Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: MoreFilesX.c |
Abstract: A collection of useful high-level File Manager routines which use |
the HFS Plus APIs wherever possible. |
Version: 1.0.2 |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple |
Computer, Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the |
following terms, and your use, installation, modification or |
redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these |
terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, |
install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and |
subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive |
license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the |
"Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple |
Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; |
provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and |
without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following |
text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. |
Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Computer, |
Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple |
Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except |
as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express |
or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to |
any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by |
other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE |
Copyright © 1992-2005 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved |
For bug reports, consult the following page on the World Wide Web: |
<> |
Change History (most recent first): |
<8> 17 Feb 2005 <rdar://problem/4012003> |
Fixed casting and comparison warnings when "-Werror |
-Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wall |
-W -Wcast-qual -Wpointer-arith -Wno-four-char-constants |
-Wno-unknown-pragmas" are used with XCode 2.0. |
<7> 18 Dec 2004 <rdar://problem/3926695> |
Replaced FSLockRange and FSUnlockRange with |
FSLockRangeCompat and FSUnlockRangeCompat. |
<6> 05 Jan 2004 <rdar://problem/3510800> |
Changed FSMoveRenameObjectUnicode to handle source |
and destination directories being the same, and to |
make sure the destination actually is a directory. |
<5> 22 Sep 2002 <rdar://problem/3016251> |
Changed FSMoveRenameObjectUnicode to not use the |
Temporary folder because it isn't available on NFS volumes. |
<4> 19 Apr 2002 <rdar://problem/2853905> |
Fixed #if test around header includes. |
<3> 19 Apr 2002 <rdar://problem/2850624> |
Fixed C++ compile errors and Project Builder warnings. |
<2> 19 Apr 2002 <rdar://problem/2853901> |
Updated standard disclaimer. |
<1> 25 Jan 2002 MoreFilesX 1.0 |
*/ |
#if defined(__MACH__) |
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#else |
#include <Carbon.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#endif |
#include "MoreFilesX.h" |
/* Set BuildingMoreFilesXForMacOS9 to 1 if building for Mac OS 9 */ |
#ifndef BuildingMoreFilesXForMacOS9 |
#define BuildingMoreFilesXForMacOS9 0 |
#endif |
/* macro for casting away const when you really have to */ |
#define CONST_CAST(type, const_var) (*(type*)((void *)&(const_var))) |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- Local type definitions ----- |
struct FSIterateContainerGlobals |
{ |
IterateContainerFilterProcPtr iterateFilter; /* pointer to IterateFilterProc */ |
FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo; /* fields of the CatalogInfo to get */ |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; /* FSCatalogInfo */ |
FSRef ref; /* FSRef */ |
FSSpec spec; /* FSSpec */ |
FSSpec *specPtr; /* pointer to spec field, or NULL */ |
HFSUniStr255 name; /* HFSUniStr255 */ |
HFSUniStr255 *namePtr; /* pointer to name field, or NULL */ |
void *yourDataPtr; /* a pointer to caller supplied data the filter may need to access */ |
ItemCount maxLevels; /* maximum levels to iterate through */ |
ItemCount currentLevel; /* the current level FSIterateContainerLevel is on */ |
Boolean quitFlag; /* set to true if filter wants to kill interation */ |
Boolean containerChanged; /* temporary - set to true if the current container changed during iteration */ |
OSErr result; /* result */ |
ItemCount actualObjects; /* number of objects returned */ |
}; |
typedef struct FSIterateContainerGlobals FSIterateContainerGlobals; |
struct FSDeleteContainerGlobals |
{ |
OSErr result; /* result */ |
ItemCount actualObjects; /* number of objects returned */ |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; /* FSCatalogInfo */ |
}; |
typedef struct FSDeleteContainerGlobals FSDeleteContainerGlobals; |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- Local prototypes ----- |
static |
void |
FSDeleteContainerLevel( |
const FSRef *container, |
FSDeleteContainerGlobals *theGlobals); |
static |
void |
FSIterateContainerLevel( |
FSIterateContainerGlobals *theGlobals); |
static |
OSErr |
GenerateUniqueHFSUniStr( |
long *startSeed, |
const FSRef *dir1, |
const FSRef *dir2, |
HFSUniStr255 *uniqueName); |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- File Access Routines ----- |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSCopyFork( |
SInt16 srcRefNum, |
SInt16 dstRefNum, |
void *copyBufferPtr, |
ByteCount copyBufferSize) |
{ |
OSErr srcResult; |
OSErr dstResult; |
OSErr result; |
SInt64 forkSize; |
ByteCount readActualCount; |
/* check input parameters */ |
require_action((NULL != copyBufferPtr) && (0 != copyBufferSize), BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
/* get source fork size */ |
result = FSGetForkSize(srcRefNum, &forkSize); |
require_noerr(result, SourceFSGetForkSizeFailed); |
/* allocate disk space for destination fork */ |
result = FSSetForkSize(dstRefNum, fsFromStart, forkSize); |
require_noerr(result, DestinationFSSetForkSizeFailed); |
/* reset source fork's position to 0 */ |
result = FSSetForkPosition(srcRefNum, fsFromStart, 0); |
require_noerr(result, SourceFSSetForkPositionFailed); |
/* reset destination fork's position to 0 */ |
result = FSSetForkPosition(dstRefNum, fsFromStart, 0); |
require_noerr(result, DestinationFSSetForkPositionFailed); |
/* If copyBufferSize is greater than 4K bytes, make it a multiple of 4k bytes */ |
/* This will make writes on local volumes faster */ |
if ( (copyBufferSize >= 0x00001000) && ((copyBufferSize & 0x00000fff) != 0) ) |
{ |
copyBufferSize &= ~(0x00001000 - 1); |
} |
/* copy source to destination */ |
srcResult = dstResult = noErr; |
while ( (noErr == srcResult) && (noErr == dstResult) ) |
{ |
srcResult = FSReadFork(srcRefNum, fsAtMark + noCacheMask, 0, copyBufferSize, copyBufferPtr, &readActualCount); |
dstResult = FSWriteFork(dstRefNum, fsAtMark + noCacheMask, 0, readActualCount, copyBufferPtr, NULL); |
} |
/* make sure there were no errors at the destination */ |
require_noerr_action(dstResult, DestinationFSWriteForkFailed, result = dstResult); |
/* make sure the error at the source was eofErr */ |
require_action(eofErr == srcResult, SourceResultNotEofErr, result = srcResult); |
/* everything went as expected */ |
result = noErr; |
SourceResultNotEofErr: |
DestinationFSWriteForkFailed: |
DestinationFSSetForkPositionFailed: |
SourceFSSetForkPositionFailed: |
DestinationFSSetForkSizeFailed: |
SourceFSGetForkSizeFailed: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- Volume Access Routines ----- |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSGetVolParms( |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
UInt32 bufferSize, |
GetVolParmsInfoBuffer *volParmsInfo, |
UInt32 *actualInfoSize) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
HParamBlockRec pb; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action((NULL != volParmsInfo) && (NULL != actualInfoSize), |
BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
pb.ioParam.ioNamePtr = NULL; |
pb.ioParam.ioVRefNum = volRefNum; |
pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr)volParmsInfo; |
pb.ioParam.ioReqCount = (SInt32)bufferSize; |
result = PBHGetVolParmsSync(&pb); |
require_noerr(result, PBHGetVolParmsSync); |
/* return number of bytes the file system returned in volParmsInfo buffer */ |
*actualInfoSize = (UInt32)pb.ioParam.ioActCount; |
PBHGetVolParmsSync: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSGetVRefNum( |
const FSRef *ref, |
FSVolumeRefNum *vRefNum) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != vRefNum, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
/* get the volume refNum from the FSRef */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoVolume, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
/* return volume refNum from catalogInfo */ |
*vRefNum = catalogInfo.volume; |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSGetVInfo( |
FSVolumeRefNum volume, |
HFSUniStr255 *volumeName, /* can be NULL */ |
UInt64 *freeBytes, /* can be NULL */ |
UInt64 *totalBytes) /* can be NULL */ |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSVolumeInfo info; |
/* ask for the volume's sizes only if needed */ |
result = FSGetVolumeInfo(volume, 0, NULL, |
(((NULL != freeBytes) || (NULL != totalBytes)) ? kFSVolInfoSizes : kFSVolInfoNone), |
&info, volumeName, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetVolumeInfo); |
if ( NULL != freeBytes ) |
{ |
*freeBytes = info.freeBytes; |
} |
if ( NULL != totalBytes ) |
{ |
*totalBytes = info.totalBytes; |
} |
FSGetVolumeInfo: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSGetVolFileSystemID( |
FSVolumeRefNum volume, |
UInt16 *fileSystemID, /* can be NULL */ |
UInt16 *signature) /* can be NULL */ |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSVolumeInfo info; |
result = FSGetVolumeInfo(volume, 0, NULL, kFSVolInfoFSInfo, &info, NULL, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetVolumeInfo); |
if ( NULL != fileSystemID ) |
{ |
*fileSystemID = info.filesystemID; |
} |
if ( NULL != signature ) |
{ |
*signature = info.signature; |
} |
FSGetVolumeInfo: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSGetMountedVolumes( |
FSRef ***volumeRefsHandle, /* pointer to handle of FSRefs */ |
ItemCount *numVolumes) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
OSErr memResult; |
ItemCount volumeIndex; |
FSRef ref; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action((NULL != volumeRefsHandle) && (NULL != numVolumes), |
BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
/* No volumes yet */ |
*numVolumes = 0; |
/* Allocate a handle for the results */ |
*volumeRefsHandle = (FSRef **)NewHandle(0); |
require_action(NULL != *volumeRefsHandle, NewHandle, result = memFullErr); |
/* Call FSGetVolumeInfo in loop to get all volumes starting with the first */ |
volumeIndex = 1; |
do |
{ |
result = FSGetVolumeInfo(0, volumeIndex, NULL, kFSVolInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &ref); |
if ( noErr == result ) |
{ |
/* concatenate the FSRef to the end of the handle */ |
PtrAndHand(&ref, (Handle)*volumeRefsHandle, sizeof(FSRef)); |
memResult = MemError(); |
require_noerr_action(memResult, MemoryAllocationFailed, result = memResult); |
++(*numVolumes); /* increment the volume count */ |
++volumeIndex; /* and the volumeIndex to get the next volume*/ |
} |
} while ( noErr == result ); |
/* nsvErr is OK -- it just means there are no more volumes */ |
require(nsvErr == result, FSGetVolumeInfo); |
return ( noErr ); |
/**********************/ |
MemoryAllocationFailed: |
FSGetVolumeInfo: |
/* dispose of handle if already allocated and clear the outputs */ |
if ( NULL != *volumeRefsHandle ) |
{ |
DisposeHandle((Handle)*volumeRefsHandle); |
*volumeRefsHandle = NULL; |
} |
*numVolumes = 0; |
NewHandle: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- FSRef/FSpec/Path/Name Conversion Routines ----- |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSRefMakeFSSpec( |
const FSRef *ref, |
FSSpec *spec) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != spec, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, spec, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSMakeFSRef( |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
SInt32 dirID, |
ConstStr255Param name, |
FSRef *ref) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSRefParam pb; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != ref, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
pb.ioVRefNum = volRefNum; |
pb.ioDirID = dirID; |
pb.ioNamePtr = CONST_CAST(StringPtr, name); |
pb.newRef = ref; |
result = PBMakeFSRefSync(&pb); |
require_noerr(result, PBMakeFSRefSync); |
PBMakeFSRefSync: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSStatus |
FSMakePath( |
SInt16 volRefNum, |
SInt32 dirID, |
ConstStr255Param name, |
UInt8 *path, |
UInt32 maxPathSize) |
{ |
OSStatus result; |
FSRef ref; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != path, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
/* convert the inputs to an FSRef */ |
result = FSMakeFSRef(volRefNum, dirID, name, &ref); |
require_noerr(result, FSMakeFSRef); |
/* and then convert the FSRef to a path */ |
result = FSRefMakePath(&ref, path, maxPathSize); |
require_noerr(result, FSRefMakePath); |
FSRefMakePath: |
FSMakeFSRef: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSStatus |
FSPathMakeFSSpec( |
const UInt8 *path, |
FSSpec *spec, |
Boolean *isDirectory) /* can be NULL */ |
{ |
OSStatus result; |
FSRef ref; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != spec, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
/* convert the POSIX path to an FSRef */ |
result = FSPathMakeRef(path, &ref, isDirectory); |
require_noerr(result, FSPathMakeRef); |
/* and then convert the FSRef to an FSSpec */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(&ref, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, spec, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
FSPathMakeRef: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
UnicodeNameGetHFSName( |
UniCharCount nameLength, |
const UniChar *name, |
TextEncoding textEncodingHint, |
Boolean isVolumeName, |
Str31 hfsName) |
{ |
OSStatus result; |
ByteCount unicodeByteLength; |
ByteCount unicodeBytesConverted; |
ByteCount actualPascalBytes; |
UnicodeMapping uMapping; |
UnicodeToTextInfo utInfo; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != hfsName, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
/* make sure output is valid in case we get errors or there's nothing to convert */ |
hfsName[0] = 0; |
unicodeByteLength = nameLength * sizeof(UniChar); |
if ( 0 == unicodeByteLength ) |
{ |
/* do nothing */ |
result = noErr; |
} |
else |
{ |
/* if textEncodingHint is kTextEncodingUnknown, get a "default" textEncodingHint */ |
if ( kTextEncodingUnknown == textEncodingHint ) |
{ |
ScriptCode script; |
RegionCode region; |
script = (ScriptCode)GetScriptManagerVariable(smSysScript); |
region = (RegionCode)GetScriptManagerVariable(smRegionCode); |
result = UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding(script, kTextLanguageDontCare, region, |
NULL, &textEncodingHint ); |
if ( paramErr == result ) |
{ |
/* ok, ignore the region and try again */ |
result = UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding(script, kTextLanguageDontCare, |
kTextRegionDontCare, NULL, &textEncodingHint ); |
} |
if ( noErr != result ) |
{ |
/* ok... try something */ |
textEncodingHint = kTextEncodingMacRoman; |
} |
} |
uMapping.unicodeEncoding = CreateTextEncoding(kTextEncodingUnicodeV2_0, |
kUnicodeCanonicalDecompVariant, kUnicode16BitFormat); |
uMapping.otherEncoding = GetTextEncodingBase(textEncodingHint); |
uMapping.mappingVersion = kUnicodeUseHFSPlusMapping; |
result = CreateUnicodeToTextInfo(&uMapping, &utInfo); |
require_noerr(result, CreateUnicodeToTextInfo); |
result = ConvertFromUnicodeToText(utInfo, unicodeByteLength, name, kUnicodeLooseMappingsMask, |
0, NULL, 0, NULL, /* offsetCounts & offsetArrays */ |
isVolumeName ? kHFSMaxVolumeNameChars : kHFSMaxFileNameChars, |
&unicodeBytesConverted, &actualPascalBytes, &hfsName[1]); |
require_noerr(result, ConvertFromUnicodeToText); |
hfsName[0] = (unsigned char)actualPascalBytes; /* fill in length byte */ |
ConvertFromUnicodeToText: |
/* verify the result in debug builds -- there's really not anything you can do if it fails */ |
verify_noerr(DisposeUnicodeToTextInfo(&utInfo)); |
} |
CreateUnicodeToTextInfo: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
HFSNameGetUnicodeName( |
ConstStr31Param hfsName, |
TextEncoding textEncodingHint, |
HFSUniStr255 *unicodeName) |
{ |
ByteCount unicodeByteLength; |
OSStatus result; |
UnicodeMapping uMapping; |
TextToUnicodeInfo tuInfo; |
ByteCount pascalCharsRead; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != unicodeName, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
/* make sure output is valid in case we get errors or there's nothing to convert */ |
unicodeName->length = 0; |
if ( 0 == StrLength(CONST_CAST(StringPtr, hfsName)) ) |
{ |
result = noErr; |
} |
else |
{ |
/* if textEncodingHint is kTextEncodingUnknown, get a "default" textEncodingHint */ |
if ( kTextEncodingUnknown == textEncodingHint ) |
{ |
ScriptCode script; |
RegionCode region; |
script = GetScriptManagerVariable(smSysScript); |
region = GetScriptManagerVariable(smRegionCode); |
result = UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding(script, kTextLanguageDontCare, region, |
NULL, &textEncodingHint); |
if ( paramErr == result ) |
{ |
/* ok, ignore the region and try again */ |
result = UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding(script, kTextLanguageDontCare, |
kTextRegionDontCare, NULL, &textEncodingHint); |
} |
if ( noErr != result ) |
{ |
/* ok... try something */ |
textEncodingHint = kTextEncodingMacRoman; |
} |
} |
uMapping.unicodeEncoding = CreateTextEncoding(kTextEncodingUnicodeV2_0, |
kUnicodeCanonicalDecompVariant, kUnicode16BitFormat); |
uMapping.otherEncoding = GetTextEncodingBase(textEncodingHint); |
uMapping.mappingVersion = kUnicodeUseHFSPlusMapping; |
result = CreateTextToUnicodeInfo(&uMapping, &tuInfo); |
require_noerr(result, CreateTextToUnicodeInfo); |
result = ConvertFromTextToUnicode(tuInfo, hfsName[0], &hfsName[1], |
0, /* no control flag bits */ |
0, NULL, 0, NULL, /* offsetCounts & offsetArrays */ |
sizeof(unicodeName->unicode), /* output buffer size in bytes */ |
&pascalCharsRead, &unicodeByteLength, unicodeName->unicode); |
require_noerr(result, ConvertFromTextToUnicode); |
/* convert from byte count to char count */ |
unicodeName->length = unicodeByteLength / sizeof(UniChar); |
ConvertFromTextToUnicode: |
/* verify the result in debug builds -- there's really not anything you can do if it fails */ |
verify_noerr(DisposeTextToUnicodeInfo(&tuInfo)); |
} |
CreateTextToUnicodeInfo: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- File/Directory Manipulation Routines ----- |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
Boolean FSRefValid(const FSRef *ref) |
{ |
return ( noErr == FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSGetParentRef( |
const FSRef *ref, |
FSRef *parentRef) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != parentRef, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoNodeID, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, parentRef); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
/* |
* Note: FSRefs always point to real file system objects. So, there cannot |
* be a FSRef to the parent of volume root directories. Early versions of |
* Mac OS X do not handle this case correctly and incorrectly return a |
* FSRef for the parent of volume root directories instead of returning an |
* invalid FSRef (a cleared FSRef is invalid). The next three lines of code |
* ensure that you won't run into this bug. WW9D! |
*/ |
if ( fsRtDirID == catalogInfo.nodeID ) |
{ |
/* clear parentRef and return noErr which is the proper behavior */ |
memset(parentRef, 0, sizeof(FSRef)); |
} |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSGetFileDirName( |
const FSRef *ref, |
HFSUniStr255 *outName) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != outName, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, outName, NULL, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSGetNodeID( |
const FSRef *ref, |
long *nodeID, /* can be NULL */ |
Boolean *isDirectory) /* can be NULL */ |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo; |
/* determine what catalog information to get */ |
whichInfo = kFSCatInfoNone; /* start with none */ |
if ( NULL != nodeID ) |
{ |
whichInfo |= kFSCatInfoNodeID; |
} |
if ( NULL != isDirectory ) |
{ |
whichInfo |= kFSCatInfoNodeFlags; |
} |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, whichInfo, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
if ( NULL != nodeID ) |
{ |
*nodeID = catalogInfo.nodeID; |
} |
if ( NULL != isDirectory ) |
{ |
*isDirectory = (0 != (kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask & catalogInfo.nodeFlags)); |
} |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSGetUserPrivilegesPermissions( |
const FSRef *ref, |
UInt8 *userPrivileges, /* can be NULL */ |
UInt32 permissions[4]) /* can be NULL */ |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo; |
/* determine what catalog information to get */ |
whichInfo = kFSCatInfoNone; /* start with none */ |
if ( NULL != userPrivileges ) |
{ |
whichInfo |= kFSCatInfoUserPrivs; |
} |
if ( NULL != permissions ) |
{ |
whichInfo |= kFSCatInfoPermissions; |
} |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, whichInfo, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
if ( NULL != userPrivileges ) |
{ |
*userPrivileges = catalogInfo.userPrivileges; |
} |
if ( NULL != permissions ) |
{ |
BlockMoveData(&catalogInfo.permissions, permissions, sizeof(UInt32) * 4); |
} |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSCheckLock( |
const FSRef *ref) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
FSVolumeInfo volumeInfo; |
/* get nodeFlags and vRefNum for container */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags + kFSCatInfoVolume, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL,NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
/* is file locked? */ |
if ( 0 != (catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeLockedMask) ) |
{ |
result = fLckdErr; /* file is locked */ |
} |
else |
{ |
/* file isn't locked, but is volume locked? */ |
/* get volume flags */ |
result = FSGetVolumeInfo(catalogInfo.volume, 0, NULL, kFSVolInfoFlags, &volumeInfo, NULL, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetVolumeInfo); |
if ( 0 != (volumeInfo.flags & kFSVolFlagHardwareLockedMask) ) |
{ |
result = wPrErr; /* volume locked by hardware */ |
} |
else if ( 0 != (volumeInfo.flags & kFSVolFlagSoftwareLockedMask) ) |
{ |
result = vLckdErr; /* volume locked by software */ |
} |
} |
FSGetVolumeInfo: |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSGetForkSizes( |
const FSRef *ref, |
UInt64 *dataLogicalSize, /* can be NULL */ |
UInt64 *rsrcLogicalSize) /* can be NULL */ |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
whichInfo = kFSCatInfoNodeFlags; |
if ( NULL != dataLogicalSize ) |
{ |
/* get data fork size */ |
whichInfo |= kFSCatInfoDataSizes; |
} |
if ( NULL != rsrcLogicalSize ) |
{ |
/* get resource fork size */ |
whichInfo |= kFSCatInfoRsrcSizes; |
} |
/* get nodeFlags and catalog info */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, whichInfo, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL,NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
/* make sure FSRef was to a file */ |
require_action(0 == (catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask), FSRefNotFile, result = notAFileErr); |
if ( NULL != dataLogicalSize ) |
{ |
/* return data fork size */ |
*dataLogicalSize = catalogInfo.dataLogicalSize; |
} |
if ( NULL != rsrcLogicalSize ) |
{ |
/* return resource fork size */ |
*rsrcLogicalSize = catalogInfo.rsrcLogicalSize; |
} |
FSRefNotFile: |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSGetTotalForkSizes( |
const FSRef *ref, |
UInt64 *totalLogicalSize, /* can be NULL */ |
UInt64 *totalPhysicalSize, /* can be NULL */ |
ItemCount *forkCount) /* can be NULL */ |
{ |
OSErr result; |
CatPositionRec forkIterator; |
SInt64 forkSize; |
SInt64 *forkSizePtr; |
UInt64 forkPhysicalSize; |
UInt64 *forkPhysicalSizePtr; |
/* Determine if forkSize needed */ |
if ( NULL != totalLogicalSize) |
{ |
*totalLogicalSize = 0; |
forkSizePtr = &forkSize; |
} |
else |
{ |
forkSizePtr = NULL; |
} |
/* Determine if forkPhysicalSize is needed */ |
if ( NULL != totalPhysicalSize ) |
{ |
*totalPhysicalSize = 0; |
forkPhysicalSizePtr = &forkPhysicalSize; |
} |
else |
{ |
forkPhysicalSizePtr = NULL; |
} |
/* zero fork count if returning it */ |
if ( NULL != forkCount ) |
{ |
*forkCount = 0; |
} |
/* Iterate through the forks to get the sizes */ |
forkIterator.initialize = 0; |
do |
{ |
result = FSIterateForks(ref, &forkIterator, NULL, forkSizePtr, forkPhysicalSizePtr); |
if ( noErr == result ) |
{ |
if ( NULL != totalLogicalSize ) |
{ |
*totalLogicalSize += forkSize; |
} |
if ( NULL != totalPhysicalSize ) |
{ |
*totalPhysicalSize += forkPhysicalSize; |
} |
if ( NULL != forkCount ) |
{ |
++*forkCount; |
} |
} |
} while ( noErr == result ); |
/* any error result other than errFSNoMoreItems is serious */ |
require(errFSNoMoreItems == result, FSIterateForks); |
/* Normal exit */ |
result = noErr; |
FSIterateForks: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSBumpDate( |
const FSRef *ref) |
{ |
OSStatus result; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
UTCDateTime oldDateTime; |
#if !BuildingMoreFilesXForMacOS9 |
FSRef parentRef; |
Boolean notifyParent; |
#endif |
#if !BuildingMoreFilesXForMacOS9 |
/* Get the node flags, the content modification date and time, and the parent ref */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags + kFSCatInfoContentMod, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, &parentRef); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
/* Notify the parent if this is a file */ |
notifyParent = (0 == (catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask)); |
#else |
/* Get the content modification date and time */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoContentMod, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
#endif |
oldDateTime = catalogInfo.contentModDate; |
/* Get the current date and time */ |
result = GetUTCDateTime(&catalogInfo.contentModDate, kUTCDefaultOptions); |
require_noerr(result, GetUTCDateTime); |
/* if the old date and time is the the same as the current, bump the seconds by one */ |
if ( (catalogInfo.contentModDate.fraction == oldDateTime.fraction) && |
(catalogInfo.contentModDate.lowSeconds == oldDateTime.lowSeconds) && |
(catalogInfo.contentModDate.highSeconds == oldDateTime.highSeconds) ) |
{ |
++catalogInfo.contentModDate.lowSeconds; |
if ( 0 == catalogInfo.contentModDate.lowSeconds ) |
{ |
++catalogInfo.contentModDate.highSeconds; |
} |
} |
/* Bump the content modification date and time */ |
result = FSSetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoContentMod, &catalogInfo); |
require_noerr(result, FSSetCatalogInfo); |
#if !BuildingMoreFilesXForMacOS9 |
/* |
* The problem with FNNotify is that it is not available under Mac OS 9 |
* and there's no way to test for that except for looking for the symbol |
* or something. So, I'll just conditionalize this for those who care |
* to send a notification. |
*/ |
/* Send a notification for the parent of the file, or for the directory */ |
result = FNNotify(notifyParent ? &parentRef : ref, kFNDirectoryModifiedMessage, kNilOptions); |
require_noerr(result, FNNotify); |
#endif |
/* ignore errors from FSSetCatalogInfo (volume might be write protected) and FNNotify */ |
FNNotify: |
FSSetCatalogInfo: |
return ( noErr ); |
/**********************/ |
GetUTCDateTime: |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSGetFinderInfo( |
const FSRef *ref, |
FinderInfo *info, /* can be NULL */ |
ExtendedFinderInfo *extendedInfo, /* can be NULL */ |
Boolean *isDirectory) /* can be NULL */ |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo; |
/* determine what catalog information is really needed */ |
whichInfo = kFSCatInfoNone; |
if ( NULL != info ) |
{ |
/* get FinderInfo */ |
whichInfo |= kFSCatInfoFinderInfo; |
} |
if ( NULL != extendedInfo ) |
{ |
/* get ExtendedFinderInfo */ |
whichInfo |= kFSCatInfoFinderXInfo; |
} |
if ( NULL != isDirectory ) |
{ |
whichInfo |= kFSCatInfoNodeFlags; |
} |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, whichInfo, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
/* return FinderInfo if requested */ |
if ( NULL != info ) |
{ |
BlockMoveData(catalogInfo.finderInfo, info, sizeof(FinderInfo)); |
} |
/* return ExtendedFinderInfo if requested */ |
if ( NULL != extendedInfo) |
{ |
BlockMoveData(catalogInfo.extFinderInfo, extendedInfo, sizeof(ExtendedFinderInfo)); |
} |
/* set isDirectory Boolean if requested */ |
if ( NULL != isDirectory) |
{ |
*isDirectory = (0 != (kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask & catalogInfo.nodeFlags)); |
} |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSSetFinderInfo( |
const FSRef *ref, |
const FinderInfo *info, |
const ExtendedFinderInfo *extendedInfo) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo; |
/* determine what catalog information will be set */ |
whichInfo = kFSCatInfoNone; /* start with none */ |
if ( NULL != info ) |
{ |
/* set FinderInfo */ |
whichInfo |= kFSCatInfoFinderInfo; |
BlockMoveData(info, catalogInfo.finderInfo, sizeof(FinderInfo)); |
} |
if ( NULL != extendedInfo ) |
{ |
/* set ExtendedFinderInfo */ |
whichInfo |= kFSCatInfoFinderXInfo; |
BlockMoveData(extendedInfo, catalogInfo.extFinderInfo, sizeof(ExtendedFinderInfo)); |
} |
result = FSSetCatalogInfo(ref, whichInfo, &catalogInfo); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSChangeCreatorType( |
const FSRef *ref, |
OSType fileCreator, |
OSType fileType) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
FSRef parentRef; |
/* get nodeFlags, finder info, and parent FSRef */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags + kFSCatInfoFinderInfo, &catalogInfo , NULL, NULL, &parentRef); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
/* make sure FSRef was to a file */ |
require_action(0 == (catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask), FSRefNotFile, result = notAFileErr); |
/* If fileType not 0x00000000, change fileType */ |
if ( fileType != (OSType)0x00000000 ) |
{ |
((FileInfo *)&catalogInfo.finderInfo)->fileType = fileType; |
} |
/* If creator not 0x00000000, change creator */ |
if ( fileCreator != (OSType)0x00000000 ) |
{ |
((FileInfo *)&catalogInfo.finderInfo)->fileCreator = fileCreator; |
} |
/* now, save the new information back to disk */ |
result = FSSetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoFinderInfo, &catalogInfo); |
require_noerr(result, FSSetCatalogInfo); |
/* and attempt to bump the parent directory's mod date to wake up */ |
/* the Finder to the change we just made (ignore errors from this) */ |
verify_noerr(FSBumpDate(&parentRef)); |
FSSetCatalogInfo: |
FSRefNotFile: |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSChangeFinderFlags( |
const FSRef *ref, |
Boolean setBits, |
UInt16 flagBits) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
FSRef parentRef; |
/* get the current finderInfo */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoFinderInfo, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, &parentRef); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
/* set or clear the appropriate bits in the finderInfo.finderFlags */ |
if ( setBits ) |
{ |
/* OR in the bits */ |
((FileInfo *)&catalogInfo.finderInfo)->finderFlags |= flagBits; |
} |
else |
{ |
/* AND out the bits */ |
((FileInfo *)&catalogInfo.finderInfo)->finderFlags &= ~flagBits; |
} |
/* save the modified finderInfo */ |
result = FSSetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoFinderInfo, &catalogInfo); |
require_noerr(result, FSSetCatalogInfo); |
/* and attempt to bump the parent directory's mod date to wake up the Finder */ |
/* to the change we just made (ignore errors from this) */ |
verify_noerr(FSBumpDate(&parentRef)); |
FSSetCatalogInfo: |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSSetInvisible( |
const FSRef *ref) |
{ |
return ( FSChangeFinderFlags(ref, true, kIsInvisible) ); |
} |
OSErr |
FSClearInvisible( |
const FSRef *ref) |
{ |
return ( FSChangeFinderFlags(ref, false, kIsInvisible) ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSSetNameLocked( |
const FSRef *ref) |
{ |
return ( FSChangeFinderFlags(ref, true, kNameLocked) ); |
} |
OSErr |
FSClearNameLocked( |
const FSRef *ref) |
{ |
return ( FSChangeFinderFlags(ref, false, kNameLocked) ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSSetIsStationery( |
const FSRef *ref) |
{ |
return ( FSChangeFinderFlags(ref, true, kIsStationery) ); |
} |
OSErr |
FSClearIsStationery( |
const FSRef *ref) |
{ |
return ( FSChangeFinderFlags(ref, false, kIsStationery) ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSSetHasCustomIcon( |
const FSRef *ref) |
{ |
return ( FSChangeFinderFlags(ref, true, kHasCustomIcon) ); |
} |
OSErr |
FSClearHasCustomIcon( |
const FSRef *ref) |
{ |
return ( FSChangeFinderFlags(ref, false, kHasCustomIcon) ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSClearHasBeenInited( |
const FSRef *ref) |
{ |
return ( FSChangeFinderFlags(ref, false, kHasBeenInited) ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSCopyFileMgrAttributes( |
const FSRef *sourceRef, |
const FSRef *destinationRef, |
Boolean copyLockBit) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
/* get the source information */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(sourceRef, kFSCatInfoSettableInfo, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
/* don't copy the hasBeenInited bit; clear it */ |
((FileInfo *)&catalogInfo.finderInfo)->finderFlags &= ~kHasBeenInited; |
/* should the locked bit be copied? */ |
if ( !copyLockBit ) |
{ |
/* no, make sure the locked bit is clear */ |
catalogInfo.nodeFlags &= ~kFSNodeLockedMask; |
} |
/* set the destination information */ |
result = FSSetCatalogInfo(destinationRef, kFSCatInfoSettableInfo, &catalogInfo); |
require_noerr(result, FSSetCatalogInfo); |
FSSetCatalogInfo: |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSMoveRenameObjectUnicode( |
const FSRef *ref, |
const FSRef *destDirectory, |
UniCharCount nameLength, |
const UniChar *name, /* can be NULL (no rename during move) */ |
TextEncoding textEncodingHint, |
FSRef *newRef) /* if function fails along the way, newRef is final location of file */ |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSVolumeRefNum destVRefNum; |
UInt32 destDirID; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
FSRef originalDirectory; |
TextEncoding originalTextEncodingHint; |
HFSUniStr255 originalName; |
HFSUniStr255 uniqueName; /* unique name given to object while moving it to destination */ |
long theSeed; /* the seed for generating unique names */ |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != newRef, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
/* newRef = input to start with */ |
BlockMoveData(ref, newRef, sizeof(FSRef)); |
/* get destDirectory's NodeFlags, vRefNum and dirID */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(destDirectory, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags | kFSCatInfoVolume | kFSCatInfoNodeID, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, DestinationBad); |
/* make sure destination is a directory */ |
require_action(0 != (catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask), DestinationBad, result = dirNFErr); |
/* save destVRefNum and dirID */ |
destVRefNum = catalogInfo.volume; |
destDirID = catalogInfo.nodeID; |
/* get ref's vRefNum, parent DirID, TextEncoding, name and parent directory */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoTextEncoding | kFSCatInfoVolume | kFSCatInfoParentDirID, &catalogInfo, &originalName, NULL, &originalDirectory); |
require_noerr(result, SourceBad); |
/* save TextEncoding */ |
originalTextEncodingHint = catalogInfo.textEncodingHint; |
/* make sure ref and destDirectory are on same volume */ |
require_action(destVRefNum == catalogInfo.volume, NotSameVolume, result = diffVolErr); |
/* Skip a few steps if we're not renaming */ |
if ( NULL != name ) |
{ |
/* if we are not moving, only renaming, skip some more steps */ |
if ( destDirID == catalogInfo.parentDirID ) |
{ |
/* Rename the object to new name */ |
result = FSRenameUnicode(newRef, nameLength, name, textEncodingHint, newRef); |
require_noerr(result, FSRenameUnicodeSimple); |
} |
else |
{ |
/* generate a name that is unique in both directories */ |
theSeed = 0x4a696d4c; /* a fine unlikely filename */ |
result = GenerateUniqueHFSUniStr(&theSeed, &originalDirectory, destDirectory, &uniqueName); |
require_noerr(result, GenerateUniqueHFSUniStrFailed); |
/* Rename the object to uniqueName */ |
result = FSRenameUnicode(newRef, uniqueName.length, uniqueName.unicode, kTextEncodingUnknown, newRef); |
require_noerr(result, FSRenameUnicodeBeforeMoveFailed); |
/* Move object to its new home */ |
result = FSMoveObject(newRef, destDirectory, newRef); |
require_noerr(result, FSMoveObjectAfterRenameFailed); |
/* Rename the object to new name */ |
result = FSRenameUnicode(newRef, nameLength, name, textEncodingHint, newRef); |
require_noerr(result, FSRenameUnicodeAfterMoveFailed); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
/* if we are not moving, skip the move call (which will fail under 9.0 through 10.1.x) and return noErr */ |
if ( destDirID != catalogInfo.parentDirID ) |
{ |
/* Move object to its new home */ |
result = FSMoveObject(newRef, destDirectory, newRef); |
require_noerr(result, FSMoveObjectNoRenameFailed); |
} |
} |
return ( result ); |
/*************/ |
/* |
* failure handling code when renaming |
*/ |
FSRenameUnicodeAfterMoveFailed: |
/* Error handling: move object back to original location - ignore errors */ |
verify_noerr(FSMoveObject(newRef, &originalDirectory, newRef)); |
FSMoveObjectAfterRenameFailed: |
/* Error handling: rename object back to original name - ignore errors */ |
verify_noerr(FSRenameUnicode(newRef, originalName.length, originalName.unicode, originalTextEncodingHint, newRef)); |
FSRenameUnicodeBeforeMoveFailed: |
GenerateUniqueHFSUniStrFailed: |
FSRenameUnicodeSimple: |
/* |
* failure handling code for renaming or not |
*/ |
FSMoveObjectNoRenameFailed: |
NotSameVolume: |
SourceBad: |
DestinationBad: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* |
The FSDeleteContainerLevel function deletes the contents of a container |
directory. All files and subdirectories in the specified container are |
deleted. If a locked file or directory is encountered, it is unlocked |
and then deleted. If any unexpected errors are encountered, |
FSDeleteContainerLevel quits and returns to the caller. |
container --> FSRef to a directory. |
theGlobals --> A pointer to a FSDeleteContainerGlobals struct |
which contains the variables that do not need to |
be allocated each time FSDeleteContainerLevel |
recurses. That lets FSDeleteContainerLevel use |
less stack space per recursion level. |
*/ |
static |
void |
FSDeleteContainerLevel( |
const FSRef *container, |
FSDeleteContainerGlobals *theGlobals) |
{ |
/* level locals */ |
FSIterator iterator; |
FSRef itemToDelete; |
UInt16 nodeFlags; |
/* Open FSIterator for flat access and give delete optimization hint */ |
theGlobals->result = FSOpenIterator(container, kFSIterateFlat + kFSIterateDelete, &iterator); |
require_noerr(theGlobals->result, FSOpenIterator); |
/* delete the contents of the directory */ |
do |
{ |
/* get 1 item to delete */ |
theGlobals->result = FSGetCatalogInfoBulk(iterator, 1, &theGlobals->actualObjects, |
NULL, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &theGlobals->catalogInfo, |
&itemToDelete, NULL, NULL); |
if ( (noErr == theGlobals->result) && (1 == theGlobals->actualObjects) ) |
{ |
/* save node flags in local in case we have to recurse */ |
nodeFlags = theGlobals->catalogInfo.nodeFlags; |
/* is it a file or directory? */ |
if ( 0 != (nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) ) |
{ |
/* it's a directory -- delete its contents before attempting to delete it */ |
FSDeleteContainerLevel(&itemToDelete, theGlobals); |
} |
/* are we still OK to delete? */ |
if ( noErr == theGlobals->result ) |
{ |
/* is item locked? */ |
if ( 0 != (nodeFlags & kFSNodeLockedMask) ) |
{ |
/* then attempt to unlock it (ignore result since FSDeleteObject will set it correctly) */ |
theGlobals->catalogInfo.nodeFlags = nodeFlags & ~kFSNodeLockedMask; |
(void) FSSetCatalogInfo(&itemToDelete, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &theGlobals->catalogInfo); |
} |
/* delete the item */ |
theGlobals->result = FSDeleteObject(&itemToDelete); |
} |
} |
} while ( noErr == theGlobals->result ); |
/* we found the end of the items normally, so return noErr */ |
if ( errFSNoMoreItems == theGlobals->result ) |
{ |
theGlobals->result = noErr; |
} |
/* close the FSIterator (closing an open iterator should never fail) */ |
verify_noerr(FSCloseIterator(iterator)); |
FSOpenIterator: |
return; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSDeleteContainerContents( |
const FSRef *container) |
{ |
FSDeleteContainerGlobals theGlobals; |
/* delete container's contents */ |
FSDeleteContainerLevel(container, &theGlobals); |
return ( theGlobals.result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSDeleteContainer( |
const FSRef *container) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
/* get nodeFlags for container */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(container, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &catalogInfo, NULL, NULL,NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
/* make sure container is a directory */ |
require_action(0 != (catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask), ContainerNotDirectory, result = dirNFErr); |
/* delete container's contents */ |
result = FSDeleteContainerContents(container); |
require_noerr(result, FSDeleteContainerContents); |
/* is container locked? */ |
if ( 0 != (catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeLockedMask) ) |
{ |
/* then attempt to unlock container (ignore result since FSDeleteObject will set it correctly) */ |
catalogInfo.nodeFlags &= ~kFSNodeLockedMask; |
(void) FSSetCatalogInfo(container, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags, &catalogInfo); |
} |
/* delete the container */ |
result = FSDeleteObject(container); |
FSDeleteContainerContents: |
ContainerNotDirectory: |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* |
The FSIterateContainerLevel function iterates the contents of a container |
directory and calls a IterateContainerFilterProc function once for each |
file and directory found. |
theGlobals --> A pointer to a FSIterateContainerGlobals struct |
which contains the variables needed globally by |
all recusion levels of FSIterateContainerLevel. |
That makes FSIterateContainer thread safe since |
each call to it uses its own global world. |
It also contains the variables that do not need |
to be allocated each time FSIterateContainerLevel |
recurses. That lets FSIterateContainerLevel use |
less stack space per recursion level. |
*/ |
static |
void |
FSIterateContainerLevel( |
FSIterateContainerGlobals *theGlobals) |
{ |
FSIterator iterator; |
/* If maxLevels is zero, we aren't checking levels */ |
/* If currentLevel < maxLevels, look at this level */ |
if ( (theGlobals->maxLevels == 0) || |
(theGlobals->currentLevel < theGlobals->maxLevels) ) |
{ |
/* Open FSIterator for flat access to theGlobals->ref */ |
theGlobals->result = FSOpenIterator(&theGlobals->ref, kFSIterateFlat, &iterator); |
require_noerr(theGlobals->result, FSOpenIterator); |
++theGlobals->currentLevel; /* Go to next level */ |
/* Call FSGetCatalogInfoBulk in loop to get all items in the container */ |
do |
{ |
theGlobals->result = FSGetCatalogInfoBulk(iterator, 1, &theGlobals->actualObjects, |
&theGlobals->containerChanged, theGlobals->whichInfo, &theGlobals->catalogInfo, |
&theGlobals->ref, theGlobals->specPtr, theGlobals->namePtr); |
if ( (noErr == theGlobals->result || errFSNoMoreItems == theGlobals->result) && |
(0 != theGlobals->actualObjects) ) |
{ |
/* Call the IterateFilterProc */ |
theGlobals->quitFlag = CallIterateContainerFilterProc(theGlobals->iterateFilter, |
theGlobals->containerChanged, theGlobals->currentLevel, |
&theGlobals->catalogInfo, &theGlobals->ref, |
theGlobals->specPtr, theGlobals->namePtr, theGlobals->yourDataPtr); |
/* Is it a directory? */ |
if ( 0 != (theGlobals->catalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask) ) |
{ |
/* Keep going? */ |
if ( !theGlobals->quitFlag ) |
{ |
/* Dive again if the IterateFilterProc didn't say "quit" */ |
FSIterateContainerLevel(theGlobals); |
} |
} |
} |
/* time to fall back a level? */ |
} while ( (noErr == theGlobals->result) && (!theGlobals->quitFlag) ); |
/* errFSNoMoreItems is OK - it only means we hit the end of this level */ |
/* afpAccessDenied is OK, too - it only means we cannot see inside a directory */ |
if ( (errFSNoMoreItems == theGlobals->result) || |
(afpAccessDenied == theGlobals->result) ) |
{ |
theGlobals->result = noErr; |
} |
--theGlobals->currentLevel; /* Return to previous level as we leave */ |
/* Close the FSIterator (closing an open iterator should never fail) */ |
verify_noerr(FSCloseIterator(iterator)); |
} |
FSOpenIterator: |
return; |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSIterateContainer( |
const FSRef *container, |
ItemCount maxLevels, |
FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo, |
Boolean wantFSSpec, |
Boolean wantName, |
IterateContainerFilterProcPtr iterateFilter, |
void *yourDataPtr) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSIterateContainerGlobals theGlobals; |
/* make sure there is an iterateFilter */ |
require_action(iterateFilter != NULL, NoIterateFilter, result = paramErr); |
/* |
* set up the globals we need to access from the recursive routine |
*/ |
theGlobals.iterateFilter = iterateFilter; |
/* we need the node flags no matter what was requested so we can detect files vs. directories */ |
theGlobals.whichInfo = whichInfo | kFSCatInfoNodeFlags; |
/* start with input container -- the first OpenIterator will ensure it is a directory */ |
theGlobals.ref = *container; |
if ( wantFSSpec ) |
{ |
theGlobals.specPtr = &theGlobals.spec; |
} |
else |
{ |
theGlobals.specPtr = NULL; |
} |
if ( wantName ) |
{ |
theGlobals.namePtr = &; |
} |
else |
{ |
theGlobals.namePtr = NULL; |
} |
theGlobals.yourDataPtr = yourDataPtr; |
theGlobals.maxLevels = maxLevels; |
theGlobals.currentLevel = 0; |
theGlobals.quitFlag = false; |
theGlobals.containerChanged = false; |
theGlobals.result = noErr; |
theGlobals.actualObjects = 0; |
/* here we go into recursion land... */ |
FSIterateContainerLevel(&theGlobals); |
result = theGlobals.result; |
require_noerr(result, FSIterateContainerLevel); |
FSIterateContainerLevel: |
NoIterateFilter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSGetDirectoryItems( |
const FSRef *container, |
FSRef ***refsHandle, /* pointer to handle of FSRefs */ |
ItemCount *numRefs, |
Boolean *containerChanged) |
{ |
/* Grab items 10 at a time. */ |
enum { kMaxItemsPerBulkCall = 10 }; |
OSErr result; |
OSErr memResult; |
FSIterator iterator; |
FSRef refs[kMaxItemsPerBulkCall]; |
ItemCount actualObjects; |
Boolean changed; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action((NULL != refsHandle) && (NULL != numRefs) && (NULL != containerChanged), |
BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
*numRefs = 0; |
*containerChanged = false; |
*refsHandle = (FSRef **)NewHandle(0); |
require_action(NULL != *refsHandle, NewHandle, result = memFullErr); |
/* open an FSIterator */ |
result = FSOpenIterator(container, kFSIterateFlat, &iterator); |
require_noerr(result, FSOpenIterator); |
/* Call FSGetCatalogInfoBulk in loop to get all items in the container */ |
do |
{ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfoBulk(iterator, kMaxItemsPerBulkCall, &actualObjects, |
&changed, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, refs, NULL, NULL); |
/* if the container changed, set containerChanged for output, but keep going */ |
if ( changed ) |
{ |
*containerChanged = changed; |
} |
/* any result other than noErr and errFSNoMoreItems is serious */ |
require((noErr == result) || (errFSNoMoreItems == result), FSGetCatalogInfoBulk); |
/* add objects to output array and count */ |
if ( 0 != actualObjects ) |
{ |
/* concatenate the FSRefs to the end of the handle */ |
PtrAndHand(refs, (Handle)*refsHandle, actualObjects * sizeof(FSRef)); |
memResult = MemError(); |
require_noerr_action(memResult, MemoryAllocationFailed, result = memResult); |
*numRefs += actualObjects; |
} |
} while ( noErr == result ); |
verify_noerr(FSCloseIterator(iterator)); /* closing an open iterator should never fail, but... */ |
return ( noErr ); |
/**********************/ |
MemoryAllocationFailed: |
FSGetCatalogInfoBulk: |
/* close the iterator */ |
verify_noerr(FSCloseIterator(iterator)); |
FSOpenIterator: |
/* dispose of handle if already allocated and clear the outputs */ |
if ( NULL != *refsHandle ) |
{ |
DisposeHandle((Handle)*refsHandle); |
*refsHandle = NULL; |
} |
*numRefs = 0; |
NewHandle: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
/* |
The GenerateUniqueName function generates a HFSUniStr255 name that is |
unique in both dir1 and dir2. |
startSeed --> A pointer to a long which is used to generate the |
unique name. |
<-- It is modified on output to a value which should |
be used to generate the next unique name. |
dir1 --> The first directory. |
dir2 --> The second directory. |
uniqueName <-- A pointer to a HFSUniStr255 where the unique name |
is to be returned. |
*/ |
static |
OSErr |
GenerateUniqueHFSUniStr( |
long *startSeed, |
const FSRef *dir1, |
const FSRef *dir2, |
HFSUniStr255 *uniqueName) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
long i; |
FSRefParam pb; |
FSRef newRef; |
unsigned char hexStr[17] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; |
/* set up the parameter block */ | = uniqueName->unicode; |
pb.nameLength = 8; /* always 8 characters */ |
pb.textEncodingHint = kTextEncodingUnknown; |
pb.newRef = &newRef; |
/* loop until we get fnfErr with a filename in both directories */ |
result = noErr; |
while ( fnfErr != result ) |
{ |
/* convert startSeed to 8 character Unicode string */ |
uniqueName->length = 8; |
for ( i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) |
{ |
uniqueName->unicode[i] = hexStr[((*startSeed >> ((7-i)*4)) & 0xf)]; |
} |
/* try in dir1 */ |
pb.ref = dir1; |
result = PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync(&pb); |
if ( fnfErr == result ) |
{ |
/* try in dir2 */ |
pb.ref = dir2; |
result = PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync(&pb); |
if ( fnfErr != result ) |
{ |
/* exit if anything other than noErr or fnfErr */ |
require_noerr(result, Dir2PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSyncFailed); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
/* exit if anything other than noErr or fnfErr */ |
require_noerr(result, Dir1PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSyncFailed); |
} |
/* increment seed for next pass through loop, */ |
/* or for next call to GenerateUniqueHFSUniStr */ |
++(*startSeed); |
} |
/* we have a unique file name which doesn't exist in dir1 or dir2 */ |
result = noErr; |
Dir2PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSyncFailed: |
Dir1PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSyncFailed: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSExchangeObjectsCompat( |
const FSRef *sourceRef, |
const FSRef *destRef, |
FSRef *newSourceRef, |
FSRef *newDestRef) |
{ |
enum |
{ |
/* get all settable info except for mod dates, plus the volume refNum and parent directory ID */ |
kGetCatInformationMask = (kFSCatInfoSettableInfo | |
kFSCatInfoVolume | |
kFSCatInfoParentDirID) & |
~(kFSCatInfoContentMod | kFSCatInfoAttrMod), |
/* set everything possible except for mod dates */ |
kSetCatinformationMask = kFSCatInfoSettableInfo & |
~(kFSCatInfoContentMod | kFSCatInfoAttrMod) |
}; |
OSErr result; |
GetVolParmsInfoBuffer volParmsInfo; |
UInt32 infoSize; |
FSCatalogInfo sourceCatalogInfo; /* source file's catalog information */ |
FSCatalogInfo destCatalogInfo; /* destination file's catalog information */ |
HFSUniStr255 sourceName; /* source file's Unicode name */ |
HFSUniStr255 destName; /* destination file's Unicode name */ |
FSRef sourceCurrentRef; /* FSRef to current location of source file throughout this function */ |
FSRef destCurrentRef; /* FSRef to current location of destination file throughout this function */ |
FSRef sourceParentRef; /* FSRef to parent directory of source file */ |
FSRef destParentRef; /* FSRef to parent directory of destination file */ |
HFSUniStr255 sourceUniqueName; /* unique name given to source file while exchanging it with destination */ |
HFSUniStr255 destUniqueName; /* unique name given to destination file while exchanging it with source */ |
long theSeed; /* the seed for generating unique names */ |
Boolean sameParentDirs; /* true if source and destinatin parent directory is the same */ |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action((NULL != newSourceRef) && (NULL != newDestRef), BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
/* output refs and current refs = input refs to start with */ |
BlockMoveData(sourceRef, newSourceRef, sizeof(FSRef)); |
BlockMoveData(sourceRef, &sourceCurrentRef, sizeof(FSRef)); |
BlockMoveData(destRef, newDestRef, sizeof(FSRef)); |
BlockMoveData(destRef, &destCurrentRef, sizeof(FSRef)); |
/* get source volume's vRefNum */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(&sourceCurrentRef, kFSCatInfoVolume, &sourceCatalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, DetermineSourceVRefNumFailed); |
/* see if that volume supports FSExchangeObjects */ |
result = FSGetVolParms(sourceCatalogInfo.volume, sizeof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer), |
&volParmsInfo, &infoSize); |
if ( (noErr == result) && VolSupportsFSExchangeObjects(&volParmsInfo) ) |
{ |
/* yes - use FSExchangeObjects */ |
result = FSExchangeObjects(sourceRef, destRef); |
} |
else |
{ |
/* no - emulate FSExchangeObjects */ |
/* Note: The compatibility case won't work for files with *Btree control blocks. */ |
/* Right now the only *Btree files are created by the system. */ |
/* get all catalog information and Unicode names for each file */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(&sourceCurrentRef, kGetCatInformationMask, &sourceCatalogInfo, &sourceName, NULL, &sourceParentRef); |
require_noerr(result, SourceFSGetCatalogInfoFailed); |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(&destCurrentRef, kGetCatInformationMask, &destCatalogInfo, &destName, NULL, &destParentRef); |
require_noerr(result, DestFSGetCatalogInfoFailed); |
/* make sure source and destination are on same volume */ |
require_action(sourceCatalogInfo.volume == destCatalogInfo.volume, NotSameVolume, result = diffVolErr); |
/* make sure both files are *really* files */ |
require_action((0 == (sourceCatalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask)) && |
(0 == (destCatalogInfo.nodeFlags & kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask)), NotAFile, result = notAFileErr); |
/* generate 2 names that are unique in both directories */ |
theSeed = 0x4a696d4c; /* a fine unlikely filename */ |
result = GenerateUniqueHFSUniStr(&theSeed, &sourceParentRef, &destParentRef, &sourceUniqueName); |
require_noerr(result, GenerateUniqueHFSUniStr1Failed); |
result = GenerateUniqueHFSUniStr(&theSeed, &sourceParentRef, &destParentRef, &destUniqueName); |
require_noerr(result, GenerateUniqueHFSUniStr2Failed); |
/* rename sourceCurrentRef to sourceUniqueName */ |
result = FSRenameUnicode(&sourceCurrentRef, sourceUniqueName.length, sourceUniqueName.unicode, kTextEncodingUnknown, newSourceRef); |
require_noerr(result, FSRenameUnicode1Failed); |
BlockMoveData(newSourceRef, &sourceCurrentRef, sizeof(FSRef)); |
/* rename destCurrentRef to destUniqueName */ |
result = FSRenameUnicode(&destCurrentRef, destUniqueName.length, destUniqueName.unicode, kTextEncodingUnknown, newDestRef); |
require_noerr(result, FSRenameUnicode2Failed); |
BlockMoveData(newDestRef, &destCurrentRef, sizeof(FSRef)); |
/* are the source and destination parent directories the same? */ |
sameParentDirs = ( sourceCatalogInfo.parentDirID == destCatalogInfo.parentDirID ); |
if ( !sameParentDirs ) |
{ |
/* move source file to dest parent directory */ |
result = FSMoveObject(&sourceCurrentRef, &destParentRef, newSourceRef); |
require_noerr(result, FSMoveObject1Failed); |
BlockMoveData(newSourceRef, &sourceCurrentRef, sizeof(FSRef)); |
/* move dest file to source parent directory */ |
result = FSMoveObject(&destCurrentRef, &sourceParentRef, newDestRef); |
require_noerr(result, FSMoveObject2Failed); |
BlockMoveData(newDestRef, &destCurrentRef, sizeof(FSRef)); |
} |
/* At this point, the files are in their new locations (if they were moved). */ |
/* The source file is named sourceUniqueName and is in the directory referred to */ |
/* by destParentRef. The destination file is named destUniqueName and is in the */ |
/* directory referred to by sourceParentRef. */ |
/* give source file the dest file's catalog information except for mod dates */ |
result = FSSetCatalogInfo(&sourceCurrentRef, kSetCatinformationMask, &destCatalogInfo); |
require_noerr(result, FSSetCatalogInfo1Failed); |
/* give dest file the source file's catalog information except for mod dates */ |
result = FSSetCatalogInfo(&destCurrentRef, kSetCatinformationMask, &sourceCatalogInfo); |
require_noerr(result, FSSetCatalogInfo2Failed); |
/* rename source file with dest file's name */ |
result = FSRenameUnicode(&sourceCurrentRef, destName.length, destName.unicode, destCatalogInfo.textEncodingHint, newSourceRef); |
require_noerr(result, FSRenameUnicode3Failed); |
BlockMoveData(newSourceRef, &sourceCurrentRef, sizeof(FSRef)); |
/* rename dest file with source file's name */ |
result = FSRenameUnicode(&destCurrentRef, sourceName.length, sourceName.unicode, sourceCatalogInfo.textEncodingHint, newDestRef); |
require_noerr(result, FSRenameUnicode4Failed); |
/* we're done with no errors, so swap newSourceRef and newDestRef */ |
BlockMoveData(newDestRef, newSourceRef, sizeof(FSRef)); |
BlockMoveData(&sourceCurrentRef, newDestRef, sizeof(FSRef)); |
} |
return ( result ); |
/**********************/ |
/* If there are any failures while emulating FSExchangeObjects, attempt to reverse any steps */ |
/* already taken. In any case, newSourceRef and newDestRef will refer to the files in whatever */ |
/* state and location they ended up in so that both files can be found by the calling code. */ |
FSRenameUnicode4Failed: |
/* attempt to rename source file to sourceUniqueName */ |
if ( noErr == FSRenameUnicode(&sourceCurrentRef, sourceUniqueName.length, sourceUniqueName.unicode, kTextEncodingUnknown, newSourceRef) ) |
{ |
BlockMoveData(newSourceRef, &sourceCurrentRef, sizeof(FSRef)); |
} |
FSRenameUnicode3Failed: |
/* attempt to restore dest file's catalog information */ |
verify_noerr(FSSetCatalogInfo(&destCurrentRef, kFSCatInfoSettableInfo, &destCatalogInfo)); |
FSSetCatalogInfo2Failed: |
/* attempt to restore source file's catalog information */ |
verify_noerr(FSSetCatalogInfo(&sourceCurrentRef, kFSCatInfoSettableInfo, &sourceCatalogInfo)); |
FSSetCatalogInfo1Failed: |
if ( !sameParentDirs ) |
{ |
/* attempt to move dest file back to dest directory */ |
if ( noErr == FSMoveObject(&destCurrentRef, &destParentRef, newDestRef) ) |
{ |
BlockMoveData(newDestRef, &destCurrentRef, sizeof(FSRef)); |
} |
} |
FSMoveObject2Failed: |
if ( !sameParentDirs ) |
{ |
/* attempt to move source file back to source directory */ |
if ( noErr == FSMoveObject(&sourceCurrentRef, &sourceParentRef, newSourceRef) ) |
{ |
BlockMoveData(newSourceRef, &sourceCurrentRef, sizeof(FSRef)); |
} |
} |
FSMoveObject1Failed: |
/* attempt to rename dest file to original name */ |
verify_noerr(FSRenameUnicode(&destCurrentRef, destName.length, destName.unicode, destCatalogInfo.textEncodingHint, newDestRef)); |
FSRenameUnicode2Failed: |
/* attempt to rename source file to original name */ |
verify_noerr(FSRenameUnicode(&sourceCurrentRef, sourceName.length, sourceName.unicode, sourceCatalogInfo.textEncodingHint, newSourceRef)); |
FSRenameUnicode1Failed: |
GenerateUniqueHFSUniStr2Failed: |
GenerateUniqueHFSUniStr1Failed: |
NotAFile: |
NotSameVolume: |
DestFSGetCatalogInfoFailed: |
SourceFSGetCatalogInfoFailed: |
DetermineSourceVRefNumFailed: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- Shared Environment Routines ----- |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSLockRangeCompat( |
SInt16 refNum, |
SInt32 rangeLength, |
SInt32 rangeStart) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
ParamBlockRec pb; |
pb.ioParam.ioRefNum = refNum; |
pb.ioParam.ioReqCount = rangeLength; |
pb.ioParam.ioPosMode = fsFromStart; |
pb.ioParam.ioPosOffset = rangeStart; |
result = PBLockRangeSync(&pb); |
require_noerr(result, PBLockRangeSync); |
PBLockRangeSync: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSUnlockRangeCompat( |
SInt16 refNum, |
SInt32 rangeLength, |
SInt32 rangeStart) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
ParamBlockRec pb; |
pb.ioParam.ioRefNum = refNum; |
pb.ioParam.ioReqCount = rangeLength; |
pb.ioParam.ioPosMode = fsFromStart; |
pb.ioParam.ioPosOffset = rangeStart; |
result = PBUnlockRangeSync(&pb); |
require_noerr(result, PBUnlockRangeSync); |
PBUnlockRangeSync: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSGetDirAccess( |
const FSRef *ref, |
SInt32 *ownerID, /* can be NULL */ |
SInt32 *groupID, /* can be NULL */ |
SInt32 *accessRights) /* can be NULL */ |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSSpec spec; |
HParamBlockRec pb; |
/* get FSSpec from FSRef */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &spec, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
/* get directory access info for FSSpec */ |
pb.accessParam.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr); |
pb.accessParam.ioVRefNum = spec.vRefNum; |
pb.fileParam.ioDirID = spec.parID; |
result = PBHGetDirAccessSync(&pb); |
require_noerr(result, PBHGetDirAccessSync); |
/* return the IDs and access rights */ |
if ( NULL != ownerID ) |
{ |
*ownerID = pb.accessParam.ioACOwnerID; |
} |
if ( NULL != groupID ) |
{ |
*groupID = pb.accessParam.ioACGroupID; |
} |
if ( NULL != accessRights ) |
{ |
*accessRights = pb.accessParam.ioACAccess; |
} |
PBHGetDirAccessSync: |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSSetDirAccess( |
const FSRef *ref, |
SInt32 ownerID, |
SInt32 groupID, |
SInt32 accessRights) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSSpec spec; |
HParamBlockRec pb; |
enum |
{ |
/* Just the bits that can be set */ |
kSetDirAccessSettableMask = (kioACAccessBlankAccessMask + |
kioACAccessEveryoneWriteMask + kioACAccessEveryoneReadMask + kioACAccessEveryoneSearchMask + |
kioACAccessGroupWriteMask + kioACAccessGroupReadMask + kioACAccessGroupSearchMask + |
kioACAccessOwnerWriteMask + kioACAccessOwnerReadMask + kioACAccessOwnerSearchMask) |
}; |
/* get FSSpec from FSRef */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &spec, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
/* set directory access info for FSSpec */ |
pb.accessParam.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr); |
pb.accessParam.ioVRefNum = spec.vRefNum; |
pb.fileParam.ioDirID = spec.parID; |
pb.accessParam.ioACOwnerID = ownerID; |
pb.accessParam.ioACGroupID = groupID; |
pb.accessParam.ioACAccess = accessRights & kSetDirAccessSettableMask; |
result = PBHSetDirAccessSync(&pb); |
require_noerr(result, PBHSetDirAccessSync); |
PBHSetDirAccessSync: |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSGetVolMountInfoSize( |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
SInt16 *size) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
ParamBlockRec pb; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != size, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
pb.ioParam.ioNamePtr = NULL; |
pb.ioParam.ioVRefNum = volRefNum; |
pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr)size; |
result = PBGetVolMountInfoSize(&pb); |
require_noerr(result, PBGetVolMountInfoSize); |
PBGetVolMountInfoSize: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSGetVolMountInfo( |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
void *volMountInfo) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
ParamBlockRec pb; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != volMountInfo, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
pb.ioParam.ioNamePtr = NULL; |
pb.ioParam.ioVRefNum = volRefNum; |
pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr)volMountInfo; |
result = PBGetVolMountInfo(&pb); |
require_noerr(result, PBGetVolMountInfo); |
PBGetVolMountInfo: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSVolumeMount( |
const void *volMountInfo, |
FSVolumeRefNum *volRefNum) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
ParamBlockRec pb; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != volRefNum, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = CONST_CAST(Ptr, volMountInfo); |
result = PBVolumeMount(&pb); |
require_noerr(result, PBVolumeMount); |
/* return the volume reference number */ |
*volRefNum = pb.ioParam.ioVRefNum; |
PBVolumeMount: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSMapID( |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
SInt32 ugID, |
SInt16 objType, |
Str31 name) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
HParamBlockRec pb; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != name, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
pb.objParam.ioNamePtr = NULL; |
pb.objParam.ioVRefNum = volRefNum; |
pb.objParam.ioObjType = objType; |
pb.objParam.ioObjNamePtr = name; |
pb.objParam.ioObjID = ugID; |
result = PBHMapIDSync(&pb); |
require_noerr(result, PBHMapIDSync); |
PBHMapIDSync: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSMapName( |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
ConstStr255Param name, |
SInt16 objType, |
SInt32 *ugID) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
HParamBlockRec pb; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != ugID, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
pb.objParam.ioNamePtr = NULL; |
pb.objParam.ioVRefNum = volRefNum; |
pb.objParam.ioObjType = objType; |
pb.objParam.ioObjNamePtr = CONST_CAST(StringPtr, name); |
result = PBHMapNameSync(&pb); |
require_noerr(result, PBHMapNameSync); |
/* return the user or group ID */ |
*ugID = pb.objParam.ioObjID; |
PBHMapNameSync: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSCopyFile( |
const FSRef *srcFileRef, |
const FSRef *dstDirectoryRef, |
UniCharCount nameLength, |
const UniChar *copyName, /* can be NULL (no rename during copy) */ |
TextEncoding textEncodingHint, |
FSRef *newRef) /* can be NULL */ |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSSpec srcFileSpec; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
HParamBlockRec pb; |
Str31 hfsName; |
GetVolParmsInfoBuffer volParmsInfo; |
UInt32 infoSize; |
/* get source FSSpec from source FSRef */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(srcFileRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &srcFileSpec, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo_srcFileRef); |
/* Make sure the volume supports CopyFile */ |
result = FSGetVolParms(srcFileSpec.vRefNum, sizeof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer), |
&volParmsInfo, &infoSize); |
require_action((noErr == result) && VolHasCopyFile(&volParmsInfo), |
NoCopyFileSupport, result = paramErr); |
/* get destination volume reference number and destination directory ID from destination FSRef */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(dstDirectoryRef, kFSCatInfoVolume + kFSCatInfoNodeID, |
&catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo_dstDirectoryRef); |
/* tell the server to copy the object */ |
pb.copyParam.ioVRefNum = srcFileSpec.vRefNum; |
pb.copyParam.ioDirID = srcFileSpec.parID; |
pb.copyParam.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr); |
pb.copyParam.ioDstVRefNum = catalogInfo.volume; |
pb.copyParam.ioNewDirID = (long)catalogInfo.nodeID; |
pb.copyParam.ioNewName = NULL; |
if ( NULL != copyName ) |
{ |
result = UnicodeNameGetHFSName(nameLength, copyName, textEncodingHint, false, hfsName); |
require_noerr(result, UnicodeNameGetHFSName); |
pb.copyParam.ioCopyName = hfsName; |
} |
else |
{ |
pb.copyParam.ioCopyName = NULL; |
} |
result = PBHCopyFileSync(&pb); |
require_noerr(result, PBHCopyFileSync); |
if ( NULL != newRef ) |
{ |
verify_noerr(FSMakeFSRef(pb.copyParam.ioDstVRefNum, pb.copyParam.ioNewDirID, |
pb.copyParam.ioCopyName, newRef)); |
} |
PBHCopyFileSync: |
UnicodeNameGetHFSName: |
FSGetCatalogInfo_dstDirectoryRef: |
NoCopyFileSupport: |
FSGetCatalogInfo_srcFileRef: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSMoveRename( |
const FSRef *srcFileRef, |
const FSRef *dstDirectoryRef, |
UniCharCount nameLength, |
const UniChar *moveName, /* can be NULL (no rename during move) */ |
TextEncoding textEncodingHint, |
FSRef *newRef) /* can be NULL */ |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSSpec srcFileSpec; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
HParamBlockRec pb; |
Str31 hfsName; |
GetVolParmsInfoBuffer volParmsInfo; |
UInt32 infoSize; |
/* get source FSSpec from source FSRef */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(srcFileRef, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &srcFileSpec, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo_srcFileRef); |
/* Make sure the volume supports MoveRename */ |
result = FSGetVolParms(srcFileSpec.vRefNum, sizeof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer), |
&volParmsInfo, &infoSize); |
require_action((noErr == result) && VolHasMoveRename(&volParmsInfo), |
NoMoveRenameSupport, result = paramErr); |
/* get destination volume reference number and destination directory ID from destination FSRef */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(dstDirectoryRef, kFSCatInfoVolume + kFSCatInfoNodeID, |
&catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo_dstDirectoryRef); |
/* make sure the source and destination are on the same volume */ |
require_action(srcFileSpec.vRefNum == catalogInfo.volume, NotSameVolume, result = diffVolErr); |
/* tell the server to move and rename the object */ |
pb.copyParam.ioVRefNum = srcFileSpec.vRefNum; |
pb.copyParam.ioDirID = srcFileSpec.parID; |
pb.copyParam.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr); |
pb.copyParam.ioNewDirID = (long)catalogInfo.nodeID; |
pb.copyParam.ioNewName = NULL; |
if ( NULL != moveName ) |
{ |
result = UnicodeNameGetHFSName(nameLength, moveName, textEncodingHint, false, hfsName); |
require_noerr(result, UnicodeNameGetHFSName); |
pb.copyParam.ioCopyName = hfsName; |
} |
else |
{ |
pb.copyParam.ioCopyName = NULL; |
} |
result = PBHMoveRenameSync(&pb); |
require_noerr(result, PBHMoveRenameSync); |
if ( NULL != newRef ) |
{ |
verify_noerr(FSMakeFSRef(pb.copyParam.ioVRefNum, pb.copyParam.ioNewDirID, |
pb.copyParam.ioCopyName, newRef)); |
} |
PBHMoveRenameSync: |
UnicodeNameGetHFSName: |
NotSameVolume: |
FSGetCatalogInfo_dstDirectoryRef: |
NoMoveRenameSupport: |
FSGetCatalogInfo_srcFileRef: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- File ID Routines ----- |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSResolveFileIDRef( |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
SInt32 fileID, |
FSRef *ref) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FIDParam pb; |
Str255 tempStr; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != ref, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
/* resolve the file ID reference */ |
tempStr[0] = 0; |
pb.ioNamePtr = tempStr; |
pb.ioVRefNum = volRefNum; |
pb.ioFileID = fileID; |
result = PBResolveFileIDRefSync((HParmBlkPtr)&pb); |
require_noerr(result, PBResolveFileIDRefSync); |
/* and then make an FSRef to the file */ |
result = FSMakeFSRef(volRefNum, pb.ioSrcDirID, tempStr, ref); |
require_noerr(result, FSMakeFSRef); |
FSMakeFSRef: |
PBResolveFileIDRefSync: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSCreateFileIDRef( |
const FSRef *ref, |
SInt32 *fileID) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSSpec spec; |
FIDParam pb; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != fileID, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
/* Get an FSSpec from the FSRef */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(ref, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, NULL, &spec, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
/* Create (or get) the file ID reference using the FSSpec */ |
pb.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr); |
pb.ioVRefNum = spec.vRefNum; |
pb.ioSrcDirID = spec.parID; |
result = PBCreateFileIDRefSync((HParmBlkPtr)&pb); |
require((noErr == result) || (fidExists == result) || (afpIDExists == result), |
PBCreateFileIDRefSync); |
/* return the file ID reference */ |
*fileID = pb.ioFileID; |
PBCreateFileIDRefSync: |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- Utility Routines ----- |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
Ptr |
GetTempBuffer( |
ByteCount buffReqSize, |
ByteCount *buffActSize) |
{ |
enum |
{ |
kSlopMemory = 0x00008000 /* 32K - Amount of free memory to leave when allocating buffers */ |
}; |
Ptr tempPtr; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != buffActSize, BadParameter, tempPtr = NULL); |
/* Make request a multiple of 4K bytes */ |
buffReqSize = buffReqSize & 0xfffff000; |
if ( buffReqSize < 0x00001000 ) |
{ |
/* Request was smaller than 4K bytes - make it 4K */ |
buffReqSize = 0x00001000; |
} |
/* Attempt to allocate the memory */ |
tempPtr = NewPtr(buffReqSize); |
/* If request failed, go to backup plan */ |
if ( (tempPtr == NULL) && (buffReqSize > 0x00001000) ) |
{ |
/* |
** Try to get largest 4K byte block available |
** leaving some slop for the toolbox if possible |
*/ |
long freeMemory = (FreeMem() - kSlopMemory) & 0xfffff000; |
buffReqSize = MaxBlock() & 0xfffff000; |
if ( buffReqSize > (UInt32)freeMemory ) |
{ |
buffReqSize = freeMemory; |
} |
if ( buffReqSize == 0 ) |
{ |
buffReqSize = 0x00001000; |
} |
tempPtr = NewPtr(buffReqSize); |
} |
/* Return bytes allocated */ |
if ( tempPtr != NULL ) |
{ |
*buffActSize = buffReqSize; |
} |
else |
{ |
*buffActSize = 0; |
} |
BadParameter: |
return ( tempPtr ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FileRefNumGetFSRef( |
short refNum, |
FSRef *ref) |
{ |
return ( FSGetForkCBInfo(refNum, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, ref, NULL) ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSSetDefault( |
const FSRef *newDefault, |
FSRef *oldDefault) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSVolumeRefNum vRefNum; |
long dirID; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action((NULL != newDefault) && (NULL != oldDefault), BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
/* Get nodeFlags, vRefNum and dirID (nodeID) of newDefault */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(newDefault, |
kFSCatInfoNodeFlags + kFSCatInfoVolume + kFSCatInfoNodeID, |
&catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
/* Make sure newDefault is a directory */ |
require_action(0 != (kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask & catalogInfo.nodeFlags), NewDefaultNotDirectory, |
result = dirNFErr); |
/* Get the current working directory. */ |
result = HGetVol(NULL, &vRefNum, &dirID); |
require_noerr(result, HGetVol); |
/* Return the oldDefault FSRef */ |
result = FSMakeFSRef(vRefNum, dirID, NULL, oldDefault); |
require_noerr(result, FSMakeFSRef); |
/* Set the new current working directory */ |
result = HSetVol(NULL, catalogInfo.volume, catalogInfo.nodeID); |
require_noerr(result, HSetVol); |
HSetVol: |
FSMakeFSRef: |
HGetVol: |
NewDefaultNotDirectory: |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
OSErr |
FSRestoreDefault( |
const FSRef *oldDefault) |
{ |
OSErr result; |
FSCatalogInfo catalogInfo; |
/* check parameters */ |
require_action(NULL != oldDefault, BadParameter, result = paramErr); |
/* Get nodeFlags, vRefNum and dirID (nodeID) of oldDefault */ |
result = FSGetCatalogInfo(oldDefault, |
kFSCatInfoNodeFlags + kFSCatInfoVolume + kFSCatInfoNodeID, |
&catalogInfo, NULL, NULL, NULL); |
require_noerr(result, FSGetCatalogInfo); |
/* Make sure oldDefault is a directory */ |
require_action(0 != (kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask & catalogInfo.nodeFlags), OldDefaultNotDirectory, |
result = dirNFErr); |
/* Set the current working directory to oldDefault */ |
result = HSetVol(NULL, catalogInfo.volume, catalogInfo.nodeID); |
require_noerr(result, HSetVol); |
HSetVol: |
OldDefaultNotDirectory: |
FSGetCatalogInfo: |
BadParameter: |
return ( result ); |
} |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
Copyright © 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2005-05-13