Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: MoreFilesX.h |
Abstract: A collection of useful high-level File Manager routines which use |
the HFS Plus APIs wherever possible. |
Version: 1.0.2 |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple |
Computer, Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the |
following terms, and your use, installation, modification or |
redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these |
terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, |
install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and |
subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive |
license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the |
"Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple |
Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; |
provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and |
without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following |
text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. |
Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Computer, |
Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple |
Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except |
as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express |
or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to |
any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by |
other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE |
Copyright © 1992-2005 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved |
For bug reports, consult the following page on the World Wide Web: |
<> |
Change History (most recent first): |
<4> 18 Dec 2004 <rdar://problem/3926695> |
Replaced FSLockRange and FSUnlockRange with |
FSLockRangeCompat and FSUnlockRangeCompat. |
<3> 19 Apr 2002 <rdar://problem/2853905> |
Fixed #if test around header includes. |
<2> 19 Apr 2002 <rdar://problem/2853901> |
Updated standard disclaimer. |
<1> 25 Jan 2002 MoreFilesX 1.0 |
Notes: |
What do those arrows in the documentation for each routine mean? |
--> The parameter is an input |
<-- The parameter is an output. The pointer to the variable |
where the output will be returned (must not be NULL). |
<** The parameter is an optional output. If it is not a |
NULL pointer, it points to the variable where the output |
will be returned. If it is a NULL pointer, the output will |
not be returned and will possibly let the routine and the |
File Manager do less work. If you don't need an optional output, |
don't ask for it. |
**> The parameter is an optional input. If it is not a |
NULL pointer, it points to the variable containing the |
input data. If it is a NULL pointer, the input is not used |
and will possibly let the routine and the File Manager |
do less work. |
*/ |
#ifndef __MOREFILESX__ |
#define __MOREFILESX__ |
#ifndef __CARBON__ |
#if defined(__MACH__) |
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h> |
#else |
#include <Carbon.h> |
#endif |
#endif |
#pragma once |
#endif |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
#pragma import on |
#endif |
#pragma options align=mac68k |
#pragma pack(push, 2) |
#pragma pack(2) |
#endif |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- FinderInfo and ExtendedFinderInfo ----- |
/* |
* FSGetFinderInfo and FSSetFinderInfo use these unions for Finder information. |
*/ |
union FinderInfo |
{ |
FileInfo file; |
FolderInfo folder; |
}; |
typedef union FinderInfo FinderInfo; |
union ExtendedFinderInfo |
{ |
ExtendedFileInfo file; |
ExtendedFolderInfo folder; |
}; |
typedef union ExtendedFinderInfo ExtendedFinderInfo; |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- GetVolParmsInfoBuffer Macros ----- |
/* |
* Macros to get information out of GetVolParmsInfoBuffer. |
*/ |
/* version 1 field getters */ |
#define GetVolParmsInfoVersion(volParms) \ |
((volParms)->vMVersion) |
#define GetVolParmsInfoAttrib(volParms) \ |
((volParms)->vMAttrib) |
#define GetVolParmsInfoLocalHand(volParms) \ |
((volParms)->vMLocalHand) |
#define GetVolParmsInfoServerAdr(volParms) \ |
((volParms)->vMServerAdr) |
/* version 2 field getters (assume zero result if version < 2) */ |
#define GetVolParmsInfoVolumeGrade(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMVersion >= 2) ? (volParms)->vMVolumeGrade : 0) |
#define GetVolParmsInfoForeignPrivID(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMVersion >= 2) ? (volParms)->vMForeignPrivID : 0) |
/* version 3 field getters (assume zero result if version < 3) */ |
#define GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMVersion >= 3) ? (volParms)->vMExtendedAttributes : 0) |
/* attribute bits supported by all versions of GetVolParmsInfoBuffer */ |
#define VolIsNetworkVolume(volParms) \ |
((volParms)->vMServerAdr != 0) |
#define VolHasLimitFCBs(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bLimitFCBs)) != 0) |
#define VolHasLocalWList(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bLocalWList)) != 0) |
#define VolHasNoMiniFndr(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bNoMiniFndr)) != 0) |
#define VolHasNoVNEdit(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bNoVNEdit)) != 0) |
#define VolHasNoLclSync(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bNoLclSync)) != 0) |
#define VolHasTrshOffLine(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bTrshOffLine)) != 0) |
#define VolHasNoSwitchTo(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bNoSwitchTo)) != 0) |
#define VolHasNoDeskItems(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bNoDeskItems)) != 0) |
#define VolHasNoBootBlks(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bNoBootBlks)) != 0) |
#define VolHasAccessCntl(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bAccessCntl)) != 0) |
#define VolHasNoSysDir(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bNoSysDir)) != 0) |
#define VolHasExtFSVol(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasExtFSVol)) != 0) |
#define VolHasOpenDeny(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasOpenDeny)) != 0) |
#define VolHasCopyFile(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasCopyFile)) != 0) |
#define VolHasMoveRename(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasMoveRename)) != 0) |
#define VolHasDesktopMgr(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasDesktopMgr)) != 0) |
#define VolHasShortName(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasShortName)) != 0) |
#define VolHasFolderLock(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasFolderLock)) != 0) |
#define VolHasPersonalAccessPrivileges(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasPersonalAccessPrivileges)) != 0) |
#define VolHasUserGroupList(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasUserGroupList)) != 0) |
#define VolHasCatSearch(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasCatSearch)) != 0) |
#define VolHasFileIDs(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasFileIDs)) != 0) |
#define VolHasBTreeMgr(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasBTreeMgr)) != 0) |
#define VolHasBlankAccessPrivileges(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bHasBlankAccessPrivileges)) != 0) |
#define VolSupportsAsyncRequests(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bSupportsAsyncRequests)) != 0) |
#define VolSupportsTrashVolumeCache(volParms) \ |
(((volParms)->vMAttrib & (1L << bSupportsTrashVolumeCache)) != 0) |
/* attribute bits supported by version 3 and greater versions of GetVolParmsInfoBuffer */ |
#define VolIsEjectable(volParms) \ |
((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bIsEjectable)) != 0) |
#define VolSupportsHFSPlusAPIs(volParms) \ |
((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupportsHFSPlusAPIs)) != 0) |
#define VolSupportsFSCatalogSearch(volParms) \ |
((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupportsFSCatalogSearch)) != 0) |
#define VolSupportsFSExchangeObjects(volParms) \ |
((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupportsFSExchangeObjects)) != 0) |
#define VolSupports2TBFiles(volParms) \ |
((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupports2TBFiles)) != 0) |
#define VolSupportsLongNames(volParms) \ |
((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupportsLongNames)) != 0) |
#define VolSupportsMultiScriptNames(volParms) \ |
((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupportsMultiScriptNames)) != 0) |
#define VolSupportsNamedForks(volParms) \ |
((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupportsNamedForks)) != 0) |
#define VolSupportsSubtreeIterators(volParms) \ |
((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupportsSubtreeIterators)) != 0) |
#define VolL2PCanMapFileBlocks(volParms) \ |
((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bL2PCanMapFileBlocks)) != 0) |
#define VolParentModDateChanges(volParms) \ |
((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bParentModDateChanges)) != 0) |
#define VolAncestorModDateChanges(volParms) \ |
((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bAncestorModDateChanges)) != 0) |
#define VolSupportsSymbolicLinks(volParms) \ |
((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bSupportsSymbolicLinks)) != 0) |
#define VolIsAutoMounted(volParms) \ |
((GetVolParmsInfoExtendedAttributes(volParms) & (1L << bIsAutoMounted)) != 0) |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- userPrivileges Bit Masks and Macros ----- |
/* |
* Bit masks and macros to get common information out of userPrivileges byte |
* returned by FSGetCatalogInfo. |
* |
* Note: The userPrivileges byte is the same as the ioACUser byte returned |
* by PBGetCatInfo, and is the 1's complement of the user's privileges |
* byte returned in ioACAccess by PBHGetDirAccess. That's where the |
* ioACUser names came from. |
* |
* The userPrivileges are user's effective privileges based on the |
* user ID and the groups that user belongs to, and the owner, group, |
* and everyone privileges for the given directory. |
*/ |
enum |
{ |
/* mask for just the access restriction bits */ |
kioACUserAccessMask = (kioACUserNoSeeFolderMask + |
kioACUserNoSeeFilesMask + |
kioACUserNoMakeChangesMask), |
/* common access privilege settings */ |
kioACUserFull = 0x00, /* no access restiction bits on */ |
kioACUserNone = kioACUserAccessMask, /* all access restiction bits on */ |
kioACUserDropBox = (kioACUserNoSeeFolderMask + |
kioACUserNoSeeFilesMask), /* make changes, but not see files or folders */ |
kioACUserBulletinBoard = kioACUserNoMakeChangesMask /* see files and folders, but not make changes */ |
}; |
/* Macros for testing ioACUser bits. */ |
#define UserIsOwner(userPrivileges) \ |
(((userPrivileges) & kioACUserNotOwnerMask) == 0) |
#define UserHasFullAccess(userPrivileges) \ |
(((userPrivileges) & (kioACUserAccessMask)) == kioACUserFull) |
#define UserHasDropBoxAccess(userPrivileges) \ |
(((userPrivileges) & kioACUserAccessMask) == kioACUserDropBox) |
#define UserHasBulletinBoard(userPrivileges) \ |
(((userPrivileges) & kioACUserAccessMask) == kioACUserBulletinBoard) |
#define UserHasNoAccess(userPrivileges) \ |
(((userPrivileges) & kioACUserAccessMask) == kioACUserNone) |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- File Access Routines ----- |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSCopyFork |
OSErr |
FSCopyFork( |
SInt16 srcRefNum, |
SInt16 dstRefNum, |
void *copyBufferPtr, |
ByteCount copyBufferSize); |
/* |
The FSCopyFork function copies all data from the source fork to the |
destination fork of open file forks and makes sure the destination EOF |
is equal to the source EOF. |
srcRefNum --> The source file reference number. |
dstRefNum --> The destination file reference number. |
copyBufferPtr --> Pointer to buffer to use during copy. The |
buffer should be at least 4K-bytes minimum. |
The larger the buffer, the faster the copy |
(up to a point). |
copyBufferSize --> The size of the copy buffer. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- Volume Access Routines ----- |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSGetVolParms |
OSErr |
FSGetVolParms( |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
UInt32 bufferSize, |
GetVolParmsInfoBuffer *volParmsInfo, |
UInt32 *actualInfoSize); |
/* |
The FSGetVolParms function returns information about the characteristics |
of a volume. A result of paramErr usually just means the volume doesn't |
support GetVolParms and the feature you were going to check |
for isn't available. |
volRefNum --> Volume specification. |
bufferSize --> Size of buffer pointed to by volParmsInfo. |
volParmsInfo <-- A GetVolParmsInfoBuffer record where the volume |
attributes information is returned. |
actualInfoSize <-- The number of bytes actually returned |
in volParmsInfo. |
__________ |
Also see: The GetVolParmsInfoBuffer Macros for checking attribute bits |
in this file |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSGetVRefNum |
OSErr |
FSGetVRefNum( |
const FSRef *ref, |
FSVolumeRefNum *vRefNum); |
/* |
The FSGetVRefNum function determines the volume reference |
number of a volume from a FSRef. |
ref --> The FSRef. |
vRefNum <-- The volume reference number. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSGetVInfo |
OSErr |
FSGetVInfo( |
FSVolumeRefNum volume, |
HFSUniStr255 *volumeName, /* can be NULL */ |
UInt64 *freeBytes, /* can be NULL */ |
UInt64 *totalBytes); /* can be NULL */ |
/* |
The FSGetVInfo function returns the name, available space (in bytes), |
and total space (in bytes) for the specified volume. |
volume --> The volume reference number. |
volumeName <** An optional pointer to a HFSUniStr255. |
If not NULL, the volume name will be returned in |
the HFSUniStr255. |
freeBytes <** An optional pointer to a UInt64. |
If not NULL, the number of free bytes on the |
volume will be returned in the UInt64. |
totalBytes <** An optional pointer to a UInt64. |
If not NULL, the total number of bytes on the |
volume will be returned in the UInt64. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSGetVolFileSystemID |
OSErr |
FSGetVolFileSystemID( |
FSVolumeRefNum volume, |
UInt16 *fileSystemID, /* can be NULL */ |
UInt16 *signature); /* can be NULL */ |
/* |
The FSGetVolFileSystemID function returns the file system ID and signature |
of a mounted volume. The file system ID identifies the file system |
that handles requests to a particular volume. The signature identifies the |
volume type of the volume (for example, FSID 0 is Macintosh HFS Plus, HFS |
or MFS, where a signature of 0x4244 identifies the volume as HFS). |
Here's a partial list of file system ID numbers (only Apple's file systems |
are listed): |
FSID File System |
----- ----------------------------------------------------- |
$0000 Macintosh HFS Plus, HFS or MFS |
$0100 ProDOS File System |
$0101 PowerTalk Mail Enclosures |
$4147 ISO 9660 File Access (through Foreign File Access) |
$4242 High Sierra File Access (through Foreign File Access) |
$464D QuickTake File System (through Foreign File Access) |
$4953 Macintosh PC Exchange (MS-DOS) |
$4A48 Audio CD Access (through Foreign File Access) |
$4D4B Apple Photo Access (through Foreign File Access) |
$6173 AppleShare (later versions of AppleShare only) |
See the Technical Note "FL 35 - Determining Which File System |
Is Active" and the "Guide to the File System Manager" for more |
information. |
volume --> The volume reference number. |
fileSystemID <** An optional pointer to a UInt16. |
If not NULL, the volume's file system ID will |
be returned in the UInt16. |
signature <** An optional pointer to a UInt16. |
If not NULL, the volume's signature will |
be returned in the UInt16. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSGetMountedVolumes |
OSErr |
FSGetMountedVolumes( |
FSRef ***volumeRefsHandle, /* pointer to handle of FSRefs */ |
ItemCount *numVolumes); |
/* |
The FSGetMountedVolumes function returns the list of volumes currently |
mounted in an array of FSRef records. The array of FSRef records is |
returned in a Handle, volumeRefsHandle, which is allocated by |
FSGetMountedVolumes. The caller is responsible for disposing of |
volumeRefsHandle if the FSGetMountedVolumes returns noErr. |
volumeRefsHandle <-- Pointer to an FSRef Handle where the array of |
FSRefs is to be returned. |
numVolumes <-- The number of volumes returned in the array. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- FSRef/FSpec/Path/Name Conversion Routines ----- |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSRefMakeFSSpec |
OSErr |
FSRefMakeFSSpec( |
const FSRef *ref, |
FSSpec *spec); |
/* |
The FSRefMakeFSSpec function returns an FSSpec for the file or |
directory specified by the ref parameter. |
ref --> An FSRef specifying the file or directory. |
spec <-- The FSSpec. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSMakeFSRef |
OSErr |
FSMakeFSRef( |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
SInt32 dirID, |
ConstStr255Param name, |
FSRef *ref); |
/* |
The FSMakeFSRef function creates an FSRef from the traditional |
volume reference number, directory ID and pathname inputs. It is |
functionally equivalent to FSMakeFSSpec followed by FSpMakeFSRef. |
volRefNum --> Volume specification. |
dirID --> Directory specification. |
name --> The file or directory name, or NULL. |
ref <-- The FSRef. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSMakePath |
OSStatus |
FSMakePath( |
SInt16 vRefNum, |
SInt32 dirID, |
ConstStr255Param name, |
UInt8 *path, |
UInt32 maxPathSize); |
/* |
The FSMakePath function creates a pathname from the traditional volume reference |
number, directory ID, and pathname inputs. It is functionally equivalent to |
FSMakeFSSpec, FSpMakeFSRef, FSRefMakePath. |
volRefNum --> Volume specification. |
dirID --> Directory specification. |
name --> The file or directory name, or NULL. |
path <-- A pointer to a buffer which FSMakePath will |
fill with a C string representing the pathname |
to the file or directory specified. The format of |
the pathname returned can be determined with the |
Gestalt selector gestaltFSAttr's |
gestaltFSUsesPOSIXPathsForConversion bit. |
If the gestaltFSUsesPOSIXPathsForConversion bit is |
clear, the pathname is a Mac OS File Manager full |
pathname in a C string, and file or directory names |
in the pathname may be mangled as returned by |
the File Manager. If the |
gestaltFSUsesPOSIXPathsForConversion bit is set, |
the pathname is a UTF8 encoded POSIX absolute |
pathname in a C string. In either case, the |
pathname returned can be passed back to |
FSPathMakeRef to create an FSRef to the file or |
directory, or FSPathMakeFSSpec to craete an FSSpec |
to the file or directory. |
maxPathSize --> The size of the path buffer in bytes. If the path |
buffer is too small for the pathname string, |
FSMakePath returns pathTooLongErr or |
buffersTooSmall. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSPathMakeFSSpec |
OSStatus |
FSPathMakeFSSpec( |
const UInt8 *path, |
FSSpec *spec, |
Boolean *isDirectory); /* can be NULL */ |
/* |
The FSPathMakeFSSpec function converts a pathname to an FSSpec. |
path --> A pointer to a C String that is the pathname. The |
format of the pathname you must supply can be |
determined with the Gestalt selector gestaltFSAttr's |
gestaltFSUsesPOSIXPathsForConversion bit. |
If the gestaltFSUsesPOSIXPathsForConversion bit is |
clear, the pathname must be a Mac OS File Manager |
full pathname in a C string. If the |
gestaltFSUsesPOSIXPathsForConversion bit is set, |
the pathname must be a UTF8 encoded POSIX absolute |
pathname in a C string. |
spec <-- The FSSpec. |
isDirectory <** An optional pointer to a Boolean. |
If not NULL, true will be returned in the Boolean |
if the specified path is a directory, or false will |
be returned in the Boolean if the specified path is |
a file. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark UnicodeNameGetHFSName |
OSErr |
UnicodeNameGetHFSName( |
UniCharCount nameLength, |
const UniChar *name, |
TextEncoding textEncodingHint, |
Boolean isVolumeName, |
Str31 hfsName); |
/* |
The UnicodeNameGetHFSName function converts a Unicode string |
to a Pascal Str31 (or Str27) string using an algorithm similar to that used |
by the File Manager. Note that if the name is too long or cannot be converted |
using the given text encoding hint, you will get an error instead of the |
mangled name that the File Manager would return. |
nameLength --> Number of UniChar in name parameter. |
name --> The Unicode string to convert. |
textEncodingHint --> The text encoding hint used for the conversion. |
You can pass kTextEncodingUnknown to use the |
"default" textEncodingHint. |
isVolumeName --> If true, the output name will be limited to |
27 characters (kHFSMaxVolumeNameChars). If false, |
the output name will be limited to 31 characters |
(kHFSMaxFileNameChars). |
hfsName <-- The hfsName as a Pascal string. |
__________ |
Also see: HFSNameGetUnicodeName |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark HFSNameGetUnicodeName |
OSErr |
HFSNameGetUnicodeName( |
ConstStr31Param hfsName, |
TextEncoding textEncodingHint, |
HFSUniStr255 *unicodeName); |
/* |
The HFSNameGetUnicodeName function converts a Pascal Str31 string to an |
Unicode HFSUniStr255 string using the same routines as the File Manager. |
hfsName --> The Pascal string to convert. |
textEncodingHint --> The text encoding hint used for the conversion. |
You can pass kTextEncodingUnknown to use the |
"default" textEncodingHint. |
unicodeName <-- The Unicode string. |
__________ |
Also see: UnicodeNameGetHFSName |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- File/Directory Manipulation Routines ----- |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSRefValid |
Boolean FSRefValid(const FSRef *ref); |
/* |
The FSRefValid function determines if an FSRef is valid. If the result is |
true, then the FSRef refers to an existing file or directory. |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSGetParentRef |
OSErr |
FSGetParentRef( |
const FSRef *ref, |
FSRef *parentRef); |
/* |
The FSGetParentRef function gets the parent directory FSRef of the |
specified object. |
Note: FSRefs always point to real file system objects. So, there cannot |
be a FSRef to the parent of volume root directories. If you call |
FSGetParentRef with a ref to the root directory of a volume, the |
function result will be noErr and the parentRef will be invalid (using it |
for other file system requests will fail). |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
parentRef <-- The parent directory's FSRef. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSGetFileDirName |
OSErr |
FSGetFileDirName( |
const FSRef *ref, |
HFSUniStr255 *outName); |
/* |
The FSGetFileDirName function gets the name of the file or directory |
specified. |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
outName <-- The file or directory name. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSGetNodeID |
OSErr |
FSGetNodeID( |
const FSRef *ref, |
long *nodeID, /* can be NULL */ |
Boolean *isDirectory); /* can be NULL */ |
/* |
The GetNodeIDFromFSRef function gets the node ID number of the |
file or directory specified (note: the node ID is the directory ID |
for directories). |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
nodeID <** An optional pointer to a long. |
If not NULL, the node ID will be returned in |
the long. |
isDirectory <** An optional pointer to a Boolean. |
If not NULL, true will be returned in the Boolean |
if the object is a directory, or false will be |
returned in the Boolean if object is a file. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSGetUserPrivilegesPermissions |
OSErr |
FSGetUserPrivilegesPermissions( |
const FSRef *ref, |
UInt8 *userPrivileges, /* can be NULL */ |
UInt32 permissions[4]); /* can be NULL */ |
/* |
The FSGetUserPrivilegesPermissions function gets the userPrivileges and/or |
permissions of the file or directory specified. |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
userPrivileges <** An optional pointer to a UInt8. |
If not NULL, the userPrivileges will be returned |
in the UInt8. |
permissions <** An optional pointer to an UInt32[4] array. |
If not NULL, the permissions will be returned |
in the UInt32[4] array. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSCheckLock |
OSErr |
FSCheckLock( |
const FSRef *ref); |
/* |
The FSCheckLock function determines if a file or directory is locked. |
If FSCheckLock returns noErr, then the file or directory is not locked |
and the volume it is on is not locked either. If FSCheckLock returns |
fLckdErr, then the file or directory is locked. If FSCheckLock returns |
wPrErr, then the volume is locked by hardware (i.e., locked tab on |
removable media). If FSCheckLock returns vLckdErr, then the volume is |
locked by software. |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSGetForkSizes |
OSErr |
FSGetForkSizes( |
const FSRef *ref, |
UInt64 *dataLogicalSize, /* can be NULL */ |
UInt64 *rsrcLogicalSize); /* can be NULL */ |
/* |
The FSGetForkSizes returns the size of the data and/or resource fork for |
the specified file. |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
dataLogicalSize <** An optional pointer to a UInt64. |
If not NULL, the data fork's size will be |
returned in the UInt64. |
rsrcLogicalSize <** An optional pointer to a UInt64. |
If not NULL, the resource fork's size will be |
returned in the UInt64. |
__________ |
Also see: FSGetTotalForkSizes |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSGetTotalForkSizes |
OSErr |
FSGetTotalForkSizes( |
const FSRef *ref, |
UInt64 *totalLogicalSize, /* can be NULL */ |
UInt64 *totalPhysicalSize, /* can be NULL */ |
ItemCount *forkCount); /* can be NULL */ |
/* |
The FSGetTotalForkSizes returns the total logical size and/or the total |
physical size of the specified file (i.e., it adds the sizes of all file |
forks). It optionally returns the number of file forks. |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
totalLogicalSize <** An optional pointer to a UInt64. |
If not NULL, the sum of all fork logical sizes |
will be returned in the UInt64. |
totalPhysicalSize <** An optional pointer to a UInt64. |
If not NULL, the sum of all fork physical sizes |
will be returned in the UInt64. |
forkCount <** An optional pointer to a ItemCount. |
If not NULL, the number of file forks |
will be returned in the ItemCount. |
__________ |
Also see: FSGetForkSizes |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSBumpDate |
OSErr |
FSBumpDate( |
const FSRef *ref); |
/* |
The FSBumpDate function changes the content modification date of a file |
or directory to the current date/time. If the content modification date |
is already equal to the current date/time, then add one second to the |
content modification date. |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSGetFinderInfo |
OSErr |
FSGetFinderInfo( |
const FSRef *ref, |
FinderInfo *info, /* can be NULL */ |
ExtendedFinderInfo *extendedInfo, /* can be NULL */ |
Boolean *isDirectory); /* can be NULL */ |
/* |
The FSGetFinderInfo function gets the finder information for a file or |
directory. |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
info <** An optional pointer to a FinderInfo. |
If not NULL, the FileInfo (if ref is a file) or |
the FolderInfo (if ref is a folder) will be |
returned in the FinderInfo. |
extendedInfo <** An optional pointer to a ExtendedFinderInfo. |
If not NULL, the ExtendedFileInfo (if ref is a file) |
or the ExtendedFolderInfo (if ref is a folder) will |
be returned in the ExtendedFinderInfo. |
isDirectory <** An optional pointer to a Boolean. |
If not NULL, true will be returned in the Boolean |
if the object is a directory, or false will be |
returned in the Boolean if object is a file. |
__________ |
Also see: FSSetFinderInfo |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSSetFinderInfo |
OSErr |
FSSetFinderInfo( |
const FSRef *ref, |
const FinderInfo *info, /* can be NULL */ |
const ExtendedFinderInfo *extendedInfo); /* can be NULL */ |
/* |
The FSSetFinderInfo function sets the finder information for a file or |
directory. |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
info **> A pointer to a FinderInfo record with the new |
FileInfo (if ref is a file) or new FolderInfo |
(if ref is a folder), or NULL if the FinderInfo |
is not to be changed. |
extendedInfo **> A pointer to a FinderInfo record with the new |
ExtendedFileInfo (if ref is a file) or new |
ExtendedFolderInfo (if ref is a folder), or NULL |
if the ExtendedFinderInfo is not to be changed. |
__________ |
Also see: FSGetFinderInfo |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSChangeCreatorType |
OSErr |
FSChangeCreatorType( |
const FSRef *ref, |
OSType fileCreator, |
OSType fileType); |
/* |
The FSChangeCreatorType function changes the creator and/or file type of a file. |
ref --> FSRef to a file. |
creator --> The new creator type or 0x00000000 to leave |
the creator type alone. |
fileType --> The new file type or 0x00000000 to leave the |
file type alone. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSChangeFinderFlags |
OSErr |
FSChangeFinderFlags( |
const FSRef *ref, |
Boolean setBits, |
UInt16 flagBits); |
/* |
The FSChangeFinderFlags function sets or clears flag bits in |
the finderFlags field of a file's FileInfo record or a |
directory's FolderInfo record. |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
setBits --> If true, then set the bits specified in flagBits. |
If false, then clear the bits specified in flagBits. |
flagBits --> The flagBits parameter specifies which Finder Flag |
bits to set or clear. If a bit in flagBits is set, |
then the same bit in fdFlags is either set or |
cleared depending on the state of the setBits |
parameter. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSSetInvisible |
OSErr |
FSSetInvisible( |
const FSRef *ref); |
#pragma mark FSClearInvisible |
OSErr |
FSClearInvisible( |
const FSRef *ref); |
/* |
The FSSetInvisible and FSClearInvisible functions set or clear the |
kIsInvisible bit in the finderFlags field of the specified file or |
directory's finder information. |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSSetNameLocked |
OSErr |
FSSetNameLocked( |
const FSRef *ref); |
#pragma mark FSClearNameLocked |
OSErr |
FSClearNameLocked( |
const FSRef *ref); |
/* |
The FSSetNameLocked and FSClearNameLocked functions set or clear the |
kNameLocked bit bit in the finderFlags field of the specified file or |
directory's finder information. |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSSetIsStationery |
OSErr |
FSSetIsStationery( |
const FSRef *ref); |
#pragma mark FSClearIsStationery |
OSErr |
FSClearIsStationery( |
const FSRef *ref); |
/* |
The FSSetIsStationery and FSClearIsStationery functions set or clear the |
kIsStationery bit bit in the finderFlags field of the specified file or |
directory's finder information. |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSSetHasCustomIcon |
OSErr |
FSSetHasCustomIcon( |
const FSRef *ref); |
#pragma mark FSClearHasCustomIcon |
OSErr |
FSClearHasCustomIcon( |
const FSRef *ref); |
/* |
The FSSetHasCustomIcon and FSClearHasCustomIcon functions set or clear the |
kHasCustomIcon bit bit in the finderFlags field of the specified file or |
directory's finder information. |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSClearHasBeenInited |
OSErr |
FSClearHasBeenInited( |
const FSRef *ref); |
/* |
The FSClearHasBeenInited function clears the kHasBeenInited bit in the |
finderFlags field of the specified file or directory's finder information. |
Note: There is no FSSetHasBeenInited function because ONLY the Finder |
should set the kHasBeenInited bit. |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSCopyFileMgrAttributes |
OSErr |
FSCopyFileMgrAttributes( |
const FSRef *sourceRef, |
const FSRef *destinationRef, |
Boolean copyLockBit); |
/* |
The CopyFileMgrAttributes function copies all File Manager attributes |
from the source file or directory to the destination file or directory. |
If copyLockBit is true, then set the locked state of the destination |
to match the source. |
sourceRef --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
destinationRef --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
copyLockBit --> If true, set the locked state of the destination |
to match the source. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSMoveRenameObjectUnicode |
OSErr |
FSMoveRenameObjectUnicode( |
const FSRef *ref, |
const FSRef *destDirectory, |
UniCharCount nameLength, |
const UniChar *name, /* can be NULL (no rename during move) */ |
TextEncoding textEncodingHint, |
FSRef *newRef); /* if function fails along the way, newRef is final location of file */ |
/* |
The FSMoveRenameObjectUnicode function moves a file or directory and |
optionally renames it. The source and destination locations must be on |
the same volume. |
Note: If the input ref parameter is invalid, this call will fail and |
newRef, like ref, will be invalid. |
ref --> FSRef to a file or directory. |
destDirectory --> FSRef to the destination directory. |
nameLength --> Number of UniChar in name parameter. |
name --> An Unicode string with the new name for the |
moved object, or NULL if no rename is wanted. |
textEncodingHint --> The text encoding hint used for the rename. |
You can pass kTextEncodingUnknown to use the |
"default" textEncodingHint. |
newRef <-- The new FSRef of the object moved. Note that if |
this function fails at any step along the way, |
newRef is still then final location of the object. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSDeleteContainerContents |
OSErr |
FSDeleteContainerContents( |
const FSRef *container); |
/* |
The FSDeleteContainerContents function deletes the contents of a container |
directory. All files and subdirectories in the specified container are |
deleted. If a locked file or directory is encountered, it is unlocked and |
then deleted. If any unexpected errors are encountered, |
FSDeleteContainerContents quits and returns to the caller. |
container --> FSRef to a directory. |
__________ |
Also see: FSDeleteContainer |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSDeleteContainer |
OSErr |
FSDeleteContainer( |
const FSRef *container); |
/* |
The FSDeleteContainer function deletes a container directory and its contents. |
All files and subdirectories in the specified container are deleted. |
If a locked file or directory is encountered, it is unlocked and then |
deleted. After deleting the container's contents, the container is |
deleted. If any unexpected errors are encountered, FSDeleteContainer |
quits and returns to the caller. |
container --> FSRef to a directory. |
__________ |
Also see: FSDeleteContainerContents |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark IterateContainerFilterProcPtr |
typedef CALLBACK_API( Boolean , IterateContainerFilterProcPtr ) ( |
Boolean containerChanged, |
ItemCount currentLevel, |
const FSCatalogInfo *catalogInfo, |
const FSRef *ref, |
const FSSpec *spec, |
const HFSUniStr255 *name, |
void *yourDataPtr); |
/* |
This is the prototype for the IterateContainerFilterProc function which |
is called once for each file and directory found by FSIterateContainer. |
The IterateContainerFilterProc can use the read-only data it receives for |
whatever it wants. |
The result of the IterateContainerFilterProc function indicates if |
iteration should be stopped. To stop iteration, return true; to continue |
iteration, return false. |
The yourDataPtr parameter can point to whatever data structure you might |
want to access from within the IterateContainerFilterProc. |
containerChanged --> Set to true if the container's contents changed |
during iteration. |
currentLevel --> The current recursion level into the container. |
1 = the container, 2 = the container's immediate |
subdirectories, etc. |
catalogInfo --> The catalog information for the current object. |
Only the fields requested by the whichInfo |
parameter passed to FSIterateContainer are valid. |
ref --> The FSRef to the current object. |
spec --> The FSSpec to the current object if the wantFSSpec |
parameter passed to FSIterateContainer is true. |
name --> The name of the current object if the wantName |
parameter passed to FSIterateContainer is true. |
yourDataPtr --> An optional pointer to whatever data structure you |
might want to access from within the |
IterateFilterProc. |
result <-- To stop iteration, return true; to continue |
iteration, return false. |
__________ |
Also see: FSIterateContainer |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark CallIterateContainerFilterProc |
#define CallIterateContainerFilterProc(userRoutine, containerChanged, currentLevel, catalogInfo, ref, spec, name, yourDataPtr) \ |
(*(userRoutine))((containerChanged), (currentLevel), (catalogInfo), (ref), (spec), (name), (yourDataPtr)) |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSIterateContainer |
OSErr |
FSIterateContainer( |
const FSRef *container, |
ItemCount maxLevels, |
FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo, |
Boolean wantFSSpec, |
Boolean wantName, |
IterateContainerFilterProcPtr iterateFilter, |
void *yourDataPtr); |
/* |
The FSIterateContainer function performs a recursive iteration (scan) of the |
specified container directory and calls your IterateContainerFilterProc |
function once for each file and directory found. |
The maxLevels parameter lets you control how deep the recursion goes. |
If maxLevels is 1, FSIterateContainer only scans the specified directory; |
if maxLevels is 2, FSIterateContainer scans the specified directory and |
one subdirectory below the specified directory; etc. Set maxLevels to |
zero to scan all levels. |
The yourDataPtr parameter can point to whatever data structure you might |
want to access from within your IterateContainerFilterProc. |
container --> The FSRef to the container directory to iterate. |
maxLevels --> Maximum number of directory levels to scan or |
zero to scan all directory levels. |
whichInfo --> The fields of the FSCatalogInfo you wish to get. |
wantFSSpec --> Set to true if you want the FSSpec to each |
object passed to your IterateContainerFilterProc. |
wantName --> Set to true if you want the name of each |
object passed to your IterateContainerFilterProc. |
iterateFilter --> A pointer to the IterateContainerFilterProc you |
want called once for each file and directory found |
by FSIterateContainer. |
yourDataPtr --> An optional pointer to whatever data structure you |
might want to access from within the |
IterateFilterProc. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSGetDirectoryItems |
OSErr |
FSGetDirectoryItems( |
const FSRef *container, |
FSRef ***refsHandle, /* pointer to handle of FSRefs */ |
ItemCount *numRefs, |
Boolean *containerChanged); |
/* |
The FSGetDirectoryItems function returns the list of items in the specified |
container. The array of FSRef records is returned in a Handle, refsHandle, |
which is allocated by FSGetDirectoryItems. The caller is responsible for |
disposing of refsHandle if the FSGetDirectoryItems returns noErr. |
container --> FSRef to a directory. |
refsHandle <-- Pointer to an FSRef Handle where the array of |
FSRefs is to be returned. |
numRefs <-- The number of FSRefs returned in the array. |
containerChanged <-- Set to true if the container changes while the |
list of items is being obtained. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSExchangeObjectsCompat |
OSErr |
FSExchangeObjectsCompat( |
const FSRef *sourceRef, |
const FSRef *destRef, |
FSRef *newSourceRef, |
FSRef *newDestRef); |
/* |
The FSExchangeObjectsCompat function exchanges the data between two files. |
The FSExchangeObjectsCompat function is an enhanced version of |
FSExchangeObjects function. The two enhancements FSExchangeObjectsCompat |
provides are: |
1, FSExchangeObjectsCompat will work on volumes which do not support |
FSExchangeObjects. FSExchangeObjectsCompat does this by emulating |
FSExchangeObjects through a series of File Manager operations. If |
there is a failure at any step along the way, FSExchangeObjectsCompat |
attempts to undo any steps already taken to leave the files in their |
original state in their original locations. |
2. FSExchangeObjectsCompat returns new FSRefs to the source and |
destination files. Note that if this function fails at any step along |
the way, newSourceRef and newDestRef still give you access to the final |
locations of the files being exchanged -- even if they are renamed or |
not in their original locations. |
sourceRef --> FSRef to the source file. |
destRef --> FSRef to the destination file. |
newSourceRef <-- The new FSRef to the source file. |
newDestRef <-- The new FSRef to the destination file. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- Shared Environment Routines ----- |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSLockRange |
#pragma mark FSUnlockRange |
/* |
Mac OS X version 10.4 added FSLockRange and FSUnlockRange as APIs to |
CoreServices.framework which causes a name conflict with MoreFilesX. |
In addition, PBLockRangeSync and PBUnlockRangeSync are considered |
deprecated in Mac OS X version 10.4. Overall, this is a good because |
PBLockRangeSync and PBUnlockRangeSync are limited to working with |
2 GB files. However, it means that developers get to change their sources |
if they are using FSLockRange or FSUnlockRange from MoreFilesX 1.0 or 1.0.1. |
Because one of the goals of MoreFilesX is to encourage developers to use |
APIs that work best with Mac OS X, our recommendation is that developers |
change their code to use the FSLockRange and FSUnlockRange APIs. However, |
that presents a problem because the FSLockRange and FSUnlockRange APIs are |
not available prior to version 10.4. So, we've left the old routines in |
MoreFilesX but renamed them to FSLockRangeCompat and FSUnlockRangeCompat. |
If you want to switch to the new APIs, it's easy. Here's an example. Note |
that the new APIs *can* work with files larger than 2 GB, so make sure |
the rest of your code is using APIs that work with large files. |
Old MoreFilesX: |
result = FSLockRange(refNum, rangeLength, rangeStart); |
result = FSUnlockRange(refNum, rangeLength, rangeStart); |
New: |
UInt64 out_rangeStart; |
result = FSLockRange(refNum, fsFromStart, rangeStart, rangeLength, &out_rangeStart); |
result = FSUnlockRange(refNum, fsFromStart, rangeStart, rangeLength, &out_rangeStart); |
*/ |
#pragma mark FSLockRangeCompat |
OSErr |
FSLockRangeCompat( |
SInt16 refNum, |
SInt32 rangeLength, |
SInt32 rangeStart); |
/* |
The LockRange function locks (denies access to) a portion of a file |
that was opened with shared read/write permission. |
refNum --> The file reference number of an open file. |
rangeLength --> The number of bytes in the range. |
rangeStart --> The starting byte in the range to lock. |
__________ |
This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use the FSLockRange API instead. |
Also see: UnlockRange |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSUnlockRangeCompat |
OSErr |
FSUnlockRangeCompat( |
SInt16 refNum, |
SInt32 rangeLength, |
SInt32 rangeStart); |
/* |
The UnlockRange function unlocks (allows access to) a previously locked |
portion of a file that was opened with shared read/write permission. |
refNum --> The file reference number of an open file. |
rangeLength --> The number of bytes in the range. |
rangeStart --> The starting byte in the range to unlock. |
__________ |
This function is deprecated in Mac OS X 10.4. Use the FSUnlockRange API instead. |
Also see: LockRange |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSGetDirAccess |
OSErr |
FSGetDirAccess( |
const FSRef *ref, |
SInt32 *ownerID, /* can be NULL */ |
SInt32 *groupID, /* can be NULL */ |
SInt32 *accessRights); /* can be NULL */ |
/* |
The FSGetDirAccess function retrieves the directory access control |
information for a directory on a shared volume. |
ref --> An FSRef specifying the directory. |
ownerID <** An optional pointer to a SInt32. |
If not NULL, the directory's owner ID |
will be returned in the SInt32. |
groupID <** An optional pointer to a SInt32. |
If not NULL, the directory's group ID, or 0 |
if no group affiliation, will be returned in |
the SInt32. |
accessRights <** An optional pointer to a SInt32. |
If not NULL, the directory's access rights |
will be returned in the SInt32. |
__________ |
Also see: FSSetDirAccess, FSMapID, FSMapName |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSSetDirAccess |
OSErr |
FSSetDirAccess( |
const FSRef *ref, |
SInt32 ownerID, |
SInt32 groupID, |
SInt32 accessRights); |
/* |
The FSpSetDirAccess function changes the directory access control |
information for a directory on a shared volume. You must be the owner of |
a directory to change its access control information. |
ref --> An FSRef specifying the directory. |
ownerID --> The directory's owner ID. |
groupID --> The directory's group ID or 0 if no group affiliation. |
accessRights --> The directory's access rights. |
__________ |
Also see: FSGetDirAccess, FSMapID, FSMapName |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSGetVolMountInfoSize |
OSErr |
FSGetVolMountInfoSize( |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
SInt16 *size); |
/* |
The FSGetVolMountInfoSize function determines the how much space the |
program needs to allocate for a volume mounting information record. |
volRefNum --> Volume specification. |
size <-- The space needed (in bytes) of the volume |
mounting information record. |
__________ |
Also see: FSGetVolMountInfo, VolumeMount |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSGetVolMountInfo |
OSErr |
FSGetVolMountInfo( |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
void *volMountInfo); |
/* |
The FSGetVolMountInfo function retrieves a volume mounting information |
record containing all the information needed to mount the volume, |
except for passwords. |
volRefNum --> Volume specification. |
volMountInfo <-- The volume mounting information. |
__________ |
Also see: FSGetVolMountInfoSize, VolumeMount |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSVolumeMount |
OSErr |
FSVolumeMount( |
const void *volMountInfo, |
FSVolumeRefNum *volRefNum); |
/* |
The VolumeMount function mounts a volume using a volume mounting |
information record. |
volMountInfo --> A volume mounting information record. |
volRefNum <-- The volume reference number. |
__________ |
Also see: FSGetVolMountInfoSize, FSGetVolMountInfo |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSMapID |
OSErr |
FSMapID( |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
SInt32 ugID, |
SInt16 objType, |
Str31 name); |
/* |
The FSMapID function determines the name of a user or group if you know |
the user or group ID. |
volRefNum --> Volume specification. |
objType --> The mapping function code: |
kOwnerID2Name to map a user ID to a user name |
kGroupID2Name to map a group ID to a group name |
name <** An optional pointer to a buffer (minimum Str31). |
If not NULL, the user or group name |
will be returned in the buffer. |
__________ |
Also see: FSGetDirAccess, FSSetDirAccess, FSMapName |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSMapName |
OSErr |
FSMapName( |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
ConstStr255Param name, |
SInt16 objType, |
SInt32 *ugID); |
/* |
The FSMapName function determines the user or group ID if you know the |
user or group name. |
volRefNum --> Volume specification. |
name --> The user or group name. |
objType --> The mapping function code: |
kOwnerName2ID to map a user name to a user ID |
kGroupName2ID to map a user name to a group ID |
ugID <-- The user or group ID. |
__________ |
Also see: FSGetDirAccess, FSSetDirAccess, FSMapID |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSCopyFile |
OSErr |
FSCopyFile( |
const FSRef *srcFileRef, |
const FSRef *dstDirectoryRef, |
UniCharCount nameLength, |
const UniChar *copyName, /* can be NULL (no rename during copy) */ |
TextEncoding textEncodingHint, |
FSRef *newRef); /* can be NULL */ |
/* |
The FSCopyFile function duplicates a file and optionally renames it. |
The source and destination volumes must be on the same file server. |
This function instructs the server to copy the file. |
srcFileRef --> An FSRef specifying the source file. |
dstDirectoryRef --> An FSRef specifying the destination directory. |
nameLength --> Number of UniChar in copyName parameter (ignored |
if copyName is NULL). |
copyName --> Points to the new file name if the file is to be |
renamed, or NULL if the file isn't to be renamed. |
textEncodingHint --> The text encoding hint used for the rename. |
You can pass kTextEncodingUnknown to use the |
"default" textEncodingHint. |
newRef <** An optional pointer to a FSRef. |
If not NULL, the FSRef of the duplicated file |
will be returned in the FSRef. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSMoveRename |
OSErr |
FSMoveRename( |
const FSRef *srcFileRef, |
const FSRef *dstDirectoryRef, |
UniCharCount nameLength, |
const UniChar *moveName, /* can be NULL (no rename during move) */ |
TextEncoding textEncodingHint, |
FSRef *newRef); /* can be NULL */ |
/* |
The FSMoveRename function moves a file or directory (object), and |
optionally renames it. The source and destination locations must be on |
the same shared volume. |
srcFileRef --> An FSRef specifying the source file. |
dstDirectoryRef --> An FSRef specifying the destination directory. |
nameLength --> Number of UniChar in moveName parameter (ignored |
if copyName is NULL) |
moveName --> Points to the new object name if the object is to be |
renamed, or NULL if the object isn't to be renamed. |
textEncodingHint --> The text encoding hint used for the rename. |
You can pass kTextEncodingUnknown to use the |
"default" textEncodingHint. |
newRef <** An optional pointer to a FSRef. |
If not NULL, the FSRef of the moved object |
will be returned in the FSRef. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- File ID Routines ----- |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSResolveFileIDRef |
OSErr |
FSResolveFileIDRef( |
FSVolumeRefNum volRefNum, |
SInt32 fileID, |
FSRef *ref); |
/* |
The FSResolveFileIDRef function returns an FSRef for the file with the |
specified file ID reference. |
volRefNum --> Volume specification. |
fileID --> The file ID reference. |
ref <-- The FSRef for the file ID reference. |
__________ |
Also see: FSCreateFileIDRef, FSDeleteFileIDRef |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSCreateFileIDRef |
OSErr |
FSCreateFileIDRef( |
const FSRef *ref, |
SInt32 *fileID); |
/* |
The FSCreateFileIDRef function creates a file ID reference for the |
specified file, or if a file ID reference already exists, supplies |
the file ID reference and returns the result code fidExists or afpIDExists. |
ref --> The FSRef for the file. |
fileID <-- The file ID reference (if result is noErr, |
fidExists, or afpIDExists). |
__________ |
Also see: GetFSRefFromFileIDRef, FSDeleteFileIDRef |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSDeleteFileIDRef |
/* |
Why is there no FSDeleteFileIDRef routine? There are two reasons: |
1. Since Mac OS 8.1, PBDeleteFileIDRef hasn't deleted file ID references. |
On HFS volumes, deleting a file ID reference breaks aliases (which |
use file ID references to track files as they are moved around on a |
volume) and file ID references are automatically deleted when the file |
they refer to is deleted. On HFS Plus volumes, file ID references are |
always created when a file is created, deleted when the file is deleted, |
and cannot be deleted at any other time. |
2. PBDeleteFileIDRef causes a memory access fault under Mac OS X 10.0 |
through 10.1.x. While this will be fixed in a future release, the |
implementation, like the Mac OS 8/9 implementation, does not delete |
file ID references. |
__________ |
Also see: GetFSRefFromFileIDRef, FSCreateFileIDRef |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark ----- Utility Routines ----- |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark GetTempBuffer |
Ptr |
GetTempBuffer( |
ByteCount buffReqSize, |
ByteCount *buffActSize); |
/* |
The GetTempBuffer function allocates a temporary buffer for file system |
operations which is at least 4K bytes and a multiple of 4K bytes. |
buffReqSize --> Size you'd like the buffer to be. |
buffActSize <-- The size of the buffer allocated. |
function result <-- Pointer to memory allocated, or NULL if no memory |
was available. The caller is responsible for |
disposing of this buffer with DisposePtr. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FileRefNumGetFSRef |
OSErr |
FileRefNumGetFSRef( |
short refNum, |
FSRef *ref); |
/* |
The FileRefNumGetFSRef function gets the FSRef of an open file. |
refNum --> The file reference number of an open file. |
ref <-- The FSRef to the open file. |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSSetDefault |
OSErr |
FSSetDefault( |
const FSRef *newDefault, |
FSRef *oldDefault); |
/* |
The FSSetDefault function sets the current working directory to the |
directory specified by newDefault. The previous current working directory |
is returned in oldDefault and must be used to restore the current working |
directory to its previous state with the FSRestoreDefault function. |
These two functions are designed to be used as a wrapper around |
Standard I/O routines where the location of the file is implied to be the |
current working directory. This is how you should use these functions: |
result = FSSetDefault(&newDefault, &oldDefault); |
if ( noErr == result ) |
{ |
// call the Stdio functions like remove, rename, |
// fopen, freopen, etc here! |
result = FSRestoreDefault(&oldDefault); |
} |
newDefault --> An FSRef that specifies the new current working |
directory. |
oldDefault <-- The previous current working directory's FSRef. |
__________ |
Also see: FSRestoreDefault |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma mark FSRestoreDefault |
OSErr |
FSRestoreDefault( |
const FSRef *oldDefault); |
/* |
The FSRestoreDefault function restores the current working directory |
to the directory specified by oldDefault. The oldDefault parameter was |
previously obtained from the FSSetDefault function. |
These two functions are designed to be used as a wrapper around |
Standard I/O routines where the location of the file is implied to be the |
current working directory. This is how you should use these functions: |
result = FSSetDefault(&newDefault, &oldDefault); |
if ( noErr == result ) |
{ |
// call the Stdio functions like remove, rename, |
// fopen, freopen, etc here! |
result = FSRestoreDefault(&oldDefault); |
} |
oldDefault --> The FSRef of the location to restore. |
__________ |
Also see: FSSetDefault |
*/ |
/*****************************************************************************/ |
#pragma options align=reset |
#pragma pack(pop) |
#pragma pack() |
#endif |
#pragma import off |
#pragma import reset |
#endif |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} |
#endif |
#endif /* __MOREFILESX__ */ |
Copyright © 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2005-05-13