
    Copyright (C) 2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Runs the UI to add a new SSID.
import UIKit
/// This simple view controller lets the user enter the details of a network to
/// add.
/// It’s expecting to be presented modally, and calls delegate methods to
/// indicate that it’s done.
/// To simplify things this holds the ‘truth‘ (like the current SSID) in views
/// rather than in a model object or its own properties.  The goal here is to
/// keep things simple, not to show ideal app architecture.
/// Also see the comments about user defaults wrangling below.
class AddViewController : UITableViewController {
    /// An alias to bring this type into our namespace.
    typealias Delegate = AddViewControllerDelegate
    /// When the view controller is done it calls methods on this delegate.
    weak var delegate: Delegate?
    override func viewDidLoad() {
    @IBOutlet private var addBarButton: UIBarButtonItem!
    @IBOutlet private var ssidField: UITextField!
    @IBOutlet private var passwordField: UITextField!
    @IBOutlet private var isWEPSwitch: UISwitch!
    @IBOutlet private var joinOnceSwitch: UISwitch!
    /// The current SSID value.
    private var ssid: String {
        return self.ssidField.text ?? ""
    /// The current password value.
    private var password: String? {
        return self.passwordField.text.flatMap({ $0.isEmpty ? nil : $0 })
    /// Enables the *Add* button based on the current state of other views.
    private func updateViews() {
        self.addBarButton.isEnabled = !self.ssid.isEmpty
    /// An alias to bring this type into our namespace.
    typealias Network = HotspotManager.Network
    /// Called when the user taps the *Add* button.
    private func addAction(_ sender: Any) {
        let ssid = self.ssid
        guard !ssid.isEmpty else {
            // The Add button should have been disabled in this case, so we
            // assert if it happens.
        let network = Network(
            ssid: ssid, 
            password: self.password,
            isWEP: self.isWEPSwitch.isOn,
            joinOnce: self.joinOnceSwitch.isOn
        self.delegate?.add(network: network, addViewController: self)
    /// Called when the user taps the *Cancel* button.
    private func cancelAction(_ sender: Any) {
        self.delegate?.cancel(addViewController: self)
    /// Called when the changes the text in a text field.
    private func textFieldDidChange(_ sender: Any) {
// MARK: - User defaults wrangling
// Note that our approach to user defaults is kinda weird.  For example:
// * We save to user defaults even if the user taps *Cancel*.
// * We store a password in the user defaults, whereas passwords belong in the
//   keychain.
// This all makes sense in the context of a sample app like this one, but in a
// real app you should store security sensitive data in the keychain.
extension AddViewController {
    /// Set up the views from user default.
    private func readDefaults() {
        let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
        self.ssidField.text = defaults.string(forKey: "addSSID")
        self.passwordField.text = defaults.string(forKey: "addPassword")
        self.isWEPSwitch.isOn = defaults.bool(forKey: "addIsWEP")
        self.joinOnceSwitch.isOn = defaults.bool(forKey: "addJoinOnce")
    /// Saves the views to user default.
    private func saveDefaults() {
        let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
        func save(string value: String?, key: String) {
            if let v = value, !v.isEmpty {
                defaults.set(v, forKey: key)
            } else {
                defaults.removeObject(forKey: key)
        save(string: self.ssidField.text, key: "addSSID")
        save(string: self.passwordField.text, key: "addPassword")
        defaults.set(self.isWEPSwitch.isOn, forKey: "addIsWEP")
        defaults.set(self.joinOnceSwitch.isOn, forKey: "addJoinOnce")
protocol AddViewControllerDelegate : AnyObject {
    /// This delegate callback is called when the user successfully enters the 
    /// details of a network to add.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - network: Details of the network to add.
    ///   - addViewController: A reference to the view controller itself.
    func add(network: AddViewController.Network, addViewController: AddViewController)
    /// This delegate callback is called when the user hits cancel.
    ///   - addViewController: A reference to the view controller itself.
    func cancel(addViewController: AddViewController)