
    File:       dlpiuser.h
    Contains:   Header file for the DLPI template.  These are definitions
                that users need to take advantage of features in the DLPI drivers
                 ** dlpiuser.h 5.3, last change 27 Mar 1996
    Copyright:  © 1996 by Mentat Inc. and Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
#ifndef __DLPIUSER__
#define __DLPIUSER__
#include <OpenTransport.h>
/* Flags for various structures. */
    DL_NORMAL_STATUS    = 0x01,
    DL_ERROR_STATUS     = 0x02,
    DL_VERSION          = 0x00,
    DL_VERSION_BITS     = 0xF0000000
 * Receive and send error flags, these should not overlap with other
 * flags above.
    DL_CRC_ERROR        = 0x10,
    DL_RUNT_ERROR       = 0x20,
    DL_FRAMING_ERROR    = 0x40,
    DL_BAD_802_3_LENGTH = 0x80,
/* Input and output structure for I_OTSetRawMode kOTSetRecvMode ioctl. */
struct dl_recv_control_t {
    unsigned long   dl_primitive;
    unsigned long   dl_flags;
    unsigned long   dl_truncation_length;
typedef struct dl_recv_control_t dl_recv_control_t;
/* Structure returned with every inbound packet after kOTSetRecvMode. */
struct dl_recv_status_t {
    unsigned long   dl_overall_length;
    unsigned long   dl_flags;
    unsigned long   dl_packet_length_before_truncation;
    unsigned long   dl_pad;
    OTTimeStamp     dl_timestamp;
typedef struct dl_recv_status_t dl_recv_status_t;
/* Input structure for I_OTSetRawMode kOTSendErrorPacket. */
struct dl_send_control_t {
    unsigned long   dl_primitive;
    unsigned long   dl_flags;
typedef struct dl_send_control_t    dl_send_control_t;
 * The statistics data in DL_GET_STATISTICS_ACK messages is structured
 * as follows:
 *  TOptionHeader
 *  dle_interface_status_t
 *  TOptionHeader
 *  dle_ethernet_status_t
 * Anyone reading the statistics should pay attention to the length fields
 * in the TOptionHeader structures.  This will allow the statistics
 * structures to grow in the future.
/* Level value for DL_GET_STATISTICS_ACK */
    DLPI_XTI_LEVEL      = 12
/* Option names for DL_GET_STATISTICS_ACK */
    DL_INTERFACE_MIB        = 1,
    DL_ETHERNET_MIB         = 2
 * Interface MIB statistics (RFC 1573).  The receive counters are
 * maintained by the common code in dlpiether.c.  The transmit counters
 * must be maintained by the board-specific code; dlpiether code does
 * not see outbound fast path packets and so it is impossible for the
 * counters to be handled in common code.
struct dle_interface_status_s {
    /* Total number of octets received, including framing bytes. */
    unsigned long   bytes_received;
    /* Number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher layer,
     * which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address. */
    unsigned long   unicast_frames_received;
    /* Total number of octets transmitted, including framing characters. */
    unsigned long   bytes_sent;
    /* Total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested
     * be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast
     * or broadcast address, including those that were discarded or
     * not sent. */
    unsigned long   unicast_frames_sent;
    /* Number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher layer,
     * which were addressed to a multicast address. */
    unsigned long   multicast_frames_received;
    /* Number of packets, delivered by this sublayer to a higher layer,
     * which were addressed to a address. */
    unsigned long   broadcast_frames_received;
    /* Number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded
     * even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being
     * deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.  The board-specific
     * code should increment this count if it cannot deliver a
     * packet for which dle_inbound_probe returned a valid cookie,
     * for instance, if an mblk could not be allocated. */
    unsigned long   receive_discards;
    /* Number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them
     * from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.  This count
     * is created by the dle code from adding together all of Ethernet
     * receive error counts. */
    unsigned long   receive_errors;
    /* Number of packets received which were discarded because of an
     * unknown or unsupported protocol. */
    unsigned long   receive_unknown_protos;
    /* Total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested
     * be transmitted, and which were addressed to a multicast address. */
    unsigned long   multicast_frames_sent;
    /* Total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested
     * be transmitted, and which were addressed to a broadcast address. */
    unsigned long   broadcast_frames_sent;
    /* Number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even
     * though no errors had been detected to prevent their being
     * transmitted.  One possible reason could be to free up buffer space.*/
    unsigned long   transmit_discards;
    /* Number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because
     * of errors.  This count is created by the dle code when necessary
     * by adding together all of the Ethernet transmit errors. The
     * common code also adds in packets that could not be sent because
     * they were malformed by the upper-level protocol. */
    unsigned long   transmit_errors;
    /* Size of the largest packet which can be sent/received, in octets.
     * Set to 1514 by default; board-specific software may change
     * this after dle_install if a different size is supported. */
    unsigned long   mtu;
    /* An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in bits/second.
     * The common code (dle_install) will set this value to 10Mb/second;
     * if the board supports a higher speed, then internal code should
     * change the value after calling dle_install. */
    unsigned long   speed;
typedef struct dle_interface_status_s   dle_interface_status_t;
 * Ethernet MIB statistics (RFC 1643).  These are maintained by the board-specific
 * software as learned from the underlying hardware.
struct dle_ethernet_status_s {
    /* Identifies the chipset used to realize the interface. */
    unsigned long   ether_chip_set;
    /* Frames received that are not an integral number of octets
     * in length and do not pass the FCS check. */
    unsigned long   receive_alignment_errors;
    /* Frames received that are an integral number of octets in
     * length but do not pass the FCS check. */
    unsigned long   receive_fcs_errors;
    /* Frames received that exceed the maximum permitted frame size. */
    unsigned long   receive_frames_too_long;
    /* Frames for which reception fails due to an internal sublayer
     * error.  Only counted here if not counted as any other error. */
    unsigned long   receive_internal_mac_errors;
    /* Successfully transmitted frames for which transmission is
     * inhibited by exactly one collision. */
    unsigned long   transmit_single_collision_frames;
    /* Successfully transmitted frames for which transmission is
     * inhibited by more than one collision. */
    unsigned long   transmit_multiple_collision_frames;
    /* A count of times that the SQE TEST ERROR message is generated
     * by the PLS sublayer. */
    unsigned long   transmit_sqe_test_errors;
    /* Frames for which the first transmission attempt is delayed
     * because the medium is busy. */
    unsigned long   transmit_deferred_transmissions;
    /* The number of times that a collision is detected later than
     * 512 bit-times into the transmission of a packet. */
    unsigned long   transmit_late_collisions;
    /* Frames for which transmission fails due to excessive collisions. */
    unsigned long   transmit_excessive_collisions;
    /* Frames for which transmission fails due to an internal sublayer
     * error.  Count should be independent of collision counters. */
    unsigned long   transmit_internal_mac_errors;
    /* The number of times that the carrier sense condition was lost
     * or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame. */
    unsigned long   transmit_carrier_sense_errors;
typedef struct dle_ethernet_status_s    dle_ethernet_status_t;