
    File:           PGPUAMmsgFormat.h
    Written by: Vinnie Moscaritolo
    Copyright:  © 1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
    Change History (most recent first):
    You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
    restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
    responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
    not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
    after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
    we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
    descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
#pragma mark Includes
#include <String.h>
#include "AFPPackets.h"
#include "ClientUAM.h" 
#include "machdepnetmacros.h"
#include "PGPUAMmsgFormat.h"
#include "PGPUAMclientProtocol.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma mark Local Prototypes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void*  FormatLoginContCmdHdr (const void *outbuf );
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark PGPUAM Login Command 
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void*  FormatLoginCmd( const void       *outbuf, 
                            StringPtr   serverVersion, 
                            StringPtr   uamName, 
                            StringPtr   userName,
                            StringPtr   challengeString )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    UByte1 *msgP  = (UByte1*) outbuf;
    MOVE_TO_NET_1       (msgP,   kFPLogin   )
    PLstrcpy((StringPtr) msgP,  serverVersion);         msgP += serverVersion[0]+1;
    PLstrcpy((StringPtr) msgP,  uamName);               msgP += uamName[0]+1;
    PLstrcpy((StringPtr) msgP,  userName);              msgP += userName[0]+1;
    PLstrcpy((StringPtr) msgP,  challengeString);       msgP += challengeString[0]+1;
    return (msgP);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void*  ParseLoginCmd(const void *inbuf,  UInt32 *length, PUAM_LOGIN_CMD *vmsgP)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    UByte1    *msgP  = (UByte1*)inbuf;
    vmsgP->userName = msgP; 
    SKIP_FROM_NET       (msgP,   vmsgP->userName[0] + 1 );
    vmsgP->challengeString = msgP; 
    SKIP_FROM_NET       (msgP,   vmsgP->challengeString[0] + 1  );
    *length -= (UByte1*)inbuf - msgP;
    return (msgP);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void*  FormatChallengeStr( const void   *outbuf, 
                            UInt8       *challengeBuffer,
                            UInt32      challengeBufferSize )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    UByte1 *msgP  = (UByte1*) outbuf;
    MOVE_TO_NET_1       (msgP,  challengeBufferSize )
    if(challengeBufferSize > 0)
        MOVE_TO_NET_BLOCK   (msgP,  challengeBuffer, challengeBufferSize);
    return (msgP);
#pragma mark - 
#pragma mark PGPUAM Login Response
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void*  FormatLoginResp( const   void       *outbuf, 
                                StringPtr   counterChallengePString, 
                                StringPtr   fingerPrintPString  )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    UByte1 *msgP  = (UByte1*) outbuf;
    PLstrcpy((StringPtr) msgP,  counterChallengePString);   msgP += counterChallengePString[0]+1;
    PLstrcpy((StringPtr) msgP,  fingerPrintPString);        msgP += fingerPrintPString[0]+1;
    return (msgP);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void*  ParseLoginResp(const void *inbuf,  UInt32 *length, PUAM_LOGIN_RESP *vmsgP)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    UByte1    *msgP  = (UByte1*)inbuf;
    vmsgP->CounterChallengePString = msgP; 
    SKIP_FROM_NET       (msgP,   vmsgP->CounterChallengePString[0] + 1  );
    vmsgP->FingerPrintPString = msgP; 
    SKIP_FROM_NET       (msgP,   vmsgP->FingerPrintPString[0] + 1   );
    *length -= (UByte1*)inbuf - msgP;
    return (msgP);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark PGPUAM Login Continue Command Header
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void*  FormatLoginContCmdHdr( const     void    *outbuf)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    UByte1 *msgP  = (UByte1*) outbuf;
    MOVE_TO_NET_1       (msgP,   kFPLoginCont   )
    MOVE_TO_NET_1       (msgP,   0  )
// Alternate UAMs require that the client use a ID number of 1 when 
// performing a LoginContinue Packet, this is a hardcoded value..
// I suspect this is a server bug!!
    SWAP_TO_NET_2       (msgP,   1  )
// this is a bug for now.. the sever requires at least 8 bytes of foo.
//  SKIP_TO_NET_8       (msgP);
    return (msgP);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void*  FormatLoginContinueCmd( const    void       *outbuf, 
                                StringPtr   counterChallengePString )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    UByte1 *msgP  = (UByte1*) outbuf;
    msgP = (UInt8*) FormatLoginContCmdHdr(msgP);
    PLstrcpy((StringPtr) msgP,  counterChallengePString);   msgP += counterChallengePString[0]+1;
    return (msgP);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void*  ParseLoginContinueCmd(const void *inbuf,  UInt32 *length, PUAM_LOGIN_CONT_CMD *vmsgP)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    UByte1    *msgP  = (UByte1*)inbuf;
    vmsgP->SigPString = msgP; 
    SKIP_FROM_NET       (msgP,   vmsgP->SigPString[0] + 1   );
    *length -= (UByte1*)inbuf - msgP;
    return (msgP);