
//  theHardWay.m
//  Polygons
//  Created by John C. Randolph on Wed May 01 2002.
//  Copyright (c) 2002 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
    // note that few of the variables used for this calculation are ivars of StringArtView.  I don't *need* their values to persist, since the NSBezierPath keeps all the state I need to redraw the view.
  int index = numPoints;
  float theta = M_PI * 2;  //M_PI is defined in the standard C headers.  Math.h, I believe.
  float sliceAngle = theta / numPoints;
  float radius = MIN(NSWidth(_frame), NSHeight(_frame)) * scaleFactor;
  NSPoint centerPoint, *perimeterPoints;
  perimeterPoints = alloca (numPoints * sizeof(NSPoint));  
  centerPoint = NSMakePoint(NSMidX(_frame), NSMidY(_frame));
  [path removeAllPoints];  // start with an empty path.
  theta += thetaOrigin;  // get the initial rotation.
  while (index--)
    theta -= sliceAngle;
    perimeterPoints[index].x = centerPoint.x + radius * cos(theta);
    perimeterPoints[index].y = centerPoint.y + radius * sin(theta);
  index = numPoints;
  while (index--)
    int subIndex = index;
      while (subIndex--)
        [path moveToPoint:perimeterPoints[index]];
        [path lineToPoint:perimeterPoints[subIndex]];
  [self display];