
    File:       MoreSCF.h
    Contains:   System Configuration framework high-level API.
    Written by: DTS
    Copyright:  Copyright (c) 2007 by Apple Inc., All Rights Reserved.
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    Change History (most recent first):
$Log: MoreSCF.h,v $
Revision 1.8  2006/03/27 14:42:07  eskimo1
Eliminate high-bit set characters.
Revision 1.7  2006/03/24 16:15:21  eskimo1
Tidy headers: eliminate #pragma once, check C++ guards, eliminate bogus pragmas.
Revision 1.6  2006/03/24 15:44:14  eskimo1
Updated copyright.
Revision 1.5  2006/03/24 12:38:22  eskimo1
Eliminate "pascal" keyword.
Revision 1.4  2006/03/24 11:29:47  eskimo1
Eliminated "MoreSetup.h" to make it easier for folks to copy MIB source into their projects.
Revision 1.3  2002/11/09 00:00:48  eskimo1
Added compile time environment check. When using framework includes, explicitly include the frameworks we need. Convert nil to NULL.
Revision 1.2  2002/01/22 06:21:07  eskimo1
Changed API of MoreSCNewService to use a dictionary, which makes for a better match with the results from MoreSCFPortScanner. Also added a lot of comments about the meaning of various dictionary keys.
Revision 1.1  2002/01/16 22:52:21  eskimo1
First checked in.
#ifndef _MORESCF_H
#define _MORESCF_H
// System prototypes
#include <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Trivial Utilities
extern UInt32 MoreSCGetSystemVersion(void);
    // Returns the system version from gestaltSystemVersion.
extern OSStatus MoreSCToOSStatus(int scErr);
    // Maps an SCF error (positive integers defined in 
    // <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h>) to an 
    // OSStatus.  Currently we just cast one to the other 
    // (so this routine returns a positive OSStatus that 
    // has the same value as scErr) but, hey, one day I 
    // might come up with an appropriate mapping.
extern OSStatus MoreSCErrorBoolean(Boolean mustBeTrue);
    // If mustBeTrue is true, this routine returns noErr.
    // If mustBeTrue is false, it calls SCError (to get the 
    // most recent SCF error), maps it to an OSStatus using 
    // MoreSCToOSStatus, and returns it.  Typically you use 
    // this routine in concert with an SCF routine that returns 
    // a Boolean result (for example, SCPreferencesPathSetValue).
extern OSStatus MoreSCError(const void *value);
    // If value is not NULL, this routine returns noErr.
    // If value is NULL, it calls SCError (to get the 
    // most recent SCF error), maps it to an OSStatus using 
    // MoreSCToOSStatus, and returns it.  Typically you use 
    // this routine in concert with an SCF routine that returns 
    // a pointer result (for example, SCPreferencesPathGetValue).
// Open/Close
// Sequencing
// ----------
// The correct sequence to call these routines is as follows.
// (void) MoreSCSetClient(CFSTR("MyClientName")); -- optional
// err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
// if (err == noErr) {
//     MoreSCGetSCPreferencesRef and do stuff with it
// }
// MoreSCClose(&err, dirty);
// You must call MoreSCSetClient first so that the client name is set 
// up before the connection to SCPreferences is created.  You must 
// always  call MoreSCClose, even if the MoreSCOpen failed.  You must 
// not call MoreSCGetSCPreferencesRef outside of the context of 
// a MoreSCOpen/MoreSCClose pair.
// It's Optional
// -------------
// All of the MoreSCF public routines will automatically open 
// and close a connection to SCPreferences if you haven't done 
// so already.  The primary reason why you might use 
// MoreSCOpen/MoreSCClose are:
// o You want to enforce a locking policy (see below).
// o You want to get access to the SCPreferencesRef so that you 
//   can call SCPreferences routines that aren't adequately 
//   wrapped by more MoreSCF.
// Locking
// -------
// By default MoreSCF does *no* locking at all.  Whenever 
// MoreSCF calls MoreSCOpen internally, it passes (false, false) as 
// the parameters.  If you want to do locking (and this 
// is advisable in many circumstances), you must call MoreSCOpen 
// yourself and pass appropriate locking parameters.
// Locking is important even if you're calling high-level routines. 
// For example, let's say you're a classic ISP setup program.  
// You call MoreSCFindSetByUserVisibleNameAndCopyID to see whether 
// a specific named set currently exists; if it doesn't, you create it 
// using MoreSCMakeNewDialupSet.  [Both of these routines are defined 
// in "MoreSCFHelpers.h".] To do this safely you should get the 
// SCPreferences lock before calling MoreSCFindSetByUserVisibleNameAndCopyID 
// and release it after calling MoreSCMakeNewDialupSet.  Otherwise its 
// remotely possible that someone could create the set between your 
// calls to MoreSCFindSetByUserVisibleNameAndCopyID and 
// MoreSCMakeNewDialupSet.
// The sequence you would use is something like:
// Boolean dirty;
// dirty = false;
// err = MoreSCOpen(true, true);
// if (err == noErr) {
//     MoreSCFindSetByUserVisibleNameAndCopyID(...);
//     if (! found) {
//         MoreSCMakeNewDialupSet(...);
//         dirty = true;
//     }
// }
// MoreSCClose(&err, dirty);
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetClient(CFStringRef clientName);
    // Sets the client name that MoreSCF passes to routines 
    // like SCPreferencesCreate.  By default this name is 
    // "MoreSCF".  You can override this by calling this routine 
    // and passing in a more appropriate name.
    // clientName can be NULL, in which case MoreSCF returns to 
    // using its default value.
    // clientName is retained by MoreSCF.
extern CFStringRef MoreSCGetClient(void);
    // Gets the client name currently being used by MoreSCF. 
    // If you haven't set a client name using MoreSCSetClient, this 
    // will return NULL.
extern OSStatus MoreSCOpen(Boolean lockThePrefs, Boolean waitForLock);
    // Opens a connection to the SCPreferences.  All of MoreSCF 
    // shares the same actual connection, however the connection 
    // is reference counted so that you can call MoreSCOpen 
    // multiple times without causing any confusion.
    // If you pass true to lockThePrefs then the routine will 
    // ensure that the preferences are locked.  No other process 
    // will be able to make changes while the lock is held. 
    // The lock will be released when the SCPreferences reference 
    // count drops to 0.  This is not necessarily when you call 
    // MoreSCClose; if some other routine has called MoreSCOpen 
    // then the lock will be released when all calls to MoreSCClose 
    // have been made.  The is explained in more detail in the 
    // comments to MoreSCClose.
    // You must be running as root (have an effective user ID 
    // of 0) to lock the preferences.
    // If waitForLock is true then your thread will block waiting 
    // for the SCPreferences lock if some other SCPreferencesRef 
    // has it locked. If waitForLock is false then this call will 
    // fail with an error if the lock is already held.
    // It is illegal to pass true to waitForLock without also 
    // passing true to lockThePrefs.
extern SCPreferencesRef MoreSCGetSCPreferencesRef(void);
    // Returns the actual SCPreferencesRef that MoreSCF is using. 
    // You should not call this routine outside of a MoreSCOpen/
    // MoreSCClose pair. 
extern void     MoreSCClose(OSStatus *err, Boolean dirty);
    // Closes a connection to the SCPreferences.  If dirty is true 
    // then this records that the preferences have been changed 
    // (assuming *err is not noErr).  If this drops the reference count 
    // to 0 then certain special actions are taken:
    // o If the preferences have been changed, MoreSCF attempts to 
    //   commit those changes.  Any error occuring during the commit 
    //   is recorded in *err if *err is noErr.  If *err is not noErr, 
    //   its initial value is preserved.
    // o If the preferences are locked, MoreSCF releases the lock after 
    //   committing the changes.
    // Note that the dirty and locked atttributes were not necessarily 
    // set for this instance of MoreSCOpen/Close. If an enclosing instance 
    // has either dirtied or locked the preferences, the commit or unlock 
    // is delayed until the reference count hits 0.  For example:
    // err = MoreSCOpen(false, false);
    // if (err == noErr) {
    //     err = MoreSCOpen(true, true);    -- lock happens here
    //     if (err == noErr) {
    //         ...
    //     }
    //     MoreSCClose(&err, true);         -- dirty recorded, but commit and unlock deferred
    // }
    // MoreSCClose(&err, false);            -- commit and unlocked happens here
    // You must be running as root (have an effective user ID 
    // of 0) to commit preference changes.
    // err must not be NULL.
// Dictionary-Based Routines
// These routines provide access to commonly used SCF preferences. 
// They are used extensively within "MoreSCF.c", however, most of 
// the time you won't need to use them because there are higher-level 
// routines (declared in the next section, or in "MoreSCFHelpers.h") 
// that provide a more useful level of abstraction.
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopySetsDict(CFDictionaryRef *setsDict);
    // Returns a copy of the dictionary which contains all of the 
    // sets information (/Sets).
    // setsDict must not be NULL.
    // On input, *setsDict must be NULL.
    // On error, *setsDict is always NULL.
    // On succces, *setsDict is set to a CFDictionaryRef.  You must 
    // release it.
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetSetsDict(CFDictionaryRef setsDict);
    // Sets the sets dictionary (/Sets) to setsDict.
    // setsDict must not be NULL.
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyServicesDict(CFStringRef  setID, 
                                           CFDictionaryRef *servicesDict,
                                           CFArrayRef *     serviceOrder);
    // Returns a copy of the services dictionary of the set 
    // (/Set/<setID>/Network/Service), which contains a list of 
    // all of the services in the set, or the service order array 
    // for the set (/Set/<setID>/Network/Global/IPv4/ServiceOrder), 
    // which contains information about how the services are ordered 
    // (at least as far as IPv4 is concerned).
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // If servicesDict is not NULL, the following applies.
    // On input, *servicesDict must be NULL.
    // On error, *servicesDict is always NULL.
    // On succces, *servicesDict is set to a CFDictionaryRef.  You must 
    // release it.
    // sevicesDict may be NULL, which indicates that this information is 
    // not needed.
    // If serviceOrder is not NULL, the following applies.
    // On input, *serviceOrder must be NULL.
    // On error, *serviceOrder is always NULL.
    // On succces, *serviceOrder is set to a CFDictionaryRef.  You must 
    // release it.
    // serviceOrder may be NULL, which indicates that this information is 
    // not needed.
    // You must not pass NULL for both servicesDict and serviceOrder.
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyServicesDictMutable(CFStringRef  setID, 
                                           CFMutableDictionaryRef *servicesDict,
                                           CFMutableArrayRef *     serviceOrder);
    // Just like MoreSCCopyServicesDict except that the returned 
    // servicesDict and serviceOrder are mutable.
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetServicesDict(CFStringRef setID,  
                                          CFDictionaryRef servicesDict,
                                          CFArrayRef      serviceOrder);
    // Sets the services dictionary or service order array of the set 
    // to the specified values.  See MoreSCCopyServicesDict for the paths 
    // to these items.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // servicesDict may be NULL, in which case that data is not set.
    // serviceOrder may be NULL, in which case that data is not set.
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyEntitiesDict(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef serviceID, 
                                           CFDictionaryRef *entitiesDict);
    // Copies the entities dictionary for a particular service within 
    // a particular set.  The first step is to look up the link to the 
    // service (/Sets/<setID>/Network/Services/<serviceID>) and resolve it.
    // The dictionary referenced by the link (/NetworkServices/X/) is 
    // then returned.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // serviceID may be NULL, which causes the routine to return the 
    // global entities dictionary for that set (/Sets/<setID>/Network/Global).
    // Otherwise serviceID is local to the specified set.
    // entitiesDict must not be NULL.
    // On input, *entitiesDict must be NULL.
    // On error, *entitiesDict is always NULL.
    // On succces, *entitiesDict is set to a CFDictionaryRef.  You must 
    // release it.
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyEntitiesDictMutable(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef serviceID, 
                                           CFMutableDictionaryRef *entitiesDict);
    // Just like MoreSCCopyEntitiesDict except that the returned 
    // entitiesDict is mutable.
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetEntitiesDict(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef serviceID, 
                                          CFDictionaryRef entitiesDict);
    // Sets the entities dictionary of the set to the specified value.  
    // See MoreSCCopyServicesDict for the paths to this items.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // serviceID may be NULL, which causes the routine to set the 
    // global entities dictionary for that set.  Otherwise serviceID 
    // is local to the specified set.
    // entitiesDict must not be NULL.
// Routines to Manipulate Sets (Locations)
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopySetIDs(CFArrayRef *setIDs, CFIndex *indexOfCurrentSet);
    // Returns an array of IDs for all of the sets on the system 
    // and the index of the current set in that array.
    // setIDs must not be NULL.
    // On input, *setIDs must be NULL.
    // On error, *setIDs is always NULL.
    // On succces, *setIDs is set to a CFArrayRef.  You must 
    // release it.
    // indexOfCurrentSet may be NULL if you are not interested in that 
    // information.
    // If indexOfCurrentSet is not NULL then, on output, *indexOfCurrentSet 
    // contains the (zero based) index into the *setIDs array of the 
    // currently active set.
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyUserVisibleNameOfSet(CFStringRef setID, 
                                                      CFStringRef *userVisibleName);
    // Returns the user-visible name of a set.  These strings are set 
    // in the dialog brought up by the Edit Location item in the 
    // Location popup in the Network preferences panel.  Typical 
    // values are "Automatic", "Home", "Work", and so on.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // userVisibleName must not be NULL.
    // On input, *userVisibleName must be NULL.
    // On error, *userVisibleName is always NULL.
    // On succces, *userVisibleName is set to a CFStringRef.  You must 
    // release it.
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyCurrentSet(CFStringRef *setID);
    // Returns the set ID for the current set.
    // setID must not be NULL.
    // On input, *setID must be NULL.
    // On error, *setID is always NULL.
    // On succces, *setID is set to a CFStringRef.  You must 
    // release it.
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetCurrentSet(CFStringRef setID);
    // Sets the current set to the specified set ID.
    // setID must not be NULL.
extern OSStatus MoreSCNewSet(CFStringRef userVisibleName,
                                    CFStringRef *newSetID);
    // Creates a new set with the specified user-visible name, 
    // returning the new set's ID in *newSetID.  Inside the 
    // set there is one service for each port found 
    // in the I/O Registry (as returned by MoreSCCreatePortArray). 
    // The services default to the same values as they would if 
    // you'd created them with the Network preference panel.
    // This means that each service is marked as active, although 
    // many services can't be started because of incomplete 
    // information. Moreover, all AppleTalk entities are inactive.
    // userVisibleName must not be NULL.
    // Pass NULL to newSetID if you don't care what set was created.  
    // Otherwise, on input, *newSetID must be NULL. On error, *newSetID 
    // is always NULL (and no set is created). On success, *newSetID is 
    // the set ID of the newly created set, which you must release.
extern OSStatus MoreSCDuplicateSet(CFStringRef setID, 
                                       CFStringRef newSetUserVisibleName, 
                                       CFStringRef *newSetID);
    // Duplicates the specified set and all services referenced by 
    // that set.  The new set has the specified user-visible name. 
    // The new set's ID is returned in *newSetID.
    // This is a deep duplicate. That is, the set is duplicated and then 
    // all of the services that it references are duplicated, with the 
    // new set referencing the duplicates.  We do this because the 
    // Network preferences panel is not ready to handle two sets 
    // sharing the same services.
    // The duplicate inherits all properties of the original, including 
    // the active state and user-visible name of its services and entities.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // newSetUserVisibleName may be NULL, in which case the new 
    // set has the same user-visible name as the old set.  Eventually 
    // I plan to implement a "foo copy", "foo copy 1", "foo copy 2", ...
    // algorithm, but I don't have time right now.
    // Pass NULL to newSetID if you don't care what set was created.  
    // Otherwise, on input, *newSetID must be NULL. On error, *newSetID 
    // is always NULL (and no set is created). On success, *newSetID is 
    // the set ID of the newly created set, which you must release.
extern OSStatus MoreSCDeleteSet(CFStringRef setID);
    // Deletes the specified set and all services which it 
    // references.
    // setID must not be NULL.
    // setID must not be the ID of the current set.
extern OSStatus MoreSCRenameSet(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef newSetUserVisibleName);
    // Renames the specified set to the specified user-visible name.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // newSetUserVisibleName must not be NULL.
    // This routine makes not attempt to ensure that the new 
    // user-visible name is unique.  That's confusing to the user 
    // but not to the underlying database.
// Routines to Manipulate Services Within a Set
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyServiceIDs(CFStringRef setID, 
                                            CFArrayRef *localServiceIDs, 
                                            CFArrayRef *resolvedServiceIDs);
    // Returns a list of all the services within the current set.
    // *localServiceIDs is the name of the services within the 
    // set (that is, an array of all the keys in 
    // /Sets/<setID>/Network/Service), while *resolvedServiceIDs is 
    // the name of the services referenced by those services 
    // (that is, the X component of /NetworkServices/X for each 
    // serviced referenced by the set).  Right now these two arrays 
    // would be identical because there's a one-to-one mapping between 
    // the service IDs within a set and the service IDs globally.
    // However, you should request the right set of IDs depending 
    // on whether you intend to look up the services within a set 
    // or globally.
    // IMPORTANT: All of the routines in MoreSCF that take a service ID 
    // also take a set ID and expect the service ID to be local to 
    // that set.  So, if you're using MoreSCF you probably should only 
    // use *localServiceIDs.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // Pass NULL to localServiceIDs if you don't need this information.
    // Otherwise, on input, *localServiceIDs must be NULL. On error, 
    // *localServiceIDs is always NULL. On success, *localServiceIDs is 
    // a CFArray of service ID strings, which you must release.
    // Pass NULL to resolvedServiceIDs if you don't need this information.
    // Otherwise, on input, *resolvedServiceIDs must be NULL. On error, 
    // *resolvedServiceIDs is always NULL. On success, *resolvedServiceIDs is 
    // a CFArray of service ID strings, which you must release.
    // You must not pass NULL to both localServiceIDs and resolvedServiceIDs.
    // Both returned arrays are sorted according to their IPv4 precedence
    // (ie the service order shown in the Network control panel).
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyUserVisibleNameOfService(CFStringRef setID, 
                                                          CFStringRef serviceID, 
                                                          CFStringRef *userVisibleName);
    // Returns the user-visible name of a service within a set. 
    // This is shown in the Active Network Ports panel of the 
    // Network preferences panel.  Typically values are "Internal Modem", 
    // "Built-in Ethernet" and "AirPort".
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // serviceID must not be NULL.  It is local to the specified set.
    // userVisibleName must not be NULL.
    // On input, *userVisibleName must be NULL.
    // On error, *userVisibleName is always NULL.
    // On succces, *userVisibleName is set to a CFStringRef.  You must 
    // release it.
extern OSStatus MoreSCIsServiceActive(CFStringRef setID, 
                                             CFStringRef serviceID, 
                                             Boolean *active);
    // Returns whether the specified service is active in the 
    // saved preferences.  Note that a service may be marked as 
    // active in the preferences although it can't start up 
    // and thus isn't active in the dynamic store (for example, 
    // the Ethernet cable is unplugged).
    // This setting is controlled by the checkboxes in the 
    // service list in the Active Network Ports panel of the 
    // Network preferences panel.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // serviceID must not be NULL.  It is local to the specified set.
    // active must not be NULL. On success it is set to true if the 
    // specified service is active.
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetServiceActive(CFStringRef setID, 
                                              CFStringRef serviceID, 
                                              Boolean active);
    // Makes the specified service active or inactive in the 
    // preferences.  See MoreSCIsServiceActive for background 
    // about this setting.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // serviceID must not be NULL.  It is local to the specified set.
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyBSDNameOfService(CFStringRef setID, 
                                                  CFStringRef serviceID, 
                                                  CFStringRef *bsdName);
    // Returns the BSD name of the specified service.  This is 
    // the name supplied in the kSCPropNetInterfaceDeviceName 
    // elements of the portDict parameter to MoreSCNewService 
    // when service is created.  Typically it is derived from 
    // the I/O Registry via the MoreSCCreatePortArray routine.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // serviceID must not be NULL.  It is local to the specified set.
    // bsdName must not be NULL.
    // On input, *bsdName must be NULL.
    // On error, *bsdName is always NULL.
    // On succces, *bsdName is set to a CFStringRef.  You must 
    // release it.
extern OSStatus MoreSCNewService(CFStringRef        setID, 
                                        CFDictionaryRef portDict, 
                                        CFStringRef *   newServiceID);
    // Creates a new service within the specified set and 
    // returns the service ID of the newly created service. 
    // The portDict parameter is typically derived from 
    // the value return by MoreSCCreatePortArray.  It must 
    // contain suitable values for the following keys.
    // o kSCPropUserDefinedName -- the user-visible name of the service
    // o kSCPropNetInterfaceHardware -- the hardware type of the interface, 
    //   typically kSCEntNetEthernet, kSCEntNetAirPort, or kSCEntNetModem
    // o kSCPropNetInterfaceType -- either kSCValNetInterfaceTypeEthernet 
    //   or kSCValNetInterfaceTypePPP
    // o kSCPropNetInterfaceDeviceName -- typically the BSD name of the 
    //   network device; for serial-like devices this is the base 
    //   name, including the suffix, but not including any leading "cu." 
    //   and so on
    // The dictionary may also contain values for the following keys. 
    // o kSCPropNetInterfaceSubType -- either kSCValNetInterfaceSubTypePPPSerial 
    //   or kSCValNetInterfaceSubTypePPPoE, only needed if  
    //   kSCPropNetInterfaceType is kSCValNetInterfaceTypePPP
    // o kSCPropMACAddress -- the MAC address for Ethernet-like devices
    // o kMoreSCPropNetInterfaceHardwareVariant -- set to 
    //   kMoreSCValNetInterfaceHardwareVariantIrDACOMM to distinguish 
    //   modem/serial ports from IrDA COMM ports
    // The dictionary may also contain other keys, which are ignored.
    // The new service has the default entities for its service type 
    // already  created. The new service is active and most of its 
    // entities are also active (except AppleTalk and PPPoE).
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // userVisibleName must not be NULL.
    // kind must not be NULL.
    // bsdName must not be NULL.
    // macAddress must be NULL if the service is PPP-like and must be 
    // valid when the service is Ethernet-like.  See 
    // MoreSCFCreateStringWithMacAddress for a description of the format.
    // Pass NULL to newServiceID if you don't care what service was created.  
    // Otherwise, on input, *newServiceID must be NULL. On error, *newServiceID 
    // is always NULL (and no service is created). On success, *newServiceID is 
    // the service ID of the newly created service local to the specified set, 
    // which you must release.
    // *** more testing needed
extern OSStatus MoreSCDuplicateService(CFStringRef setID, 
                                           CFStringRef serviceID, 
                                           CFStringRef newServiceUserVisibleName, 
                                           CFStringRef *newServiceID);
    // Duplicates a service within a set.  The new service contains 
    // a copy of the original service's entities.  It also duplicates 
    // the original service's active property.  The duplicate service 
    // is at the end of the ordered list of IPv4 services, much as it 
    // would be if you'd duplicated the service in the Active Network Ports 
    // panel of the Network preferences panel.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // serviceID must not be NULL.  It is local to the specified set.
    // newServiceUserVisibleName may be nill, in which case the new service's 
    // user-visible name is the same as the old service's.
    // I plan to implement a "foo copy", "foo copy 1", "foo copy 2", ...
    // algorithm, but I don't have time right now.
    // Pass NULL to newServiceID if you don't care what service was created.  
    // Otherwise, on input, *newServiceID must be NULL. On error, *newServiceID 
    // is always NULL (and no service is created). On success, *newServiceID is 
    // the service ID of the newly created service local to the specified set, 
    // which you must release.
extern OSStatus MoreSCDeleteService(CFStringRef setID, CFStringRef serviceID);
    // Deletes the service within a set.  Deleting the last service 
    // for a particular port is bad.  Currently this routine does 
    // not stop you from doing this.  I know how to fix this but I 
    // haven't yet coded it.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // serviceID must not be NULL.  It is local to the specified set.
extern OSStatus MoreSCRenameService(CFStringRef setID, 
                                        CFStringRef serviceID, 
                                        CFStringRef newServiceUserVisibleName);
    // Renames the specified service to the specified user-visible name.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // serviceID must not be NULL.  It is local to the specified set.
// Routines to Manipulate Entities Within a Service
// Entities themselves don't have user-visible names, so MoreSCRenameEntity doesn't 
// make any sense.  Well, this isn't exactly true. For example, PPP entities have a 
// user-visible name (displayed in the "Service Provider" field).  However, 
// this is a pretty minor edge case so I'm ignoring it for the moment.  You can 
// set and get this name by setting and getting the entire entity dictionary 
// and just accessing the value via the kSCPropUserDefinedName key.
extern OSStatus MoreSCIsEntityActive(CFStringRef setID,
                                            CFStringRef serviceID,
                                            CFStringRef protocol,
                                            Boolean *   active);
    // Determines whether the specified entitiy is active in the 
    // saved preferences.  Note that a entity may be marked as 
    // active in the preferences although it can't start up 
    // and thus isn't active in the dynamic store (for example, 
    // the Ethernet cable is unplugged).
    // The Network preferences panel only displays this setting 
    // for certain protocols.  The "Connect using PPPoE" 
    // checkbox in the PPPoE tab of an Ethernet service editor 
    // reflects the state of this value for the PPP entity in 
    // an Ethernet service.  Also, the "Make AppleTalk Active" 
    // checkbox reflects this value for any AppleTalk entity.
    // Note that this routine only looks at the active state of 
    // the entity; it does not consult the active state of the 
    // parent service.  If the parent service is inactive then 
    // the service won't start, regardless of its active state 
    // as returned by this routine.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // serviceID may be NULL, which denotes a global entity 
    // within the set.  Otherwise serviceID is local to the 
    // specified set.
    // protocol must not be NULL.  Typically you would supply 
    // one of the kSCEntNetXxx constants.
    // active must not be NULL. On success it is set to true if the 
    // specified entity is active.
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetEntityActive(CFStringRef setID,
                                            CFStringRef serviceID,
                                            CFStringRef protocol,
                                            Boolean     active);
    // Makes the specified entity active or inactive in the 
    // preferences.  See MoreSCIsEntityActive for background 
    // about this setting.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // serviceID may be NULL, which denotes a global entity 
    // within the set.  Otherwise serviceID is local to the 
    // specified set.
    // protocol must not be NULL.  Typically you would supply 
    // one of the kSCEntNetXxx constants.
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyEntity(CFStringRef setID,
                                    CFStringRef serviceID,
                                    CFStringRef protocol,
                                    CFDictionaryRef *entity);
    // Returns the contents of the specified entity.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // serviceID may be NULL, which denotes a global entity 
    // within the set.  Otherwise serviceID is local to the 
    // specified set.
    // protocol must not be NULL.  Typically you would supply 
    // one of the kSCEntNetXxx constants.
    // entity must not be NULL.
    // On input, *entity must be NULL.
    // On error, *entity is always NULL.
    // On succces, *entity is set to a CFDictionaryRef.  You must 
    // release it.
    // *** more testing needed
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyEntityMutable(CFStringRef setID,
                                    CFStringRef serviceID,
                                    CFStringRef protocol,
                                    CFMutableDictionaryRef *entity);
    // Just like MoreSCCopyEntity except that the returned 
    // entity is mutable.
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetEntity(CFStringRef setID,
                                    CFStringRef serviceID,
                                    CFStringRef protocol,
                                    CFDictionaryRef entity);
    // Sets an entities within the specified service.  If an 
    // entity with the specified protocol does not exist 
    // it is created with the specified value (entity). 
    // If an entity with the specified protocol does exist, 
    // its value is replaced.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // serviceID may be NULL, which denotes a global entity 
    // within the set.  Otherwise serviceID is local to the 
    // specified set.
    // protocol must not be NULL.  Typically you would supply 
    // one of the kSCEntNetXxx constants.
    // entity must not be NULL.
    // *** more testing needed
extern OSStatus MoreSCCopyEntities(CFStringRef     setID, 
                                           CFStringRef     serviceID,
                                           CFArrayRef *    entityProtocols,
                                           CFArrayRef *    entityValues);
    // Returns information about all of the entities within 
    // the specified service.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // serviceID may be NULL, which denotes a global entity 
    // within the set.  Otherwise serviceID is local to the 
    // specified set.
    // If entityProtocols is not NULL, the following applies.
    // On input, *entityProtocols must be NULL.
    // On error, *entityProtocols is always NULL.
    // On succces, *entityProtocols is set to a CFArrayRef.  You must 
    // release it.  The array elements are CFStrings that represent 
    // entity protocols types (kSCEntNetXxx).
    // entityProtocols may be NULL, which indicates that this information is 
    // not needed.
    // If entityValues is not NULL, the following applies.
    // On input, *entityValues must be NULL.
    // On error, *entityValues is always NULL.
    // On succces, *entityValues is set to a CFArrayRef.  You must 
    // release it.  The array elements are CFDictionaries that represent 
    // the values of each entity.
    // entityValues may be NULL, which indicates that this information is 
    // not needed.
    // You must not pass NULL for both entityProtocols and entityValues.
    // If you request both the protocols and the values, then the 
    // elements of each array are correlated.
    // Valid entities within a service are those elements of the 
    // service dictionary whose values are themselves dictionaries. 
    // This means that other elements of the dictionary, such as the 
    // user-visible name and active properties, are not returned.
// *** would be nice to have MoreSCCopyEntitiesMutable
extern OSStatus MoreSCSetEntities(CFStringRef           setID,
                                          CFStringRef           serviceID,
                                          CFArrayRef            entityProtocols,
                                          CFArrayRef            entityValues);
    // Sets all of the entities within the specified service. 
    // Each element of the arrays is considered in turn.  If 
    // the entity of the given protocol already exists, its 
    // value is replaced.  If it doesn't exist, a new entity 
    // is created.  Any entity that exists but isn't referenced 
    // by entityProtocols is removed.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // serviceID may be NULL, which denotes a global entity 
    // within the set.  Otherwise serviceID is local to the 
    // specified set.
    // entityProtocols must not be NULL.
    // entityValues must not be NULL.
    // Both arrays must have the same number of elements.
    // Only valid entities in the service dictionary (as defined 
    // by MoreSCCopyEntities) are affected by this routine.  
    // Service dictionary elements that are not themselves 
    // dictionaries (such as the active property and the user 
    // visible name) are preserved.
    // *** more testing needed
extern OSStatus MoreSCNewEntity(CFStringRef         setID, 
                                        CFStringRef     serviceID,
                                        CFStringRef     protocol,
                                        CFDictionaryRef entity);
    // Creates a new entity within the specified service.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // serviceID may be NULL, which denotes a global entity 
    // within the set.  Otherwise serviceID is local to the 
    // specified set.
    // protocol must not be NULL.  The entity specified by protocol 
    // must not already exist within the service.
    // entity must not be NULL.
    // *** more testing needed
// As the entity key is typically a protocol (eg AppleTalk, IPv4), 
// it doesn't make sense to provide a MoreSCDuplicateEntity because 
// having two entities for the same protocol is not possible.
extern OSStatus MoreSCDeleteEntity(CFStringRef  setID, 
                                           CFStringRef  serviceID,
                                           CFStringRef  protocol);
    // Deletes an entity within the specified service.
    // setID may be NULL, which implies the current set.
    // serviceID may be NULL, which denotes a global entity 
    // within the set.  Otherwise serviceID is local to the 
    // specified set.
    // protocol must not be NULL.  The entity specified by protocol 
    // must exist within the service.
    // *** more testing needed
#ifdef __cplusplus