
/*  window.c                                                                            
    Michael Bishop - August 21 1996                                                 
    Nick Thompson
    (c)1994-96 Apple computer Inc., All Rights Reserved                             
#include    <Devices.h>
#include    "PickOne_window.h"
#include    "PickOne_document.h"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Window_New
** Kind of a dummy function at the moment.
WindowPtr Window_New(void)
    WindowPtr   tempWindow = GetNewCWindow( kWindowResID, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1L );
    return tempWindow ;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Window_Dispose
** Call this function when we are done with a window, deallocate any storage allocated for this,
** this gets called when we close a document.
void Window_Dispose(WindowPtr theWindow)
    if( theWindow != NULL )
        DisposeWindow ( theWindow ) ;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Window_Update
void Window_Update( WindowPtr theWindow )
    CGrafPtr            savedPort ;
    if( theWindow != NULL ) 
        DocumentHdl     myDocumentHandle = Window_GetDocument(theWindow);
        Rect            updateRect = (**(theWindow->visRgn)).rgnBBox;
        if( myDocumentHandle != NULL )
            GetPort((GrafPtr *) &savedPort );
            SetPort( theWindow ) ;
            BeginUpdate( theWindow );
            HLock( (Handle)myDocumentHandle  ) ;
            Document_Draw(*myDocumentHandle ) ;
            HUnlock( (Handle)myDocumentHandle  ) ;
            EndUpdate( theWindow );
            SetPort( (GrafPtr )savedPort ) ;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
**  Window_Activate
**  is called when an theEvent is received that reports that
**  a theWindow is being either activated or deactivated. 
void Window_Activate(WindowPtr theWindow, short activate)
    if (theWindow) {
        if (activate) {
            /*  do whatever else you'd like to do for a activate theEvent */
            /* LoadScrap() ;
        } else {
            /*  do whatever you'd like to do for a deactivate theEvent */
            /*UnloadScrap() ;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Window_GetDocument
** Gets the document associated with a window
DocumentHdl Window_GetDocument( WindowPtr theWindow)
    if (theWindow != NULL)
        return  (DocumentHdl) GetWRefCon ( theWindow );
    else return NULL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Window_SetDocument
** Gets the document associated with a window
int Window_SetDocument( WindowPtr theWindow,  DocumentHdl theDocument)
    if (theWindow != NULL)
        SetWRefCon (theWindow, (long)theDocument ) ;
        return  true;
    else return false;
void Window_DoContent (WindowPtr theWindow, EventRecord *theEvent)
#pragma unused  (theEvent)
    CGrafPtr    oldPort;
    DocumentHdl theDocument = Window_GetDocument(theWindow);
    GetPort((GrafPtr *)&oldPort);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
**  Window_GetNextWindow
**  Returns the next in the queue
WindowPtr Window_GetNextWindow(WindowPtr theWindow)
    if (theWindow != NULL)
        return (WindowPtr)((WindowPeek)theWindow)->nextWindow;
    else return NULL;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
**  Window_DestroyAll destroys all the windows in the app
void Window_DestroyAll(void)
    WindowPtr theWindow;
    theWindow = FrontWindow();                      /*  Start with the active window    */
    while (theWindow != NULL)
        Document_Dispose( Window_GetDocument(theWindow) ) ; /*  delete it   */
        theWindow = Window_GetNextWindow(theWindow);            /*  go down the list    */