
 Copyright (C) 2015 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 PVRTC Texture Loading classes for Metal. Based on the Apple Sample PVRTextureLoader, but ported to Metal.
#import "AAPLPVRTexture.h"
static char gPVRTexIdentifier[4] = "PVR!";
    kPVRTextureFlagTypePVRTC_2 = 24,
typedef struct _PVRTexHeader
    uint32_t headerLength;
    uint32_t height;
    uint32_t width;
    uint32_t numMipmaps;
    uint32_t flags;
    uint32_t dataLength;
    uint32_t bpp;
    uint32_t bitmaskRed;
    uint32_t bitmaskGreen;
    uint32_t bitmaskBlue;
    uint32_t bitmaskAlpha;
    uint32_t pvrTag;
    uint32_t numSurfs;
} PVRTexHeader;
@interface AAPLTexture ()
@property (readwrite) id <MTLTexture> texture;
@property (readwrite) uint32_t width;
@property (readwrite) uint32_t height;
@property (readwrite) uint32_t pixelFormat;
@property (readwrite) uint32_t target;
@property (readwrite) BOOL hasAlpha;
@implementation AAPLPVRTexture
    // The original compressed data
    NSData* _data;
    NSMutableArray *_imageData;
- (BOOL)unpack
    BOOL success = FALSE;
    PVRTexHeader *header = NULL;
    uint32_t flags, pvrTag;
    uint32_t dataLength = 0, dataOffset = 0, dataSize = 0;
    uint32_t blockSize = 0, widthBlocks = 0, heightBlocks = 0;
    uint32_t width = 0, height = 0, bpp = 4;
    uint8_t *bytes = NULL;
    uint32_t formatFlags;
    header = (PVRTexHeader *)[_data bytes];
    pvrTag = CFSwapInt32LittleToHost(header->pvrTag);
    if (gPVRTexIdentifier[0] != ((pvrTag >>  0) & 0xff) ||
        gPVRTexIdentifier[1] != ((pvrTag >>  8) & 0xff) ||
        gPVRTexIdentifier[2] != ((pvrTag >> 16) & 0xff) ||
        gPVRTexIdentifier[3] != ((pvrTag >> 24) & 0xff))
        return FALSE;
    flags = CFSwapInt32LittleToHost(header->flags);
    formatFlags = flags & PVR_TEXTURE_FLAG_TYPE_MASK;
    if (formatFlags == kPVRTextureFlagTypePVRTC_4 || formatFlags == kPVRTextureFlagTypePVRTC_2)
        [_imageData removeAllObjects];
        if (formatFlags == kPVRTextureFlagTypePVRTC_4)
            self.pixelFormat = MTLPixelFormatPVRTC_RGBA_4BPP;
        else if (formatFlags == kPVRTextureFlagTypePVRTC_2)
            self.pixelFormat = MTLPixelFormatPVRTC_RGBA_2BPP;
        self.width = width = CFSwapInt32LittleToHost(header->width);
        self.height = height = CFSwapInt32LittleToHost(header->height);
        if (CFSwapInt32LittleToHost(header->bitmaskAlpha))
            self.hasAlpha = TRUE;
            self.hasAlpha = FALSE;
        dataLength = CFSwapInt32LittleToHost(header->dataLength);
        bytes = ((uint8_t *)[_data bytes]) + sizeof(PVRTexHeader);
        // Calculate the data size for each texture level and respect the minimum number of blocks
        while (dataOffset < dataLength)
            if (formatFlags == kPVRTextureFlagTypePVRTC_4)
                blockSize = 4 * 4; // Pixel by pixel block size for 4bpp
                widthBlocks = width / 4;
                heightBlocks = height / 4;
                bpp = 4;
                blockSize = 8 * 4; // Pixel by pixel block size for 2bpp
                widthBlocks = width / 8;
                heightBlocks = height / 4;
                bpp = 2;
            // Clamp to minimum number of blocks
            if (widthBlocks < 2)
                widthBlocks = 2;
            if (heightBlocks < 2)
                heightBlocks = 2;
            dataSize = widthBlocks * heightBlocks * ((blockSize  * bpp) / 8);
            [_imageData addObject:[NSData dataWithBytes:bytes+dataOffset length:dataSize]];
            dataOffset += dataSize;
            width = MAX(width >> 1, 1);
            height = MAX(height >> 1, 1);
        success = TRUE;
    return success;
- (BOOL)loadIntoTextureWithDevice:(id <MTLDevice>)device
    _data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:self.pathToTextureFile];
    _imageData = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:10];
    [self unpack];
    int width = self.width;
    int height = self.height;
    NSData *data;
    MTLTextureDescriptor *texDesc = [MTLTextureDescriptor texture2DDescriptorWithPixelFormat:self.pixelFormat
    self.texture = [device newTextureWithDescriptor:texDesc];
    if (!self.texture)
        return FALSE; = texDesc.textureType;
    texDesc.mipmapLevelCount = [_imageData count];
    for (int i=0; i < [_imageData count]; i++)
        data = [_imageData objectAtIndex:i];
        [self.texture replaceRegion:MTLRegionMake2D(0, 0, width, height)
                          withBytes:[data bytes]
                        bytesPerRow:0 ];
        width = MAX(width >> 1, 1);
        height = MAX(height >> 1, 1);
    [_imageData removeAllObjects];
    return TRUE;