
/*                              OriginalSCSI.c                                  */
 * OriginalSCSI.c
 * Copyright © 1992-93 Apple Computer Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Talk to the Macintosh SCSI Handler using the "old" interface as defined in
 * Inside Mac IV. This is a synchronous call that executes a single SCSI Command
 * on a device. It does not support multiple busses or logical units.
 * Calling Sequence:
 *      OSErr               OriginalSCSI(
 *              short                   targetID,
 *              const SCSI_CommandPtr   scsiCommand,
 *              unsigned short          cmdBlockLength,
 *              Boolean                 writeToDevice,
 *              Ptr                     bufferPtr,
 *              unsigned long           transferSize,
 *              unsigned long           transferQuantum,
 *              unsigned long           completionTimeout,
 *              unsigned short          *stsBytePtr,
 *              unsigned long           *actualTransferCount
 *          );
 * The parameters have the following meaning:
 *  targetID            The SCSI Bus ID of the target (0 .. 6). Note that this
 *                      function can only access LUN zero.
 *  scsiCommand         The SCSI Command Block (6, 10, or 12 bytes). The command
 *                      block length will be determined by examining the command
 *                      parameter. This is standardized for all but
 *                      "vendor-specific" commands.
 *  writeToDevice       TRUE if this command writes to the device. FALSE if this
 *                      command reads from the device or does not require a data
 *                      phase.
 *  bufferPtr           The user data buffer for Read/Write commands. It should be
 *                      NULL if a data transfer phase is not used for this command.
 *                      (e.g. for Test Unit Ready).
 *  transferSize        The total number of bytes to transfer to or from the device.
 *  transferQuantum     This is needed to configure the transfer information block
 *                      (TIB). The following values are appropriate:
 *                      -- Set to zero for a one-shot blind transfer.
 *                          ActualTransferCount is not correctly returned.
 *                      -- Set to one if a polled transfer is needed. This is
 *                          useful for Request Sense or other management requests,
 *                          especially requests with a variable-length record. On
 *                          return, the actual number of bytes that were transferred
 *                          will be in the actualTransferCount variable.
 *                      -- Set to the transferSize value for a normal, "Blind"
 *                          transfer. This is the normal case for data requests.
 *                          ActualTransferCount will equal transferSize on success,
 *                          but does not correctly return the actual count on phase
 *                          errors. This, however, can be recovered from the Request
 *                          Sense record.
 *                      -- Set to a sub-multiple (such as a block length) for
 *                          requests that need re-synchronization between sectors.
 *                      -- Other values will likely result in errors.
 *  completionTimeout   The timeout (in Ticks) for the command. This should be short
 *                      for disks, but must be long for tape devices and some setup
 *                      requests, such as Mode Select.
 *  stsBytePtr          This short is set to the byte returned in the device's
 *                      Status Phase.
 *  actualTransferCount This will be set to the number of "cycles" through the TIB
 *                      loop times the transferCount. This should equal the number
 *                      of bytes transferred if transferCount is set to one.
 *                      (Ignored if NULL.)
 * Return codes:
 *  noErr           normal
 *  scCommErr       no such device (selection error)
 *  scPhaseErr      user data buffer was the wrong size for the transfer.
 *                  Look at the status byte to see if this is a problem: 
 *                  you may merely have given a large buffer size to
 *                  a variable-length request, such as Device Inquiry.
 *  sc...           other SCSI error.
 *  statusErr       Device returned "Check condition." The caller should
 *                  issue a Request Sense SCSI Command to this device.
 *  controlErr      Device returned "Busy"
 *  ioErr           Other (serious) device status. The caller should
 *                  examine the Status and Message bytes to determine
 *                  the problem.
 *  paramErr        Could not determine the command length.
#include <scsi.h>
#include <Errors.h>
#include <GestaltEqu.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include <Events.h>
#include "MacSCSICommand.h"
#ifndef TRUE
#define FALSE       0
#define TRUE        1
 * Execute a SCSI command using the original (Inside Mac IV) SCSI Manager.
 * Return codes:
 *  noErr           normal
 *  paramErr        could not determine command length from command
 *  scCommErr       could not select this device or bus busy
 *  sc...           other scsi error
 *  statusErr       Device returned "Check condition"
 *  controlErr      Device returned "Busy" (Note: device error)
 *  ioErr           Other (serious) device status -- bug.
OSErr                       OriginalSCSI(
        short                   targetID,           /* Device ID on this bus    */
        const SCSI_CommandPtr   scsiCommand,        /* The actual scsi command  */
        unsigned short          cmdBlockLength,     /* -> Length of CDB         */
        Boolean                 writeToDevice,      /* TRUE to write            */
        Ptr                     bufferPtr,          /* -> user data buffer      */
        unsigned long           transferSize,       /* How much to transfer     */
        unsigned long           transferQuantum,    /* TIB setup parameter      */
        unsigned long           completionTimeout,  /* Ticks to wait            */
        unsigned short          *stsBytePtr,        /* <- status phase byte     */
        unsigned long           *actualTransferCount
 * SCSI command status (from status phase)
#define  kScsiStatusGood            0x00            /* Normal completion        */
#define  kScsiStatusCheckCondition  0x02            /* Need GetExtendedStatus   */
#define  kScsiStatusConditionMet    0x04            /* For Compare Command?     */
#define  kScsiStatusBusy            0x08            /* Device busy (self-test?) */
#define  kScsiStatusIntermediate    0x10            /* Intermediate status      */
#define  kScsiStatusResConflict     0x18            /* Reservation conflict     */
#define  kScsiStatusQueueFull       0x28            /* Target can't do command  */
#define  kScsiStatusReservedMask    0x3e            /* Vendor specific?         */
 * This is the maximum number of times we try to grab the SCSI Bus
#define kMaxSCSIRetries             40              /* 10 seconds, 4 times/sec  */
 * This test is TRUE if the SCSI bus status indicates "busy" (which is the case
 * if either the BSY or SEL bit is set).
#ifndef kScsiStatBSY
#define kScsiStatBSY                (1 << 6)
#ifndef kScsiStatSEL
#define kScsiStatSEL                (1 << 1)
#define ScsiBusBusy()       ((SCSIStat() & (kScsiStatBSY | kScsiStatSEL)) != 0)
static void     NextFunction(void);     /* Dummy function for OriginalSCSI size */
static Boolean  IsVirtualMemoryRunning(void);
 * These are bitmasks for the vmHoldMask variable. A bit is set if its associated
 * memory element has been held in protected (non-paged) memory.
#define kHoldFunction           0x0001              /* AsyncSCSI function code  */
#define kHoldStack              0x0002              /* Local variables          */
#define kHoldUserBuffer         0x0004              /* User data buffer, if any */
#define kHoldCommandBlock       0x0008              /* SCSI Command Data Block  */
 * Execute a SCSI command.
 * Returns the final status as noted above.
        short                   targetID,           /* SCSI device on this bus  */
        const SCSI_CommandPtr   scsiCommand,        /* The actual scsi command  */
        unsigned short          cmdBlockLength,     /* -> Length of CDB         */
        Boolean                 writeToDevice,      /* TRUE to write            */
        Ptr                     bufferPtr,          /* -> user data buffer      */
        unsigned long           transferSize,       /* How much to transfer     */
        unsigned long           transferQuantum,    /* TIB setup parameter      */
        unsigned long           completionTimeout,  /* Ticks to wait            */
        unsigned short          *stsBytePtr,        /* <- status phase byte     */
        unsigned long           *actualTransferCount
        OSErr                   status;             /* Final status             */
        OSErr                   completionStatus;   /* Status from ScsiComplete */
        short                   totalTries;         /* Get/Select retries       */
        short                   getTries;           /* Get retries              */
        short                   iCount;             /* Bus free counter         */
        unsigned long           watchdog;           /* Timeout after this       */
        unsigned long           myTransferCount;    /* Gets TIB loop counter    */
         * The TIB has the following format:
         *  [0] scInc   user buffer         transferQuantum or transferSize
         *  [1] scAdd   &theTransferCount   1
         *  [2] scLoop  -> tib[0]           transferSize / transferQuantum
         *  [3] scStop
         * The intent of this is to return, in actualTransferCount, the number
         * of times we cycled through the tib[] loop. This will be the actual
         * transfer count if transferQuantum equals one, or the number of
         * "blocks" if transferQuantum is the length of one sector.
        SCSIInstr               tib[4];             /* Current TIB              */
        short                   messageByte;        /* For Command Complete 
         * The following parameters are used to manage virtual memory. The code
         * is taken from the DTS SCSI Sample Driver.
        unsigned short          vmHoldMask;
        unsigned long           vmFunctionSize;
        char                    *vmProtectedStackBase;  /* Last local variable  */
 * These values are used to compute the size of the stack that we must hold in
 * protected (non-virtual) memory. kSCSIManagerStackEstimate is an estimate.
#define kSCSILocalVariableSize  ( \
        (unsigned long) (((Ptr) &status) - ((Ptr) &vmProtectedStackBase))   \
#define kSCSIManagerStackEstimate 512
#define kSCSIProtectedStackSize (kSCSIManagerStackEstimate + kSCSILocalVariableSize)
        status = noErr;
        vmHoldMask = 0;
         * If there is a data transfer, setup the tib.
        myTransferCount = 0;
        if (transferQuantum == 0)
            transferQuantum = transferSize;
        if (bufferPtr != NULL) {
            tib[0].scOpcode = scInc;
            tib[0].scParam1 = (unsigned long) bufferPtr;
            tib[0].scParam2 = transferQuantum;
            tib[1].scOpcode = scAdd;
            tib[1].scParam1 = (unsigned long) &myTransferCount;
            tib[1].scParam2 = transferQuantum;
            tib[2].scOpcode = scLoop;
            tib[2].scParam1 = (-2 * sizeof (SCSIInstr));
            tib[2].scParam2 = transferSize / tib[0].scParam2;
            tib[3].scOpcode = scStop;
            tib[3].scParam1 = 0;
            tib[3].scParam2 = 0;
        if (IsVirtualMemoryRunning()) {
             * Virtual memory is active. Lock all of the memory segments that we
             * need in "real" memory (i.e. non-paged pool) for the duration of the
             * call. Since  we need to back out of VM holds if there are errors,
             * we'll use bits in vmHoldMask to record the status of our attempts.
             * Note: in a real application or driver, the user buffers should be
             * held outside of the SCSI Manager code:
             *      HoldMemory(data buffer);
             *      HoldMemory(autosense buffer);
             *      status = CallSCSIManager(...);
             *      UnholdMemory(...);
             * First, hold the MacSCSI function. It starts at AsyncSCSI and
             * extends to the start of the next function. This is marked by a
             * dummy function. The left-margin comments indicate the value
             * of vmHoldCount if the indicated HoldMemory succeeded. This is not
             * needed for drivers.
            vmFunctionSize =
                (unsigned long) NextFunction - (unsigned long) OriginalSCSI;
            status = HoldMemory(OriginalSCSI, vmFunctionSize);
            if (status == noErr)
                vmHoldMask |= kHoldFunction;
            if (status == noErr) {
                 * Hold a chunk of stack space to call the SCSI Manager and to
                 * protect our local variables. This is always needed, as drivers
                 * can be called from application contexts.
                vmProtectedStackBase =
                    (char *) &vmProtectedStackBase - kSCSIManagerStackEstimate;
                status = HoldMemory(vmProtectedStackBase, kSCSIProtectedStackSize);
                if (status == noErr)
                    vmHoldMask |= kHoldStack;
            if (status == noErr) {
                 * Lock down the command block. In this sample, we allocated
                 * the command block in the application heap. A driver would
                 * typically allocate it in the System Heap and, hence, would
                 * not require this call.
                status = HoldMemory((Ptr) scsiCommand, cmdBlockLength);
                if (status == noErr)
                    vmHoldMask |= kHoldCommandBlock;
            if (status == noErr && bufferPtr != NULL) {
                 * Lock down the user buffer, if any. In a real-world application
                 * or driver, this would be done before calling the SCSI interface.
                status = HoldMemory(bufferPtr, transferSize);
                if (status != noErr)
                    vmHoldMask |= kHoldStack;
            if (status != noErr)
                goto exit;
         * Arbitrate for the scsi bus.  This will fail if some other device is
         * accessing the bus at this time (which is unlikely).
         *** Do not set breakpoints or call any functions that may require device
         *** I/O (such as display code that accesses font resources between
         *** SCSIGet and SCSIComplete,
        for (totalTries = 0; totalTries < kMaxSCSIRetries; totalTries++) {
            for (getTries = 0; getTries < 4; getTries++) {
                 * Wait for the bus to go free.
                watchdog = TickCount() + 300;       /* 5 second timeout         */
                while (ScsiBusBusy()) {
                    if (TickCount() > watchdog) {
                        status = scArbNBErr;
                        goto exit;
                 * The bus is free, try to grab it
                for (iCount = 0; iCount < 4; iCount++) {
                    if ((status = SCSIGet()) == noErr)
                if (status == noErr)
                    break;                          /* Success: we have the bus */
                 * The bus became busy again. Try to wait for it to go free.
                for (iCount = 0; iCount < 100 && ScsiBusBusy(); iCount++)
            } /* The getTries loop */
            if (status != noErr) {
                 * The SCSI Manager thinks the bus is not busy and not selected,
                 * but "someone" has set its internal semaphore that signals
                 * that the SCSI Manager itself is busy. The application will have
                 * to handle this problem. (We tried getTries * 4 times).
                goto exit;
             * We now own the SCSI bus. Try to select the device.
            if ((status = SCSISelect(targetID)) != noErr)
                goto exit;
             * From this point on, we must exit through SCSIComplete() even if an
             * error is detected. Send a command to the selected device. There are
             * several failure modes, including an illegal command (such as a
             * write to a read-only device). If the command failed because of
             * "device busy", we will try it again.
            status = SCSICmd((Ptr) scsiCommand, cmdBlockLength);
            if (status == noErr && bufferPtr != NULL) {
                 * This command requires a data transfer.
                if (writeToDevice) {
                    if (transferQuantum == 1)
                        status = SCSIWrite((Ptr) tib);
                    else {
                        status = SCSIWBlind((Ptr) tib);
                else {
                    if (transferQuantum == 1)
                        status = SCSIRead((Ptr) tib);
                    else {
                        status = SCSIRBlind((Ptr) tib);
             * SCSIComplete "runs" the bus-phase algorithm until the bitter end,
             * returning the status and command-completion message bytes..
            completionStatus = SCSIComplete(
                        (short *) stsBytePtr,
             * If we have an error here, return as the "final" status.
            if (completionStatus != noErr)
                status = completionStatus;
            else {
                 * ScsiComplete is happy. If the device is busy, Pause for 1/4
                 * second and try again.
                if (*stsBytePtr == kScsiStatusBusy) {
                    watchdog = TickCount() + 15;
                    while (TickCount() < watchdog)
                    continue;               /* Do next totalTries attempt       */
             * This is the normal exit (success) or final failure exit.
        } /* totalTries loop */
         * If we held memory, unhold it now.  We ignore UnholdMemory errors:
         * there isn't much we can do about them. Note that this must be
         * done by driver or asynchronous completion routines.
        if ((vmHoldMask & kHoldUserBuffer) != 0)
            (void) UnholdMemory(bufferPtr, transferSize);
        if ((vmHoldMask & kHoldCommandBlock) != 0)
            (void) UnholdMemory((Ptr) scsiCommand, cmdBlockLength);
        if ((vmHoldMask & kHoldStack) != 0)
            (void) UnholdMemory(vmProtectedStackBase, kSCSIProtectedStackSize);
        if ((vmHoldMask & kHoldFunction) != 0)
            (void) UnholdMemory(OriginalSCSI, vmFunctionSize);
         * Return the number of bytes transferred to the caller. If the caller
         * supplied an actual count and the count is no greater than the maximum,
         * ignore any phase errors.
        if (actualTransferCount != NULL) {
            *actualTransferCount = myTransferCount;
            if (status == scPhaseErr
             && writeToDevice == FALSE
             && myTransferCount <= transferSize
             && myTransferCount > 0)
                status = noErr;
         * Return an artificial error if the device returns a non-zero status:
         *  statusErr       Caller should issue RequestSense.
         *  controlErr      Device is busy (self-test?) try again later.
         *  ioErr           Something is dreadfully wrong.
         *  scPhaseErr      This may not be a "real" error -- it may mean that the
         *                  user data buffer was too large for the transfer. (See
         *                  the check above.)
         * Also, there is a bug in the combination of System 7.0.1 and the 53C96
         * that may cause the real SCSI Status Byte to be in the Message byte.
        if (*stsBytePtr == kScsiStatusGood
         && messageByte == kScsiStatusCheckCondition)
            *stsBytePtr = kScsiStatusCheckCondition;
        if (status == noErr) {
            switch (*stsBytePtr) {
            case kScsiStatusGood:                                   break;
            case kScsiStatusCheckCondition: status = statusErr;     break;
            case kScsiStatusBusy:           status = controlErr;    break;
            default:                        status = ioErr;         break;
        return (status);
static void NextFunction(void) { }  /* Dummy function for OriginalSCSI size */
static Boolean
        OSErr                       status;
        long                        response;
        status = Gestalt(gestaltVMAttr, &response);
         * VM is active iff Gestalt succeeded and the response is appropriate.
        return (status == noErr && ((response & (1 << gestaltVMPresent)) != 0));