Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
MIB Bits/MoreAppleEvents.cp
/* |
File: MoreAppleEvents.cp |
Contains: |
Written by: Andy Bachorski |
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved. |
You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without |
restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the |
responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute |
this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made |
changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make |
it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source |
code, but that you've made changes. |
Change History (most recent first): |
<11> 27/3/00 Quinn Remove MoreAEDeleteItemFromRecord. It's functionality is |
covered by AEDeleteKeyDesc. |
<10> 20/3/00 Quinn Added routines to deal with "missing value". Added |
MoreAECopyDescriptorDataToHandle. Added |
MoreAEDeleteItemFromRecord. |
<9> 3/9/00 gaw Y2K! |
<8> 3/9/00 gaw API changes for MoreAppleEvents |
<7> 3/9/00 GW Intergrating AppleEvent Helper code. First Check In |
<6> 6/3/00 Quinn Added a bunch of trivial wrapper routines. George may come |
along and change all these soon, but I needed them for MoreOSL. |
<5> 1/3/00 Quinn Change the signature for AEGetDescData to match the version we |
actually shipped. |
<4> 2/15/99 PCG add AEGetDescDataSize for non-Carbon clients |
<3> 1/29/99 PCG add AEGetDescData |
<2> 11/11/98 PCG fix header |
<1> 11/10/98 PCG first big re-org at behest of Quinn |
Old Change History (most recent first): |
<2> 10/11/98 Quinn Convert "MorePrefix.h" to "MoreSetup.h". |
<2> 6/16/98 PCG CreateProcessTarget works with nil PSN |
<1> 6/16/98 PCG initial checkin |
*/ |
// Conditionals to setup the build environment the way we like it. |
#include "MoreSetup.h" |
//********** Universal Headers **************************************** |
#include <AERegistry.h> |
#include <AEObjects.h> |
#include <AEPackObject.h> |
#include <ASRegistry.h> |
//#include <FinderRegistry.h> |
#include <Gestalt.h> |
//********** Project Headers **************************************** |
#include "MoreAppleEvents.h" |
#include "MoreAEObjects.h" |
#include "MoreProcesses.h" |
#include "MoreMemory.h" |
//********** Private Definitions **************************************** |
enum { |
kFinderFileType = 'FNDR', |
kFinderCreatorType = 'MACS', |
kFinderProcessType = 'FNDR', |
kFinderProcessSignature = 'MACS' |
}; |
static AEIdleUPP gAEIdleUPP = nil; |
//******************************************************************************* |
#pragma mark ==> Create Target Descriptors for AEvents ¥ |
/******************************************************************************** |
Create and return an AEDesc for the process target with the specified PSN. |
If no PSN is supplied the use the current process |
pAEEventClass input: The class of the event to be created. |
pAEEventID input: The ID of the event to be created. |
pAppleEvent input: Pointer to an AppleEvent where the |
event record will be returned. |
output: The Apple event. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAECreateProcessTarget (ProcessSerialNumber *pPSN, AEDesc *target) |
{ |
ProcessSerialNumber self; |
if (!pPSN) |
{ |
pPSN = &self; |
self.lowLongOfPSN = kNoProcess; |
self.highLongOfPSN = kCurrentProcess; |
} |
return AECreateDesc (typeProcessSerialNumber,pPSN,sizeof(*pPSN),target); |
} |
//******************************************************************************* |
#pragma mark ==> Create AEvents ¥ |
/******************************************************************************** |
Create and return an AppleEvent of the given class and ID. The event will be |
targeted at the current process, with an AEAddressDesc of type |
typeProcessSerialNumber. |
pAEEventClass input: The class of the event to be created. |
pAEEventID input: The ID of the event to be created. |
pAppleEvent input: Pointer to an AppleEvent where the |
event record will be returned. |
output: The Apple event. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAECreateAppleEventSelfTarget( const AEEventClass pAEEventClass, |
const AEEventID pAEEventID, |
AppleEvent *pAppleEvent ) |
{ |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
ProcessSerialNumber selfPSN = {0, kCurrentProcess}; |
anErr = MoreAECreateAppleEventProcessTarget( &selfPSN, pAEEventClass, pAEEventID, pAppleEvent ); |
return ( anErr ); |
}//end MoreAECreateAppleEventSelfTarget |
/******************************************************************************** |
Create and return an AppleEvent of the given class and ID. The event will be |
targeted at the process specified by the target type and creator codes, |
with an AEAddressDesc of type typeProcessSerialNumber. |
pType input: The file type of the process to be found. |
pCreator input: The creator type of the process to be found. |
pAEEventClass input: The class of the event to be created. |
pAEEventID input: The ID of the event to be created. |
pAppleEvent input: Pointer to an AppleEvent where the |
event record will be returned. |
output: The Apple event. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
procNotFound Ð600 No eligible process with specified descriptor |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAECreateAppleEventSignatureTarget(const OSType pType, |
const OSType pCreator, |
const AEEventClass pAEEventClass, |
const AEEventID pAEEventID, |
AppleEvent *pAppleEvent ) |
{ |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
ProcessSerialNumber psn = {kNoProcess, kNoProcess}; |
anErr = MoreProcFindProcessBySignature( pType, pCreator, &psn ); |
if ( anErr == noErr ) |
{ |
anErr = MoreAECreateAppleEventProcessTarget( &psn, pAEEventClass, pAEEventID, pAppleEvent ); |
} |
return anErr; |
}//end MoreAECreateAppleEventSignatureTarget |
/******************************************************************************** |
Create and return an AppleEvent of the given class and ID. The event will be |
targeted at the application with the specific creator. |
psnPtr input: Pointer to the PSN to target the event with. |
pAEEventClass input: The class of the event to be created. |
pAEEventID input: The ID of the event to be created. |
pAppleEvent input: Pointer to an AppleEvent where the |
event record will be returned. |
output: The Apple event. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
procNotFound Ð600 No eligible process with specified descriptor |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSStatus MoreAECreateAppleEventCreatorTarget( |
const AEEventClass pAEEventClass, |
const AEEventID pAEEventID, |
const OSType pCreator, |
AppleEvent *pAppleEvent) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
AEDesc targetDesc; |
MoreAssertQ(pAppleEvent != nil); |
MoreAENullDesc(&targetDesc); |
err = AECreateDesc(typeApplSignature, &pCreator, sizeof(pCreator), &targetDesc); |
if (err == noErr) |
err = AECreateAppleEvent(pAEEventClass, pAEEventID, &targetDesc, |
kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID, pAppleEvent); |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&targetDesc); |
return err; |
} |
/******************************************************************************** |
Create and return an AppleEvent of the given class and ID. The event will be |
targeted with the provided PSN. |
psnPtr input: Pointer to the PSN to target the event with. |
pAEEventClass input: The class of the event to be created. |
pAEEventID input: The ID of the event to be created. |
pAppleEvent input: Pointer to an AppleEvent where the |
event record will be returned. |
output: The Apple event. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
procNotFound Ð600 No eligible process with specified descriptor |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAECreateAppleEventProcessTarget( const ProcessSerialNumberPtr psnPtr, |
const AEEventClass pAEEventClass, |
const AEEventID pAEEventID, |
AppleEvent *pAppleEvent ) |
{ |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
AEDesc targetAppDesc = {typeNull, nil}; |
anErr = AECreateDesc (typeProcessSerialNumber, psnPtr, sizeof( ProcessSerialNumber ), &targetAppDesc); |
if ( anErr == noErr ) |
{ |
anErr = AECreateAppleEvent( pAEEventClass, pAEEventID, &targetAppDesc, |
kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID, pAppleEvent); |
} |
AEDisposeDesc( &targetAppDesc ); |
return anErr; |
}//end MoreAECreateAppleEventProcessTarget |
/******************************************************************************** |
Create and return an AppleEvent of the given class and ID. The event will be |
targeted with the provided TargetID. |
pTargetID input: Pointer to the TargetID to target the event with. |
pAEEventClass input: The class of the event to be created. |
pAEEventID input: The ID of the event to be created. |
pAppleEvent input: Pointer to an AppleEvent where the |
event record will be returned. |
output: The Apple event. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
procNotFound Ð600 No eligible process with specified descriptor |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAECreateAppleEventTargetID( const TargetID *pTargetID, |
const AEEventClass pAEEventClass, |
const AEEventID pAEEventID, |
AppleEvent *pAppleEvent ) |
{ |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
AEDesc targetAppDesc = {typeNull, nil}; |
anErr = AECreateDesc (typeTargetID, pTargetID, sizeof( TargetID ), &targetAppDesc); |
if ( anErr == noErr ) |
{ |
anErr = AECreateAppleEvent( pAEEventClass, pAEEventID, &targetAppDesc, |
kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID, pAppleEvent); |
} |
AEDisposeDesc( &targetAppDesc ); |
return anErr; |
}//end MoreAECreateAppleEventTargetID |
#pragma mark ==> Send AppleEvents ¥ |
#if 0 |
//¥ De-appreciated! Don't use! Use one of the more specific routines (w/idle proc) below. |
pascal OSErr MoreAESendAppleEvent (const AppleEvent *pAppleEvent, AppleEvent *pAEReply) |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
AESendMode aeSendMode = kAEAlwaysInteract | kAECanSwitchLayer; |
if (pAEReply) |
{ |
aeSendMode |= kAEWaitReply; |
pAEReply->descriptorType = typeNull; |
pAEReply->dataHandle = nil; |
} |
err = AESend (pAppleEvent, pAEReply, aeSendMode, kAENormalPriority, kAEDefaultTimeout, nil, nil); |
return err; |
} |
#endif 0 |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send the provided AppleEvent using the provided idle function. |
Will wait for a reply if an idle function is provided, but no result will be returned. |
pIdleProcUPP input: The idle function to use when sending the event. |
pAppleEvent input: The event to be sent. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler |
in the application that gets the event. |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAESendEventNoReturnValue( |
const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP, |
const AppleEvent *pAppleEvent ) |
{ |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
AppleEvent theReply = {typeNull, nil}; |
AESendMode sendMode; |
if (nil == pIdleProcUPP) |
sendMode = kAENoReply; |
else |
sendMode = kAEWaitReply; |
anErr = AESend( pAppleEvent, &theReply, sendMode, kAENormalPriority, kNoTimeOut, pIdleProcUPP, nil ); |
if ((noErr == anErr) && (kAEWaitReply == sendMode)) |
anErr = MoreAEGetHandlerError(&theReply); |
(void) AEDisposeDesc( &theReply ); |
return anErr; |
}//end MoreAESendEventNoReturnValue |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send the provided AppleEvent using the provided idle function. |
Return data (at pDataPtr) of type pDesiredType |
pIdleProcUPP input: The idle function to use when sending the event. |
pAppleEvent input: The event to be sent. |
theValue output: The value returned by the event. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 No idle function provided |
and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler |
in the application that gets the event. |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAESendEventReturnData( |
const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP, |
const AppleEvent *pAppleEvent, |
DescType pDesiredType, |
DescType* pActualType, |
void* pDataPtr, |
Size pMaximumSize, |
Size *pActualSize) |
{ |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
// No idle function is an error, since we are expected to return a value |
if (pIdleProcUPP == nil) |
anErr = paramErr; |
else |
{ |
AppleEvent theReply = {typeNull, nil}; |
AESendMode sendMode = kAEWaitReply; |
anErr = AESend(pAppleEvent, &theReply, sendMode, kAENormalPriority, kNoTimeOut, pIdleProcUPP, nil); |
// [ Don't dispose of the event, it's not ours ] |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
anErr = MoreAEGetHandlerError(&theReply); |
if (!anErr && theReply.descriptorType != typeNull) |
{ |
anErr = AEGetParamPtr(&theReply, keyDirectObject, pDesiredType, |
pActualType, pDataPtr, pMaximumSize, pActualSize); |
} |
AEDisposeDesc(&theReply); |
} |
} |
return anErr; |
} // MoreAESendEventReturnData |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send the provided AppleEvent using the provided idle function. |
Return a SInt16 (typeSmallInteger). |
pIdleProcUPP input: The idle function to use when sending the event. |
pAppleEvent input: The event to be sent. |
theValue output: The value returned by the event. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 No idle function provided |
and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler |
in the application that gets the event. |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAESendEventReturnSInt16( |
const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP, |
const AppleEvent* pAppleEvent, |
SInt16* pValue) |
{ |
DescType actualType; |
Size actualSize; |
return MoreAESendEventReturnData(pIdleProcUPP,pAppleEvent,typeShortInteger, |
&actualType,pValue,sizeof(SInt16),&actualSize); |
} // MoreAESendEventReturnSInt16 |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send the provided AppleEvent using the provided idle function. |
Returns a PString. |
pIdleProcUPP input: The idle function to use when sending the event. |
pAppleEvent input: The event to be sent. |
pStr255 output: The value returned by the event. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
paramErr -50 No idle function provided |
and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler |
in the application that gets the event. |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAESendEventReturnPString( |
const AEIdleUPP pIdleProcUPP, |
const AppleEvent* pAppleEvent, |
Str255 pStr255) |
{ |
DescType actualType; |
Size actualSize; |
return MoreAESendEventReturnData(pIdleProcUPP,pAppleEvent,typePString, |
&actualType,pStr255,sizeof(Str255),&actualSize); |
} // MoreAESendEventReturnSInt16 |
#pragma mark ==> Functions for talking to ourselfs |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an AppleEvent of the specified Class & ID to myself using the |
default idle function. |
pEventID input: The event to be sent. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler |
in the application that gets the event. |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAESendToSelfNoReturnValue( |
const AEEventClass pEventClass, |
const AEEventID pEventID) |
{ |
AppleEvent theEvent = {typeNull, nil}; // If you always init AEDescs, it's always save to dispose of them. |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
if (nil == gAEIdleUPP) |
gAEIdleUPP = NewAEIdleUPP(MoreAESimpleIdleFunction); |
anErr = MoreAECreateAppleEventSelfTarget(pEventClass,pEventID,&theEvent); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
AEDesc containerObj = {typeNull, nil}; // start with the null (application) container |
AEDesc propertyObject = {typeNull, nil}; |
anErr = MoreAEOCreatePropertyObject(pSelection, &containerObj, &propertyObject); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
anErr = AEPutParamDesc(&theEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
anErr = MoreAESendEventNoReturnValue(gAEIdleUPP, &theEvent); |
AEDisposeDesc(&propertyObject); // Always dispose of objects as soon as you are done (helps avoid leaks) |
} |
AEDisposeDesc(&theEvent); // always dispose of AEDescs when you are finished with them |
} |
return anErr; |
} |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send an AppleEvent of the specified Class & ID to myself using the |
default idle function. Wait for a reply and extract a SInt16 result. |
pEventID input: The event class to be sent. |
pEventID input: The event ID to be sent. |
pValue Output: Where the return SInt16 will be stored. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler |
in the application that gets the event. |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAESendToSelfReturnSInt16( |
const AEEventClass pEventClass, |
const AEEventID pEventID, |
SInt16* pValue) |
{ |
AppleEvent theEvent = {typeNull, nil}; // If you always init AEDescs, it's always save to dispose of them. |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
if (nil == gAEIdleUPP) |
gAEIdleUPP = NewAEIdleUPP(MoreAESimpleIdleFunction); |
anErr = MoreAECreateAppleEventSelfTarget(pEventClass,pEventID,&theEvent); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
AEDesc containerObj = {typeNull, nil}; // start with the null (application) container |
AEDesc propertyObject = {typeNull, nil}; |
anErr = MoreAEOCreatePropertyObject(pSelection, &containerObj, &propertyObject); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
anErr = AEPutParamDesc(&theEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
anErr = MoreAESendEventReturnSInt16(gAEIdleUPP, &theEvent, pValue); |
AEDisposeDesc(&propertyObject); // Always dispose of objects as soon as you are done (helps avoid leaks) |
} |
AEDisposeDesc(&theEvent); // always dispose of AEDescs when you are finished with them |
} |
return anErr; |
} |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send a get data (kAEGetData) AppleEvent to myself using the |
default idle function. Wait for a reply and extract a SInt16 result. |
pIdleProcUPP input: The idle function to use when sending the event. |
pEventID input: The event to be sent. |
pValue Output: Where the resulting SInt16 will be stored. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler |
in the application that gets the event. |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAETellSelfToGetSInt16Property( |
const DescType pPropType, |
SInt16* pValue) |
{ |
AppleEvent theEvent = {typeNull, nil}; // If you always init AEDescs, it's always save to dispose of them. |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
if (nil == gAEIdleUPP) |
gAEIdleUPP = NewAEIdleUPP(MoreAESimpleIdleFunction); |
anErr = MoreAECreateAppleEventSelfTarget(kAECoreSuite,kAEGetData,&theEvent); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
AEDesc containerObj = {typeNull, nil}; // start with the null (application) container |
AEDesc propertyObject = {typeNull, nil}; |
anErr = MoreAEOCreatePropertyObject(pPropType, &containerObj, &propertyObject); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
anErr = AEPutParamDesc(&theEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
anErr = MoreAESendEventReturnSInt16(gAEIdleUPP, &theEvent, pValue); |
AEDisposeDesc(&propertyObject); // Always dispose of objects as soon as you are done (helps avoid leaks) |
} |
AEDisposeDesc(&theEvent); // always dispose of AEDescs when you are finished with them |
} |
return anErr; |
} |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send a get data (kAEGetData) AppleEvent to myself using the |
default idle function. Wait for a reply and extract a Str255 result. |
pIdleProcUPP input: The idle function to use when sending the event. |
pEventID input: The event to be sent. |
pValue Output: Where the resulting Str255 will be stored. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler |
in the application that gets the event. |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAETellSelfToGetStr255Property( |
const DescType pPropType, |
Str255 pValue) |
{ |
AppleEvent theEvent = {typeNull, nil}; // If you always init AEDescs, it's always save to dispose of them. |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
if (nil == gAEIdleUPP) |
gAEIdleUPP = NewAEIdleUPP(MoreAESimpleIdleFunction); |
anErr = MoreAECreateAppleEventSelfTarget(kAECoreSuite,kAEGetData,&theEvent); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
AEDesc containerObj = {typeNull, nil}; // start with the null (application) container |
AEDesc propertyObject = {typeNull, nil}; |
anErr = MoreAEOCreatePropertyObject(pPropType, &containerObj, &propertyObject); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
anErr = AEPutParamDesc(&theEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
anErr = MoreAESendEventReturnPString(gAEIdleUPP, &theEvent, pValue); |
AEDisposeDesc(&propertyObject); // Always dispose of objects as soon as you are done (helps avoid leaks) |
} |
AEDisposeDesc(&theEvent); // always dispose of AEDescs when you are finished with them |
} |
return anErr; |
} |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send a set data (kAESetData) AppleEvent to myself with a SInt16 parameter |
and using the default idle function. |
pIdleProcUPP input: The idle function to use when sending the event. |
pEventID input: The event to be sent. |
pValue Output: Where the resulting SInt16 will be stored. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler |
in the application that gets the event. |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAETellSelfToSetSInt16Property( |
const DescType pPropType, |
SInt16 pValue) |
{ |
AppleEvent theEvent = {typeNull, nil}; // If you always init AEDescs, it's always save to dispose of them. |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
if (nil == gAEIdleUPP) |
gAEIdleUPP = NewAEIdleUPP(MoreAESimpleIdleFunction); |
anErr = MoreAECreateAppleEventSelfTarget(kAECoreSuite,kAESetData,&theEvent); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
AEDesc containerObj = {typeNull, nil}; // start with the null (application) container |
AEDesc propertyObject = {typeNull, nil}; |
anErr = MoreAEOCreatePropertyObject(pPropType, &containerObj, &propertyObject); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
anErr = AEPutParamDesc(&theEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject); |
AEDisposeDesc(&propertyObject); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
anErr = AEPutParamPtr(&theEvent, keyAEData, typeSInt16, &pValue, sizeof(SInt16)); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
anErr = MoreAESendEventNoReturnValue(gAEIdleUPP, &theEvent); |
} |
} |
AEDisposeDesc(&theEvent); // always dispose of AEDescs when you are finished with them |
} |
return anErr; |
} |
/******************************************************************************** |
Send a set data (kAESetData) AppleEvent to myself with a SInt16 parameter |
and using the default idle function. |
pIdleProcUPP input: The idle function to use when sending the event. |
pEventID input: The event to be sent. |
pValue Output: Where the resulting Str255 will be stored. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
and any other error that can be returned by AESend or the handler |
in the application that gets the event. |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAETellSelfToSetStr255Property( |
const DescType pPropType, |
Str255 pValue) |
{ |
AppleEvent theEvent = {typeNull, nil}; // If you always init AEDescs, it's always save to dispose of them. |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
if (nil == gAEIdleUPP) |
gAEIdleUPP = NewAEIdleUPP(MoreAESimpleIdleFunction); |
anErr = MoreAECreateAppleEventSelfTarget(kAECoreSuite,kAESetData,&theEvent); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
AEDesc containerObj = {typeNull, nil}; // start with the null (application) container |
AEDesc propertyObject = {typeNull, nil}; |
anErr = MoreAEOCreatePropertyObject(pPropType, &containerObj, &propertyObject); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
anErr = AEPutParamDesc(&theEvent, keyDirectObject, &propertyObject); |
AEDisposeDesc(&propertyObject); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
{ |
anErr = AEPutParamPtr(&theEvent, keyAEData, typePString, pValue, pValue[0] + 1); |
if (anErr == noErr) |
anErr = MoreAESendEventNoReturnValue(gAEIdleUPP, &theEvent); |
} |
} |
AEDisposeDesc(&theEvent); // always dispose of AEDescs when you are finished with them |
} |
return anErr; |
} |
//******************************************************************************* |
#pragma mark ==> Misc. AE utility functions ¥ |
//******************************************************************************* |
// Appends each of the items in pSourceList to the pDestList. |
extern pascal OSStatus MoreAEAppendListToList(const AEDescList *pSourceList, AEDescList *pDestList) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
AEKeyword junkKeyword; |
SInt32 listCount; |
SInt32 listIndex; |
AEDesc thisValue; |
MoreAssertQ(pSourceList != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(pDestList != nil); |
err = AECountItems(pSourceList, &listCount); |
if (err == noErr) { |
for (listIndex = 1; listIndex <= listCount; listIndex++) { |
MoreAENullDesc(&thisValue); |
err = AEGetNthDesc(pSourceList, listIndex, typeWildCard, &junkKeyword, &thisValue); |
if (err == noErr) { |
err = AEPutDesc(pDestList, 0, &thisValue); |
} |
MoreAEDisposeDesc(&thisValue); |
if (err != noErr) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
//******************************************************************************* |
// This routine takes a result descriptor and an error. |
// If there is a result to add to the reply it makes sure the reply isn't |
// NULL itself then adds the error to the reply depending on the error |
// and the type of result. |
pascal OSErr MoreAEMoreAESetReplyErrorNumber (OSErr pOSErr, AppleEvent *pAEReply) |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
if (pAEReply->dataHandle) |
{ |
if (!MoreAssert (pAEReply->descriptorType == typeAppleEvent)) |
err = paramErr; |
else |
err = AEPutParamPtr (pAEReply,keyErrorNumber,typeShortInteger,&pOSErr,sizeof(pOSErr)); |
} |
return err; |
} |
//******************************************************************************* |
// This routine takes a result descriptor, a reply descriptor and an error. |
// If there is a result to add to the reply it makes sure the reply isn't |
// NULL itself then adds the result to the reply depending on the error |
// and the type of result. |
pascal OSErr MoreAEAddResultToReply(AEDesc* pResult, AEDesc* pAEReply, OSErr error) |
{ |
OSErr anErr; |
// Check that the pAEReply is not NULL and there is a result to put in it |
if (typeNull == pAEReply->descriptorType || typeNull == pResult->descriptorType) |
return (error); |
if (noErr == error) |
anErr = AEPutParamDesc(pAEReply, keyDirectObject, pResult); |
else |
{ |
switch (pResult->descriptorType) |
{ |
case typeInteger: |
anErr = AEPutParamDesc(pAEReply, keyErrorNumber, pResult); |
break; |
case typeChar: |
anErr = AEPutParamDesc(pAEReply, keyErrorString, pResult); |
break; |
default: |
anErr = errAETypeError; |
} |
if (noErr == anErr) |
anErr = error; // Don't loose that error |
} |
return (anErr); |
} |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Name: MoreAEGotRequiredParams |
// Function: Checks that all parameters defined as 'required' have been read |
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
pascal OSErr MoreAEGotRequiredParams(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent) |
{ |
DescType returnedType; |
Size actualSize; |
OSErr anErr; |
// look for the keyMissedKeywordAttr, just to see if it's there |
anErr = AEGetAttributePtr(theAppleEvent, keyMissedKeywordAttr, typeWildCard, |
&returnedType, NULL, 0, &actualSize); |
switch (anErr) |
{ |
case errAEDescNotFound: // attribute not there means we |
anErr = noErr; // got all required parameters. |
break; |
case noErr: // attribute there means missed |
anErr = errAEParamMissed; // at least one parameter. |
break; |
// default: pass on unexpected error in looking for the attribute |
} |
return (anErr); |
} // GotReqiredParams |
/******************************************************************************** |
Takes a reply event checks it for any errors that may have been returned |
by the event handler. A simple function, in that it only returns the error |
number. You can often also extract an error string and three other error |
parameters from a reply event. |
Also see: |
IM:IAC for details about returned error strings. |
AppleScript developer release notes for info on the other error parameters. |
pAEReply input: The reply event to be checked. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
???? ?? Pretty much any error, depending on what the |
event handler returns for it's errors. |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAEGetHandlerError( const AppleEvent *pAEReply ) |
{ |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
OSErr handlerErr; |
DescType actualType; |
long actualSize; |
if ( pAEReply->descriptorType != typeNull ) // there's a reply, so there may be an error |
{ |
OSErr getErrErr = noErr; |
getErrErr = AEGetParamPtr( pAEReply, keyErrorNumber, typeShortInteger, &actualType, |
&handlerErr, sizeof( OSErr ), &actualSize ); |
if ( getErrErr != errAEDescNotFound ) // found an errorNumber parameter |
{ |
anErr = handlerErr; // so return it's value |
} |
} |
return anErr; |
}//end MoreAEGetHandlerError |
/******************************************************************************** |
Get the class and ID from an AppleEvent. |
pAppleEvent input: The event to get the class and ID from. |
pAEEventClass output: The event's class. |
pAEEventID output: The event's ID. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
memFullErr -108 Not enough room in heap zone |
errAEDescNotFound -1701 Descriptor record was not found |
errAENotAEDesc -1704 Not a valid descriptor record |
errAEReplyNotArrived -1718 Reply has not yet arrived |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAEExtractClassAndID ( const AppleEvent *pAppleEvent, AEEventClass *pAEEventClass, AEEventID *pAEEventID ) |
{ |
DescType actualType; |
Size actualSize; |
OSErr anErr; |
anErr = AEGetAttributePtr( pAppleEvent, keyEventClassAttr, typeType, &actualType, |
pAEEventClass, sizeof( pAEEventClass ), &actualSize ); |
if ( anErr == noErr ) |
{ |
anErr = AEGetAttributePtr( pAppleEvent, keyEventIDAttr, typeType, &actualType, |
pAEEventID, sizeof( pAEEventID ), &actualSize ); |
} |
return ( anErr ); |
}//end ExtractClassAndID |
/******************************************************************************** |
A very simple idle function. It simply ignors any event it receives, |
returns 30 for the sleep time and nil for the mouse region. |
Your application should supply an idle function that handles any events it |
might receive. This is especially important if your application has any windows. |
Also see: |
IM:IAC for details about idle functions. |
Pending Update Perils technote for more about handling low-level events. |
*/ |
pascal Boolean MoreAESimpleIdleFunction( EventRecord *event, |
long *sleepTime, |
RgnHandle *mouseRgn ) |
{ |
#pragma unused( event ) |
*sleepTime = 30; |
*mouseRgn = nil; |
return ( false ); |
}//end MoreAESimpleIdleFunction |
/******************************************************************************** |
Is the Apple Event Manager present. |
____________ |
true The Apple Event Manager is present |
false It isn't |
*/ |
pascal Boolean MoreAEHasAppleEvents(void) |
{ |
OSErr anErr = noErr; |
static long gHasAppleEvents = kFlagNotSet; |
if ( gHasAppleEvents == kFlagNotSet ) |
{ |
long response; |
if ( Gestalt( gestaltAppleEventsAttr, &response ) == noErr ) |
gHasAppleEvents = ( response & (1L << gestaltAppleEventsPresent) ) != 0; |
} |
return gHasAppleEvents; |
}//end MoreAEHasAppleEvents |
//******************************************************************************* |
// Did this AppleEvent come from the Finder? |
pascal OSErr MoreAEIsSenderFinder (const AppleEvent *pAppleEvent, Boolean *pIsFinder) |
{ |
OSErr err = noErr; |
DescType actualType; |
ProcessSerialNumber senderPSN; |
Size actualSize; |
if (!MoreAssert (pAppleEvent && pIsFinder)) return paramErr; |
if (!MoreAssert (pAppleEvent->descriptorType == typeAppleEvent)) return paramErr; |
if (!MoreAssert (pAppleEvent->dataHandle)) return paramErr; |
err = AEGetAttributePtr (pAppleEvent, keyAddressAttr, typeProcessSerialNumber, &actualType, |
(Ptr) &senderPSN, sizeof (senderPSN), &actualSize); |
if (MoreAssert (err == noErr)) |
{ |
if (!MoreAssert (actualType == typeProcessSerialNumber)) |
err = paramErr; |
else if (!MoreAssert (actualSize == sizeof (senderPSN))) |
err = paramErr; |
else |
{ |
ProcessInfoRec processInfo; |
if (!(err = MoreProcGetProcessInformation (&senderPSN,&processInfo))) |
{ |
*pIsFinder = ( processInfo.processSignature == kFinderProcessSignature && |
processInfo.processType == kFinderProcessType); |
} |
} |
} |
return err; |
} |
#pragma mark ==> AEDesc Constructor & Destructor ¥ |
//******************************************************************************* |
// Initialises desc to the null descriptor (typeNull, nil). |
pascal void MoreAENullDesc(AEDesc *desc) |
{ |
MoreAssertQ(desc != nil); |
desc->descriptorType = typeNull; |
desc->dataHandle = nil; |
} |
//******************************************************************************* |
// Disposes of desc and initialises it to the null descriptor. |
pascal void MoreAEDisposeDesc(AEDesc *desc) |
{ |
OSStatus junk; |
MoreAssertQ(desc != nil); |
junk = AEDisposeDesc(desc); |
MoreAssertQ(junk == noErr); |
desc->descriptorType = typeNull; |
desc->dataHandle = nil; |
} |
//******************************************************************************* |
#pragma mark ==> AEDesc Data Accessors for 68K ¥ |
//******************************************************************************* |
// These routines are only implemented in PreCarbon.o for PowerPC |
// So for 68K we had to write our own versions |
pascal Size AEGetDescDataSize( const AEDesc* pAEDesc) |
{ |
return GetHandleSize(pAEDesc->dataHandle); |
} |
pascal OSErr AEGetDescData( const AEDesc* pAEDesc, |
void* pDataPtr, |
Size pMaxSize) |
{ |
Size copySize = AEGetDescDataSize(pAEDesc); |
if ((nil == pAEDesc) || (nil == pDataPtr)) |
return paramErr; |
if (pMaxSize < copySize) |
copySize = pMaxSize; |
BlockMoveData(*pAEDesc->dataHandle,pDataPtr,copySize); |
return noErr; |
} |
//******************************************************************************* |
#pragma mark ==> Get Data From Descriptors ¥ |
/******************************************************************************** |
This is the generic routine that all the other's use instead of |
duplicating all this code unnecessarily. |
pAEDesc input: The descriptor we want the data from |
pDestPtr output: Where we want to store the data from this desc. |
pMaxSize input: The maxium amount of data we can store. |
pActualSize output: The actual amount of data stored. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal void MoreAEGetRawDataFromDescriptor(const AEDesc* pAEDesc, |
Ptr pDestPtr, |
Size pMaxSize, |
Size *pActualSize) |
{ |
Size copySize; |
if (pAEDesc->dataHandle) |
{ |
*pActualSize = AEGetDescDataSize(pAEDesc); |
if (*pActualSize < pMaxSize) |
copySize = *pActualSize; |
else |
copySize = pMaxSize; |
AEGetDescData(pAEDesc,pDestPtr,copySize); |
} |
else |
*pActualSize = 0; |
} |
/******************************************************************************** |
Extract a pascal string a descriptor. |
pAEDesc input: The descriptor we want the data from |
pStringPtr output: Where we want to store the pascal string |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAEGetPStringFromDescriptor(const AEDesc* pAEDesc, StringPtr pStringPtr) |
{ |
Size stringSize; |
AEDesc resultDesc = {typeNull, NULL}; |
OSErr anErr; |
anErr = AECoerceDesc(pAEDesc, typeChar, &resultDesc); |
if (noErr != anErr) goto done; |
pStringPtr[0] = 0; |
MoreAEGetRawDataFromDescriptor(&resultDesc, (Ptr) &pStringPtr[1], 255, &stringSize); |
if (stringSize <= 255) |
pStringPtr[0] = stringSize; |
else |
anErr = errAECoercionFail; |
done: |
if (resultDesc.dataHandle) |
AEDisposeDesc(&resultDesc); |
return(anErr); |
} |
/******************************************************************************** |
Extract a C string from the descriptor. |
pAEDesc input: The descriptor we want the data from |
pStringPtr output: Where we want to store the C string |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAEGetCStringFromDescriptor(const AEDesc* pAEDesc, char* pCharPtr) |
{ |
Size stringSize; |
AEDesc resultDesc = {typeNull, NULL}; |
OSErr anErr; |
anErr = AECoerceDesc(pAEDesc, typeChar, &resultDesc); |
if (noErr == anErr) |
{ |
MoreAEGetRawDataFromDescriptor(&resultDesc, pCharPtr, 256, &stringSize); |
pCharPtr[stringSize] = 0; |
} |
if (resultDesc.dataHandle) |
AEDisposeDesc(&resultDesc); |
return (anErr); |
} |
/******************************************************************************** |
Extract a short from a descriptor. |
pAEDesc input: The descriptor we want the data from |
pStringPtr output: Where we want to store the short. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAEGetShortFromDescriptor(const AEDesc* pAEDesc, SInt16 *pResult) |
{ |
OSErr myErr; |
OSErr ignoreErr; |
Size intSize; |
AEDesc resultDesc; |
*pResult = 0; |
myErr = AECoerceDesc(pAEDesc,typeShortInteger,&resultDesc); |
if (myErr==noErr) |
{ |
MoreAEGetRawDataFromDescriptor(&resultDesc,(Ptr) pResult,2,&intSize); |
if (intSize>2) |
myErr = errAECoercionFail; |
} |
if (resultDesc.dataHandle) |
ignoreErr = AEDisposeDesc(&resultDesc); |
return(myErr); |
} |
/******************************************************************************** |
Extract a Boolean from a descriptor. |
pAEDesc input: The descriptor we want the data from |
pStringPtr output: Where we want to store the boolean. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAEGetBooleanFromDescriptor(const AEDesc* pAEDesc,Boolean *pResult) |
{ |
OSErr myErr; |
OSErr ignoreErr; |
Size boolSize; |
AEDesc resultDesc; |
*pResult = false; |
myErr = AECoerceDesc(pAEDesc,typeBoolean,&resultDesc); |
if (myErr==noErr) |
{ |
MoreAEGetRawDataFromDescriptor(&resultDesc,(Ptr)pResult, |
sizeof(Boolean),&boolSize); |
if (boolSize > sizeof(Boolean)) |
myErr = errAECoercionFail; |
} |
if (resultDesc.dataHandle) |
ignoreErr = AEDisposeDesc(&resultDesc); |
return(myErr); |
} |
/******************************************************************************** |
Extract a long from a descriptor. |
pAEDesc input: The descriptor we want the data from |
pStringPtr output: Where we want to store the long. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAEGetLongFromDescriptor(const AEDesc* pAEDesc, long *pResult) |
{ |
OSErr myErr; |
OSErr ignoreErr; |
Size intSize; |
AEDesc resultDesc; |
*pResult = 0; |
myErr = AECoerceDesc(pAEDesc,typeLongInteger,&resultDesc); |
if (myErr==noErr) |
{ |
MoreAEGetRawDataFromDescriptor(&resultDesc,(Ptr)pResult,4,&intSize); |
if (intSize>4) |
myErr = errAECoercionFail; |
} |
if (resultDesc.dataHandle) |
ignoreErr = AEDisposeDesc(&resultDesc); |
return(myErr); |
} /*MoreAEGetLongIntFromDescriptor*/ |
/******************************************************************************** |
Extract a OSType from a descriptor. |
pAEDesc input: The descriptor we want the data from |
pResult output: Where we want to store the OSType. |
____________ |
noErr 0 No error |
____________ |
*/ |
pascal OSErr MoreAEGetOSTypeFromDescriptor(const AEDesc* pAEDesc, OSType *pResult) |
{ |
return (MoreAEGetLongFromDescriptor(pAEDesc,(long *)pResult)); |
} /*MoreAEGetOSTypeFromDescriptor*/ |
extern pascal OSStatus MoreAECopyDescriptorDataToHandle(const AEDesc *desc, Handle *descData) |
// see comment in header. |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
OSStatus junk; |
MoreAssertQ(desc != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(descData != nil); |
MoreAssertQ(*descData == nil); |
*descData = NewHandle(AEGetDescDataSize(desc)); |
err = MoreMemError(*descData); |
if (err == noErr) { |
HLock(*descData); |
junk = AEGetDescData(desc, **descData, AEGetDescDataSize(desc)); |
MoreAssertQ(junk == noErr); |
HUnlock(*descData); |
} |
return err; |
} |
extern pascal Boolean MoreAEIsMissingValue(const AEDesc *desc) |
// See comment in header. |
{ |
DescType missing; |
return (desc->descriptorType == typeType) |
&& (AEGetDescDataSize(desc) == sizeof(missing)) |
&& (AEGetDescData(desc, &missing, sizeof(missing)) == noErr) |
&& (missing == cMissingValue); |
} |
extern pascal OSStatus MoreAECreateMissingValue(AEDesc *desc) |
// See comment in header. |
{ |
const static DescType missingValue = cMissingValue; |
return AECreateDesc(typeType, &missingValue, sizeof(missingValue), desc); |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-03-14