
 **                                                                          **
 **     Module:     PictRead.c                                               **
 **                                                                          **
 **                                                                          **
 **     Purpose:                                                             **
 **                                                                          **
 **                                                                          **
 **                                                                          **
 **     Copyright (C) 1992-1995 Apple Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved.   **
 **                                                                          **
 **                                                                          **
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <StandardFile.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include <QDOffscreen.h>
#include "QD3D.h"
#include "QD3DStorage.h"
#include "PictRead.h"
 *  Routine:    OpenPICTFile()
 *  Comments:   open a PICT file and read it into a PICT handle
PicHandle OpenPICTFile(
    short   vRefNum, 
    Str255  fName)
    short       fRefNum;
    OSErr       err;
    long        curEOF;
    PicHandle   myPic;
    long        count;
    Ptr         buffer;
    /* open PICT file */
    err = FSOpen(fName, vRefNum, &fRefNum);
    if (err != 0) {
        /*printf("Error - cannot open file\n"); */
    /* get size of file */
    err = GetEOF(fRefNum, &curEOF);
    if (err != 0) {
        /*printf("Error - cannot get EOF\n"); */
    /* move the file mark to 512 */
    err = SetFPos(fRefNum, fsFromStart, 512L);
    if (err != 0) {
        /*printf("Error - cannot seek 512\n"); */
    /* size of data to read */
    count = curEOF - 512;
    /* create the PicHandle */
    myPic = (PicHandle)NewHandle(count);
    /* read the PICT info */
    buffer = (Ptr)(*myPic);
    err = FSRead(fRefNum, &count, buffer);
    if (err != 0) {
        /*printf("Error - cannot read\n");*/
    /* release the file */
    err = FSClose(fRefNum);
    if (err != 0) {
        /*printf("Error - cannot close file \n"); */
    return (myPic);
 *  Routine:    GetPICTFile()
 *  Comments:   Query user for PICT File
PicHandle GetPICTFile (
    SFReply         reply;
    static  Point   where = { 80, 80 };
    PicHandle       picHandle;
    SFTypeList      myTypes = { 'PICT' } ;
    SFGetFile(where, "\pChoose A PICT File", NULL, 1, myTypes, NULL, &reply);
    if (reply.good) {
        picHandle = OpenPICTFile(reply.vRefNum, reply.fName);
        return (picHandle);
    return (0);
 *  Routine:    LoadMapPICT()
 *  Comments:   take a PICT handle and loads it into a bitmap structure
short LoadMapPICT(
    PicHandle           pict,
    unsigned long       mapID,
    unsigned long       mapSizeX,
    unsigned long       mapSizeY,
    TQ3StoragePixmap    *bMap)
    unsigned long           *textureMap;
    unsigned long           *textureMapAddr;
    unsigned long           *pictMap;
    unsigned long           pictMapAddr;
    register unsigned long  row;
    register unsigned long  col;
    Rect                    rectGW;
    GWorldPtr               pGWorld;
    PixMapHandle            hPixMap;
    unsigned long           pictRowBytes;
    QDErr                   err;
    GDHandle                oldGD;
    GWorldPtr               oldGW;
    short                   success;
    (void)mapID;        /* unused argument */
    /* save current port */
    GetGWorld(&oldGW, &oldGD);
    /* create the GWorld */
    SetRect(&rectGW, 0, 0, (unsigned short)mapSizeX, (unsigned short)mapSizeY);
    err = NewGWorld(&pGWorld, 32, &rectGW, 0, 0, useTempMem);
    if (err != noErr)
        return 0;
    success = 1;
    hPixMap = GetGWorldPixMap(pGWorld);
    pictMapAddr = (unsigned long)GetPixBaseAddr (hPixMap);
    pictRowBytes = (unsigned long)(**hPixMap).rowBytes & 0x3fff;
    /* put the PICT into the window */
    SetGWorld(pGWorld, nil);
    DrawPicture(pict, &rectGW);
    /* allocate an area of memory for the texture */
    textureMap = (unsigned long *)malloc(mapSizeX * mapSizeY * sizeof(unsigned long));
    if (textureMap == NULL) {
        success = 0;
        goto bail;
    /* bMap->image = (char *)textureMap; */
    /* copy the PICT into the texture */
    textureMapAddr = textureMap;
    for (row = 0L; row < mapSizeY; row++) {
        pictMap = (unsigned long *)(pictMapAddr + (pictRowBytes * row));
        for (col = 0L; col < mapSizeX; col++) {
            *textureMap++ = (*pictMap++ | 0xff000000L);
    bMap->image = Q3MemoryStorage_NewBuffer((unsigned char *)textureMapAddr, 
                                  (mapSizeX * mapSizeY * sizeof(unsigned long)), 
                                  (mapSizeX * mapSizeY * sizeof(unsigned long)));
    if (bMap->image == NULL) {
        /* error */
        success = 0;
        goto bail;
    bMap->width     = mapSizeX;
    bMap->height    = mapSizeY;
    bMap->rowBytes  = bMap->width * 4;
    bMap->pixelSize = 32;
    bMap->pixelType = kQ3PixelTypeRGB32;
    bMap->bitOrder  = kQ3EndianBig;
    bMap->byteOrder = kQ3EndianBig;
    /* Free junk */
    SetGWorld(oldGW, oldGD);
    if (textureMapAddr != NULL)
    return success;