
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This file contains the AddressPool class. The AddressPool class is used to manage a pool of IP addresses.
import Foundation
/// An object that contains a pool of IP addresses to assign to tunnel clients.
class AddressPool {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// The start address of the pool.
    let baseAddress: SocketAddress
    /// The number of addresses in the pool.
    var size: UInt64 = 0
    /// A list of flags indicating which addresses in the pool are currently allocated to clients.
    var inUseMask: [Bool]
    /// A dispatch queue for serializing access to the pool.
    let queue: dispatch_queue_t
    // MARK: Initializers
    init(startAddress: String, endAddress: String) {
        baseAddress = SocketAddress()
        inUseMask = [Bool](count: 0, repeatedValue: false)
        queue = dispatch_queue_create("AddressPoolQueue", nil)
        let start = SocketAddress()
        let end = SocketAddress()
        // Verify that the address pool is specified correctly.
        guard start.setFromString(startAddress) &&
            end.setFromString(endAddress) &&
            start.sin.sin_family == end.sin.sin_family
            else { return }
        guard start.sin.sin_family == sa_family_t(AF_INET) else {
            simpleTunnelLog("IPv6 is not currently supported")
        guard (start.sin.sin_addr.s_addr & 0xffff) == (end.sin.sin_addr.s_addr & 0xffff) else {
            simpleTunnelLog("start address (\(startAddress)) is not in the same class B network as end address (\(endAddress)) ")
        let difference = end.difference(start)
        guard difference >= 0 else {
            simpleTunnelLog("start address (\(startAddress)) is greater than end address (\(endAddress))")
        baseAddress.sin = start.sin
        size = UInt64(difference)
        inUseMask = [Bool](count: Int(size), repeatedValue: false)
    /// Allocate an address from the pool.
    func allocateAddress() -> String? {
        var result: String?
        dispatch_sync(queue) {
            let address = SocketAddress(otherAddress: self.baseAddress)
            // Look for an address that is not currently allocated
            for (index, inUse) in self.inUseMask.enumerate() {
                if !inUse {
                    self.inUseMask[index] = true
                    result = address.stringValue
        simpleTunnelLog("Allocated address \(result)")
        return result
    /// Deallocate an address in the pool.
    func deallocateAddress(addrString: String) {
        dispatch_sync(queue) {
            let address = SocketAddress()
            guard address.setFromString(addrString) else { return }
            let difference = address.difference(self.baseAddress)
            if difference >= 0 && difference < Int64(self.inUseMask.count) {
                self.inUseMask[Int(difference)] = false