
    File:       dlpiether.h
    Contains:   Header file for the DLPI template
             ** dlpiether.h 5.12, last change 30 Jan 1996
    Copyright:  © 1995, 1996 by Mentat Inc. and Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
#ifndef __DLPIETHER__
#define __DLPIETHER__
#include <OpenTptModule.h>
#include <OpenTptDevLinks.h>
#ifndef __DLPIUSER__
#include "dlpiuser.h"
#ifndef __DLPI__
#include <dlpi.h>
/* Address list structure */
struct dle_addr_s {
    struct dle_addr_s   * dlea_next;
    UInt8               dlea_addr[6];
typedef struct dle_addr_s   dle_addr_t;
 * Board-specific routines.  This portion of the dle_t structure must be
 * initialized by the board-specific code before passing the combined
 * structure into dle_install.
 * The dlehw_send_error routine needs to be supplied only if the driver is
 * prepared to send corrupted packets.  If this pointer is NULL in the
 * structure, then the common code will return EINVAL to all kOTSendErrorPacket
 * ioctls.
 * dlehw_recv_error_flags should be initialized by the board code to the
 * errors which can be received by the underlying hardware, such as
 * DL_CRC_ERROR | DL_RUNT_ERROR.  If the board supports receiving corrupted
 * packets, then it should call dle_inbound_error for every bad packet
 * received after the dlehw_address_filter_reset routine has been called with
 * accept_errors > 0.
typedef void    (*DLEHwStartProcPtr)(void *);
typedef void    (*DLEHwStopProcPtr)(void *);
typedef void    (*DLEHwAddressFilterResetProcPtr)
                    (void * hw, dle_addr_t * addr_list, UInt32 addr_count,
                     UInt32 promisc_count, UInt32 multi_promisc_count,
                     UInt32 accept_broadcast, UInt32 accept_errors);
typedef int     (*DLEHWSendErrorProcPtr)(void*, mblk_t*, UInt32);
struct dlehw_s {
    DLEHwStartProcPtr               dlehw_start;
    DLEHwStopProcPtr                dlehw_stop;
    DLEHwAddressFilterResetProcPtr  dlehw_address_filter_reset;
    DLEHWSendErrorProcPtr           dlehw_send_error;
    unsigned long                   dlehw_recv_error_flags;
typedef struct dlehw_s  dlehw_t;
 * There is one dle_t structure allocated for each controlled device
 * being managed by the common Ethernet code in dlpiether.c.  The 
 * board-specific code should allocate its own control structure for
 * each board, with a dle_t structure at the top.  For example:
 *  struct board_s {
 *      dle_t   board_dle;
 *      int     board_field1;
 *      void    * board_field2;
 *  };
 * Typically, the board-specific code only needs to know about the dle_hw,
 * dle_addr, and dle_status fields of this internal structure.  The rest of
 * the fields are used by the common Ethernet code in dlpiether.c.
struct dle_s {
    dlehw_t                 dle_hw;                         /* Board-specific routines */
    UInt8                   dle_factory_addr[6];            /* Factory physical address */
    UInt8                   dle_current_addr[6];            /* Current physical Ethernet address */
volatile UInt32             dle_intr_active;
    dle_interface_status_t  dle_istatus;                    /* Interface MIB statistics */
    dle_ethernet_status_t   dle_estatus;                    /* Ethernet MIB statistics */
    void                    * dle_sap_hash_tbl[64];         /* Hash table of sap binds */
    void                    * dle_match_any;                /* List of promiscuous binds */
    void                    * dle_match_any_multicast;      /* List of promiscuous multicast binds */
    void                    * dle_match_matched;            /* List of binds for packets that have */
                                                            /* matched at least one other binding (!) */
    void                    * dle_match_any_802;            /* List of promiscuous 802 binds */
    void                    * dle_bind_list;                /* Linked list of all binds */
    UInt32                  dle_bound_count;                /* Number of binds */
    UInt32                  dle_match_any_count;            /* Number of promiscuous binds */
    UInt32                  dle_match_any_multicast_count;  /* Number in dle_match_any_multicast */
    void                    * dle_hw_addr_list;             /* List of all physical and multicast addresses */
                                                            /* that should be received by the hardware. */
    UInt32                  dle_refcnt;
    UInt32                  dle_xtra_hdr_len;               /* Any extra space the board code */
                                                            /* needs at the top of outbound */
                                                            /* M_DATA messages */
    UInt32                  dle_min_sdu;                    /* Minimum transmit size from clients */
    char                    * dle_instance_head;
    UInt32                  dle_reserved[6];                /* Set to 0 */
typedef struct dle_s    dle_t;
 * DLPI client structure; one created for each open stream (held in q->q_ptr).
 * If a board driver needs more space than given here, it should declare its
 * own structure with this dcl_t as the first element.  The size of the new
 * structure should be passed to dle_open so that the proper amount of space
 * is allocated.
struct dcl_s {
    UInt32      dcl_state;
    void        * dcl_hw;
    queue_t     * dcl_rq;
    UInt32      dcl_flags;
    UInt32      dcl_sap;
    UInt8       dcl_snap[5];
    char        dcl_pad[3];
    UInt32      dcl_mac_type;
    UInt32      dcl_framing_type;
    void        * dcl_addr_list;
    UInt32      dcl_truncation_length;
    UInt32      dcl_reserved[1];
typedef struct dcl_s    dcl_t;
 * if dle_xtra_hdr_len != 0, then the following check needed for M_DATA
 * messages in write-side put procedure:
 *  if (dcl->dcl_flags & F_DCL_M_PROTO_REQUESTED) {
 *      'raw mode' --> need to insert dle_xtra_hdr_len bytes
 *      in front of b_rptr (start of Ethernet frame).
 *      ...
 *  } else {
 *      This is a Fast Path packet with dle_xtra_hdr_len bytes
 *      at b_rptr.
 *      ...
 *  }
/* Conversion macros between the different co-allocated structures. */
#define dcl_to_dle(dcl) ((dle_t *)(dcl)->dcl_hw)
#define dle_to_hw(dle)  ((void *)(dle))
/* Routines in the common code available to board-specific routines. */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern  int     dle_close(queue_t * q);
extern  void    dle_inbound(dle_t * dle, mblk_t * mp);
extern  void    dle_inbound_error(dle_t * dle, mblk_t * mp, UInt32 flags);
extern  void    dle_init(dle_t * dle, size_t xtra_hdr_len);
extern  int     dle_open(dle_t * dle, queue_t * q, dev_t * devp, int flag, int sflag, cred_t * credp, size_t dcl_len);
extern  void    dle_rsrv_ctl(queue_t * q, mblk_t * mp);
extern  void    dle_terminate(dle_t * dle);
extern  mblk_t  * dle_wput(queue_t * q, mblk_t * mp);
extern  mblk_t  * dle_wput_ud_error(mblk_t * mp, int dlpi_err, int unix_err);
#ifdef __cplusplus