Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
MIB Bits/MoreAEObjects.h
/* |
File: MoreAEObjects.h |
Contains: Functions to help you when you are working with Apple event objects. |
Written by: George Warner |
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
<2> 9/3/00 Quinn Fix initial checkin problem. |
<1> 3/9/00 GW Integrating AppleEvent Helper code. First Check In. |
*/ |
#pragma once |
// %%%%% need to change calls to object building function to pass a boolean |
// %%%%% parameter to control the disposal of descs passed in. |
//******************************************************************************** |
// A private conditionals file to setup the build environment for this project. |
#include "MoreSetup.h" |
//********** Universal Headers **************************************** |
#include <AERegistry.h> |
#include <AEObjects.h> |
#include <AEPackObject.h> |
#include <Aliases.h> |
#include <Icons.h> |
//******************************************************************************** |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
extern "C" { |
#endif |
#pragma import on |
#endif |
#pragma options align=mac68k |
#pragma pack(push, 2) |
#pragma pack(2) |
#endif |
/******************************************************************************** |
Add a parameter of type typeAlias to an AERecord (or AppleEvent) using the provided FSSpec. |
pFSSpec input: Pointer to the FSSpec to use. |
pKeyword input: The key for the data to be added to the record. |
pAERecord input: Pointer to the record (or event) to add the data to. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 The value of target or alias parameter, or of |
both, is NIL, or the alias record is corrupt |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreAEOAddAliasParameterFromFSSpec(const FSSpecPtr pFSSpec, |
const DescType pKeyword, |
AERecord *pAERecord ); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Create and return an AEDesc of type typeAlias using the provided FSSpec. |
pFSSpec input: Pointer to the FSSpec to use. |
pAliasAEDesc input: Pointer to null AEDesc. |
output: an AEDesc of type typeAlias. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 The value of target or alias parameter, or of |
both, is NIL, or the alias record is corrupt |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreAEOCreateAliasDescFromFSSpec( const FSSpecPtr pFSSpec, |
AEDesc *pAliasAEDesc ); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Create and return an AEDesc of type typeAlias using the provided |
alias record. |
aliasHandle input: Handle to an alias record. |
pAliasAEDesc input: Pointer to null AEDesc. |
output: an AEDesc of type typeAlias. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreAEOCreateAliasDesc( const AliasHandle aliasHandle, |
AEDesc *pAliasAEDesc ); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Given an FSSpec, return an object descriptor containing an alias, |
contained by containerObj. |
pFSSpec input: Pointer to the FSSpec to use. |
containerObjPtr input: Pointer to container object for object being created. |
aliasObjectPtr input: Pointer to null AEDesc. |
output: an alias object. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 The value of target or alias parameter, or of |
both, is NIL, or the alias record is corrupt |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
errAECoercionFail -1700 Data could not be coerced to the requested |
Apple event data type |
errAEWrongDataType -1703 Wrong Apple event data type |
errAENotAEDesc -1704 Not a valid descriptor record |
errAEBadListItem -1705 Operation involving a list item failed |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreAEOCreateAliasObjectFromFSSpec( const FSSpecPtr pFSSpec, |
AEDesc *containerObjPtr, |
AEDesc *aliasObjectPtr ); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Given an AliasHandle, return an object descriptor containing an alias, |
contained by containerObj. |
aliasHandle input: Handle to an alias record. |
containerObjPtr input: Pointer to container object for object being created. |
aliasObjectPtr input: Pointer to null AEDesc. |
output: an alias object. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 Error in parameter list |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
errAECoercionFail -1700 Data could not be coerced to the requested |
Apple event data type |
errAEWrongDataType -1703 Wrong Apple event data type |
errAENotAEDesc -1704 Not a valid descriptor record |
errAEBadListItem -1705 Operation involving a list item failed |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreAEOCreateAliasObject( const AliasHandle aliasHandle, |
AEDesc *containerObjPtr, |
AEDesc *aliasObjectPtr ); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Given a property type, create an new object descriptor for that property, |
contained by containerObj. |
propType input: Property type to use for object. |
containerObjPtr input: Pointer to container object for object being created. |
propertyObjPtr input: Pointer to null AEDesc. |
output: A property object. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 Error in parameter list |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
errAECoercionFail -1700 Data could not be coerced to the requested |
Apple event data type |
errAEWrongDataType -1703 Wrong Apple event data type |
errAENotAEDesc -1704 Not a valid descriptor record |
errAEBadListItem -1705 Operation involving a list item failed |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreAEOCreatePropertyObject( const DescType propType, |
AEDesc *containerObjPtr, |
AEDesc *propertyObjPtr ); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Given a ProcessSerialNumber, create an new object descriptor for the PSN, |
contained by containerObj. |
psnPtr input: ProcessSerialNumber to use for object. |
containerObjPtr input: Pointer to container object for object being created. |
psnObjPtr input: Pointer to null AEDesc. |
output: A ProcessSerialNumber object. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 Error in parameter list |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
errAECoercionFail -1700 Data could not be coerced to the requested |
Apple event data type |
errAEWrongDataType -1703 Wrong Apple event data type |
errAENotAEDesc -1704 Not a valid descriptor record |
errAEBadListItem -1705 Operation involving a list item failed |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreAEOCreateProcessObject( const ProcessSerialNumber *psnPtr, |
AEDesc *containerObjPtr, |
AEDesc *psnObjPtr ); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Given selection type, create an new object descriptor for a selection, |
contained by containerObj. |
selection input: Selection type to use for object. |
containerObjPtr input: Pointer to container object for object being created. |
selectionObject input: Pointer to null AEDesc. |
output: A property object. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 Error in parameter list |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
errAECoercionFail -1700 Data could not be coerced to the requested |
Apple event data type |
errAEWrongDataType -1703 Wrong Apple event data type |
errAENotAEDesc -1704 Not a valid descriptor record |
errAEBadListItem -1705 Operation involving a list item failed |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreAEOCreateSelectionObject( const DescType selection, |
AEDesc *containerObjPtr, |
AEDesc *selectionObject ); |
/******************************************************************************** |
Make position list (a list containing two longs representin the x and y values |
for the position of a Finder item). |
position input: A point specifying the position. |
pPositionAEList input: Pointer to an AEList (contents will be lost, but not disposed). |
output: A new AEList containing the x & y values for the position. |
Result Codes |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
*/ |
extern pascal OSErr MoreAEOCreatePositionList( const Point position, |
AEDescList *pPositionAEList ); |
//******************************************************************************** |
// A simple wrapper around CreateObjSpecifier which creates |
// an object specifier using formUniqueID and the unique ID |
// in pKeyData. |
pascal OSStatus MoreAEOCreateObjSpecifierFormUniqueID(DescType pDesiredClass, const AEDesc *pContainer, |
SInt32 pKeyData, Boolean pDisposeInputs, |
AEDesc *pObjSpecifier); |
//******************************************************************************** |
// A simple wrapper around CreateObjSpecifier which creates |
// an object specifier using formAbsolutePosition, a key of |
// typeLongInteger (rather than typeAbsoluteOrdinal) and the |
// position index in pKeyData. |
pascal OSStatus MoreAEOCreateObjSpecifierFormAbsPos(DescType pDesiredClass, const AEDesc *pContainer, |
SInt32 pKeyData, SInt32 pDisposeInputs, |
AEDesc *pObjSpecifier); |
//******************************************************************************** |
// A simple wrapper around CreateObjSpecifier which creates |
// an object specifier using formName and the name in pKeyData. |
pascal OSStatus MoreAEOCreateObjSpecifierFormName(DescType pDesiredClass, const AEDesc *pContainer, |
ConstStr255Param pKeyData, Boolean pDisposeInputs, |
AEDesc *pObjSpecifier); |
//******************************************************************************** |
#pragma options align=reset |
#pragma pack(pop) |
#pragma pack() |
#endif |
#pragma import off |
#pragma import reset |
#endif |
#ifdef __cplusplus |
} |
#endif |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-03-14