEnd != NULL ); |
// default to something reasonable |
*outSelectionStart = *outSelectionEnd = 0; |
// if there is no selection, nothing to do |
require_quiet( not IsEmptySelection(), CalculateRowHighlight_NoSelection ); |
// figure out what rows the selections begin on |
rowSelectionStart = RowForByteOffset( fSelectionStart ); |
rowSelectionEnd = RowForByteOffset( fSelectionEnd ); |
// determine the byte offset at the beginning of this row |
rowByteOffset = ByteOffsetOfRow( inRow ); |
// skip operations if the entire selection is not in this row |
require_quiet( ( rowSelectionStart <= inRow ) |
&& ( rowSelectionEnd >= inRow ), CalculateRowHighlight_SelectionBeyondRow ); |
// if the selection start is before this row, the byte offset for this row is 0, |
// which it is already initialized to be, so the only thing we need to check |
// is if it is within the current row |
if ( rowSelectionStart == inRow ) |
*outSelectionStart = fSelectionStart - rowByteOffset; |
// now determine the end offset |
if ( rowSelectionEnd > inRow ) |
*outSelectionEnd = BytesPerRow(); |
else |
*outSelectionEnd = fSelectionEnd - rowByteOffset; |
CalculateRowHighlight_SelectionBeyondRow: |
CalculateRowHighlight_NoSelection: |
; |
} |
#pragma mark -- COLUMN CALCULATIONS -- |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ByteOffsetOfHexColumnXOffset |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Find the byte offset for the x offset in the hex column's frame |
// |
long |
THexEditorScrollableView::ByteOffsetOfHexColumnXOffset( float inHexColumnXOffset ) |
{ |
float clusterColumn = inHexColumnXOffset / kHexColumnWidth; |
float clusterOffset; |
short clusterByteOffset = 0; |
long byteOffset; |
// We know the cluster column that this offset is in, now we need to determine |
// where the offset is within this cluster |
clusterOffset = clusterColumn - floor( clusterColumn ); |
// Now that we know the offset within the cluster, we need to determine |
// if the point is closer to the first or second byte of the cluster |
// if it is within a reasonable distance of the center, then assume |
// the user was clicking on the second byte |
if ( clusterOffset > 0.8 ) |
clusterByteOffset = 2; |
else if ( clusterOffset > 0.4 ) |
clusterByteOffset = 1; |
// the byte offset is the offset of the cluster that we're in plus any cluster offset |
byteOffset = (long)(floor( clusterColumn ) * kBytesPerColumn ) + clusterByteOffset; |
return byteOffset; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ByteOffsetOfCharColumnXOffset |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Find the byte offset for the x offset in the char column's frame |
// |
long |
THexEditorScrollableView::ByteOffsetOfCharColumnXOffset( float inCharColumnXOffset ) |
{ |
float byteOffset = inCharColumnXOffset / kCharacterWidth; |
if ( byteOffset < BytesPerRow() ) |
return (long) byteOffset; |
else |
return BytesPerRow(); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HexColumnXOffsetOfByteOffset |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Determine the x offset within the hex column of the byte offset |
// within the row (not the absolute byte offset) |
// |
float |
THexEditorScrollableView::HexColumnXOffsetOfByteOffset( long inByteOffset ) |
{ |
long numHexColumns = inByteOffset / kBytesPerColumn; |
check_string( inByteOffset < BytesPerRow(), "Takes row byte offset, not absolute byte offset" ); |
// If there are an even number of bytes, then the point offset is to |
// the beginning of the nth hex column. If there are an odd number of bytes |
// it is within the hex column cluster |
if ( ( inByteOffset % kBytesPerColumn ) == 0 ) |
return numHexColumns * kHexColumnWidth; |
else |
return ( numHexColumns * kHexColumnWidth ) + ( kCharactersPerByte * kCharacterWidth ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// CharColumnXOffsetOfByteOffset |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Calculate the x offset within the character column of the given |
// byte offset within that row (not the absolute byte offset) |
// |
float |
THexEditorScrollableView::CharColumnXOffsetOfByteOffset( long inByteOffset ) |
{ |
return inByteOffset * kCharacterWidth; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HexColumnForXOffset |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Determine the hex column number for the offset, and what the offset |
// is to the beginning of the visible text within that column |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::HexColumnForXOffset( |
float inHexColumnXOffset, |
long* outColumn, |
float* outTextStartOffset ) // can be NULL |
{ |
float column = inHexColumnXOffset / kHexColumnWidth; |
check( outColumn != NULL ); |
// The column number will be the column that contains the horizontal offset |
*outColumn = (long)floor( column ); |
// Now return the pixel offset with respect to where the cluster should draw |
if ( outTextStartOffset != NULL ) |
*outTextStartOffset = kHexColumnPad - ( ( ceil( column ) * kHexColumnWidth ) - inHexColumnXOffset); |
} |
#pragma mark --- SELECTION --- |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// IsEmptySelection |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
Boolean |
THexEditorScrollableView::IsEmptySelection() |
{ |
return fSelectionStart == fSelectionEnd; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// InvalidateSelection |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ***This could be optimized to only invalidate the selection region |
// rather than the whole thing |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::InvalidateSelection() |
{ |
::HIViewSetNeedsDisplay( GetViewRef(), true ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// IsCaretVisible |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
Boolean |
THexEditorScrollableView::IsCaretVisible() |
{ |
Boolean visible = false; |
long topLeftByteOffset; |
long visibleBytes; |
// the caret will only be blinking if there is an empty selection |
require_quiet( IsEmptySelection(), IsCaretVisible_NotEmptySelection ); |
CalculateDrawOffsets( &topLeftByteOffset, NULL ); |
visibleBytes = VisibleVirtualBytes(); |
if ( ( fSelectionStart >= topLeftByteOffset) |
&& ( fSelectionStart < ( topLeftByteOffset + visibleBytes ) ) ) |
{ |
visible = true; |
} |
IsCaretVisible_NotEmptySelection: |
return visible; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// BlinkCaret |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::BlinkCaret( Boolean inIsBlinking ) |
{ |
if ( inIsBlinking ) |
{ |
// fire up that timer if it's not already going; if it's going, have |
// it update immediately |
if ( fCaretTimer == NULL ) |
{ |
verify_noerr( ::InstallEventLoopTimer( |
::GetCurrentEventLoop(), |
0, // no delay |
kCaretBlinkFrequency, // interval |
CaretTimerProc, |
this, |
&fCaretTimer ) ); |
} |
else |
{ |
::SetEventLoopTimerNextFireTime( fCaretTimer, 0 ); |
} |
// set it to hidden, so when it gets updated it will correctly draw shown. This doesn't |
// make much sense unless you look at the method below |
fCaretState = kCaretStateHidden; |
} |
else |
{ |
if ( fCaretTimer != NULL ) |
{ |
::RemoveEventLoopTimer( fCaretTimer ); |
fCaretTimer = NULL; |
} |
fCaretState = kCaretStateOff; |
} |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// UpdateCaret |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Update the caret to the other state |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::UpdateCaret() |
{ |
fCaretState = fCaretState == kCaretStateShown ? kCaretStateHidden : kCaretStateShown; |
if ( IsCaretVisible() ) |
{ |
TRect caretRect = GetCaretRect(); |
Rect qdCaretRect = caretRect; |
RgnHandle caretRgn = ::NewRgn(); |
// get the caret region |
::RectRgn( caretRgn, &qdCaretRect ); |
// now tell the HIView system to update this region |
::HIViewSetNeedsDisplay( GetViewRef(), true ); |
::DisposeRgn( caretRgn ); |
} |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// GetCaretRect |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Calculate the caret rect for this view |
// |
TRect |
THexEditorScrollableView::GetCaretRect() |
{ |
long row; |
TRect rect = CGRectZero; |
HIPoint topLeft; |
require( IsEmptySelection(), GetCaretRect_NotEmptySelection ); |
row = RowForByteOffset( fSelectionStart ); |
// the top left of the visible rect is the coordinates of the caret adjusted |
// for the origin |
topLeft.y = VerticalOffsetOfRow( row ) + kRowPad - fImageOrigin.y; |
// the horizontal offset is different depending on which column it is in |
if ( fCaretColumn == kHexEditorHexColumnPart ) |
{ |
topLeft.x = HexColumnXOffsetOfByteOffset( fSelectionStart - ByteOffsetOfRow( row ) ) |
- fImageOrigin.x |
+ GetColumnOffset( kDataColumnHex ); |
} |
else if ( fCaretColumn == kHexEditorCharColumnPart ) |
{ |
topLeft.x = CharColumnXOffsetOfByteOffset( fSelectionStart - ByteOffsetOfRow( row ) ) |
- fImageOrigin.x |
+ GetColumnOffset( kDataColumnChar ); |
} |
rect.SetOrigin( topLeft ); |
rect.SetWidth( 1.0 ); |
rect.SetHeight( kCharacterHeight + kRowPad ); |
GetCaretRect_NotEmptySelection: |
return rect; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// IsValidHexInputChar |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
Boolean |
THexEditorScrollableView::IsValidHexInputChar( char inKeyChar ) |
{ |
return isxdigit( inKeyChar ) || ( inKeyChar == kSpaceCharCode ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ByteForChar |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
UInt8 |
THexEditorScrollableView::ByteForChar( char inKeyChar ) |
{ |
UInt8 byte = 0; |
// translate to lower case (for ease) |
inKeyChar = tolower( inKeyChar ); |
// This is derived from an ASCII table. We want to get the |
// byte that corresponds to the ASCII character |
if ( isdigit( inKeyChar ) ) |
byte = inKeyChar - 48; |
else |
byte = inKeyChar - 87; |
return byte; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// IsSpecialCharacter |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Can the given character be handled by this view rather than |
// the columns? |
// |
Boolean |
THexEditorScrollableView::IsSpecialCharacter( char inKeyChar ) |
{ |
Boolean special; |
switch ( inKeyChar ) |
{ |
case kHomeCharCode: |
case kEndCharCode: |
case kTabCharCode: |
case kPageUpCharCode: |
case kPageDownCharCode: |
case kLeftArrowCharCode: |
case kRightArrowCharCode: |
case kUpArrowCharCode: |
case kDownArrowCharCode: |
case kBackspaceCharCode: |
case kDeleteCharCode: |
special = true; |
break; |
default: |
special = false; |
break; |
} |
return special; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HandleSpecialCharacter |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Is this a special character that should be handled by the view |
// itself, or should it be passed to the appropriate insertion column? |
// |
OSStatus |
THexEditorScrollableView::HandleSpecialCharacter( char inKeyChar ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
switch ( inKeyChar ) |
{ |
case kHomeCharCode: |
Scroll( kScrollHome ); |
break; |
case kEndCharCode: |
Scroll( kScrollEnd ); |
break; |
case kTabCharCode: |
HandleTab(); |
break; |
case kPageUpCharCode: |
Scroll( kScrollPageUp ); |
break; |
case kPageDownCharCode: |
Scroll( kScrollPageDown ); |
break; |
case kLeftArrowCharCode: |
AdjustSelection( kAdjustSelectionLeft ); |
break; |
case kRightArrowCharCode: |
AdjustSelection( kAdjustSelectionRight ); |
break; |
case kUpArrowCharCode: |
AdjustSelection( kAdjustSelectionUp ); |
break; |
case kDownArrowCharCode: |
AdjustSelection( kAdjustSelectionDown ); |
break; |
case kBackspaceCharCode: |
HandleDelete(); |
break; |
default: |
err = eventNotHandledErr; |
} |
return err; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HandleHexColumnInput |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// This will handle input of hexadecimal numbers in the hex column. |
// Since a byte requires 2 characters for input, this keeps track of |
// whether the input is at the beginning of the byte or at the end, and |
// attempts to do what the user would expect. |
// |
OSStatus |
THexEditorScrollableView::HandleHexColumnInput( char inKeyChar ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = eventNotHandledErr; |
if ( IsValidHexInputChar( inKeyChar ) ) |
{ |
HISize initialSize = ImageSize(); |
UInt8 byte; |
check( fData != NULL ); |
// the space bar will get out of a half byte insertion mode |
if ( inKeyChar == kSpaceCharCode ) |
{ |
fHalfByteInsertion = false; |
} |
else if ( not fHalfByteInsertion ) |
{ |
byte = ByteForChar( inKeyChar ); |
// Insert this new byte into the data |
::CFDataReplaceBytes( |
fData, |
::CFRangeMake( fSelectionStart, fSelectionEnd - fSelectionStart ), |
&byte, |
sizeof( byte ) ); |
// Now move the insertion point over |
fSelectionEnd = ++fSelectionStart; |
// this could potentially be only a half byte insertion |
fHalfByteInsertion = true; |
} |
else |
{ |
check( IsEmptySelection() ); // can't have half insertions if there is a selection |
check( fSelectionStart > 0 ); |
::CFDataGetBytes( fData, ::CFRangeMake( fSelectionStart - 1, sizeof( UInt8 ) ), &byte ); |
check( (byte & 0xf0) == 0 ); |
byte = ( byte << 4 ) | ByteForChar( inKeyChar ); |
// Insert this new byte into the data |
::CFDataReplaceBytes( |
fData, |
CFRangeMake( fSelectionStart - 1, 1 ), |
&byte, |
sizeof( byte ) ); |
// this is now a full byte that was inserted |
fHalfByteInsertion = false; |
} |
// Flag that the selection has changed so changes get updated |
SelectionChanged( fSelectionStart ); |
// Update the view if there were any visible changes |
if ( initialSize.height != ImageSize().height ) |
SendViewInfoChangedNotification(); |
err = noErr; |
} |
else |
{ |
SysBeep(1); |
} |
return err; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HandleCharColumnInput |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
THexEditorScrollableView::HandleCharColumnInput( char inKeyChar ) |
{ |
UInt8 byte = inKeyChar; |
HISize initialSize = ImageSize(); |
check( fData != NULL ); |
// Insert this new byte into the data |
::CFDataReplaceBytes( |
fData, |
CFRangeMake( fSelectionStart, fSelectionEnd - fSelectionStart ), |
&byte, |
sizeof( byte ) ); |
// Now move the insertion point over |
fSelectionEnd = ++fSelectionStart; |
if ( initialSize.height != ImageSize().height ) |
SendViewInfoChangedNotification(); |
// And invalidate the selection so it redraws |
SelectionChanged( fSelectionStart ); |
return noErr; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HandleDelete |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Handle a deletion |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::HandleDelete() |
{ |
long selectionStart; |
check( fData != NULL ); |
selectionStart = IsEmptySelection() ? fSelectionStart - 1 : fSelectionStart; |
// Only delete if there is something prior to this selection to delete |
if ( selectionStart > 0 ) |
{ |
HISize initialSize = ImageSize(); |
::CFDataDeleteBytes( fData, CFRangeMake( selectionStart, fSelectionEnd - selectionStart ) ); |
fSelectionEnd = fSelectionStart = selectionStart; |
// Tell our view that info has changed if we've changed the image size |
if ( initialSize.height != ImageSize().height ) |
SendViewInfoChangedNotification(); |
SelectionChanged( fSelectionStart ); |
// the selection is wiped out, therefore so is the insertion state |
fHalfByteInsertion = false; |
// since the selection is now empty start the caret blinking again |
BlinkCaret( true ); |
} |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// HandleTab |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Handle a tab character to go to the next focusable part |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::HandleTab() |
{ |
::AdvanceKeyboardFocus( GetOwner() ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// SelectionChanged |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Check whether the selection is visible in the current view and update |
// the view if it is not. |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::SelectionChanged( long inChangedSelection ) |
{ |
long topLeft; |
long row; |
RowForYOffset( fImageOrigin.y, &topLeft, NULL ); |
row = RowForByteOffset( inChangedSelection ); |
if ( row < topLeft ) |
{ |
Scroll ( -( topLeft - row ) * kRowHeight ); |
} |
else if ( row > ( topLeft + NumVisibleRows() ) ) |
{ |
Scroll( ( row - topLeft ) * kRowHeight ); |
} |
Invalidate(); |
InvalidateContainerView(); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// InvalidateContainerView |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::InvalidateContainerView() |
{ |
TCarbonEvent event( kEventClassScrollableHexEditorView, kEventHexEditorSelectionChanged ); |
::SendEventToEventTarget( event, GetEventTarget() ); |
} |
#pragma mark --- DRAWING --- |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// PrepContext |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Prepare the context for our drawing operations |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::PrepContext( CGContextRef inContext ) |
{ |
CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity; |
// adjust the transform so the text doesn't draw upside down |
transform = CGAffineTransformScale( transform, 1, -1 ); |
// select the appropriate font, drawing mode and aliasing features |
::CGContextSelectFont( inContext, kFontName, kFontSize, kCGEncodingMacRoman ); |
::CGContextSetTextDrawingMode( inContext, kCGTextFill ); |
::CGContextSetShouldAntialias( inContext, false ); |
::CGContextSetTextMatrix( inContext, transform ); |
ResetContextFillColor( inContext ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// DrawBackground |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::DrawBackground( CGContextRef inContext ) |
{ |
TRect bounds = Bounds(); |
::CGContextSetRGBFillColor( |
inContext, |
1.0, |
1.0, |
1.0, |
1.0 ); |
::CGContextFillRect( inContext, bounds ); |
ResetContextFillColor( inContext ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// DrawColumnSeparators |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::DrawColumnSeparators( CGContextRef inContext ) |
{ |
TRect bounds = Bounds(); |
float horizontalOffset; |
check( inContext != NULL ); |
horizontalOffset = fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnOffset ] + ( kColumnSeparatorPad / 2 ); |
::CGContextMoveToPoint( inContext, horizontalOffset, 0 ); |
::CGContextAddLineToPoint( inContext, horizontalOffset, bounds.Height() ); |
horizontalOffset += fDataColumnWidths[ kDataColumnHex ] + kColumnSeparatorPad - 0.5; |
::CGContextMoveToPoint( inContext, horizontalOffset, 0 ); |
::CGContextAddLineToPoint( inContext, horizontalOffset, bounds.Height() ); |
::CGContextStrokePath( inContext ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// DrawRowHighlight |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Draw the highlight from the first x offset to the second within |
// this row. Also vary the alpha depending on this control's active |
// state for visual clarity. |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::DrawRowHighlight( |
CGContextRef inContext, |
float inVOffset, |
float inSelectionStartOffset, |
float inSelectionEndOffset ) |
{ |
RGBColor highlight; |
TRect highlightRect( |
inSelectionStartOffset, |
inVOffset - kRowHeight + kRowPad, |
inSelectionEndOffset - inSelectionStartOffset, |
kRowHeight ); |
float alpha = IsActive() ? 1.0 : 0.60; |
// set up the appropriate highlight color in the context |
::LMGetHiliteRGB( &highlight ); |
::CGContextSetRGBFillColor( |
inContext, |
(float) / 65535.0, |
(float) / 65535.0, |
(float) / 65535.0, |
alpha ); |
::CGContextFillRect( inContext, highlightRect ); |
ResetContextFillColor( inContext ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// DrawHexBytes |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Draw the given bytes as hex |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::DrawHexBytes( |
CGContextRef inContext, |
void* inBuffer, |
long inBufferSize, |
float inVertOffset, |
float inHorizontalOffset ) |
{ |
char hexBuffer[ 10 ]; //hexBuffer[ (kBytesPerColumn * kCharactersPerByte) + 1 ]; |
float horizPenLoc; |
size_t bytesToDraw; |
char* byteHead; |
// prep the horizontal pen location |
horizPenLoc = inHorizontalOffset; |
// point to the head of the bytes to draw |
byteHead = (char*)inBuffer; |
// now draw the bytes in clumps of 2 |
for ( long index = 0; index < inBufferSize; index += kBytesPerColumn ) |
{ |
// Recall that sprintf requires a conversion code with optional parameters |
// of the form: %fnc |
// where |
// * 'f' is an optional flag. In this case we're using the flag |
// 0 which means to pad a number on the left with zeros |
// * 'n' is an optional positive number which is the minimum |
// width of the datum. In this case, we want a minimum of |
// 2 characters to be displayed |
// * 'c' is the code which specifies how the output is converted, |
// in this case we want the characters to be hexidecimal |
// |
// These parameters were chosen such that there is padding of a minimum width |
// such that "0" will be printed as "00". |
// |
// We are also masking the byte with 0xFF so that the lowest byte is printed. |
// This is needed to print the low order bits. For example, (int)'-1' will be interpreted as |
// 0xFFFFFFFF instead of the desired 0xFF. |
// If there are 2 bytes to draw cluster them together |
if ( ( inBufferSize - index ) >= kBytesPerColumn ) |
{ |
::sprintf( hexBuffer, "%02X%02X", byteHead[0] & 0xFF, byteHead[1] & 0xFF ); |
bytesToDraw = kBytesPerColumn * kCharactersPerByte; |
} |
else // there is only 1 byte to draw |
{ |
::sprintf( hexBuffer, "%02X", byteHead[0] & 0xFF ); |
bytesToDraw = 1 * kCharactersPerByte; |
} |
// Now draw the bytes as text |
::CGContextShowTextAtPoint( inContext, horizPenLoc, inVertOffset, hexBuffer, bytesToDraw ); |
// update the pen location and the byteHead ptr |
horizPenLoc += kHexColumnWidth; |
byteHead += kBytesPerColumn; |
} |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// DrawCharBytes |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Draw the given bytes as chars |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::DrawCharBytes( |
CGContextRef inContext, |
void* inBuffer, |
long inBufferSize, |
float inVertOffset, |
float inHorizontalOffset ) |
{ |
UInt8* buffer = (UInt8*)inBuffer; |
char* characterBuffer; |
characterBuffer = new char[ inBufferSize ]; |
// Fill a buffer with the printable characters that represent the given bytes |
for ( long index = 0; index < inBufferSize; index++ ) |
characterBuffer[ index ] = toascii( buffer[ index ] ); |
::CGContextShowTextAtPoint( inContext, inHorizontalOffset, inVertOffset, characterBuffer, inBufferSize ); |
delete [] characterBuffer; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// DrawCaret |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Draw the caret in the appropriate highlight color |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::DrawCaret( CGContextRef inContext ) |
{ |
TRect caretRect = GetCaretRect(); |
require_quiet( IsCaretVisible(), DrawCaret_CaretNotVisible ); |
if ( fCaretState == kCaretStateShown ) |
::CGContextSetRGBFillColor( inContext, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); |
else |
::CGContextSetRGBFillColor( inContext, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); |
::CGContextFillRect( inContext, caretRect ); |
ResetContextFillColor( inContext ); |
DrawCaret_CaretNotVisible: |
; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ResetContextFillColor |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::ResetContextFillColor( CGContextRef inContext ) |
{ |
check( inContext != NULL ); |
::CGContextSetRGBFillColor( inContext, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ResetData |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::ResetData() |
{ |
fSelectionStart = fSelectionEnd = kNoSelection; |
fCaretState = kCaretStateOff; |
fCaretColumn = kControlNoPart; |
fHalfByteInsertion = false; |
BlinkCaret( false ); |
} |
#pragma mark --- UTILITIES --- |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ConvertGlobalQDPointToViewHIPoint |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
void |
THexEditorScrollableView::ConvertGlobalQDPointToViewHIPoint( |
const Point& inGlobalPoint, |
HIPoint* outViewPoint ) |
{ |
Point localPoint; |
HIViewRef contentView; |
check( GetOwner() != NULL ); |
check( outViewPoint != NULL ); |
localPoint = inGlobalPoint; |
::QDGlobalToLocalPoint( ::GetWindowPort( GetOwner() ), &localPoint ); |
// convert the QD point to an HIPoint |
outViewPoint->x = localPoint.h; |
outViewPoint->y = localPoint.v; |
// get the content view (which is what the local point is relative to) |
verify_noerr( ::HIViewFindByID( ::HIViewGetRoot( GetOwner() ), kHIViewWindowContentID, &contentView ) ); |
// convert to view coordinates |
::HIViewConvertPoint( outViewPoint, contentView, GetViewRef() ); |
} |
#pragma mark --- CLASS METHODS --- |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Construct |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
OSStatus |
THexEditorScrollableView::Construct( |
ControlRef inControl, |
TView** outView ) |
{ |
*outView = new THexEditorScrollableView( inControl ); |
return noErr; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// EventHandler |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
pascal OSStatus |
THexEditorScrollableView::EventHandler( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
void* inUserData ) |
{ |
THexEditorScrollableView* view = (THexEditorScrollableView*)inUserData; |
OSStatus err = eventNotHandledErr; |
TCarbonEvent event( inEvent ); |
#pragma unused( inCallRef ) |
switch ( event.GetClass() ) |
{ |
case kEventClassScrollable: |
switch( event.GetKind() ) |
{ |
case kEventScrollableGetInfo: |
{ |
event.SetParameter( kEventParamImageSize, view->ImageSize() ); |
event.SetParameter( kEventParamViewSize, view->ViewSize() ); |
event.SetParameter( kEventParamOrigin, view->ImageOrigin() ); |
event.SetParameter( kEventParamLineSize, view->LineSize() ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
break; |
case kEventScrollableScrollTo: |
{ |
HIPoint location; |
event.GetParameter( kEventParamOrigin, &location ); |
view->ScrollTo( location ); |
err = noErr; |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// CaretTimerProc |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
pascal void |
THexEditorScrollableView::CaretTimerProc( |
EventLoopTimerRef inTimer, |
void* inUserData ) |
{ |
THexEditorScrollableView* view = (THexEditorScrollableView*)inUserData; |
#pragma unused( inTimer ) |
view->UpdateCaret(); |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-30