/* |
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
This file contains the ProxySettingsController class, which controls a view used to edit proxy settings. |
*/ |
import UIKit |
import NetworkExtension |
/// A view controller object for a view that contains input fields used to define a HTTP proxy settings. |
class ProxySettingsController: ConfigurationParametersViewController { |
// MARK: Properties |
/// A table view cell containing a switch that toggles Proxy Auto Configuration |
@IBOutlet weak var pacSwitchCell: SwitchCell! |
/// A table view cell containing a text input field where the user can enter the URL for a Proxy Auto Configuration script. |
@IBOutlet weak var pacURLCell: TextFieldCell! |
/// A table view cell that when tapped on allows the user to enter a Proxy Auto Configuration script. |
@IBOutlet weak var pacScriptCell: UITableViewCell! |
/// A table view cell that when tapped on allows the user to modify the static HTTP proxy settings. |
@IBOutlet weak var HTTPCell: UITableViewCell! |
/// A table view cell containing a switch that toggles the use of a static HTTP proxy. |
@IBOutlet weak var HTTPSwitchCell: SwitchCell! |
/// A table view cell that when tapped on allows the user to modify the static HTTPS proxy settings. |
@IBOutlet weak var HTTPSCell: UITableViewCell! |
/// A table view cell containing a switch that toggles the use of a static HTTPS proxy. |
@IBOutlet weak var HTTPSSwitchCell: SwitchCell! |
/// A table view cell containing a switch that toggles the exclusion of HTTP requests for "simple" (single-label) hosts from using the HTTP proxy settings. |
@IBOutlet weak var excludeSimpleCell: SwitchCell! |
/// A table view cell that when tapped on allows the user to define patterns for host names that will not use the HTTP proxy settings. |
@IBOutlet weak var exceptionsCell: UITableViewCell! |
/// A table view cell that when tapped on allows the user to define the domains of hosts that will use the HTTP proxy settings. |
@IBOutlet weak var matchDomainsCell: UITableViewCell! |
/// The VPN configuration containing the proxy settings. |
var targetConfiguration = NEVPNProtocol() |
// MARK: UIViewController |
/// Handle the event where the view is loaded into memory. |
override func viewDidLoad() { |
super.viewDidLoad() |
cells = [ |
pacSwitchCell, |
HTTPSwitchCell, |
HTTPSSwitchCell, |
excludeSimpleCell, |
exceptionsCell, |
matchDomainsCell |
].flatMap { $0 } |
pacSwitchCell.dependentCells = [ pacURLCell, pacScriptCell ] |
pacSwitchCell.getIndexPath = { |
return self.getIndexPathOfCell(self.pacSwitchCell) |
} |
pacSwitchCell.valueChanged = { |
self.updateCellsWithDependentsOfCell(self.pacSwitchCell) |
self.targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.autoProxyConfigurationEnabled = self.pacSwitchCell.isOn |
} |
pacURLCell.valueChanged = { |
if let enteredText = self.pacURLCell.textField.text { |
self.targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.proxyAutoConfigurationURL = URL(string: enteredText) |
} |
else { |
self.targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.proxyAutoConfigurationURL = nil |
} |
} |
HTTPSwitchCell.dependentCells = [ HTTPCell ] |
HTTPSwitchCell.getIndexPath = { |
return self.getIndexPathOfCell(self.HTTPSwitchCell) |
} |
HTTPSwitchCell.valueChanged = { |
self.updateCellsWithDependentsOfCell(self.HTTPSwitchCell) |
self.targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.httpEnabled = self.HTTPSwitchCell.isOn |
} |
HTTPSSwitchCell.dependentCells = [ HTTPSCell ] |
HTTPSSwitchCell.getIndexPath = { |
return self.getIndexPathOfCell(self.HTTPSSwitchCell) |
} |
HTTPSSwitchCell.valueChanged = { |
self.updateCellsWithDependentsOfCell(self.HTTPSSwitchCell) |
self.targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.httpsEnabled = self.HTTPSSwitchCell.isOn |
} |
excludeSimpleCell.valueChanged = { |
self.targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.excludeSimpleHostnames = self.excludeSimpleCell.isOn |
} |
} |
/// Handle the event when the view is being displayed. |
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { |
super.viewWillAppear(animated) |
tableView.reloadData() |
pacSwitchCell.isOn = targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.autoProxyConfigurationEnabled ?? false |
pacURLCell.textField.text = targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.proxyAutoConfigurationURL?.absoluteString |
if let script = targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.proxyAutoConfigurationJavaScript { |
pacScriptCell.detailTextLabel?.text = script.isEmpty ? "Optional" : "..." |
} |
else { |
pacScriptCell.detailTextLabel?.text = "Optional" |
} |
HTTPSwitchCell.isOn = targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.httpEnabled ?? false |
if let server = targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.httpServer { |
HTTPCell.detailTextLabel?.text = "\(server.address):\(server.port)" |
} |
else { |
HTTPCell.detailTextLabel?.text = nil |
} |
HTTPSSwitchCell.isOn = targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.httpsEnabled ?? false |
if let server = targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.httpsServer { |
HTTPSCell.detailTextLabel?.text = "\(server.address):\(server.port)" |
} |
else { |
HTTPSCell.detailTextLabel?.text = nil |
} |
excludeSimpleCell.isOn = targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.excludeSimpleHostnames ?? false |
exceptionsCell.detailTextLabel?.text = self.getDescriptionForStringList(targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.exceptionList, itemDescription: "exception") |
matchDomainsCell.detailTextLabel?.text = self.getDescriptionForStringList(targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.matchDomains, itemDescription: "domain") |
} |
/// Set up the destination view controller for a segue away from this view controller. |
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { |
guard let identifier = segue.identifier else { return } |
switch identifier { |
case "edit-match-domains": |
// The user tapped on the "match domains" cell. |
guard let stringListController = segue.destination as? StringListController else { break } |
stringListController.setTargetStrings(targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.matchDomains, title: "Proxy Match Domains", addTitle: "Add a match domain...") { newStrings in |
self.targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.matchDomains = newStrings |
} |
case "edit-exceptions": |
// The user tapped on the "exceptions" cell. |
guard let stringListController = segue.destination as? StringListController else { break } |
stringListController.setTargetStrings(targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.exceptionList, title: "Proxy Exception Patterns", addTitle: "Add an exception pattern...") { newStrings in |
self.targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.exceptionList = newStrings |
} |
case "edit-https-proxy-server": |
// The user tapped on the "HTTPS server" cell. |
guard let proxyServerController = segue.destination as? ProxyServerAddEditController else { break } |
proxyServerController.setTargetServer(targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.httpsServer, title: "HTTPS Proxy Server") { newServer in |
self.targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.httpsServer = newServer |
} |
case "edit-http-proxy-server": |
// The user tapped on the "HTTP server" cell. |
guard let proxyServerController = segue.destination as? ProxyServerAddEditController else { break } |
proxyServerController.setTargetServer(targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.httpServer, title: "HTTP Proxy Server") { newServer in |
self.targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.httpServer = newServer |
} |
case "edit-pac-script": |
// The user tapped on the "proxy auto-configuration script" cell. |
guard let pacScriptController = segue.destination as? ProxyAutoConfigScriptController else { break } |
pacScriptController.scriptText?.text = targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.proxyAutoConfigurationJavaScript |
pacScriptController.saveScriptCallback = { newScript in |
if let script = newScript , !script.isEmpty { |
self.targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.proxyAutoConfigurationJavaScript = script |
} |
else { |
self.targetConfiguration.proxySettings?.proxyAutoConfigurationJavaScript = nil |
} |
} |
default: |
break |
} |
} |
// MARK: Interface |
/// Handle an unwind segue back to this view controller. |
@IBAction func handleUnwind(_ sender: UIStoryboardSegue) { |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2016-10-04