
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This file contains the ServerTunnel class. The ServerTunnel class implements the server side of the SimpleTunnel tunneling protocol.
import Foundation
import SystemConfiguration
/// The server-side implementation of the SimpleTunnel protocol.
class ServerTunnel: Tunnel, TunnelDelegate, NSStreamDelegate {
    // MARK: Properties
    /// The stream used to read data from the tunnel TCP connection.
    var readStream: NSInputStream?
    /// The stream used to write data to the tunnel TCP connection.
    var writeStream: NSOutputStream?
    /// A buffer where the data for the current packet is accumulated.
    let packetBuffer = NSMutableData()
    /// The number of bytes remaining to be read for the current packet.
    var packetBytesRemaining = 0
    /// The server configuration parameters.
    static var configuration = ServerConfiguration()
    /// The delegate for the network service published by the server.
    static var serviceDelegate = ServerDelegate()
    // MARK: Initializers
    init(newReadStream: NSInputStream, newWriteStream: NSOutputStream) {
        delegate = self
        for stream in [newReadStream, newWriteStream] {
            stream.delegate = self
            stream.scheduleInRunLoop(NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
        readStream = newReadStream
        writeStream = newWriteStream
    // MARK: Class Methods
    /// Start the network service.
    class func startListeningOnPort(port: Int32) -> NSNetService {
        let service = NSNetService(domain:Tunnel.serviceDomain, type:Tunnel.serviceType, name: "", port: port)
        simpleTunnelLog("Starting network service on port \(port)")
        service.delegate = ServerTunnel.serviceDelegate
        service.scheduleInRunLoop(.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
        return service
    /// Load the configuration from disk.
    class func initializeWithConfigurationFile(path: String) -> Bool {
        return ServerTunnel.configuration.loadFromFileAtPath(path)
    // MARK: Interface
    /// Handle a bytes available event on the read stream.
    func handleBytesAvailable() -> Bool {
        guard let stream = readStream else { return false }
        var readBuffer = [UInt8](count: Tunnel.maximumMessageSize, repeatedValue: 0)
        repeat {
            var toRead = 0
            var bytesRead = 0
            if packetBytesRemaining == 0 {
                // Currently reading the total length of the packet.
                toRead = sizeof(UInt32.self) - packetBuffer.length
            else {
                // Currently reading the packet payload.
                toRead = packetBytesRemaining > readBuffer.count ? readBuffer.count : packetBytesRemaining
            bytesRead = stream.read(&readBuffer, maxLength: toRead)
            guard bytesRead > 0 else {
                return false
            packetBuffer.appendBytes(readBuffer, length: bytesRead)
            if packetBytesRemaining == 0 {
                // Reading the total length, see if the 4 length bytes have been received.
                if packetBuffer.length == sizeof(UInt32.self) {
                    var totalLength: UInt32 = 0
                    packetBuffer.getBytes(&totalLength, length: sizeofValue(totalLength))
                    guard totalLength <= UInt32(Tunnel.maximumMessageSize) else { return false }
                    // Compute the length of the payload.
                    packetBytesRemaining = Int(totalLength) - sizeofValue(totalLength)
                    packetBuffer.length = 0
            else {
                // Read a portion of the payload.
                packetBytesRemaining -= bytesRead
                if packetBytesRemaining == 0 {
                    // The entire packet has been received, process it.
                    if !handlePacket(packetBuffer) {
                        return false
                    packetBuffer.length = 0
        } while stream.hasBytesAvailable
        return true
    /// Send an "Open Result" message to the client.
    func sendOpenResultForConnection(connectionIdentifier: Int, resultCode: TunnelConnectionOpenResult) {
        let properties = createMessagePropertiesForConnection(connectionIdentifier, commandType: .OpenResult, extraProperties:[
                TunnelMessageKey.ResultCode.rawValue: resultCode.rawValue
        if !sendMessage(properties) {
            simpleTunnelLog("Failed to send an open result for connection \(connectionIdentifier)")
    /// Handle a "Connection Open" message received from the client.
    func handleConnectionOpen(properties: [String: AnyObject]) {
        guard let connectionIdentifier = properties[TunnelMessageKey.Identifier.rawValue] as? Int,
            tunnelLayerNumber = properties[TunnelMessageKey.TunnelType.rawValue] as? Int,
            tunnelLayer = TunnelLayer(rawValue: tunnelLayerNumber)
            else { return }
        switch tunnelLayer {
            case .App:
                guard let flowKindNumber = properties[TunnelMessageKey.AppProxyFlowType.rawValue] as? Int,
                    flowKind = AppProxyFlowKind(rawValue: flowKindNumber)
                    else { break }
                switch flowKind {
                    case .TCP:
                        guard let host = properties[TunnelMessageKey.Host.rawValue] as? String,
                            port = properties[TunnelMessageKey.Port.rawValue] as? NSNumber
                            else { break }
                        let newConnection = ServerConnection(connectionIdentifier: connectionIdentifier, parentTunnel: self)
                        guard newConnection.open(host, port: port.integerValue) else {
                    case .UDP:
                        let _ = UDPServerConnection(connectionIdentifier: connectionIdentifier, parentTunnel: self)
                        sendOpenResultForConnection(connectionIdentifier, resultCode: .Success)
            case .IP:
                let newConnection = ServerTunnelConnection(connectionIdentifier: connectionIdentifier, parentTunnel: self)
                guard newConnection.open() else {
    // MARK: NSStreamDelegate
    /// Handle a stream event.
    func stream(aStream: NSStream, handleEvent eventCode: NSStreamEvent) {
        switch aStream {
            case writeStream!:
                switch eventCode {
                    case [.HasSpaceAvailable]:
                        // Send any buffered data.
                        if !savedData.isEmpty {
                            guard savedData.writeToStream(writeStream!) else {
                            if savedData.isEmpty {
                                for connection in connections.values {
                    case [.ErrorOccurred]:
            case readStream!:
                var needCloseTunnel = false
                switch eventCode {
                    case [.HasBytesAvailable]:
                        needCloseTunnel = !handleBytesAvailable()
                    case [.OpenCompleted]:
                    case [.ErrorOccurred], [.EndEncountered]:
                        needCloseTunnel = true
                if needCloseTunnel {
    // MARK: Tunnel
    /// Close the tunnel.
    override func closeTunnel() {
        if let stream = readStream {
            if let error = stream.streamError {
                simpleTunnelLog("Tunnel read stream error: \(error)")
            let socketData = CFReadStreamCopyProperty(stream, kCFStreamPropertySocketNativeHandle) as? NSData
            stream.removeFromRunLoop(NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
            stream.delegate = nil
            readStream = nil
            if let data = socketData {
                var socket: CFSocketNativeHandle = 0
                data.getBytes(&socket, length: sizeofValue(socket))
        if let stream = writeStream {
            if let error = stream.streamError {
                simpleTunnelLog("Tunnel write stream error: \(error)")
            stream.removeFromRunLoop(.mainRunLoop(), forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode)
            stream.delegate = nil
    /// Handle a message received from the client.
    override func handleMessage(commandType: TunnelCommand, properties: [String: AnyObject], connection: Connection?) -> Bool {
        switch commandType {
            case .Open:
            case .FetchConfiguration:
                var personalized = ServerTunnel.configuration.configuration
                let messageProperties = createMessagePropertiesForConnection(0, commandType: .FetchConfiguration, extraProperties: [TunnelMessageKey.Configuration.rawValue: personalized])
        return true
    /// Write data to the tunnel connection.
    override func writeDataToTunnel(data: NSData, startingAtOffset: Int) -> Int {
        guard let stream = writeStream else { return -1 }
        return writeData(data, toStream: stream, startingAtOffset:startingAtOffset)
    // MARK: TunnelDelegate
    /// Handle the "tunnel open" event.
    func tunnelDidOpen(targetTunnel: Tunnel) {
    /// Handle the "tunnel closed" event.
    func tunnelDidClose(targetTunnel: Tunnel) {
    /// Handle the "tunnel did send configuration" event.
    func tunnelDidSendConfiguration(targetTunnel: Tunnel, configuration: [String : AnyObject]) {
/// An object that servers as the delegate for the network service published by the server.
class ServerDelegate : NSObject, NSNetServiceDelegate {
    // MARK: NSNetServiceDelegate
    /// Handle the "failed to publish" event.
    func netService(sender: NSNetService, didNotPublish errorDict: [String : NSNumber]) {
        simpleTunnelLog("Failed to publish network service")
    /// Handle the "published" event.
    func netServiceDidPublish(sender: NSNetService) {
        simpleTunnelLog("Network service published successfully")
    /// Handle the "new connection" event.
    func netService(sender: NSNetService, didAcceptConnectionWithInputStream inputStream: NSInputStream, outputStream: NSOutputStream) {
        simpleTunnelLog("Accepted a new connection")
        _ = ServerTunnel(newReadStream: inputStream, newWriteStream: outputStream)
    /// Handle the "stopped" event.
    func netServiceDidStop(sender: NSNetService) {
        simpleTunnelLog("Network service stopped")