
    File:       MoreSCF.c
    Contains:   System Configuration framework high-level API.
    Written by: DTS
    Copyright:  Copyright (c) 2007 by Apple Inc., All Rights Reserved.
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                The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.  APPLE MAKES NO
    Change History (most recent first):
$Log: MoreSCF.c,v $
Revision 1.17  2006/03/27 14:42:02  eskimo1
Eliminate high-bit set characters.
Revision 1.16  2006/03/27 11:19:13  eskimo1
Quieten "may be used without being initialised" warnings.
Revision 1.15  2006/03/24 16:44:43  eskimo1
Only set MORE_DEBUG_SC_PRINT_PATHS if it's not set already.
Revision 1.14  2006/03/24 15:44:09  eskimo1
Updated copyright.
Revision 1.13  2006/03/24 12:38:17  eskimo1
Eliminate "pascal" keyword.
Revision 1.12  2006/03/24 11:29:42  eskimo1
Eliminated "MoreSetup.h" to make it easier for folks to copy MIB source into their projects.
Revision 1.11  2004/10/28 12:39:00  eskimo1
Completely reworked the SCPreferencesPathCreateUniqueChild workaround code to a) not use the workaround on 10.3, because the original bug has been fixed, and b) to correctly handle the case where there are no numeric keys in the child dictionary.
Revision 1.10  2003/04/14 15:50:55  eskimo1
Use CFQAllocate/Deallocate to prevent "malloc(0) returns NULL" problems.
Revision 1.9  2003/02/26 20:50:42  eskimo1
<rdar://problem/3183087> Added support for V.92 modem hold.
Revision 1.8  2003/02/26 12:34:35  eskimo1
Fixed up the code that sets the default config method for IPv4 entities.
Revision 1.7  2002/11/14 20:22:33  eskimo1
Quieten a debug message when creating new sets.
Revision 1.6  2002/11/09 00:01:46  eskimo1
Include our prototype early to flush out any missing dependencies. Convert nil to NULL. Convert MoreAssertQ to assert.
Revision 1.5  2002/08/14 20:09:05  eskimo1
Updated unique ID code based on engineering feedback.
Revision 1.4  2002/08/14 16:35:33  eskimo1
Certain hardwired defaults now get different values on 10.2 and later.  Others get different values on 10.1.3 and later.  Changed how I create new PPP entities to accomodate 10.2 PPP vs PPPoE changes.
Revision 1.3  2002/08/14 13:43:31  eskimo1
Work around Jaguar incompatibility caused by Radar ID 3024328.
Revision 1.2  2002/01/22 06:22:21  eskimo1
Changes to accomodate new port scanner API. Specifically, made significant changes to MoreSCNewService. Also some minor changes for C++ compatibility.
Revision 1.1  2002/01/16 22:52:19  eskimo1
First checked in.
// Our prototypes
#include "MoreSCF.h"
// System interfaces
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// MIB Interfaces
#include "MoreCFQ.h"
#include "MoreSCFDigest.h"
#include "MoreSCFPortScanner.h"
#include "MoreSCFCCLScanner.h"
    #warning MoreSCF is deprecated if you are building for 10.4 or later.
// Enable this flag to log interesting paths to stderr.
#pragma mark ***** Trivial Public Utilities
extern OSStatus MoreSCToOSStatus(int scErr)
    // See comment in header.
    // I may eventually work out a transform here.  For now, let's just return 
    // the positive error code.
    return scErr;
extern OSStatus MoreSCErrorBoolean(Boolean mustBeTrue)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus err;
    int scErr;
    err = noErr;
    if ( ! mustBeTrue ) {
        scErr = SCError();
        if (scErr == kSCStatusOK) {
            scErr = kSCStatusFailed;
        err = MoreSCToOSStatus(scErr);
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCError(const void *value)
    // See comment in header.
    return MoreSCErrorBoolean(value != NULL);
#pragma mark ***** Open/Close
static SCPreferencesRef gPrefsRef = NULL;
static SInt32           gPrefsOpenCount = 0;
static Boolean          gPrefsDirty  = false;
static Boolean          gPrefsLocked = false;
static CFStringRef      gClientName = NULL;
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetClient(CFStringRef clientName)
    // See comment in header.
    // Use the Q version of CFRetain/Release so that we don't 
    // die if gClientName is NULL or clientName is NULL.
    (void) CFQRetain(clientName);
    gClientName = clientName;
    return noErr;
extern CFStringRef MoreSCGetClient(void)
    // See comment in header.
    return gClientName;
extern OSStatus MoreSCOpen(Boolean lockThePrefs, Boolean waitForLock)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus err;
    // If you ask to wait for the lock, you have to ask for a lock.
    assert(!waitForLock || lockThePrefs);
    // A bunch of interesting pre-conditions.
    assert(  gPrefsOpenCount >= 0);
    assert( (gPrefsOpenCount == 0) == (gPrefsRef == NULL) );
    assert( !gPrefsDirty  || (gPrefsOpenCount != 0) );
    assert( !gPrefsLocked || (gPrefsOpenCount != 0) );
    // If this is the initial open then create a references 
    // to the SC preferences.
    err = noErr;
    if (gPrefsOpenCount == 0) {
        CFStringRef clientName;
        if (gClientName == NULL) {
            clientName = CFSTR("MoreSCF");
        } else {
            clientName = gClientName;
        gPrefsRef = SCPreferencesCreate(NULL, clientName, NULL);
        err = MoreSCError( gPrefsRef);
    // If we've been asked to lock the database and it's not 
    // already locked, lock it.
    if (err == noErr && lockThePrefs && !gPrefsLocked) {
        err = MoreSCErrorBoolean( SCPreferencesLock(gPrefsRef, waitForLock) );
        gPrefsLocked = (err == noErr);
    // Increment the reference count even on failure so that the 
    // matching call to MoreSCClose correctly decrements it.
    gPrefsOpenCount += 1;
    // The post condition is subtly different from the pre-condition. 
    // Specifically, we always increment the open count, so the 
    // an open count of 0 doesn't always imply a non-NULL gPrefsRef. 
    // We adjust the other conditions along similar lines.
    assert(  gPrefsOpenCount > 0);
    assert( ((gPrefsOpenCount == 1) && (err != noErr) && (gPrefsRef == NULL)) || (gPrefsRef != NULL) );
    assert( !gPrefsDirty  || (gPrefsRef != NULL) );
    assert( !gPrefsLocked || (gPrefsRef != NULL) );
    return err;
extern void     MoreSCClose(OSStatus *err, Boolean dirty)
    // See comment in header.
    assert(err != NULL);
    // The pre-condition of this routine is the post-condition of 
    // the open routine.  Cool huh?  This is almost like 
    // "Computer Science" (-:
    assert(  gPrefsOpenCount > 0);
    assert( ((gPrefsOpenCount == 1) && (*err != noErr) && (gPrefsRef == NULL)) || (gPrefsRef != NULL) );
    assert( !gPrefsDirty  || (gPrefsRef != NULL) );
    assert( !gPrefsLocked || (gPrefsRef != NULL) );
    // If we've been told to dirty the preferences, we only do it 
    // if the client didn't register an error.
    if (dirty) {
        gPrefsDirty = gPrefsDirty || (*err == noErr);
    // Decrement the open count.
    gPrefsOpenCount -= 1;
    // If the open count drops to 0 then we need to close our connection to 
    // SC preferences.
    if (gPrefsOpenCount == 0) {
        // If the prefs were dirtied, commit them to disk and apply the 
        // changes to the current system state.
        if (gPrefsDirty) {
            OSStatus err2;
            assert(gPrefsRef != NULL);      // a consquence of the pre-condition
            err2 = MoreSCErrorBoolean( SCPreferencesCommitChanges(gPrefsRef) );
            if (err2 == noErr) {
                err2 = MoreSCErrorBoolean( SCPreferencesApplyChanges(gPrefsRef) );
            if (*err == noErr) {
                *err = err2;
            gPrefsDirty = false;
        // If the prefs have been locked, unlock them.  We do this after 
        // we've committed any changes, which is the order recommended 
        // to me by SCF engineering.
        if (gPrefsLocked) {
            Boolean junkBool;
            assert(gPrefsRef != NULL);      // a consquence of the pre-condition
            junkBool = SCPreferencesUnlock(gPrefsRef);
            assert(junkBool);               // if we can't unlock there's not much we can do about it
            gPrefsLocked = false;
        // Note that this is a CFQRelease because gPrefsRef can be NULL 
        // if the initial MoreSCOpen failed.
        gPrefsRef = NULL;
    // And the post-condition of this routine is the pre-condition of 
    // the open routine.
    assert(  gPrefsOpenCount >= 0);
    assert( (gPrefsOpenCount == 0) == (gPrefsRef == NULL) );
    assert( !gPrefsDirty  || (gPrefsOpenCount != 0) );
    assert( !gPrefsLocked || (gPrefsOpenCount != 0) );
extern SCPreferencesRef MoreSCGetSCPreferencesRef(void)
    // See comment in header.
    assert(gPrefsOpenCount >= 0);
    assert(gPrefsRef != NULL);
    return gPrefsRef;
#pragma mark ***** Internal Utilities
static OSStatus CreateSetPathWithSetID(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef *setPath)
    // Given a set ID, this routine creates a path to the set itself. 
    // In a real language this would be written ("/Sets/" + setID).
    OSStatus err;
    assert(   setID != NULL);
    assert( setPath != NULL);
    assert(*setPath == NULL);
    err = noErr;
    *setPath = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("/%@/%@"), kSCPrefSets, setID);
    if (*setPath == NULL) {
        err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*setPath != NULL) );
    return err;
static OSStatus CreateServicePathWithServiceID(CFStringRef serviceID, CFStringRef *servicePath)
    // Given a service ID, this routine creates a path to the set itself. 
    // In a real language this would be written ("/NetworkServices/" + setID). 
    // Note that serviceID is resolved, ie exists within the global scope 
    // rather than within the scope of a particular set.  This currently 
    // doesn't make a difference, but could potentially be an issue if 
    // SCF ever supports having two sets reference the same services.
    OSStatus err;
    assert(   serviceID != NULL);
    assert( servicePath != NULL);
    assert(*servicePath == NULL);
    err = noErr;
    *servicePath = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("/%@/%@"), kSCPrefNetworkServices, serviceID);
    if (*servicePath == NULL) {
        err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*servicePath != NULL) );
    return err;
static OSStatus CopySeIDFromSePath(CFStringRef sePath, CFStringRef *seID)
    // Given the path to a set (or service), this routine returns the 
    // set (or service) ID.  It simply returns the string after the 
    // second "/" in sePath.  So if sePath is "/Sets/X", you get "X". 
    // Similarly, if sePatht is "/NetworkServices/Y", you get "Y".
    // I use the the abbreviation "se" to stand for either "set" or 
    // "service" both in this function, MakeNewSeAndCopyIDAndPath, 
    // and in functions that those functions.
    OSStatus   err;
    CFArrayRef sePathComponents;
    assert(sePath != NULL);
    assert(  seID != NULL);
    assert( *seID == NULL);
    err = noErr;
    sePathComponents = CFStringCreateArrayBySeparatingStrings(NULL, sePath, CFSTR("/"));
    if (sePathComponents == NULL) {
        err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    if (err == noErr) {
        assert( CFArrayGetCount(sePathComponents) == 3 );
        *seID = (CFStringRef) CFQRetain( CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(sePathComponents, 2) );
        if (*seID == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*seID != NULL) );
    return err;
static OSStatus CopySetPath(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef *setPath)
    // Given a setID, which may be NULL to indicate the default set, 
    // this routine returns the path to the set.
    OSStatus    err;
    assert( setPath != NULL);
    assert(*setPath == NULL);
    assert(gPrefsOpenCount > 0 && gPrefsRef != NULL);
    // Get the name of the set to work on, which is either the current set 
    // or the client specified set (in setID).  This is a full path, for example 
    // "/Sets/2".
    if (setID != NULL) {
        err = CreateSetPathWithSetID(setID, setPath);
    } else {
        *setPath = (CFStringRef) CFQRetain( SCPreferencesGetValue(gPrefsRef, kSCPrefCurrentSet) );
        err = MoreSCError( *setPath );
        assert( (err != noErr) || (CFGetTypeID(*setPath) == CFStringGetTypeID()) );
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*setPath != NULL) );
    return err; 
static OSStatus CopySetServicesPath(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef *setServicesPath)
    // Create a CFString that holds the path to the services dictionary 
    // within a) the current set (if setID is NULL) or b) the specified 
    // set (setID must be the path to the set).  For example, if setID is 
    // NULL and the the current set is "/Sets/2", this creates the path 
    // "/Sets/2/Network/Service".
    OSStatus    err;
    CFStringRef setPath;
    assert( setServicesPath != NULL);
    assert(*setServicesPath == NULL);
    assert(gPrefsOpenCount > 0 && gPrefsRef != NULL);
    setPath = NULL;
    err = CopySetPath(setID, &setPath);
    // Append "/Network/Service" to path.
    if (err == noErr) {
        *setServicesPath = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%@/%@/%@"), setPath, kSCCompNetwork, kSCCompService);
        if (*setServicesPath == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*setServicesPath != NULL) );
        if (err == noErr) {
    return err;
static OSStatus CopySetGlobalsPath(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef *setGlobalsPath)
    // Given a set ID (which may be NULL to indicate the current set), this 
    // routine returns a path to the set's global entities.  For example, 
    // given a set ID of 2 it returns "/Sets/2/Network/Global".
    OSStatus    err;
    CFStringRef setPath;
    assert( setGlobalsPath != NULL);
    assert(*setGlobalsPath == NULL);
    setPath = NULL;
    err = CopySetPath(setID, &setPath);
    if (err == noErr) {
        *setGlobalsPath = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%@/%@/%@"), setPath, kSCCompNetwork, kSCCompGlobal);
        if (*setGlobalsPath == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*setGlobalsPath != NULL) );
    return err;
static OSStatus CopyResolvedServicePath(CFStringRef setID, 
                                        CFStringRef serviceID, 
                                        CFStringRef *servicePath)
    // Given a set ID (which may be NULL to indicate the current set) 
    // and a service ID (which is local within the specified set), 
    // this routine returns a path to the network services dictionary 
    // for that service.  This involves following a link from 
    // the services dictionary of the set to the "/NetworkServices" 
    // preference.
    // For example, given a set ID of 2 and a service ID of 5, 
    // this looks up "/Sets/2/Network/Service/5", and resolves the 
    // link there to "/NetworkServices/5".
    OSStatus    err;
    assert( servicePath != NULL);
    assert(*servicePath == NULL);
    assert(gPrefsOpenCount > 0 && gPrefsRef != NULL);
    if (serviceID == NULL) {
        err = CopySetGlobalsPath(setID, servicePath);
    } else {
        CFStringRef linkPath;
        CFStringRef setServicesPath;
        linkPath = NULL;
        setServicesPath = NULL;
        err = CopySetServicesPath(setID, &setServicesPath);
        if (err == noErr) {
            // Follow the link.  Start by appending "/" and serviceID to setServicesPath to form 
            // linkPath (using the example above, linkPath would be "/Sets/2/Network/Service/5". 
            // Then get *servicePath by reading the link at that path using the helper routine provided 
            // by the framework.  Note that we have to explicitly retain *servicePath because it's 
            // got with "get".
            err = noErr;    
            linkPath = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%@/%@"), setServicesPath, serviceID);
            if (linkPath == NULL) {
                err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
            if (err == noErr) {
                *servicePath = (CFStringRef) CFQRetain( SCPreferencesPathGetLink(gPrefsRef, linkPath) );
                err = MoreSCError( *servicePath );
                assert( (err != noErr) || (CFGetTypeID(*servicePath) == CFStringGetTypeID()) );
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*servicePath != NULL) );
        if (err == noErr) {
    return err;
static OSStatus CopyEntityPath(CFStringRef setID, 
                               CFStringRef serviceID, 
                               CFStringRef protocol,
                               CFStringRef *entityPath)
    // Given a set ID (which may be NULL to indicate the current set), 
    // a service ID (which is local within the specified set), 
    // and a protocol type (for example, "AppleTalk"), this routine creates 
    // a path to the protocol entity for that service.
    // For example, given a set ID of 2, a service ID of 5, and 
    // a protocol of "AppleTalk", you get back 
    // "/NetworkServices/5/AppleTalk".
    // Note that this just creates the path, it doesn't actually verify that 
    // the entity exists.
    OSStatus    err;
    CFStringRef servicePath;
    assert( protocol    != NULL);
    assert( entityPath  != NULL);
    assert(*entityPath  == NULL);
    servicePath = NULL;
    err = CopyResolvedServicePath(setID, serviceID, &servicePath);
    // Build path to entity within service, for example "/NetworkServices/5/AppleTalk", 
    // by just appending protocol to linkDest.
    if (err == noErr) {
        *entityPath = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%@/%@"), servicePath, protocol);
        if (*entityPath == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*entityPath != NULL) );
        if (err == noErr) {
    return err;
static OSStatus PreferencesPathSetProperty(CFStringRef dictPath, CFStringRef dictKey, CFTypeRef newValue)
    // Given the path to a parent dictionary within the database, 
    // a key within that dictionary, and a new value for that dictionary, 
    // this routine sets the specified preference.  We need to work this 
    // way because the SCPreferencesPath APIs only work in terms of 
    // dictionaries, so if you want to set a specific vaule you must 
    // get the parent dictionary, set the value within the dictionary, 
    // and then store the parent dictionary back.
    // For example, if you want to set the user-visible name of a set 
    // you pass in "/Sets/2" for dictPath, kSCPropUserDefinedName (ie 
    // "UserDefinedName" for dictKey ), and the new value for newValue.
    OSStatus err;
    CFDictionaryRef dict;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef newDict;
    assert(dictPath != NULL);
    assert( dictKey != NULL);
    assert(newValue != NULL);
    assert(gPrefsOpenCount > 0 && gPrefsRef != NULL);
    newDict = NULL;
    // Get the parent dictionary value, make a mutable copy, set the 
    // key within the dictionary, and then store it back.
    err = noErr;
    dict = SCPreferencesPathGetValue(gPrefsRef, dictPath);
    err = MoreSCError(dict);
    assert( (err != noErr) || (CFGetTypeID(dict) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) );
    if (err == noErr) {
        newDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, dict);
        if (newDict == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    if (err == noErr) {
        CFDictionarySetValue(newDict, dictKey, newValue);
        err = MoreSCErrorBoolean( SCPreferencesPathSetValue(gPrefsRef, dictPath, newDict) );
    return err;
static void LargestNumericKey(const void *key, const void *value, void *context)
    // A CFDictionaryApplyFunction callback used by 
    // SCPreferencesPathCreateUniqueChildWorkaround to find the 
    // largest simple numeric key within a dictionary.
    SInt32 *    currentMax;
    char        keyStr[16];
    char *      endPtr;
    SInt32      keyValue;
    #pragma unused(value)
    assert( CFGetTypeID(key) == CFStringGetTypeID() );
    assert( context != NULL );
    currentMax = (SInt32 *) context;
    // Get the bytes out of the string.  If keyStr is too small 
    // or key contains non-ASCII characters, we get false and 
    // ignore this key (it's obviously not a simple number).
    if ( CFStringGetCString( (CFStringRef) key, keyStr, sizeof(keyStr), kCFStringEncodingASCII) ) {
        // Make sure that the first character of the keyStr 
        // is a digit, to avoid strtol's acceptance of 
        // leading whitespace and signs.
        if ( keyStr[0] >= '0' && keyStr[0] <= '9' ) {
            // Clean errno so that we can detect ERANGE 
            // errors coming back from strtol.
            errno = 0;
            keyValue = strtol(keyStr, &endPtr, 10);
            // If we got no error and consumed all characters 
            // then we treat keyValue as valid.
            if ( (errno == 0) && (*endPtr == 0) ) {
                // If keyValue is greater than our current 
                // maximum, update the current maximum to keyValue.
                if (keyValue > *currentMax) {
                    *currentMax = keyValue;
static CFStringRef SCPreferencesPathCreateUniqueChildWorkaround(
    SCPreferencesRef    session,
    CFStringRef         prefix
    // SCPreferencesPathCreateUniqueChildWorkaround is needed to 
    // work around a bug in the Apple menu on 10.2 (see the comments 
    // for SCPreferencesPathCreateUniqueChildCompat for a full 
    // description of this).  The implementation was stolen 
    // almost verbatim from the Mac OS X 10.1 source, a fact which 
    // explains the difference in coding style between this code 
    // and the rest of MoreSCF.
    // The difference between this version and the original 10.1 version 
    // is that this code finds the ID that's one larger than the largest ID.
    // The 10.1 code finds the first unused ID, which can results 
    // in possible ID reuse.
    int                     status;
    CFDictionaryRef         value;
    CFStringRef             newPath     = NULL;
    Boolean                 newValue    = FALSE;
    SInt32                  maxValue;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef  newDict     = NULL;
    // SCPreferencesPathGetValue follows links, whereas the 
    // real SCF implementation calls an internal routine, 
    // getPath, that doesn't follow links.  However, this isn't 
    // a problem because in the MoreSCF usage of 
    // SCPreferencesPathCreateUniqueChildWorkaround we never give a 
    // prefix that might be a link.
    // Also note that the internal implementation used a 
    // mutable dictionary for value; I changed this to a 
    // immutable dictionary because a) that's what 
    // SCPreferencesPathGetValue returns, and b) the code 
    // doesn't change the contents of the dictionary anyway.
    // -- Quinn, 14 Aug 2002
    value = SCPreferencesPathGetValue(session, prefix);
    status = SCError();
    switch (status) {
        case kSCStatusOK :
        case kSCStatusNoKey :
            value = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL,
            newValue = TRUE;
        default :
            return NULL;
    if (CFGetTypeID(value) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) {
        /* if specified path is not a dictionary */
        status = kSCStatusNoKey;
        goto error;
    if (CFDictionaryContainsKey(value, kSCResvLink)) {
        /* the path is a link... */
        status = kSCStatusFailed;
        goto error;
    // Find the large numeric key in the dictionary.
    maxValue = 0x80000000;
    CFDictionaryApplyFunction(value, LargestNumericKey, &maxValue);
    // If maxValue is unchanged, there are /no/ simple numeric 
    // keys.  Ergo, 0 is a perfectly valid value for the new key, 
    // so set maxValue to -1 (we'll add 1 to it as part of the 
    // call to CFStringCreateWithFormat below).  This fixes a 
    // bug reported by a developer in <sonr://request/5810451>.
    if (maxValue == 0x80000000) {
        maxValue = -1;
    if (maxValue == 0x7FFFFFFF) {
        status = kSCStatusFailed;
        goto error;
    // Create a new path one larger than that.
    newPath = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL,
                       maxValue + 1);
    /* save the new dictionary */
    newDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL,
    if (!SCPreferencesPathSetValue(session, newPath, newDict)) {
        goto error;
    if (newValue)   CFRelease(value);
    return newPath;
    error :
    if (newDict)    CFRelease(newDict);
    if (newValue)   CFRelease(value);
    if (newPath)    CFRelease(newPath);
    return NULL;
extern UInt32 MoreSCGetSystemVersion(void)
    // See comment in header.
    static UInt32 sMoreSCSystemVersion = 0;
    if (sMoreSCSystemVersion == 0) {
        OSStatus junk;
        junk = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, (SInt32 *) &sMoreSCSystemVersion);
        assert(junk == noErr);
    return sMoreSCSystemVersion;
static CFStringRef SCPreferencesPathCreateUniqueChildCompat(
    SCPreferencesRef    session,
    CFStringRef         prefix
    // A replacement for SCPreferencesPathCreateUniqueChild that 
    // does the right thing on all platforms.  This deserves some 
    // explanation (-:
    // SCPreferencesPathCreateUnique works by creating a child 
    // node with a unique name.  There are two basic approaches 
    // to creating a unique name, small unique integers and GUIDs.  
    // We're in the process of transitioning from the former to the 
    // latter.  Here's how the transition has progressed.
    //             SCPreferencesPathCreateUniqueChild  System Preferences
    // OS Version  Behaviour                           Behaviour
    // ----------  ----------------------------------  ------------------
    // 10.1        small integers                      small integers
    // 10.2        GUIDs                               small integers
    // 10.3        GUIDs                               GUIDs
    // The problem with this is that Mac OS X 10.2 had a bug, 
    // <rdar://problem/3024328>, whereby, if you create a set with a 
    // GUID name (rather than a small integer), the Apple menu would not 
    // be able to switch to that set.  That bug was fixed in Mac OS X 10.3, 
    // but its existence means that you can't call SCPreferencesPathCreateUniqueChild 
    // on all platforms.  It's fine on 10.1 (where it produces small 
    // integers) and 10.3 (where it produces GUIDs, but the GUIDs don't upset 
    // the Apple menu), but it's problematic on 10.2.
    // This routine is the solution to the problem described above.  It calls 
    // SCPreferencesPathCreateUniqueChild on all platforms other than 10.2.  
    // On 10.2 it calls SCPreferencesPathCreateUniqueChildCompatWorkaround, 
    // which contains our own implementation of SCPreferencesPathCreateUniqueChild 
    // that creates small integer values that are compatible with the 
    // 10.2 Apple menu.
    // *phew*
    CFStringRef result;
    static const Boolean kForceUseOfWorkAround = false;
    if ( ((MoreSCGetSystemVersion() &~ 0x0F) == 0x01020) || kForceUseOfWorkAround ) {
        result = SCPreferencesPathCreateUniqueChildWorkaround(session, prefix);
    } else {
        result = SCPreferencesPathCreateUniqueChild(session, prefix);
    return result;
static OSStatus MakeNewSeAndCopyIDAndPath(CFStringRef prefix, CFStringRef *newSeID, CFStringRef *newSePath)
    // Given a preference key (prefix) this routine creates a new child 
    // at that location and returns the child's key and a full path to 
    // the child.
    // For example, when creating a new network service the prefix 
    // is "NetworkServices" (note the absence of a leading "/"). 
    // The *newSeID might come back as "17" in which case *newSePath 
    // would be "/NetworkServices/17".
    OSStatus err;
    CFStringRef sePrefix;
    assert( newSeID != NULL);
    assert(*newSeID == NULL);
    assert( newSePath != NULL);
    assert(*newSePath == NULL);
    sePrefix = NULL;
    // Create a path from the prefix, then call SCPreferencesPathCreateUniqueChild 
    // to create a new child node, then take the path and return it directly 
    // and also split the path and return just the ID part.
    err = noErr;
    sePrefix = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("/%@"), prefix);
    if (sePrefix == NULL) {
        err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    if (err == noErr) {
        *newSePath = SCPreferencesPathCreateUniqueChildCompat(gPrefsRef, sePrefix);
        err = MoreSCError( *newSePath );
        assert( (err != noErr) || (CFGetTypeID(*newSePath) == CFStringGetTypeID()) );
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = CopySeIDFromSePath(*newSePath, newSeID);
    if (err != noErr) {
        *newSeID = NULL;
        *newSePath = NULL;
    assert( (err == noErr) == ((*newSeID != NULL) && (*newSePath != NULL)) );
    return err;
static OSStatus FindDefaultModemScriptAndCopyName(CFStringRef *name)
    // This routine returns the name of the default modem script. 
    // Ultimately this value should be based on the modem port we're 
    // using but the system does not currently support automatic 
    // modem script detection so we just have a hard-wired default. 
    // That value, along with all modem script handling, is in 
    // "MoreSCFCCLScanner.c".
    OSStatus    err;
    CFArrayRef  cclArray;
    CFIndex     indexOfDefaultCCL;
    UniChar     junkUniChar;
    assert( name != NULL);
    assert(*name == NULL);
    // Create the CCL array and return the value at the default 
    // index.  If the array is empty, just return the empty string 
    // (a bit lame, but it's a weird edge case that I'm not worrying about).
    cclArray = NULL;
    err = MoreSCCreateCCLArray(&cclArray, &indexOfDefaultCCL);
    if (err == noErr) {
        if (CFArrayGetCount(cclArray) > 0) {
            *name = (CFStringRef) CFQRetain(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(cclArray, indexOfDefaultCCL));
        } else {
            *name = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(NULL, &junkUniChar, 0);
        if (*name == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*name != NULL) );
    return err;
static OSStatus AddServiceLinkToDict(CFStringRef serviceID, CFMutableDictionaryRef servicesDict)
    // This routine takes a resolved service ID and adds a link to it 
    // to the services dictionary.  The service dictionary is the type 
    // of dictionary you would find at "/Sets/<setID>/Network/Service".
    OSStatus err;
    CFDictionaryRef linkDict;
    CFStringRef servicePath;
    assert(serviceID != NULL);
    assert(servicesDict != NULL);
    servicePath = NULL;
    linkDict = NULL;
    // Create a path for the service (ie "/NetworkServices/<serviceID>".
    err = CreateServicePathWithServiceID(serviceID, &servicePath);
    // Create the link dictionary.
    if (err == noErr) {
        CFStringRef key;
        key = kSCResvLink;
        linkDict = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL, (const void **) &key, (const void **) &servicePath, 1, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
        if (linkDict == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    // Do a quick check of the dictionary because casts to (const void **) scare me, 
    // then add the link dictionary to the services dictionary.
    assert( (err != noErr) || (CFDictionaryGetValue(linkDict, kSCResvLink) == servicePath) );
    if (err == noErr) {
        CFDictionaryAddValue(servicesDict, serviceID, linkDict);
    return err;
static OSStatus AddServiceToSet(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef serviceID)
    // This routine adds the a service to a set.  service ID is the resolved 
    // service ID of the service to add.  A link to the service is added to 
    // the services dictionary and an entry is also added to the IPv4 
    // service order array.
    OSStatus                err;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef  newServicesDict;
    CFMutableArrayRef       newServiceOrder;
    assert(serviceID != NULL);
    newServiceOrder = NULL;
    newServicesDict = NULL;
    // Get services dictionary and the IPv4 server order array, then add a link 
    // to the dictionary and an entry to the array, then write the services 
    // dictionary and IPv4 service order array back to the preferences.
    err = MoreSCCopyServicesDictMutable(setID, &newServicesDict, &newServiceOrder);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = AddServiceLinkToDict(serviceID, newServicesDict);
    if (err == noErr) {
        CFArrayAppendValue(newServiceOrder, serviceID);
        err = MoreSCSetServicesDict(setID, newServicesDict, newServiceOrder);
    return err;
static OSStatus AddGlobalEntityToSet(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef protocol, const MoreSCGlobalDigest *digest)
    // This routine adds a global entity to the set specified by setID. 
    // protocol is the type of global entity to add and digest is a 
    // simple summary of the entity.
    OSStatus        err;
    CFDictionaryRef entity;
    entity = NULL;
    err = MoreSCCreateGlobalEntity(protocol, digest, &entity);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCNewEntity(setID, NULL, protocol, entity);
    return err;
static OSStatus AddEntityToService(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef serviceID, CFStringRef protocol, const MoreSCDigest *digest)
    // This routine adds an entity to the service specified by setID 
    // and serviceID.  protocol is the type of global entity to add and 
    // digest is a simple summary of the entity.
    OSStatus        err;
    CFDictionaryRef entity;
    entity = NULL;
    err = MoreSCCreateEntity(protocol, digest, &entity);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCNewEntity(setID, serviceID, protocol, entity);
    return err;
static OSStatus AddPPPEntityToService(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef serviceID, CFDictionaryRef portDict)
    // Three special cases for PPPoE:
    // o PPP is only active by default if we're using modem; for Ethernet 
    //   it's disabled default default (otherwise we enable PPPoE (bletch!)).
    // o PPP options are different depending on whether you want PPP or 
    //   PPPoE, so we have to expand a copy of AddEntityToService here.
    // o The LCP echo flag should be true if we're on the internel modem, 
    //   AirPort, or built-in Ethernet, and to false otherwise.  Otherwise, 
    //   we set it to false.
    OSStatus            err;
    Boolean             isPPPoE;
    CFDictionaryRef     entity;
    MoreSCPPPDigest     digest;
    MoreSCPPPOptions    options;
    CFStringRef         name;
    CFStringRef         hardware;
    entity = NULL;
    isPPPoE = CFDictionaryContainsKey(portDict, kSCPropMACAddress);
    BlockZero(&digest, sizeof(digest)); = ! isPPPoE;
    options = *MoreSCGetDefaultPPPOptions(isPPPoE);
    digest.options = &options;
    name     = CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropNetInterfaceDeviceName);
    hardware = CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropNetInterfaceHardware);
    options.lcpEchoEnabled =
          ( (name != NULL) && CFEqual(name, CFSTR("en0")) )             // built-in Ethernet
       || ( (name != NULL) && CFEqual(name, CFSTR("modem")) )           // internal mode
       || ( (hardware != NULL) && CFEqual(hardware, kSCEntNetAirPort) );// AirPort
    err = MoreSCCreatePPPEntity(&digest, &entity);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCNewEntity(setID, serviceID, kSCEntNetPPP, entity);
    return err;
static OSStatus DeleteUnreferencedServices(void)
    // A simple mark and scan garbage collector for services. 
    // Any service that isn't referenced by a set is deleted. 
    // We call this after deleting a set to clean up any services 
    // that are no longer referenced.  It's especially useful when 
    // we get an error halfway through creating a set.  We can 
    // simply delete the set then call this routine to get rid 
    // of any services that we might have half created.
    OSStatus                err;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef  marked;
    CFArrayRef              setIDs;
    CFDictionaryRef         allServicesDict;
    CFArrayRef              allServiceIDs;
    assert(gPrefsOpenCount > 0 && gPrefsRef != NULL);
    allServicesDict = NULL;         // quieten warning
    marked = NULL;
    setIDs = NULL;
    allServiceIDs = NULL;
    // First do the mark.  Iterate over every service referenced by 
    // every set and add the service's service ID to the "marked" 
    // dictionary.
    err = noErr;
    marked = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, NULL);
    if (marked == NULL) {
        err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCCopySetIDs(&setIDs, NULL);
    if (err == noErr) {
        CFIndex setCount;
        CFIndex setIndex;
        setCount = CFArrayGetCount(setIDs);
        for (setIndex = 0; setIndex < setCount; setIndex++) {
            CFArrayRef thisSetsServiceIDs;
            thisSetsServiceIDs = NULL;
            err = MoreSCCopyServiceIDs( (CFStringRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(setIDs, setIndex), NULL, &thisSetsServiceIDs);
            if (err == noErr) {
                CFIndex serviceCount;
                CFIndex serviceIndex;
                serviceCount = CFArrayGetCount(thisSetsServiceIDs);
                for (serviceIndex = 0; serviceIndex < serviceCount; serviceIndex++) {
                    #if 0 && MORE_DEBUG_SC_PRINT_PATHS
                        fprintf(stderr, "DeleteUnreferencedServices: Marking ");
                        CFShow(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(thisSetsServiceIDs, serviceIndex));
                        fprintf(stderr, "in ");
                        CFShow(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(setIDs, setIndex));
                    CFDictionaryAddValue(marked, CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(thisSetsServiceIDs, serviceIndex), NULL);
            if (err != noErr) {
    // Then do the scan and delete.  Go through every network service and see 
    // whether it's been marked.  If it hasn't, the service is not referenced 
    // by any set and we can delete it.
    if (err == noErr) {
        allServicesDict = (CFDictionaryRef) SCPreferencesGetValue(gPrefsRef, kSCPrefNetworkServices);
        err = MoreSCError( allServicesDict );
        assert( (err != noErr) || (CFGetTypeID(allServicesDict) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) );
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = CFQArrayCreateWithDictionaryKeys(allServicesDict, &allServiceIDs);
    if (err == noErr) {
        CFIndex serviceCount;
        CFIndex serviceIndex;
        serviceCount = CFArrayGetCount(allServiceIDs);
        for (serviceIndex = 0; serviceIndex < serviceCount; serviceIndex++) {
            CFStringRef thisServiceID;
            thisServiceID = (CFStringRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(allServiceIDs, serviceIndex);
            #if 0 && MORE_DEBUG_SC_PRINT_PATHS
                fprintf(stderr, "DeleteUnreferencedServices: Scanning ");
            if ( ! CFDictionaryContainsKey(marked, thisServiceID) ) {
                CFStringRef servicePath;
                // Service has not been marked, so let's kill it.
                servicePath = NULL;
                err = CreateServicePathWithServiceID(thisServiceID, &servicePath);
                if (err == noErr) {
                    #if MORE_DEBUG_SC_PRINT_PATHS
                        fprintf(stderr, "DeleteUnreferencedServices: Removing ");
                    err = MoreSCErrorBoolean( SCPreferencesPathRemoveValue(gPrefsRef, servicePath) );
            if (err != noErr) {
    return err;
static OSStatus DuplicateService(CFStringRef serviceID, CFStringRef *newServiceID)
    // Low-level service duplication routine that doesn't care which 
    // set the duplicate exists in.
    OSStatus    err;
    CFStringRef servicePath;
    CFStringRef newServicePath;
    CFDictionaryRef serviceDict;
    CFDictionaryRef serviceDictCopy;
    assert(serviceID != NULL);
    assert( newServiceID != NULL);
    assert(*newServiceID == NULL);
    assert(gPrefsOpenCount > 0 && gPrefsRef != NULL);
    serviceDict = NULL;         // quieten warning
    newServicePath = NULL;
    servicePath    = NULL;
    serviceDictCopy = NULL;
    // Create a new unique node for the new service and get its 
    // path and ID.
    err = MakeNewSeAndCopyIDAndPath(kSCPrefNetworkServices, newServiceID, &newServicePath);
    // Read from the original service and write to the new service.  
    // Note that we do a deep copy of the service dictionary so 
    // as to avoid sharing its contents between two different services. 
    // Doing that makes things very confusing (trust me, I've been there).
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = CreateServicePathWithServiceID(serviceID, &servicePath);
    if (err == noErr) {
        serviceDict = SCPreferencesPathGetValue(gPrefsRef, servicePath);
        err = MoreSCError( serviceDict );
        assert( (err != noErr) || (CFGetTypeID(serviceDict) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) );
    if (err == noErr) {
        serviceDictCopy = (CFDictionaryRef) CFPropertyListCreateDeepCopy(NULL, serviceDict, kCFPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves);
        if (serviceDictCopy == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCErrorBoolean( SCPreferencesPathSetValue(gPrefsRef, newServicePath, serviceDictCopy) );
    // Clean up.
    if (err != noErr) {
        if (*newServiceID != NULL) {
            // Don't need to delete the service because our clients 
            // all call DeleteUnreferencedServices if they get an 
            // error, which will delete this service because it's 
            // no longer referenced.
        *newServiceID = NULL;
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*newServiceID != NULL) );
    return err;
static OSStatus DuplicateServicesReferencedBySet(CFStringRef setID, 
                                                 CFStringRef newSetID)
    // This routine duplicates all of the services referenced by 
    // the set (setID) and adds a reference to each duplicated 
    // service to the new set (newSetID).
    OSStatus                err;
    CFArrayRef              serviceIDs;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef  newServicesDict;
    CFMutableArrayRef       ipServiceOrder;
    assert(     setID != NULL);
    assert(  newSetID != NULL);
    serviceIDs = NULL;
    newServicesDict = NULL;
    ipServiceOrder = NULL;
    // Get a list of all the services referenced by setID.
    // IMPORTANT: The rest of this routine relies on MoreSCCopyServiceIDs 
    // returning the services sorted by IPv4 ServiceOrder key.
    // Create a empty service dictionary and IPv4 service order array.
    // We're going to add information to these as we duplicate services.
    err = MoreSCCopyServiceIDs(setID, NULL, &serviceIDs);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = CFQDictionaryCreateMutable(&newServicesDict);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = CFQArrayCreateMutable(&ipServiceOrder);
    // Iterate over each service in setID, duplicating the service 
    // and then adding a reference to the duplicate to both the 
    // services dictionary and the IPv4 service array.
    if (err == noErr) {
        CFIndex serviceCount;
        CFIndex serviceIndex;
        serviceCount = CFArrayGetCount(serviceIDs);
        for (serviceIndex = 0; serviceIndex < serviceCount; serviceIndex++) {
            CFStringRef newServiceID;
            newServiceID = NULL;
            err = DuplicateService( (CFStringRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(serviceIDs, serviceIndex), &newServiceID);
            if (err == noErr) {
                #if 0 && MORE_DEBUG_SC_PRINT_PATHS
                    fprintf(stderr, "DuplicateServicesReferencedBySet: Duplicated ");
                    CFShow(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(serviceIDs, serviceIndex));
                    fprintf(stderr, " in ");
                    fprintf(stderr, " to ");
                err = AddServiceLinkToDict(newServiceID, newServicesDict);
            if (err == noErr) {
                CFArrayAppendValue(ipServiceOrder, newServiceID);
            if (err != noErr) {
        // If we get an error in this for loop it's possible that we created 
        // some but not all of the services.  Nasty.  We solves this problem 
        // below by calling MoreSCDeleteSet (not in this routine, but in the 
        // routine which called us, MoreSCDuplicateSet), which in turn calls 
        // DeleteUnreferencedServices, which kills any services that we might 
        // have created here.
        // Make sure that we added the right number of elements. I put this 
        // here because CFDictionaryAddValue returns no error code.  *sigh*
        assert( (err != noErr) || (CFDictionaryGetCount(newServicesDict) == serviceCount) );
        assert( (err != noErr) || (CFArrayGetCount(ipServiceOrder) == serviceCount) );
    // If all went well then set the new set's services dictionary and 
    // IPv4 service order array to the values we built.
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCSetServicesDict(newSetID, newServicesDict, ipServiceOrder);
    return err;
static OSStatus SetDictionaryActive(CFMutableDictionaryRef dict, Boolean active, Boolean *changed)
    // Add or remove the kSCResvInactive key to/from dict depending 
    // on the value of the active parameter.  
    // changed can be NULL; if not, *changed is set to true if dict 
    // is changed, not modified otherwise.
    OSStatus err;
    Boolean  isActive;
    assert(dict != NULL);
    err = noErr;
    isActive = ! CFDictionaryContainsKey(dict, kSCResvInactive);
    if (active != isActive) {
        if (active) {
            CFDictionaryRemoveValue(dict, kSCResvInactive);
        } else {
            err = CFQDictionarySetNumber(dict, kSCResvInactive, 1);
        if (err == noErr && changed != NULL) {
            *changed = true;
    return err;
#pragma mark ***** Dictionary-Based Routines
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopySetsDict(CFDictionaryRef *setsDict)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus err;
    assert( setsDict != NULL);
    assert(*setsDict == NULL);
    // The simplest of routines; it just calls SCPreferencesGetValue 
    // with the appropriate key.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        *setsDict = (CFDictionaryRef) CFQRetain( SCPreferencesGetValue(gPrefsRef, kSCPrefSets) );
        err = MoreSCError( *setsDict );
        assert( (err != noErr) || (CFGetTypeID(*setsDict) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) );
    MoreSCClose(&err, false);
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*setsDict != NULL) );
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetSetsDict(CFDictionaryRef setsDict)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus err;
    assert( setsDict != NULL);
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCErrorBoolean( SCPreferencesSetValue(gPrefsRef, kSCPrefSets, setsDict) );
    MoreSCClose(&err, true);
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyServicesDict(CFStringRef  setID, 
                                           CFDictionaryRef *servicesDict,
                                           CFArrayRef *     serviceOrder)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus    err;
    assert( (servicesDict != NULL) || ( serviceOrder != NULL) );
    assert( (servicesDict == NULL) || (*servicesDict == NULL) );
    assert( (serviceOrder == NULL) || (*serviceOrder == NULL) );
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    // If the client requeste the services dictionary, get it from 
    // "/Sets/<setID>/Network/Service".
    if (err == noErr && servicesDict != NULL) {
        CFStringRef setServicesPath;
        setServicesPath = NULL;
        err = CopySetServicesPath(setID, &setServicesPath);
        if (err == noErr) {
            *servicesDict = (CFDictionaryRef) CFQRetain( SCPreferencesPathGetValue(gPrefsRef, setServicesPath) );
            err = MoreSCError( *servicesDict );
            assert( (err != noErr) || (CFGetTypeID(*servicesDict) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) );
    // If the client requested the IPv4 service order array, get it 
    // from "/Sets/<setID>/Network/Global/IPv4/ServiceOrder".  The value is 
    // an array so we can't just get it with SCPreferencesPathGetValue.  
    // Instead we get the parent dictionary ("/Sets/<setID>/Network/Global/IPv4")
    // and then get the array from the dictionary.
    if (err == noErr && serviceOrder != NULL) {
        CFStringRef     setPath;
        CFStringRef     ipv4GlobalEntityPath;
        CFDictionaryRef ipv4GlobalEntityDict;
        ipv4GlobalEntityDict = NULL;            // quieten warning
        setPath = NULL;
        ipv4GlobalEntityPath = NULL;
        err = CopySetPath(setID, &setPath);
        if (err == noErr) {
            // setPath is "/Sets/X"
            // we want    "/Sets/X/Network/Global/IPv4"
            ipv4GlobalEntityPath = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%@/%@/%@/%@"),
            if (ipv4GlobalEntityPath == NULL) {
                err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
        if (err == noErr) {
            ipv4GlobalEntityDict = SCPreferencesPathGetValue(gPrefsRef, ipv4GlobalEntityPath);
            err = MoreSCError( ipv4GlobalEntityDict);
            assert( (err != noErr) || (CFGetTypeID(ipv4GlobalEntityDict) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) );
        if (err == noErr) {
            *serviceOrder = (CFArrayRef) CFQRetain( CFDictionaryGetValue(ipv4GlobalEntityDict, kSCPropNetServiceOrder) );
            if (*serviceOrder == NULL) {
                err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    MoreSCClose(&err, false);
    // Clean up.
    if (err != noErr) {
        if (servicesDict != NULL) {
            *servicesDict = NULL;
        if (serviceOrder != NULL) {
            *serviceOrder = NULL;
    assert( (servicesDict == NULL) || ((err == noErr) == (*servicesDict != NULL)) );
    assert( (serviceOrder == NULL) || ((err == noErr) == (*serviceOrder != NULL)) );
    assert(     (err != noErr)                                                              // either we errored out
                 || (servicesDict == NULL) || (*serviceOrder == NULL)                           // or the client didn't ask for both results
                 || (CFDictionaryGetCount(*servicesDict) == CFArrayGetCount(*serviceOrder)) );  // or the sizes match
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyServicesDictMutable(CFStringRef  setID, 
                                           CFMutableDictionaryRef *servicesDict,
                                           CFMutableArrayRef *     serviceOrder)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus        err;
    CFDictionaryRef constServicesDict;
    CFArrayRef      constServiceOrder;
    assert( (servicesDict != NULL) || (serviceOrder  != NULL) );
    assert( (servicesDict == NULL) || (*servicesDict == NULL) );
    assert( (serviceOrder == NULL) || (*serviceOrder == NULL) );
    constServicesDict = NULL;
    constServiceOrder = NULL;
    // Call the non-mutable get routine and then make mutable copies 
    // of each of the returned items.
    err = MoreSCCopyServicesDict(setID, &constServicesDict, &constServiceOrder);
    if (err == noErr && servicesDict != NULL) {
        *servicesDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, constServicesDict);
        if (*servicesDict == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    if (err == noErr && serviceOrder != NULL) {
        *serviceOrder = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, constServiceOrder);
        if (*serviceOrder == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    if (err != noErr) {
        if (servicesDict != NULL) {
            *servicesDict = NULL;
        if (serviceOrder != NULL) {
            *serviceOrder = NULL;
    assert( (servicesDict == NULL) || ((err == noErr) == (*servicesDict != NULL)) );
    assert( (serviceOrder == NULL) || ((err == noErr) == (*serviceOrder != NULL)) );
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetServicesDict(CFStringRef    setID,  
                                             CFDictionaryRef servicesDict,
                                             CFArrayRef      serviceOrder)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus    err;
    assert( (servicesDict != NULL) || (serviceOrder != NULL) );
    // If the client is setting both the services dictionary and the IPv4 
    // services order, do a quick sanity check to make sure that they have 
    // an equal number of entries.
    #if !defined(NDEBUG)
        if (servicesDict != NULL && serviceOrder != NULL) {
            assert( CFDictionaryGetCount(servicesDict) == CFArrayGetCount(serviceOrder) );
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    // If the client wants to set the services dictionary, just set 
    // it at the path "/Sets/<setID>/Network/Service".
    if (err == noErr && servicesDict != NULL) {
        CFStringRef setServicesPath;
        setServicesPath = NULL;
        err = CopySetServicesPath(setID, &setServicesPath);
        if (err == noErr) {
            err = MoreSCErrorBoolean( SCPreferencesPathSetValue(gPrefsRef, setServicesPath, servicesDict) );
    // If the client wants to set the IPv4 service order array, set it 
    // at the path "/Sets/<setID>/Network/Global/IPv4/ServiceOrder".  The value 
    // is an array so we can't just get it with SCPreferencesPathSetValue.  
    // Fortunately we have a nice helper routine, PreferencesPathSetProperty, 
    // that gets around this limitation.
    if (err == noErr && serviceOrder != NULL) {
        CFStringRef setPath;
        CFStringRef ipv4GlobalEntityPath;
        setPath = NULL;
        ipv4GlobalEntityPath = NULL;
        err = CopySetPath(setID, &setPath);
        if (err == noErr) {
            // setPath is "/Sets/X"
            // we want    "/Sets/X/Network/Global/IPv4"
            ipv4GlobalEntityPath = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%@/%@/%@/%@"),
            if (ipv4GlobalEntityPath == NULL) {
                err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
        if (err == noErr) {
            err = PreferencesPathSetProperty(ipv4GlobalEntityPath, kSCPropNetServiceOrder, serviceOrder);
    MoreSCClose(&err, true);
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyEntitiesDict(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef serviceID, 
                                          CFDictionaryRef *entitiesDict)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus    err;
    CFStringRef servicePath;
    assert( entitiesDict != NULL);
    assert(*entitiesDict == NULL);
    servicePath = NULL;
    // Build a path to the entities dictionary for this service by 
    // resolving the link at "/Sets/<setID>/Network/Service/<serviceID>". 
    // Then just get the value at that path.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = CopyResolvedServicePath(setID, serviceID, &servicePath);
        if (err == noErr) {
            *entitiesDict = (CFDictionaryRef) CFQRetain( SCPreferencesPathGetValue(gPrefsRef, servicePath) );
            err = MoreSCError( *entitiesDict );
            assert( (err != noErr) || (CFGetTypeID(*entitiesDict) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) );
    MoreSCClose(&err, false);
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*entitiesDict != NULL) );
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyEntitiesDictMutable(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef serviceID, 
                                           CFMutableDictionaryRef *entitiesDict)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus err;
    CFDictionaryRef constEntitiesDict;
    assert( entitiesDict != NULL);
    assert(*entitiesDict == NULL);
    constEntitiesDict = NULL;
    // Call the non-mutable get routine and then make a mutable copy 
    // of the returned item.
    err = MoreSCCopyEntitiesDict(setID, serviceID, &constEntitiesDict);
    if (err == noErr) {
        *entitiesDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, constEntitiesDict);
        if (*entitiesDict == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*entitiesDict != NULL) );
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetEntitiesDict(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef serviceID, 
                                          CFDictionaryRef entitiesDict)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus    err;
    CFStringRef servicePath;
    assert( entitiesDict != NULL);
    servicePath = NULL;
    // Build a path to the entities dictionary for this service by 
    // resolving the link at "/Sets/<setID>/Network/Service/<serviceID>". 
    // Then just set the value at that path.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = CopyResolvedServicePath(setID, serviceID, &servicePath);
        if (err == noErr) {
            err = MoreSCErrorBoolean( SCPreferencesPathSetValue(gPrefsRef, servicePath, entitiesDict) );
    MoreSCClose(&err, true);
    return err;
#pragma mark ***** Set Routines
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopySetIDs(CFArrayRef *setIDs, CFIndex *indexOfCurrentSet)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus        err;
    CFDictionaryRef setsDict;
    CFStringRef     currentSetID;
    assert( setIDs != NULL);
    assert(*setIDs == NULL);
    currentSetID = NULL;
    setsDict = NULL;
    // Get the sets dictionary and build the resulting array 
    // from all the keys in the dictionary.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCCopySetsDict(&setsDict);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = CFQArrayCreateWithDictionaryKeys(setsDict, setIDs);
    // If the client requested the index of the current set, 
    // iterate through the array looking for the element which 
    // matches the current set ID.
    if (err == noErr && indexOfCurrentSet != NULL) {
        err = MoreSCCopyCurrentSet(&currentSetID);
        if (err == noErr) {
            CFIndex setCount;
            CFIndex setIndex;
            setCount = CFDictionaryGetCount(setsDict);
            for (setIndex = 0; setIndex < setCount; setIndex++) {
                if ( CFEqual(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(*setIDs, setIndex), currentSetID) ) {
                    *indexOfCurrentSet = setIndex;
    MoreSCClose(&err, false);
    if (err != noErr) {
        *setIDs = NULL;
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*setIDs != NULL) );
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyUserVisibleNameOfSet(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef *userVisibleName)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus        err;
    CFStringRef     setPath;
    CFDictionaryRef setDict;
    assert(setID != NULL);
    assert( userVisibleName != NULL);
    assert(*userVisibleName == NULL);
    setDict = NULL;             // quieten warning
    setPath = NULL;
    // Get the value at "/Sets/<setID>/UserDefinedName".  This is slighly 
    // complicated by the fact that SCPreferencesPathGetValue only works 
    // for dictionaries, so we have to get the parent dictionary and 
    // extract the name from there.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = CopySetPath(setID, &setPath);
    if (err == noErr) {
        setDict = SCPreferencesPathGetValue(gPrefsRef, setPath);
        err = MoreSCError( setDict );
        assert( (err != noErr) || (CFGetTypeID(setDict) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) );
    if (err == noErr) {
        *userVisibleName = (CFStringRef) CFQRetain( CFDictionaryGetValue(setDict, kSCPropUserDefinedName) );
        if (*userVisibleName == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
        assert( (err != noErr) || (CFGetTypeID(*userVisibleName) == CFStringGetTypeID()) );
    MoreSCClose(&err, false);
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*userVisibleName != NULL) );
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyCurrentSet(CFStringRef *setID)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus    err;
    CFStringRef setPath;
    assert( setID != NULL);
    assert(*setID == NULL);
    setPath = NULL;                         // quieten warning
    // Get the value of "/CurrentSet".  This is a full path to the set, 
    // we trim "/Sets" from the front to get just the set ID.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) { 
        setPath = (CFStringRef) SCPreferencesGetValue(gPrefsRef, kSCPrefCurrentSet);
        err = MoreSCError( setPath );
        assert( (err != noErr) || (CFGetTypeID(setPath) == CFStringGetTypeID()) );
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = CopySeIDFromSePath(setPath, setID);
    MoreSCClose(&err, false);
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetCurrentSet(CFStringRef setID)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus    err;
    CFStringRef setPath;
    assert(setID != NULL);
    setPath = NULL;
    // Build a full path to the set and store the value in "/CurrentSet".
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = CreateSetPathWithSetID(setID, &setPath);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCErrorBoolean( SCPreferencesSetValue(gPrefsRef, kSCPrefCurrentSet, setPath) );
    MoreSCClose(&err, true);
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCNewSet(CFStringRef userVisibleName,
                                    CFStringRef *newSetID)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus        err;
    CFStringRef     newSetIDLocal;
    CFStringRef     newSetPath;
    CFArrayRef      portArray;
    CFIndex         portCount;
    CFIndex         portIndex;
    assert(userVisibleName != NULL);
    newSetIDLocal = NULL;
    newSetPath = NULL;
    portArray = NULL;
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    // Create a new, unique set ID and establish paths for 
    // both the original and duplicate set.
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MakeNewSeAndCopyIDAndPath(kSCPrefSets, &newSetIDLocal, &newSetPath);
    // Initialise the framework of the set, which allows us to call other 
    // high-level routines and get the expected results.
    if (err == noErr) {
        CFDictionaryRef empty;
        CFStringRef     setServicesPath;
        CFStringRef     setGlobalsPath;
        setServicesPath = NULL;
        setGlobalsPath = NULL;
        empty = NULL;
        empty = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
        if (empty == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
        if (err == noErr) {
            err = CopySetServicesPath(newSetIDLocal, &setServicesPath);
        if (err == noErr) {
            err = CopySetGlobalsPath(newSetIDLocal, &setGlobalsPath);
        if (err == noErr) {
            err = MoreSCErrorBoolean( SCPreferencesPathSetValue(gPrefsRef, setServicesPath, empty) );
        if (err == noErr) {
            err = MoreSCErrorBoolean( SCPreferencesPathSetValue(gPrefsRef, setGlobalsPath, empty) );
    // Set up the global entities.
    if (err == noErr) {
        MoreSCGlobalDigest digest;
        BlockZero(&digest, sizeof(digest));
        err = AddGlobalEntityToSet(newSetIDLocal, kSCEntNetIPv4, &digest);
        if ( (err == noErr) && (MoreSCGetSystemVersion() < 0x01050) ) {
            err = AddGlobalEntityToSet(newSetIDLocal, kSCEntNetNetInfo, &digest);
    // Create a service for each port in the port list.
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCCreatePortArray(&portArray);
    if (err == noErr) {
        portCount = CFArrayGetCount(portArray);
        for (portIndex = 0; portIndex < portCount; portIndex++) {
            CFDictionaryRef portDict;
            portDict = (CFDictionaryRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(portArray, portIndex);
            if ( (MoreSCGetSystemVersion() < 0x01040) && CFEqual( CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropNetInterfaceHardware), kSCEntNetFireWire ) ) {
                // do nothing -- Prior to 10.4, the Network preferences panel didn't 
                // create a FireWire service, even if the machine had support for 
                // IP over FireWire.
            } else {
                err = MoreSCNewService(newSetIDLocal, portDict, NULL);
            if (err != noErr) {
    // Set user visible name.
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCRenameSet(newSetIDLocal, userVisibleName);
    if (err != noErr && newSetIDLocal != NULL) {
        (void) MoreSCDeleteSet(newSetIDLocal);
    MoreSCClose(&err, true);
    // Clean up.
    if (err == noErr && newSetID != NULL) {
        assert(newSetIDLocal != NULL);
        *newSetID = (CFStringRef) CFRetain(newSetIDLocal);
    assert( (err == noErr) == (newSetIDLocal != NULL) );
    assert( (newSetID == NULL) || ( (err == noErr) == (*newSetID != NULL)) );
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCDuplicateSet(CFStringRef setID, 
                                       CFStringRef newSetUserVisibleName, 
                                       CFStringRef *newSetID)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus err;
    CFStringRef setPath;
    CFStringRef newSetPath;
    CFStringRef newSetIDLocal;
    CFDictionaryRef setDict;
    CFDictionaryRef setDictCopy;
    assert(setID != NULL);
    assert( newSetID == NULL || *newSetID == NULL);
    setDict = NULL;             // quieten warning
    setPath = NULL;
    newSetPath = NULL;
    newSetIDLocal = NULL;
    setDictCopy = NULL;
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    // Create a new, unique set ID and establish paths for 
    // both the original and duplicate set.
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = CreateSetPathWithSetID(setID, &setPath);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MakeNewSeAndCopyIDAndPath(kSCPrefSets, &newSetIDLocal, &newSetPath);
    // Copy the entire contents of the set.
    if (err == noErr) {
        setDict = SCPreferencesPathGetValue(gPrefsRef, setPath);
        err = MoreSCError( setDict );
        assert( (err != noErr) || (CFGetTypeID(setDict) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) );
    if (err == noErr) {
        setDictCopy = (CFDictionaryRef) CFPropertyListCreateDeepCopy(NULL, setDict, kCFPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves);
        if (setDictCopy == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCErrorBoolean( SCPreferencesPathSetValue(gPrefsRef, newSetPath, setDictCopy) );
    // Now duplicate each of the services referenced by the set and 
    // fix the new set's service dictionary to point to those copies.
    // We also have to fix up the IPv4 ServiceOrder global setting.
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = DuplicateServicesReferencedBySet(setID, newSetIDLocal);
    // If the caller supplied a new name, set the name of the resulting 
    // set.  The other side of this branch should be code to come up 
    // with a new unique name, but I don't have that ready yet.
    if (err == noErr && newSetUserVisibleName != NULL) {
        err = MoreSCRenameSet(newSetIDLocal, newSetUserVisibleName);
    if (err != noErr && newSetIDLocal != NULL) {
        (void) MoreSCDeleteSet(newSetIDLocal);
    MoreSCClose(&err, true);
    // Clean up.
    if (err == noErr && newSetID != NULL) {
        assert(newSetIDLocal != NULL);
        *newSetID = (CFStringRef) CFRetain(newSetIDLocal);
    assert( (err == noErr) == (newSetIDLocal != NULL) );
    assert( (newSetID == NULL) || ( (err == noErr) == (*newSetID != NULL)) );
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCDeleteSet(CFStringRef setID)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus err;
    OSStatus err2;
    CFStringRef currentSetID;
    CFStringRef setPath;
    assert(setID != NULL);
    setPath = NULL;
    currentSetID = NULL;
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    // No sneaky deleting the current set!
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCCopyCurrentSet(&currentSetID);
    if (err == noErr) {
        if (CFEqual(setID, currentSetID)) {
            err = paramErr;
    // Delete the set.
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = CreateSetPathWithSetID(setID, &setPath);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCErrorBoolean( SCPreferencesPathRemoveValue(gPrefsRef, setPath) );
    // Now run the garbage collector to get rid of any services that 
    // have been orphaned.  We always do this, regardless of whether 
    // we got an error earlier, because we may be being called by 
    // another MoreSC routine, for example MoreSCDuplicateSet, 
    // that wants this done as a side effect.
    err2 = DeleteUnreferencedServices();
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = err2;
    MoreSCClose(&err, true);
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCRenameSet(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef newSetUserVisibleName)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus        err;
    CFStringRef     setPath;
    assert(setID != NULL);
    assert(newSetUserVisibleName != NULL);
    setPath = NULL;
    // Simply set the value at "/Sets/<setID>/UserDefinedName". 
    // The value isn't a dictionary so we can't just get it with 
    // SCPreferencesPathSetValue.  Fortunately we have a nice helper 
    // routine, PreferencesPathSetProperty, that gets around this 
    // limitation.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = CopySetPath(setID, &setPath);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = PreferencesPathSetProperty(setPath, kSCPropUserDefinedName, newSetUserVisibleName);
    MoreSCClose(&err, true);
    return err;
#pragma mark ***** Service Routines
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyServiceIDs(CFStringRef setID, 
                                            CFArrayRef *localServiceIDs, 
                                            CFArrayRef *resolvedServiceIDs)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus            err;
    CFArrayRef          serviceOrder;
    CFMutableArrayRef   localIDs;
    CFMutableArrayRef   resolvedIDs;
    assert( (localServiceIDs    != NULL) || (resolvedServiceIDs   != NULL)  );  // can't ask for nothing
    assert( (localServiceIDs    == NULL) || ((*localServiceIDs    == NULL)) );  // if parameter present, input must be NULL
    assert( (resolvedServiceIDs == NULL) || ((*resolvedServiceIDs == NULL)) );  // if parameter present, input must be NULL
    localIDs = NULL;
    resolvedIDs = NULL;
    serviceOrder = NULL;
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    // Get the IPv4 service order array, which is the source of all this 
    // information, and also create an output array for any output 
    // that the client requests.
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCCopyServicesDict(setID, NULL, &serviceOrder);
    if (err == noErr && localServiceIDs != NULL) {
        err = CFQArrayCreateMutable(&localIDs);
    if (err == noErr && resolvedServiceIDs != NULL) {
        err = CFQArrayCreateMutable(&resolvedIDs);
    // Iterate through the IPv4 service order array, adding each element 
    // to client's output arrays.
    if (err == noErr) {
        CFIndex     serviceCount;
        CFIndex     serviceIndex;
        serviceCount = CFArrayGetCount(serviceOrder);
        for (serviceIndex = 0; serviceIndex < serviceCount; serviceIndex++) {
            CFStringRef thisKey;
            thisKey = (CFStringRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(serviceOrder, serviceIndex);
            if (thisKey == NULL) {
                err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
            if (err == noErr) {
                // The local ID is very simply; it's just the value 
                // in the service order array. 
                if (localIDs != NULL) {
                    CFArrayAppendValue(localIDs, thisKey);
                // The resolved ID is more complex; we have to resolve 
                // the link and get the ID from there.
                if (resolvedIDs != NULL) {
                    CFStringRef servicePath;
                    CFStringRef resolvedID;
                    servicePath = NULL;
                    resolvedID = NULL;
                    err = CopyResolvedServicePath(setID, thisKey, &servicePath);
                    if (err == noErr) {
                        err = CopySeIDFromSePath(servicePath, &resolvedID);
                    if (err == noErr) {
                        CFArrayAppendValue(resolvedIDs, resolvedID);
            if (err != noErr) {
    MoreSCClose(&err, false);
        if (err == noErr) {
            CFIndex     serviceCount;
            CFIndex     serviceIndex;
            if (localIDs != NULL) {
                serviceCount = CFArrayGetCount(localIDs);
                fprintf(stderr, "localIDs\n");
                for (serviceIndex = 0; serviceIndex < serviceCount; serviceIndex++) {
                    CFShow(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(localIDs, serviceIndex));
            if (resolvedIDs != NULL) {
                serviceCount = CFArrayGetCount(resolvedIDs);
                fprintf(stderr, "resolvedIDs\n");
                for (serviceIndex = 0; serviceIndex < serviceCount; serviceIndex++) {
                    CFShow(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(resolvedIDs, serviceIndex));
    // Clean up.
    if (err == noErr) {
        if (localServiceIDs != NULL) {
            *localServiceIDs = (CFArrayRef) CFRetain(localIDs);
        if (resolvedServiceIDs != NULL) {
            *resolvedServiceIDs = (CFArrayRef) CFRetain(resolvedIDs);
    assert( (err == noErr) == ((localServiceIDs    == NULL) || (*localServiceIDs    != NULL)) );
    assert( (err == noErr) == ((resolvedServiceIDs == NULL) || (*resolvedServiceIDs != NULL)) );
    assert(     (err != noErr)                                                                  // either we errored out
                 || (localServiceIDs == NULL) || (resolvedServiceIDs == NULL)                       // or the client didn't ask for both results
                 || (CFArrayGetCount(*localServiceIDs) == CFArrayGetCount(*resolvedServiceIDs)) );  // or the sizes match
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyUserVisibleNameOfService(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef serviceID, CFStringRef *userVisibleName)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus        err;
    CFDictionaryRef entitiesDict;
    assert(serviceID != NULL);
    assert( userVisibleName != NULL);
    assert(*userVisibleName == NULL);
    entitiesDict = NULL;
    // Get the service's entities dictionary (which involves following 
    // the link at "/Sets/<setID>/Network/Service/<serviceID>" to a 
    // path of the form "/NetworkServices/<serviceID>" and reading 
    // the dictionary at the path) and then extract the "UserDefinedName" 
    // property from that dictionary there.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCCopyEntitiesDict(setID, serviceID, &entitiesDict);
    if (err == noErr) {
        *userVisibleName = (CFStringRef) CFQRetain( CFDictionaryGetValue(entitiesDict, kSCPropUserDefinedName) );
        if (*userVisibleName == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    MoreSCClose(&err, false);
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*userVisibleName != NULL) );
    return err; 
extern OSStatus MoreSCIsServiceActive(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef serviceID, Boolean *active)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus        err;
    CFDictionaryRef entitiesDict;
    assert(serviceID != NULL);
    assert( active != NULL);
    entitiesDict = NULL;
    // Get the service's entities dictionary (which involves following 
    // the link at "/Sets/<setID>/Network/Service/<serviceID>" to a 
    // path of the form "/NetworkServices/<serviceID>" and reading 
    // the dictionary at the path) and then test for the existance of the 
    // "__INACTIVE__" property.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCCopyEntitiesDict(setID, serviceID, &entitiesDict);
    if (err == noErr) {
        *active = ! CFDictionaryContainsKey(entitiesDict, kSCResvInactive);
    MoreSCClose(&err, false);
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetServiceActive(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef serviceID, Boolean active)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus                err;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef  entitiesDict;
    Boolean                 madeChanges;
    assert(serviceID != NULL);
    entitiesDict = NULL;
    // Get a mutable copy of the service's entities dictionary, 
    // add the "__INACTIVE__" property to it, and then write it back.
    madeChanges = false;
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCCopyEntitiesDictMutable(setID, serviceID, &entitiesDict);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = SetDictionaryActive(entitiesDict, active, &madeChanges);
    if (err == noErr && madeChanges) {
        err = MoreSCSetEntitiesDict(setID, serviceID, entitiesDict);
    MoreSCClose(&err, madeChanges);
    return err; 
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyBSDNameOfService(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef serviceID, CFStringRef *bsdName)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus        err;
    CFDictionaryRef entity;
    assert(serviceID != NULL);  
    assert( bsdName != NULL);
    assert(*bsdName == NULL);
    entity = NULL;
    // Get the "Interface" entity for this service and extract the BSD name 
    // from the "DeviceName" property.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCCopyEntity(setID, serviceID, kSCEntNetInterface, &entity);
    if (err == noErr) {
        *bsdName = (CFStringRef) CFQRetain( CFDictionaryGetValue(entity, kSCPropNetInterfaceDeviceName) );
        if (*bsdName == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    MoreSCClose(&err, false);
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*bsdName != NULL) );
    return err; 
extern OSStatus MoreSCNewService(CFStringRef        setID, 
                                        CFDictionaryRef portDict, 
                                        CFStringRef *   newServiceID)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus    err;
    CFStringRef newServiceIDLocal;
    CFStringRef newServicePath;
    Boolean     portIsEthernetLike;
    Boolean     portIsAirPort;
    Boolean     portIsFireWire;
    Boolean     supportsHold;
    MoreSCDigest digest;
    Boolean     tenTwoOrLater;
    Boolean     tenThreeOrLater;
    Boolean     tenFourOrLater;
    assert(portDict != NULL);
    assert( CFDictionaryContainsKey(portDict, kSCPropUserDefinedName) );
    assert( CFDictionaryContainsKey(portDict, kSCPropNetInterfaceHardware) );
    assert( CFDictionaryContainsKey(portDict, kSCPropNetInterfaceType) );
    assert( CFDictionaryContainsKey(portDict, kSCPropNetInterfaceDeviceName) );
    #if !defined(NDEBUG)
            CFStringRef hardware, type, subType, mac, variant;
            hardware = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropNetInterfaceHardware);
            type     = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropNetInterfaceType);
            subType  = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropNetInterfaceSubType);
            mac      = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropMACAddress);
            variant  = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kMoreSCPropNetInterfaceHardwareVariant);
                   CFEqual(hardware, kSCEntNetEthernet) 
                || CFEqual(hardware, kSCEntNetAirPort) 
                || CFEqual(hardware, kSCEntNetModem)
                || CFEqual(hardware, kSCEntNetFireWire)
                   CFEqual(type, kSCValNetInterfaceTypeEthernet) 
                || CFEqual(type, kSCValNetInterfaceTypePPP) 
                || CFEqual(type, kSCValNetInterfaceTypeFireWire) 
            // subType can only exist for PPP, and if it exists it must be one of the 
            // two valid values.
            assert( CFEqual(type, kSCValNetInterfaceTypePPP) == (subType != NULL) );
            if (subType != NULL) {
                assert(   CFEqual(subType, kSCValNetInterfaceSubTypePPPSerial) 
                            || CFEqual(subType, kSCValNetInterfaceSubTypePPPoE) );
            // mac can only be supplied for Ethernet or AirPort.
            assert( CFEqual(hardware, kSCEntNetModem) == (mac == NULL) );
            // If variant is supplied, it can only be supplied for a modem-like device.
            assert( (variant == NULL) || CFEqual(hardware, kSCEntNetModem) );
    supportsHold  = false;                  // quieten warning
    portIsEthernetLike = false;             // quieten warning
    portIsAirPort = false;                  // quieten warning
    portIsFireWire = false;
    newServiceIDLocal = NULL;
    newServicePath = NULL;
    tenTwoOrLater   = (MoreSCGetSystemVersion() >= 0x01020);
    tenThreeOrLater = (MoreSCGetSystemVersion() >= 0x01030);
    tenFourOrLater  = (MoreSCGetSystemVersion() >= 0x01040);
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    // Create a new unique service ID and its corresponding service path, 
    // then add the totally empty service to the set so that we can start 
    // calling generic routine to do the remaining work.
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MakeNewSeAndCopyIDAndPath(kSCPrefNetworkServices, &newServiceIDLocal, &newServicePath);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = AddServiceToSet(setID, newServiceIDLocal);
    // Set the user defined name of service.
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCRenameService(setID, newServiceIDLocal, (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropUserDefinedName));
    // Set some variables we'll need when creating entities.
    if (err == noErr) {
        portIsEthernetLike = CFDictionaryContainsKey(portDict, kSCPropMACAddress);
        if (portIsEthernetLike) {
            portIsAirPort  = CFEqual(CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropNetInterfaceHardware), kSCEntNetAirPort);
            portIsFireWire = CFEqual(CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropNetInterfaceHardware), kSCEntNetFireWire);
            supportsHold  = false;
        } else {
            CFNumberRef supportsHoldRef;
            long        tmp;
            supportsHoldRef = (CFNumberRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropNetInterfaceSupportsModemOnHold);
            supportsHold =     (supportsHoldRef != NULL) 
                            &&  CFNumberGetValue(supportsHoldRef, kCFNumberLongType, &tmp) 
                            && (tmp != 0);
    // Add the universal entities.
    if (err == noErr) {
        BlockZero(&digest, sizeof(digest));
        digest.interface.deviceName = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropNetInterfaceDeviceName);
        digest.interface.userDefinedName = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropUserDefinedName);
        digest.interface.hardware = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropNetInterfaceHardware);
        digest.interface.type = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropNetInterfaceType);
        if ( ! portIsEthernetLike ) {
            digest.interface.subType = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropNetInterfaceSubType);
        if ( CFDictionaryContainsKey(portDict, kMoreSCPropNetInterfaceHardwareVariant) ) {
            digest.interface.variant = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kMoreSCPropNetInterfaceHardwareVariant);
        digest.interface.supportsHold = supportsHold;
        err = AddEntityToService(setID, newServiceIDLocal, kSCEntNetInterface, &digest);
    if (err == noErr) {
        BlockZero(&digest, sizeof(digest));
        if (tenTwoOrLater) {
            digest.proxies.ftpPassive = true;
        err = AddEntityToService(setID, newServiceIDLocal, kSCEntNetProxies, &digest);
    // Add the protocol entities.
    if (err == noErr && portIsEthernetLike) {
        BlockZero(&digest, sizeof(digest));
        digest.appleTalk.configMethod = kSCValNetAppleTalkConfigMethodNode;
        err = AddEntityToService(setID, newServiceIDLocal, kSCEntNetAppleTalk, &digest);
    if (err == noErr) {
        BlockZero(&digest, sizeof(digest));
        err = AddEntityToService(setID, newServiceIDLocal, kSCEntNetDNS, &digest);
    if (err == noErr) {
        BlockZero(&digest, sizeof(digest));
        if (portIsEthernetLike) {
            // This code used to include the following comment:
            //      Somewhere between 10.1 and 10.1.3 the default configuration 
            //      method for Ethernet services changed from DHCP to manual.
            //      Unfortunately I don't have a 10.1.1 or 10.1.2 machine 
            //      handy to test this on, so I'm just going to gloss over this 
            //      historical detail.
            //      -- Quinn, 14 Aug 2002
            // That comment is totally wrong.  The real explanation is weirder 
            // still.  If the *current* network configuration uses DHCP and you 
            // create a new configuration in the Network preferences panel, the 
            // new configuration uses DHCP.  OTOH, if the current configuration 
            // uses manual addressing, the new configuration will use manual 
            // addressing (with an address of!).  Rather than try 
            // to replicate this somewhat strange behaviour, I've decided to 
            // simply always default to DHCP.
            // -- Quinn, 26 Feb 2003
            digest.ipv4.configMethod = kSCValNetIPv4ConfigMethodDHCP;
        } else {
            digest.ipv4.configMethod = kSCValNetIPv4ConfigMethodPPP;
        #if !defined(NDEBUG)
            gMoreSCCreateIPv4EntityDontCheck = true;
        err = AddEntityToService(setID, newServiceIDLocal, kSCEntNetIPv4, &digest);
        #if !defined(NDEBUG)
            gMoreSCCreateIPv4EntityDontCheck = false;
    if ( (err == noErr) && tenThreeOrLater ) {
        CFDictionaryRef ipv6Entity;
        CFStringRef ipv6Keys[1] = { kSCPropNetIPv6ConfigMethod };
        CFStringRef ipv6Values[1] = { kSCValNetIPv6ConfigMethodAutomatic };
        ipv6Entity = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL, (const void **) ipv6Keys, (const void **) ipv6Values, sizeof(ipv6Keys) / sizeof(*ipv6Keys), &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
        if (ipv6Entity == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
        if (err == noErr) {
            err = MoreSCNewEntity(setID, newServiceIDLocal, kSCEntNetIPv6, ipv6Entity);
    if (err == noErr) {
        // Have to handle PPP specially for the reasons described in 
        // AddPPPEntityToService.
        err = AddPPPEntityToService(setID, newServiceIDLocal, portDict);
    // Add the appropriate hardware-specific entity.
    if (err == noErr) {
        CFStringRef protocol;
        BlockZero(&digest, sizeof(digest));
        protocol = NULL;
        if ( portIsEthernetLike ) {
            if ( portIsAirPort ) {
                protocol = kSCEntNetAirPort;
                err = MoreSCFStringToMacAddress((CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropMACAddress), digest.airPort.macAddress);
            } else if (portIsFireWire) {
                protocol = NULL;            // FireWire has no protocol entity
            } else {
                protocol = kSCEntNetEthernet;
                err = MoreSCFStringToMacAddress((CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(portDict, kSCPropMACAddress), digest.ethernet.macAddress);
        } else {
            protocol = kSCEntNetModem;
            digest.modem = kMoreSCModemDigestDefault;
            digest.modem.dataCompressionErrorCorrection = true;
            digest.modem.speaker = true;
            digest.modem.waitForDialTone = true;
            digest.modem.supportsHold = supportsHold;
            err = FindDefaultModemScriptAndCopyName(&digest.modem.connectionScript);
        if ( (err == noErr) && (protocol != NULL) ) {
            err = AddEntityToService(setID, newServiceIDLocal, protocol, &digest);
    // Clean up.
    if (err != noErr && newServiceIDLocal != NULL) {
        (void) MoreSCDeleteService(setID, newServiceIDLocal);
    MoreSCClose(&err, true);
    if (err == noErr && newServiceID != NULL) {
        assert(newServiceIDLocal != NULL);
        *newServiceID = (CFStringRef) CFRetain(newServiceIDLocal);
    assert( (err == noErr) == (newServiceIDLocal != NULL) );
    assert( (newServiceID == NULL) || ((err == noErr) == (*newServiceID != NULL)) );
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCDuplicateService(CFStringRef setID, 
                                           CFStringRef serviceID, 
                                           CFStringRef newServiceUserVisibleName, 
                                           CFStringRef *newServiceID)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus                err;
    CFStringRef             newServiceIDLocal;
    assert(serviceID != NULL);
    assert( newServiceID == NULL || *newServiceID == NULL);
    newServiceIDLocal = NULL;
    // Call some common routines to duplicate the service and add the 
    // new service to the set.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = DuplicateService(serviceID, &newServiceIDLocal);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = AddServiceToSet(setID, newServiceIDLocal);
    // Set the user-visible name of the service if the client requested it.
    if (err == noErr && newServiceUserVisibleName != NULL) {
        err = MoreSCRenameService(setID, newServiceIDLocal, newServiceUserVisibleName);
    // If we got an error, it's possible that we created a service 
    // but didn't add it to the set.  We need to run the garbage 
    // collector to clean this up.
    if (err != noErr) {
        (void) DeleteUnreferencedServices();
    MoreSCClose(&err, true);
    if (err == noErr && newServiceID != NULL) {
        assert(newServiceIDLocal != NULL);
        *newServiceID = (CFStringRef) CFRetain(newServiceIDLocal);
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCDeleteService(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef serviceID)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus                err;
    OSStatus                err2;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef  newServicesDict;
    CFMutableArrayRef       newServiceOrder;
    assert(serviceID != NULL);
    newServiceOrder = NULL;
    newServicesDict = NULL;
    // Get the set's services dictionary and IPv4 service order array.
    // Delete the service from both and then write them back.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCCopyServicesDictMutable(setID, &newServicesDict, &newServiceOrder);
    if (err == noErr) {
        CFIndex serviceIndex;
        assert( CFDictionaryContainsKey(newServicesDict, serviceID) );
        assert( CFArrayContainsValue(newServiceOrder, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(newServiceOrder)), serviceID) );
        CFDictionaryRemoveValue(newServicesDict, serviceID);
        serviceIndex = CFArrayGetFirstIndexOfValue(newServiceOrder, CFRangeMake(0, CFArrayGetCount(newServiceOrder)), serviceID);
        assert(serviceIndex != kCFNotFound);
        CFArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(newServiceOrder, serviceIndex);
        err = MoreSCSetServicesDict(setID, newServicesDict, newServiceOrder);
    err2 = DeleteUnreferencedServices();
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = err2;
    MoreSCClose(&err, true);
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCRenameService(CFStringRef setID, 
                                        CFStringRef serviceID, 
                                        CFStringRef newServiceUserVisibleName)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus err;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef entitiesDict;
    assert(serviceID != NULL);
    assert(newServiceUserVisibleName != NULL);
    entitiesDict = NULL;
    // Get the entities dictionary for the service, set the "UserDefinedName" 
    // property and write it back.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCCopyEntitiesDictMutable(setID, serviceID, &entitiesDict);
    if (err == noErr) {
        CFDictionarySetValue(entitiesDict, kSCPropUserDefinedName, newServiceUserVisibleName);
        err = MoreSCSetEntitiesDict(setID, serviceID, entitiesDict);
    MoreSCClose(&err, true);
    return err;
#pragma mark ***** Entity Routines
extern OSStatus MoreSCIsEntityActive(CFStringRef setID,
                                            CFStringRef serviceID,
                                            CFStringRef protocol,
                                            Boolean *   active)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus        err;
    CFDictionaryRef entity;
    assert(protocol != NULL);
    assert(active   != NULL);
    entity = NULL;
    // Get the entity dictionary and test for the existance of the 
    // "__INACTIVE__" property.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCCopyEntity(setID, serviceID, protocol, &entity);
    if (err == noErr) {
        *active = ! CFDictionaryContainsKey(entity, kSCResvInactive);
    MoreSCClose(&err, false);
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetEntityActive(CFStringRef setID,
                                            CFStringRef serviceID,
                                            CFStringRef protocol,
                                            Boolean     active)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus                err;
    Boolean                 madeChanges;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef  entity;
    entity = NULL;
    madeChanges = false;
    // Get a mutable copy of the entity dictionary, add or 
    // remove the "__INACTIVE__" property, and then write the 
    // the dictionary back.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCCopyEntityMutable(setID, serviceID, protocol, &entity);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = SetDictionaryActive(entity, active, &madeChanges);
    if (err == noErr && madeChanges) {
        err = MoreSCSetEntity(setID, serviceID, protocol, entity);
    MoreSCClose(&err, madeChanges);
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyEntity(CFStringRef setID,
                                    CFStringRef serviceID,
                                    CFStringRef protocol,
                                    CFDictionaryRef *entity)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus    err;
    CFStringRef entityPath;
    assert(protocol != NULL);
    assert( entity != NULL);
    assert(*entity == NULL);
    entityPath = NULL;
    // Get the entity path (which itself is a pretty complicated 
    // operation) and then just get the entity dictionary.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = CopyEntityPath(setID, serviceID, protocol, &entityPath);
    if (err == noErr) {
        *entity = (CFDictionaryRef) CFQRetain( SCPreferencesPathGetValue(gPrefsRef, entityPath) );
        err = MoreSCError(*entity);
        assert( (err != noErr) || (CFGetTypeID(*entity) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) );
    MoreSCClose(&err, false);
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*entity != NULL) );
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyEntityMutable(CFStringRef setID,
                                    CFStringRef serviceID,
                                    CFStringRef protocol,
                                    CFMutableDictionaryRef *entity)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus        err;
    CFDictionaryRef constEntity;
    assert(protocol != NULL);
    assert( entity != NULL);
    assert(*entity == NULL);
    constEntity = NULL;
    // Call the non-mutable get routine and then make a mutable copy 
    // of the returned item.
    err = MoreSCCopyEntity(setID, serviceID, protocol, &constEntity);
    if (err == noErr) {
        *entity = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(NULL, 0, constEntity);
        if (*entity == NULL) {
            err = coreFoundationUnknownErr;
    assert( (err == noErr) == (*entity != NULL) );
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetEntity(CFStringRef setID,
                                    CFStringRef serviceID,
                                    CFStringRef protocol,
                                    CFDictionaryRef entity)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus    err;
    CFStringRef entityPath;
    assert(protocol != NULL);
    assert( entity != NULL);
    entityPath = NULL;
    // Get the entity path (which itself is a pretty complicated 
    // operation) and then just set the entity dictionary.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = CopyEntityPath(setID, serviceID, protocol, &entityPath);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCErrorBoolean( SCPreferencesPathSetValue(gPrefsRef, entityPath, entity) );
    MoreSCClose(&err, true);
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyEntities(CFStringRef     setID, 
                                           CFStringRef     serviceID,
                                           CFArrayRef *    entityProtocols,
                                           CFArrayRef *    entityValues)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus            err;
    CFDictionaryRef     entitiesDict;
    CFMutableArrayRef   eProtocols;
    CFMutableArrayRef   eValues;
    CFIndex             dictCount;
    CFIndex             dictIndex;
    CFStringRef *       keys;
    CFTypeRef *         values;
    assert( (entityProtocols != NULL) || (entityValues != NULL) );
    assert( (entityProtocols == NULL) || (*entityProtocols == NULL) );
    assert( (entityValues    == NULL) || (*entityValues    == NULL) );
    dictCount = 0;              // quieten warning
    entitiesDict = NULL;
    keys = NULL;
    values = NULL;
    eProtocols = NULL;
    eValues = NULL;
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCCopyEntitiesDict(setID, serviceID, &entitiesDict);
    // Create the resulting CFArrays.
    if (entityProtocols != NULL) {
        err = CFQArrayCreateMutable(&eProtocols);
    if (entityProtocols != NULL) {
        err = CFQArrayCreateMutable(&eValues);
    // Get all of the keys and values from entitiesDict.
    if (err == noErr) {
        dictCount = CFDictionaryGetCount(entitiesDict);
        err = CFQAllocate(dictCount * sizeof(CFStringRef), (void **) &keys);
        if (err == noErr) {
            err = CFQAllocate(dictCount * sizeof(CFStringRef), (void **) &values);
    // Add to the resulting array only the real entities, 
    // ie those whose values are dictionaries.
    if (err == noErr) {
        CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(entitiesDict, (const void **) keys, (const void **) values);
        for (dictIndex = 0; dictIndex < dictCount; dictIndex++) {
            if (CFGetTypeID(values[dictIndex]) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) {
                if (eProtocols != NULL) {
                    CFArrayAppendValue(eProtocols, keys[dictIndex]);
                if (eValues != NULL) {
                    CFArrayAppendValue(eValues, values[dictIndex]);
    MoreSCClose(&err, false);
    // Clean up.
    if (err == noErr) {
        if (entityProtocols != NULL) {
            *entityProtocols = (CFArrayRef) CFRetain( eProtocols );
        if (entityValues != NULL) {
            *entityValues = (CFArrayRef) CFRetain( eValues);
    assert( (err == noErr) == (entityProtocols == NULL || *entityProtocols != NULL) );
    assert( (err == noErr) == (entityValues    == NULL || *entityValues    != NULL) );
    assert( (err != noErr) || (entityProtocols == NULL) || (entityValues == NULL) || (CFArrayGetCount(*entityProtocols) == CFArrayGetCount(*entityValues)) );
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetEntities(CFStringRef           setID,
                                          CFStringRef           serviceID,
                                          CFArrayRef            entityProtocols,
                                          CFArrayRef            entityValues)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus        err;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef entitiesDict;
    CFIndex         dictCount;
    CFIndex         dictIndex;
    CFStringRef *   keys;
    CFTypeRef *     values;
    assert(entityProtocols != NULL);
    assert(entityValues != NULL);
    assert(CFArrayGetCount(entityProtocols) == CFArrayGetCount(entityValues));
    dictCount = 0;              // quieten warning
    entitiesDict = NULL;
    keys = NULL;
    values = NULL;
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCCopyEntitiesDictMutable(setID, serviceID, &entitiesDict);
    // Get all of the keys and values from entitiesDict.
    if (err == noErr) {
        dictCount = CFDictionaryGetCount(entitiesDict);
        err = CFQAllocate(dictCount * sizeof(CFStringRef), (void **) &keys);
        if (err == noErr) {
            err = CFQAllocate(dictCount * sizeof(CFStringRef), (void **) &values);
    if (err == noErr) {
        CFIndex     deletedCount;
        CFIndex     entityCount;
        CFIndex     entityIndex;
        // Remove all of the real entities from the dictionary 
        // (those whose values are dictionaries themselves),
        // leaving behind only the fake entities (ie those 
        // whose values are other things, for example the 
        // user defined name string and the inactive CFNumber).
        deletedCount = 0;
        for (dictIndex = 0; dictIndex < dictCount; dictIndex++) {
            if (CFGetTypeID(values[dictIndex]) == CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) {
                CFDictionaryRemoveValue(entitiesDict, keys[dictIndex]);
                deletedCount += 1;
        // Now add each of the new entities into the dictionary.
        entityCount = CFArrayGetCount(entityProtocols);
        for (entityIndex = 0; entityIndex < entityCount; entityIndex++) {
            CFDictionaryAddValue(entitiesDict, CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(entityProtocols, entityIndex), 
                                               CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(entityValues,    entityIndex));
        // Poor man's error checking.  *sigh*
        assert( CFDictionaryGetCount(entitiesDict) == ((dictCount - deletedCount) + entityCount) );
        // Now store the new entities dictionary back.
        err = MoreSCSetEntitiesDict(setID, serviceID, entitiesDict);
    MoreSCClose(&err, true);
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCNewEntity(CFStringRef         setID, 
                                        CFStringRef     serviceID,
                                        CFStringRef     protocol,
                                        CFDictionaryRef entity)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus                err;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef  entitiesDict;
    assert(protocol != NULL);
    assert(entity   != NULL);
    entitiesDict = NULL;
    // Get the entire entities dictionary.  If it already contains 
    // the entity specified by "protocol", that's an error.  Otherwise 
    // add the specified entity to the dictionary.
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCCopyEntitiesDictMutable(setID, serviceID, &entitiesDict);
    if (err == noErr) {
        if ( CFDictionaryContainsKey(entitiesDict, protocol) ) {
            err = paramErr;
    if (err == noErr) {
        CFDictionaryAddValue(entitiesDict, protocol, entity);
        err = MoreSCSetEntitiesDict(setID, serviceID, entitiesDict);
    MoreSCClose(&err, true);
    return err;
extern OSStatus MoreSCDeleteEntity(CFStringRef setID, 
                                           CFStringRef serviceID,
                                           CFStringRef protocol)
    // See comment in header.
    OSStatus                err;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef  entitiesDict;
    assert(protocol != NULL);
    entitiesDict = NULL;
    // Get the entire entities dictionary and delete the 
    // entity specified by "protocol".
    err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    if (err == noErr) {
        err = MoreSCCopyEntitiesDictMutable(setID, serviceID, &entitiesDict);
    if (err == noErr) {
        CFIndex dictCount;
        dictCount = CFDictionaryGetCount(entitiesDict);
        CFDictionaryRemoveValue(entitiesDict, protocol);
        // More poor man's error checking.  *heavy* *sigh*
        assert( CFDictionaryGetCount(entitiesDict) == (dictCount - 1) );
        err = MoreSCSetEntitiesDict(setID, serviceID, entitiesDict);
    MoreSCClose(&err, true);
    return err;