
/*                          MacScsiCommand.h                            */
 * Scsi-specific definitions.
#ifndef __MacSCSICommand__
#define __MacSCSICommand__
#include <stddef.h>
 * Include the O.S. files in a specific order to make sure that we have
 * a definition for the _SCSIAtomic trap.
#include <Traps.h>
#ifndef _SCSIAtomic
#define _SCSIAtomic 0xA089
 * This uses the new "common" SCSI.h which is not yet in the public
 * header folders.
#include "SCSI.h"
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL        0
 * The 6-byte commands are used for most simple
 * I/O requests.
struct SCSI_6_Byte_Command {                /* Six-byte command         */
    unsigned char       opcode;             /*  0                       */
    unsigned char       lbn3;               /*  1 lbn in low 5          */
    unsigned char       lbn2;               /*  2                       */
    unsigned char       lbn1;               /*  3                       */
    unsigned char       len;                /*  4                       */
    unsigned char       ctrl;               /*  5                       */
typedef struct SCSI_6_Byte_Command SCSI_6_Byte_Command;
struct SCSI_10_Byte_Command {               /* Ten-byte command         */
    unsigned char       opcode;             /*  0                       */
    unsigned char       lun;                /*  1                       */
    unsigned char       lbn4;               /*  2                       */
    unsigned char       lbn3;               /*  3                       */
    unsigned char       lbn2;               /*  4                       */
    unsigned char       lbn1;               /*  5                       */
    unsigned char       pad;                /*  6                       */
    unsigned char       len2;               /*  7                       */
    unsigned char       len1;               /*  8                       */
    unsigned char       ctrl;               /*  9                       */
typedef struct SCSI_10_Byte_Command SCSI_10_Byte_Command;
struct SCSI_12_Byte_Command {               /* Twelve-byte command      */
    unsigned char       opcode;             /*  0                       */
    unsigned char       lun;                /*  1                       */
    unsigned char       lbn4;               /*  2                       */
    unsigned char       lbn3;               /*  3                       */
    unsigned char       lbn2;               /*  4                       */
    unsigned char       lbn1;               /*  5                       */
    unsigned char       len4;               /*  6                       */
    unsigned char       len3;               /*  7                       */
    unsigned char       len2;               /*  8                       */
    unsigned char       len1;               /*  9                       */
    unsigned char       pad;                /* 10                       */
    unsigned char       ctrl;               /* 11                       */
typedef struct SCSI_12_Byte_Command SCSI_12_Byte_Command;
 * This union defines all scsi commands.
union SCSI_Command {
    SCSI_6_Byte_Command     scsi6;
    SCSI_10_Byte_Command    scsi10;
    SCSI_12_Byte_Command    scsi12;
    unsigned char           scsi[12];
typedef union SCSI_Command SCSI_Command, *SCSI_CommandPtr;
 * Returned by a read-capacity command.
struct SCSI_Capacity_Data {
    unsigned char       lbn4;               /* Number                   */
    unsigned char       lbn3;               /*  of                      */
    unsigned char       lbn2;               /*   logical                */
    unsigned char       lbn1;               /*    blocks                */
    unsigned char       len4;               /* Length                   */
    unsigned char       len3;               /*  of each                 */
    unsigned char       len2;               /*   logical block          */
    unsigned char       len1;               /*    in bytes              */
typedef struct SCSI_Capacity_Data SCSI_Capacity_Data;
struct SCSI_Inquiry_Data {                  /* Inquiry returns this     */
    unsigned char       devType;            /*  0 Device type,          */
    unsigned char       devTypeMod;         /*  1 Device type modifier  */
    unsigned char       version;            /*  2 ISO/ECMA/ANSI version */
    unsigned char       format;             /*  3 Response data format  */
    unsigned char       length;             /*  4 Additional Length     */
    unsigned char       reserved5;          /*  5 Reserved              */
    unsigned char       reserved6;          /*  6 Reserved              */
    unsigned char       flags;              /*  7 Capability flags      */
    unsigned char       vendor[8];          /*  8-15 Vendor-specific    */
    unsigned char       product[16];        /* 16-31 Product id         */
    unsigned char       revision[4];        /* 32-35 Product revision   */
    unsigned char       vendorSpecific[20]; /* 36-55 Vendor stuff       */
    unsigned char       moreReserved[40];   /* 56-95 Reserved           */
typedef struct SCSI_Inquiry_Data SCSI_Inquiry_Data;
 * This bit may be set in devTypeMod
enum {
    kScsiInquiryRMB = 0x80                  /* Removable medium if set  */
 * These bits may be set in flags
enum {
    kScsiInquiryRelAdr  = 0x80,             /* Has relative addressing  */
    kScsiInquiryWBus32  = 0x40,             /* Wide (32-bit) transfers  */
    kScsiInquiryWBus16  = 0x20,             /* Wide (16-bit) transfers  */
    kScsiInquirySync    = 0x10,             /* Synchronous transfers    */
    kScsiInquiryLinked  = 0x08,             /* Linked commands ok       */
    kScsiInquiryReserved = 0x04,
    kScsiInquiryCmdQue  = 0x02,             /* Tagged cmd queuing ok    */
    kScsiInquirySftRe   = 0x01              /* Soft reset alternative   */
enum {
    kScsiDevTypeDirect                  = 0,
    kScsiDevTypeWorm,                       /* Write-once, read multiple        */
    kScsiDevTypeFirstReserved,              /* Start of reserved sequence       */
    kScsiDevTypeUnknownOrMissing        = 0x1F,
    kScsiDevTypeMask                    = 0x1F
 * These are device type modifiers. We need them to distinguish between "unknown"
 * and "missing" devices.
enum {
    kScsiDevTypeQualifierConnected      = 0x00, /* Exists and is connected      */
    kScsiDevTypeQualifierNotConnected   = 0x20, /* Logical unit exists          */
    kScsiDevTypeQualifierReserved       = 0x40,
    kScsiDevTypeQualifierMissing        = 0x60, /* No such logical unit         */
    kScsiDevTypeQualifierVendorSpecific = 0x80, /* Other bits are unspecified   */
    kScsiDevTypeQualifierMask           = 0xE0
#define kScsiDevTypeMissing \
    (kScsiDevTypeUnknownOrMissing | kScsiDevTypeQualifierMissing)
 * This is the data that is returned after a GetExtendedStatus
 * request. The errorCode gives a general indication of the error,
 * which may be qualified by the additionalSenseCode and
 * additionalSenseQualifier fields. These may be device (vendor)
 * specific values, however. The info[] field contains additional
 * information. For a media error, it contains the failing
 * logical block number (most-significant byte first).
struct SCSI_Sense_Data {                /* Request Sense result         */
    unsigned char       errorCode;      /*  0   Class code, valid lbn   */
    unsigned char       segmentNumber;  /*  1   Segment number          */
    unsigned char       senseKey;       /*  2   Sense key and flags     */
    unsigned char       info[4];
    unsigned char       additionalSenseLength;
    unsigned char       reservedForCopy[4];
    unsigned char       additionalSenseCode;
    unsigned char       additionalSenseQualifier;   
    unsigned char       fruCode;        /* Field replacable unit code   */
    unsigned char       senseKeySpecific[2];
    unsigned char       additional[101];
typedef struct SCSI_Sense_Data SCSI_Sense_Data;
 * The high-bit of errorCode signals whether there is a logical
 * block. The low value signals whether there is a valid sense
#define kScsiSenseHasLBN            0x80    /* Logical block number set */
#define kScsiSenseInfoValid         0x70    /* Is sense key valid?      */
#define kScsiSenseInfoMask          0x70    /* Mask for sense info      */
 * These bits may be set in the sense key
#define kScsiSenseKeyMask           0x0F
#define kScsiSenseILI               0x20    /* Illegal logical Length   */
#define kScsiSenseEOM               0x40    /* End of media             */
#define kScsiSenseFileMark          0x80    /* End of file mark         */
 * SCSI sense codes. (Returned after request sense).
#define  kScsiSenseNone             0x00    /* No error                 */
#define  kScsiSenseRecoveredErr     0x01    /* Warning                  */
#define  kScsiSenseNotReady         0x02    /* Device not ready         */
#define  kScsiSenseMediumErr        0x03    /* Device medium error      */
#define  kScsiSenseHardwareErr      0x04    /* Device hardware error    */
#define  kScsiSenseIllegalReq       0x05    /* Illegal request for dev. */
#define  kScsiSenseUnitAtn          0x06    /* Unit attention (not err) */
#define  kScsiSenseDataProtect      0x07    /* Data protection          */
#define  kScsiSenseBlankCheck       0x08    /* Tape-specific error      */
#define  kScsiSenseVendorSpecific   0x09    /* Vendor-specific error    */
#define  kScsiSenseCopyAborted      0x0a    /* Copy request cancelled   */
#define  kScsiSenseAbortedCmd       0x0b    /* Initiator aborted cmd.   */
#define  kScsiSenseEqual            0x0c    /* Comparison equal         */
#define  kScsiSenseVolumeOverflow   0x0d    /* Write past end mark      */
#define  kScsiSenseMiscompare       0x0e    /* Comparison failed        */
#define  kScsiSenseCurrentErr       0x70
#define  kScsiSenseDeferredErr      0x71
 * Mode sense parameter header
struct SCSI_ModeParamHeader {
    unsigned char       modeDataLength;
    unsigned char       mediumType;
    unsigned char       deviceSpecific;
    unsigned char       blockDescriptorLength;
typedef struct SCSI_ModeParamHeader SCSI_ModeParamHeader;
struct SCSI_ModeParamBlockDescriptor {
    unsigned char       densityCode;
    unsigned char       numberOfBlocks[3];
    unsigned char       reserved;
    unsigned char       blockLength[3];
typedef struct SCSI_ModeParamBlockDescriptor SCSI_ModeParamBlockDescriptor;
union SCSI_ModeParamPage {
    unsigned char       data[1];
    struct {
        unsigned char   code;
        unsigned char   length;
    } page;
typedef union SCSI_ModeParamPage SCSI_ModeParamPage;
 * LogSense parameter header
struct SCSI_LogSenseParamHeader {
    unsigned char       pageCode;
    unsigned char       reserved;
    unsigned char       pageLength[2];
typedef struct SCSI_LogSenseParamHeader SCSI_LogSenseParamHeader;
 * Log parameter pages are variable-length with a fixed length header.
union SCSI_LogSenseParamPage {
    unsigned char       data[1];
    struct {
        unsigned char   parameterCode[2];
        unsigned char   flags;
        unsigned char   parameterLength;
    } page;
typedef union SCSI_LogSenseParamPage SCSI_LogSenseParamPage;
 * SCSI command status (from status phase)
#define  kScsiStatusGood            0x00    /* Normal completion        */
#define  kScsiStatusCheckCondition  0x02    /* Need GetExtendedStatus   */
#define  kScsiStatusConditionMet    0x04
#define  kScsiStatusBusy            0x08    /* Device busy (self-test?) */
#define  kScsiStatusIntermediate    0x10    /* Intermediate status      */
#define  kScsiStatusResConflict     0x18    /* Reservation conflict     */
#define  kScsiStatusQueueFull       0x28    /* Target can't do command  */
#define  kScsiStatusReservedMask    0x3e    /* Vendor specific?         */
 * SCSI command codes. Commands defined as ...6, ...10, ...12, are
 * six-byte, ten-byte, and twelve-byte variants of the indicated command.
 * These commands are supported for all devices.
#define kScsiCmdChangeDefinition    0x40
#define kScsiCmdCompare             0x39
#define kScsiCmdCopy                0x18
#define kScsiCmdCopyAndVerify       0x3a
#define kScsiCmdInquiry             0x12
#define kScsiCmdLogSelect           0x4c
#define kScsiCmdLogSense            0x4d
#define kScsiCmdModeSelect12        0x55
#define kScsiCmdModeSelect6         0x15
#define kScsiCmdModeSense12         0x5a
#define kScsiCmdModeSense6          0x1a
#define kScsiCmdReadBuffer          0x3c
#define kScsiCmdRecvDiagResult      0x1c
#define kScsiCmdRequestSense        0x03
#define kScsiCmdSendDiagnostic      0x1d
#define kScsiCmdTestUnitReady       0x00
#define kScsiCmdWriteBuffer         0x3b
 * These commands are supported by direct-access devices only.
#define kScsiCmdFormatUnit          0x04
#define kSCSICmdCopy                0x18
#define kSCSICmdCopyAndVerify       0x3a
#define kScsiCmdLockUnlockCache     0x36
#define kScsiCmdPrefetch            0x34
#define kScsiCmdPreventAllowRemoval 0x1e
#define kScsiCmdRead6               0x08
#define kScsiCmdRead10              0x28
#define kScsiCmdReadCapacity        0x25
#define kScsiCmdReadDefectData      0x37
#define kScsiCmdReadLong            0x3e
#define kScsiCmdReassignBlocks      0x07
#define kScsiCmdRelease             0x17
#define kScsiCmdReserve             0x16
#define kScsiCmdRezeroUnit          0x01
#define kScsiCmdSearchDataEql       0x31
#define kScsiCmdSearchDataHigh      0x30
#define kScsiCmdSearchDataLow       0x32
#define kScsiCmdSeek6               0x0b
#define kScsiCmdSeek10              0x2b
#define kScsiCmdSetLimits           0x33
#define kScsiCmdStartStopUnit       0x1b
#define kScsiCmdSynchronizeCache    0x35
#define kScsiCmdVerify              0x2f
#define kScsiCmdWrite6              0x0a
#define kScsiCmdWrite10             0x2a
#define kScsiCmdWriteAndVerify      0x2e
#define kScsiCmdWriteLong           0x3f
#define kScsiCmdWriteSame           0x41
 * These commands are supported by sequential devices.
#define kScsiCmdRewind              0x01
#define kScsiCmdWriteFilemarks      0x10
#define kScsiCmdSpace               0x11
#define kScsiCmdLoadUnload          0x1B
 * ANSI SCSI-II for CD-ROM devices.
#define kScsiCmdReadCDTableOfContents   0x43
 * Message codes (for Msg In and Msg Out phases). The Macintosh
 * SCSI Manager can't really deal with these.
#define kScsiMsgAbort               0x06
#define kScsiMsgAbortTag            0x0d
#define kScsiMsgBusDeviceReset      0x0c
#define kScsiMsgClearQueue          0x0e
#define kScsiMsgCmdComplete         0x00
#define kScsiMsgDisconnect          0x04
#define kScsiMsgIdentify            0x80
#define kScsiMsgIgnoreWideResdue    0x23
#define kScsiMsgInitiateRecovery    0x0f
#define kScsiMsgInitiatorDetectedErr 0x05
#define kScsiMsgLinkedCmdComplete   0x0a
#define kScsiMsgLinkedCmdCompleteFlag 0x0b
#define kScsiMsgParityErr           0x09
#define kScsiMsgRejectMsg           0x07
#define kScsiMsgModifyDataPtr       0x00 /* Extended msg        */
#define kScsiMsgNop                 0x08
#define kScsiMsgHeadOfQueueTag      0x21 /* Two byte msg        */
#define kScsiMsgOrderedQueueTag     0x22 /* Two byte msg        */
#define kScsiMsgSimpleQueueTag      0x20 /* Two byte msg        */
#define kScsiMsgReleaseRecovery     0x10
#define kScsiMsgRestorePointers     0x03
#define kScsiMsgSaveDataPointers    0x02
#define kScsiMsgSyncXferReq         0x01 /* Extended msg        */
#define kScsiMsgWideDataXferReq     0x03 /* Extended msg        */
#define kScsiMsgTerminateIOP        0x11
#define kScsiMsgExtended            0x01
#define kScsiMsgTwoByte             0x20
#define kScsiMsgTwoByteMin          0x20
#define kScsiMsgTwoByteMax          0x2f
 * Default timeout times for SCSI commands.
#define kScsiNormalCompletionTime   (30L)           /* 1/2 second               */
 * Dratted DAT tape.
#define kScsiDATCompletionTime      (60L * 60L);    /* One minute               */
 * Yes, we do allow 90 seconds for spin-up of those dratted tape drives.
#define kScsiSpinUpCompletionTime   (60L * 90L)
 * The NCR Bits, as returned by ScsiStat are only useful for maintenence
 * and testing. Only the following bits are valid in the current
 * implementation of the SCSI Manager. There is no guarantee that the
 * bits are accessable, or useful, in future SCSI implementations.
 * Note, however, that the Asynchronous SCSI Manager sets these bits to
 * correspond to its current internal state.
 * Using these bits, the following implications can be drawn:
 *  kScsiStatBSY        Bus is busy. (On systems with multiple busses,
 *                      there is no indication which bus is busy.)
 *  kScsiStatREQ        Bus is busy. There is no way to determine whether
 *                      the target has changed phase or has set REQ.
 *  Bus Phase           If kScsiStatREQ and kSCSIStatBSY are set, the
 *                      phase bits will indicate the current bus phase
 *                      from the point of view of the initiator. It may
 *                      not necessarily correspond exactly to the hardware
 *                      bus phase.
#define kScsiStatBSY            (1 << 6)    /* Bus Busy                 */
#define kScsiStatREQ            (1 << 5)    /* Set if Bus Busy          */
#define kScsiStatMSG            (1 << 4)    /* MSG phase bit            */
#define kScsiStatCD             (1 << 3)    /* C/D phase bit            */
#define kScsiStatIO             (1 << 2)    /* I/O phase bit            */
#define kScsiStatSEL            (1 << 1)    /* Select phase bit         */
#define kScsiPhaseMask  (kScsiStatMSG | kScsiStatCD | kScsiStatIO)
#define kScsiPhaseShift (2)
#define ScsiBusPhase(x) (((x) & kScsiPhaseMask) >> kScsiPhaseShift)
 * The phases are defined by a combination of bus lines. Note: these values
 * have already been shifted. Other values are undefined. This is really
 * only useful for the original SCSI manager.
#define kScsiPhaseDATO      0   /* Data output (host -> device)         */
#define kScsiPhaseDATI      1   /* Data input  (device -> host)         */
#define kScsiPhaseCMD       2   /* Command                              */
#define kScsiPhaseSTS       3   /* Status                               */
#define kScsiPhaseMSGO      6   /* Message output                       */
#define kScsiPhaseMSGI      7   /* Message input                        */
#endif /* __MacSCSICommand__ */