# NEHotspotConfigurationSample |
NEHotspotConfigurationSample shows how to use `NEHotspotConfigurationManager` to create new Wi-Fi configurations, both persistent and one-off. |
**IMPORTANT** Despite their similar names, `NEHotspotConfigurationManager` and `NEHotspotHelper` perform very different functions. For more information on how these APIs fit into the iOS Wi-Fi landscape, see QA1942 [iOS Wi-Fi Management APIs][qa1942]. |
[qa1942]: <> |
## Requirements |
### Build |
Xcode 9.3 |
The sample was built using Xcode 9.3 on macOS 10.13.4 with the iOS 11.3 SDK. You should be able to open the project and choose *Product* > *Build*. |
**IMPORTANT** The sample is set up to use Xcode’s automatic code signing support. To build the sample to run on a device, you must configure it to use your team (via *General* > *Signing* > *Team* in the target editor). |
**IMPORTANT** `NEHotspotConfigurationManager` is not supported on the simulator and the sample will not build for that environment. |
### Runtime |
iOS 11.0 or later |
`NEHotspotConfigurationManager` is new in iOS 11. |
## Packing List |
The sample contains the following items: |
* `` — This file. |
* `LICENSE.txt` — The standard sample code licence. |
* `NEHotspotConfigurationSample.xcodeproj` — An Xcode project for the program. |
* `NEHotspotConfigurationSample` — A directory for the app, which contains: |
- `Info.plist`, `LaunchScreen.storyboard`, `NEHotspotConfigurationSample.entitlements` — Various boilerplate resources. |
- `AppDelegate.swift` — The central controller for the app. |
- `Main.storyboard` — The main storyboard for the app. |
- `HotspotsViewController.swift` — The main view controller for the app. |
- `AddViewController.swift` — A view controller that let’s the user add a new Wi-Fi configuration. |
- `HotspotManager.swift` — A model-level object that wraps `NEHotspotConfigurationManager` to make it easier for the view controller to use. |
## Using the Sample |
**IMPORTANT** The sample must be run on a real device because `NEHotspotConfigurationManager` is not supported on the simulator. |
To use the sample: |
1. Run the app. |
2. Tap the add (+) button to add a new Wi-Fi configuration; the system will prompt you to confirm this operation. |
3. Once you’ve added a configuration, you can tap the associated Delete button to delete it |
## How it Works |
This is not a complex sample. The `HotspotManager` class contains all of the stuff specific to `NEHotspotConfigurationManager`. The rest of the code is just a basic UI wrapped around that functionality. |
The `HotspotManager` class has extensive doc comments, so look in `HotspotManager.swift` for more information about that code. |
## Caveats |
`NEHotspotConfigurationManager` has a raft of options for handling all sorts of weird and wonderful Wi-Fi configurations. This sample does not attempt to surface all of those options. Rather, it presents a very simple UI that lets you configure: |
* The network’s SSID |
* The password, if any |
* Whether that password is WPA-style or WEP-style |
* Whether to join the network once or remember the network for future use |
If you need any of the other options (Hotspot 2.0, EAP-TLS, and so on) it should be relatively straightforward to extend this code to support them. |
On early versions of iOS 11 deleting one configuration would deleting all of your app’s configurations (r. 33776794). This bug is fixed in iOS 11.2 and later. |
If you join a network temporarily (by setting `joinOnce` to true), it can take a while (a few tens of seconds) to rejoin the infrastructure Wi-Fi after you leave the NEHotspotConfigurationSample app. |
## Feedback |
If you find any problems with this sample, or you’d like to suggest improvements, please [file a bug][bug] against it. |
[bug]: <> |
## Version History |
1.0d1 (Aug 2017) was released to a small number of developers on a one-to-one basis. |
1.0d2 (Aug 2017) was released to a small number of developers on a one-to-one basis; the changes relative to 1.0d1 are all cosmetic (read me improvements, doc comments, and so on). |
1.0 (Apr 2018) was the first shipping version. Changes relative to 1.0d2 include: |
* Added a code to display an alert when adding a network configuration fails |
* Changed the read me discussion of `joinOnce` to reflect new discoveries |
* Changed the project to quieten a bogus warning from the *Capabilities* editor |
* Updated to Xcode 9.1 |
* Various ‘cosmetic’ changes to comments and the read me |
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Core OS/Hardware |
26 Apr 2018 |
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