
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This file contains the ClientTunnelConnection class. The ClientTunnelConnection class handles the encapsulation and decapsulation of IP packets in the client side of the SimpleTunnel tunneling protocol.
import Foundation
import SimpleTunnelServices
import NetworkExtension
// MARK: Protocols
/// The delegate protocol for ClientTunnelConnection.
protocol ClientTunnelConnectionDelegate {
    /// Handle the connection being opened.
    func tunnelConnectionDidOpen(_ connection: ClientTunnelConnection, configuration: [NSObject: AnyObject])
    /// Handle the connection being closed.
    func tunnelConnectionDidClose(_ connection: ClientTunnelConnection, error: NSError?)
/// An object used to tunnel IP packets using the SimpleTunnel protocol.
class ClientTunnelConnection: Connection {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// The connection delegate.
    let delegate: ClientTunnelConnectionDelegate
    /// The flow of IP packets.
    let packetFlow: NEPacketTunnelFlow
    // MARK: Initializers
    init(tunnel: ClientTunnel, clientPacketFlow: NEPacketTunnelFlow, connectionDelegate: ClientTunnelConnectionDelegate) {
        delegate = connectionDelegate
        packetFlow = clientPacketFlow
        let newConnectionIdentifier = arc4random()
        super.init(connectionIdentifier: Int(newConnectionIdentifier), parentTunnel: tunnel)
    // MARK: Interface
    /// Open the connection by sending a "connection open" message to the tunnel server.
    func open() {
        guard let clientTunnel = tunnel as? ClientTunnel else { return }
        let properties = createMessagePropertiesForConnection(identifier, commandType: .open, extraProperties:[
                TunnelMessageKey.TunnelType.rawValue: TunnelLayer.ip.rawValue as AnyObject
        clientTunnel.sendMessage(properties) { error in
            if let error = error {
                self.delegate.tunnelConnectionDidClose(self, error: error)
    /// Handle packets coming from the packet flow.
    func handlePackets(_ packets: [Data], protocols: [NSNumber]) {
        guard let clientTunnel = tunnel as? ClientTunnel else { return }
        let properties = createMessagePropertiesForConnection(identifier, commandType: .packets, extraProperties:[
                TunnelMessageKey.Packets.rawValue: packets as AnyObject,
                TunnelMessageKey.Protocols.rawValue: protocols as AnyObject
        clientTunnel.sendMessage(properties) { error in
            if let sendError = error {
                self.delegate.tunnelConnectionDidClose(self, error: sendError)
            // Read more packets.
            self.packetFlow.readPackets { inPackets, inProtocols in
                self.handlePackets(inPackets, protocols: inProtocols)
    /// Make the initial readPacketsWithCompletionHandler call.
    func startHandlingPackets() {
        packetFlow.readPackets { inPackets, inProtocols in
            self.handlePackets(inPackets, protocols: inProtocols)
    // MARK: Connection
    /// Handle the event of the connection being established.
    override func handleOpenCompleted(_ resultCode: TunnelConnectionOpenResult, properties: [NSObject: AnyObject]) {
        guard resultCode == .success else {
            delegate.tunnelConnectionDidClose(self, error: SimpleTunnelError.badConnection as NSError)
        // Pass the tunnel network settings to the delegate.
        if let configuration = properties[TunnelMessageKey.Configuration.rawValue as NSString] as? [NSObject: AnyObject] {
            delegate.tunnelConnectionDidOpen(self, configuration: configuration)
        else {
            delegate.tunnelConnectionDidOpen(self, configuration: [:])
    /// Send packets to the virtual interface to be injected into the IP stack.
    override func sendPackets(_ packets: [Data], protocols: [NSNumber]) {
        packetFlow.writePackets(packets, withProtocols: protocols)