Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
#pragma mark Includes |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <time.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <console.h> |
#include <sioux.h> |
#include <Errors.h> |
#include <String.h> |
#include <A4Stuff.h> |
#include <Resources.h> |
#include <MixedMode.h> |
#include <CodeFragments.h> |
#include <Gestalt.h> |
#include <PLStringFuncs.h> |
#include "ClientUAM.h" |
#include "AFPPackets.h" |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include "TPGPkey.h" |
#include "TPGPException.h" |
#include "TMacException.h" |
#include "TASIPPGPkey.h" |
#include "ASIPChallenge.h" |
#include "PGPUAMclient.h" |
#include "PGPUAMclientLoginDialog.h" |
#include "PGPUAMclientProtocol.h" |
#include "PGPUAMmsgFormat.h" |
#include "PGPUAMclient.h" |
#include <Appearance.h> |
pascal OSStatus __pgpuam_client (UAMArgs *theArgs); |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
#pragma mark Globals |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static TASIPPGPkey gsTheServerKey; |
static PGPKeyRef gsTheClientKeyRef = kInvalidPGPKeyRef; |
static Str255 gsCounterChallengeString; |
static AFPClientInfo gClientInfo; |
pascal OSStatus simulateOpenSession(OTAddress *addr, const char *endpointString, UAMMessagePtr message); |
pascal OSStatus simulateSendRequest(UAMMessagePtr message); |
pascal OSStatus simulateCloseSession(short sessRefNum); |
pascal OSStatus simulateGetClientInfo (short infoType,ClientInfo **infoPtr); |
pascal void simulateEventCallback (EventRecord *theEvent); |
pascal OSStatus simulateOpenSession(OTAddress *addr, const char *endpointString, UAMMessagePtr message) |
{ |
PGPError err = kPGPError_NoErr; |
PGPFilterRef theFilter = kInvalidPGPFilterRef; |
PGPKeySetRef newKeySet = NULL; |
PGPKeySetRef singleSet = NULL; |
PGPKeyRef theKeyRef = kInvalidPGPKeyRef; |
PGPKeyIterRef theIterator = kInvalidPGPKeyIterRef; |
PGPKeyListRef theKeyListRef = kInvalidPGPKeyListRef; |
PGPUInt32 numKeys; |
PGPSize bufLen; |
TPGPkey theKey; |
StringPtr p; |
StringPtr challengeString; |
Str255 userName; |
Str255 counterChallengeString; |
Str255 fpString; |
OSStatus status = kFPAccessDenied; |
p = message->cmdBuffer + message->cmdBuffer[1] + 2; |
p = p + p[0] +1; |
PLstrcpy(userName, p); |
p2cstr(userName); |
challengeString = p + p[0] +1; |
// Find key in database |
ThrowIfPGPErr( PGPNewUserIDNameFilter(TPGPkey::fgContext, (char*) userName , kPGPMatchEqual, &theFilter)); |
ThrowIfPGPErr( PGPFilterKeySet(TPGPkey::fgPGPKeySetRef , theFilter, &newKeySet)); |
PGPFreeFilter(theFilter); |
ThrowIfPGPErr( PGPCountKeys(newKeySet, &numKeys)); |
if(numKeys > 0) |
{ |
err = PGPOrderKeySet(newKeySet,kPGPAnyOrdering, &theKeyListRef); |
err = PGPNewKeyIter( theKeyListRef, &theIterator ); |
while( (err = PGPKeyIterNext( theIterator,&theKeyRef )) == kPGPError_NoErr) |
{ |
Boolean canSign; |
PGPGetKeyBoolean (theKeyRef, kPGPKeyPropCanSign, &canSign); |
if(canSign) break; |
} |
ThrowIfPGPErr(err); |
gsTheClientKeyRef = theKeyRef; |
PGPGetKeyPropertyBuffer( theKeyRef, kPGPKeyPropFingerprint, sizeof( fpString ) - 1, &fpString[1], &bufLen); |
fpString[0] = (bufLen & 0xFF); |
PGPFreeKeyIter(theIterator ); |
PGPFreeKeyList(theKeyListRef ); |
PGPFreeKeySet(newKeySet ); |
ReplyToChallenge(&gsTheServerKey, "foo", challengeString, gsCounterChallengeString); |
p = (StringPtr) FormatLoginResp( message->replyBuffer, gsCounterChallengeString, fpString); |
message->replyBufferSize = p - message->replyBuffer; |
status = kFPAuthContinue; |
} |
if(message->completion) |
(message->completion)( message->contextPtr, status ); |
return noErr; |
} |
pascal OSStatus simulateSendRequest(UAMMessagePtr message) |
{ |
OSStatus err = kFPAccessDenied; |
if( message->cmdBuffer[0] == kFPLoginCont) |
{ |
message->cmdBuffer = message->cmdBuffer + 4; |
// parse the reply |
ParseLoginContinueCmd(message->cmdBuffer, &message->cmdBufferSize, &cmd); |
if(gsTheClientKeyRef) |
{ |
TPGPkey theKey; |
theKey.Initialize(gsTheClientKeyRef); |
if( VerifyCounterChallenge(&theKey, gsCounterChallengeString, cmd.SigPString) ) |
err = noErr; |
} |
} |
message->replyBufferSize = 0; |
if(message->completion) |
(message->completion)( message->contextPtr, err); |
return noErr; |
} |
pascal OSStatus simulateCloseSession(short sessRefNum) |
{ |
return noErr; |
} |
pascal OSStatus simulateGetClientInfo (short infoType,ClientInfo **infoPtr) |
{ |
if (kAFPClientInfo != infoType) return -1; |
*infoPtr = (ClientInfo*) & gClientInfo; |
return noErr; |
} |
pascal void simulateEventCallback (EventRecord *theEvent) |
{ |
} |
static pascal OSErr InitMac (void); |
static pascal OSErr InitMac (void) |
{ |
MaxApplZone ( ); |
InitGraf (&(qd.thePort)); |
InitFonts ( ); |
InitWindows ( ); |
InitMenus ( ); |
TEInit ( ); |
InitDialogs (nil); |
return noErr; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
void main(void) |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// |
// |
{ |
// Initialize allocatable storage to kInvalidPGP.. |
UAMArgs theArgs; |
ClientUAMCallbackRec theCallbacks; |
OSStatus err = -1; |
Str63 SavedUserName; |
#if __MWERKS__ |
extern tSIOUXSettings SIOUXSettings; |
SIOUXSettings.asktosaveonclose = false; |
SIOUXSettings.autocloseonquit = true; |
SIOUXSettings.rows = 40; |
#endif |
InitMac(); |
// set up simulated callbacks.. |
theArgs.callbacks = &theCallbacks; |
theCallbacks.OpenSessionUPP = NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr) simulateOpenSession, kOpenSessionProcInfo, kPowerPCISA); |
theCallbacks.SendRequestUPP = NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr) simulateSendRequest, kSendRequestProcInfo, kPowerPCISA); |
theCallbacks.CloseSessionUPP = NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr) simulateCloseSession, kCloseSessionProcInfo, kPowerPCISA); |
theCallbacks.GetClientInfoUPP = NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr) simulateGetClientInfo, kGetClientInfoProcInfo, kPowerPCISA); |
theCallbacks.EventCallbackUPP = NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr) simulateEventCallback, kEventCallbackProcInfo, kPowerPCISA); |
gClientInfo.fInfoType = kAFPClientInfo; |
gClientInfo.fVersion = 9; |
gClientInfo.fNumAFPVersions = 1; |
gClientInfo.fAFPVersionStrs = nil; |
{ |
StringHandle name; |
name = GetString(-16096); |
if(name) |
{ |
PLstrcpy( gClientInfo.fDefaultUserName, *name ); |
} |
else |
PLstrcpy( gClientInfo.fDefaultUserName, "\pfoo"); |
} |
gAFPSrvrSig = (UInt8 *) "\xb4\x37\xd4\x87\xa2\x63\xb4\x02\x65\x9b\x79\xb9\xC5\x21\xa2\x82"; |
try |
{ |
// open the keyring |
TPGPkey::Initialize(); |
TPGPkey::OpenKeyDefaultRing(); |
// pickup the server key |
gsTheServerKey.Initialize(gAFPSrvrSig); | = (AFPSrvrInfo*) "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x14When Diplomacy Fails\0" |
"\x00\x22" |
"\xb4\x37\xd4\x87\xa2\x63\xb4\x02\x65\x9b\x79\xb9\xC5\x21\xa2\x82"; |
theArgs.command = kUAMOpen; |
err = __pgpuam_client ( &theArgs ); |
if( err == noErr) |
{ |
SavedUserName[0] = '\0'; |
theArgs.Opt.auth.userName = SavedUserName; |
theArgs.command = kUAMLogin; |
err = __pgpuam_client ( &theArgs ); |
} |
} |
// handle Mac errors |
catch (TMacException &ex) |
{ |
char errorBuf[256]; |
SInt16 itemHit; |
err = theArgs.result = ex.GetExceptionErr(); |
sprintf(errorBuf, "PGPUAM SHELL Error: %d, %s, File: %s, Line: %d", |
ex.GetExceptionErr(), ex.GetExceptionMessage(), ex.GetExceptionFile(), ex.GetExceptionLine()); |
StandardAlert(kAlertStopAlert,(UInt8 *)errorBuf, nil, nil , &itemHit); |
if(err == noErr) err = userCanceledErr; |
} |
// handle PGP errors |
catch (TPGPException &ex) |
{ |
char errorBuf[256]; |
char explanationBuf[256]; |
SInt16 itemHit; |
PGPGetErrorString ( ex.GetExceptionErr(), sizeof(explanationBuf), explanationBuf); |
sprintf(errorBuf, "PGPUAM SHELL Error: %d, %s, File: %s, Line: %d", |
ex.GetExceptionErr(), ex.GetExceptionMessage(), ex.GetExceptionFile(), ex.GetExceptionLine()); |
c2pstr(explanationBuf); |
c2pstr(errorBuf); |
StandardAlert(kAlertStopAlert,(UInt8 *)errorBuf, (UInt8 *)explanationBuf, nil , &itemHit); |
err = theArgs.result = userCanceledErr; |
} |
catch(...) |
{ |
} |
theArgs.command = kUAMClose; |
__pgpuam_client ( &theArgs ); |
TPGPkey::CloseKeyRing(); |
DisposeRoutineDescriptor(theCallbacks.OpenSessionUPP); |
DisposeRoutineDescriptor(theCallbacks.SendRequestUPP); |
if((err != noErr) && (err != userCanceledErr)) |
{ |
SInt16 itemHit; |
StandardAlert(kAlertStopAlert,"\pAuthentication Failed!", nil, nil , &itemHit); |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-07-22