Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Relevant replacement documents include:
/* |
File: AUBase.cpp |
Abstract: AUBase.h |
Version: 1.0.1 |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple |
Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following |
terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of |
this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do |
not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or |
redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and |
subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive |
license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the |
"Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple |
Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; |
provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and |
without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following |
text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. |
Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may |
be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software |
without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or |
implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any |
patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other |
works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE |
Copyright (C) 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
*/ |
#include "AUBase.h" |
#include "AUDispatch.h" |
#include "AUInputElement.h" |
#include "AUOutputElement.h" |
#include <algorithm> |
#include "CAAudioChannelLayout.h" |
#include "CAHostTimeBase.h" |
#include "CAVectorUnit.h" |
#include "CAXException.h" |
// our compiler does ALL floating point with SSE |
inline int GETCSR () { int _result; asm volatile ("stmxcsr %0" : "=m" (*&_result) ); return _result; } |
inline void SETCSR (int a) { int _temp = a; asm volatile( "ldmxcsr %0" : : "m" (*&_temp ) ); } |
#define DISABLE_DENORMALS int _savemxcsr = GETCSR(); SETCSR(_savemxcsr | 0x8040); |
#define RESTORE_DENORMALS SETCSR(_savemxcsr); |
#else |
#endif |
static bool sAUBaseCFStringsInitialized = false; |
// this is used for the presets |
static CFStringRef kUntitledString = NULL; |
//these are the current keys for the class info document |
static CFStringRef kVersionString = NULL; |
static CFStringRef kTypeString = NULL; |
static CFStringRef kSubtypeString = NULL; |
static CFStringRef kManufacturerString = NULL; |
static CFStringRef kDataString = NULL; |
static CFStringRef kNameString = NULL; |
static CFStringRef kRenderQualityString = NULL; |
static CFStringRef kCPULoadString = NULL; |
static CFStringRef kElementNameString = NULL; |
static CFStringRef kPartString = NULL; |
SInt32 AUBase::sVectorUnitType = kVecUninitialized; |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
AUBase::AUBase( AudioComponentInstance inInstance, |
UInt32 numInputElements, |
UInt32 numOutputElements, |
UInt32 numGroupElements) : |
ComponentBase(inInstance), |
mElementsCreated(false), |
mInitialized(false), |
mHasBegunInitializing(false), |
mInitNumInputEls(numInputElements), mInitNumOutputEls(numOutputElements), |
mInitNumGroupEls(numGroupElements), |
#endif |
mRenderCallbacksTouched(false), |
mRenderThreadID (NULL), |
mWantsRenderThreadID (false), |
mLastRenderError(0), |
mBuffersAllocated(false), |
mLogString (NULL) |
, |
mContextName(NULL) |
#endif |
{ |
ResetRenderTime (); |
if(!sAUBaseCFStringsInitialized) |
{ |
kUntitledString = CFSTR("Untitled"); |
kVersionString = CFSTR(kAUPresetVersionKey); |
kTypeString = CFSTR(kAUPresetTypeKey); |
kSubtypeString = CFSTR(kAUPresetSubtypeKey); |
kManufacturerString = CFSTR(kAUPresetManufacturerKey); |
kDataString = CFSTR(kAUPresetDataKey); |
kNameString = CFSTR(kAUPresetNameKey); |
kRenderQualityString = CFSTR(kAUPresetRenderQualityKey); |
kCPULoadString = CFSTR(kAUPresetCPULoadKey); |
kElementNameString = CFSTR(kAUPresetElementNameKey); |
kPartString = CFSTR(kAUPresetPartKey); |
sAUBaseCFStringsInitialized = true; |
} |
if (sVectorUnitType == kVecUninitialized) { |
sVectorUnitType = CAVectorUnit::GetVectorUnitType() ; |
} |
mAudioUnitAPIVersion = 2; |
SetMaxFramesPerSlice(kAUDefaultMaxFramesPerSlice); |
GlobalScope().Initialize(this, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 1); |
if (mAudioUnitAPIVersion > 1) |
mParamList.reserve (24); |
memset (&mHostCallbackInfo, 0, sizeof (mHostCallbackInfo)); |
#endif |
mCurrentPreset.presetNumber = -1; |
mCurrentPreset.presetName = kUntitledString; |
CFRetain (mCurrentPreset.presetName); |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
AUBase::~AUBase() |
{ |
if (mCurrentPreset.presetName) CFRelease (mCurrentPreset.presetName); |
if (mContextName) CFRelease (mContextName); |
#endif |
if (mLogString) delete [] mLogString; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUBase::CreateElements() |
{ |
if (!mElementsCreated) { |
Inputs().Initialize(this, kAudioUnitScope_Input, mInitNumInputEls); |
Outputs().Initialize(this, kAudioUnitScope_Output, mInitNumOutputEls); |
Groups().Initialize(this, kAudioUnitScope_Group, mInitNumGroupEls); |
#endif |
CreateExtendedElements(); |
mElementsCreated = true; |
} |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUBase::SetMaxFramesPerSlice(UInt32 nFrames) |
{ |
mMaxFramesPerSlice = nFrames; |
if (mBuffersAllocated) |
ReallocateBuffers(); |
PropertyChanged(kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0); |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::CanSetMaxFrames() const |
{ |
return IsInitialized() ? kAudioUnitErr_Initialized : OSStatus(noErr); |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUBase::ReallocateBuffers() |
{ |
CreateElements(); |
int i; |
int nOutputs = Outputs().GetNumberOfElements(); |
for (i = 0; i < nOutputs; ++i) { |
AUOutputElement *output = GetOutput(i); |
output->AllocateBuffer(); // does no work if already allocated |
} |
int nInputs = Inputs().GetNumberOfElements(); |
for (i = 0; i < nInputs; ++i) { |
AUInputElement *input = GetInput(i); |
input->AllocateBuffer(); // does no work if already allocated |
} |
mBuffersAllocated = true; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::DoInitialize() |
{ |
OSStatus result = noErr; |
if (!mInitialized) { |
result = Initialize(); |
if (result == noErr) { |
mHasBegunInitializing = true; |
ReallocateBuffers(); // calls CreateElements() |
mInitialized = true; // signal that it's okay to render |
CAMemoryBarrier(); |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::Initialize() |
{ |
return noErr; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUBase::PreDestructor() |
{ |
DoCleanup(); |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUBase::DoCleanup() |
{ |
if (mInitialized) |
Cleanup(); |
ResetRenderTime (); |
mInitialized = false; |
mHasBegunInitializing = false; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUBase::Cleanup() |
{ |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::Reset( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement) |
{ |
ResetRenderTime (); |
return noErr; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::DispatchGetPropertyInfo(AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
UInt32 & outDataSize, |
Boolean & outWritable) |
{ |
OSStatus result = noErr; |
bool validateElement = true; |
switch (inID) { |
case kAudioUnitProperty_MakeConnection: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Input || inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
outDataSize = sizeof(AudioUnitConnection); |
outWritable = true; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback: |
ca_require(AudioUnitAPIVersion() > 1, InvalidProperty); |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Input || inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
outDataSize = sizeof(AURenderCallbackStruct); |
outWritable = true; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat: |
outDataSize = sizeof(CAStreamBasicDescription); |
outWritable = IsStreamFormatWritable(inScope, inElement); |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_SampleRate: |
outDataSize = sizeof(Float64); |
outWritable = IsStreamFormatWritable(inScope, inElement); |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ClassInfo: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
outDataSize = sizeof(CFPropertyListRef); |
outWritable = true; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_FactoryPresets: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
result = GetPresets(NULL); |
if (!result) { |
outDataSize = sizeof(CFArrayRef); |
outWritable = false; |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_PresentPreset: |
#ifndef __LP64__ |
case kAudioUnitProperty_CurrentPreset: |
#endif |
#endif |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
outDataSize = sizeof(AUPreset); |
outWritable = true; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ElementName: |
outDataSize = sizeof (CFStringRef); |
outWritable = true; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterList: |
{ |
UInt32 nparams = 0; |
result = GetParameterList(inScope, NULL, nparams); |
outDataSize = sizeof(AudioUnitParameterID) * nparams; |
outWritable = false; |
validateElement = false; |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterInfo: |
outDataSize = sizeof(AudioUnitParameterInfo); |
outWritable = false; |
validateElement = false; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterHistoryInfo: |
outDataSize = sizeof(AudioUnitParameterHistoryInfo); |
outWritable = false; |
validateElement = false; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ElementCount: |
outDataSize = sizeof(UInt32); |
outWritable = BusCountWritable(inScope); |
validateElement = false; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_Latency: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
outDataSize = sizeof(Float64); |
outWritable = false; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_TailTime: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
if (SupportsTail()) { |
outDataSize = sizeof(Float64); |
outWritable = false; |
} else |
goto InvalidProperty; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
outDataSize = sizeof(UInt32); |
outWritable = true; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_LastRenderError: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
outDataSize = sizeof(OSStatus); |
outWritable = false; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedNumChannels: |
{ |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
UInt32 num = SupportedNumChannels (NULL); |
if (num) { |
outDataSize = sizeof (AUChannelInfo) * num; |
result = noErr; |
} else |
goto InvalidProperty; |
outWritable = false; |
break; |
} |
case kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedChannelLayoutTags: |
{ |
UInt32 numLayouts = GetChannelLayoutTags(inScope, inElement, NULL); |
if (numLayouts) { |
outDataSize = numLayouts * sizeof(AudioChannelLayoutTag); |
result = noErr; |
} else |
goto InvalidProperty; |
outWritable = false; |
validateElement = false; //already done it |
break; |
} |
case kAudioUnitProperty_AudioChannelLayout: |
{ |
outWritable = false; |
outDataSize = GetAudioChannelLayout(inScope, inElement, NULL, outWritable); |
if (outDataSize) { |
result = noErr; |
} else { |
if (GetChannelLayoutTags(inScope, inElement, NULL) == 0) |
goto InvalidProperty; |
else |
result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
} |
validateElement = false; //already done it |
break; |
} |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ShouldAllocateBuffer: |
ca_require((inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Input || inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Output), InvalidScope); |
outWritable = true; |
outDataSize = sizeof(UInt32); |
break; |
#endif |
case kAudioUnitProperty_FastDispatch: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
if (!IsCMgrObject()) goto InvalidProperty; |
outDataSize = sizeof(void *); |
outWritable = false; |
validateElement = false; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_GetUIComponentList: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
outDataSize = GetNumCustomUIComponents(); |
if (outDataSize == 0) |
goto InvalidProperty; |
outDataSize *= sizeof (AudioComponentDescription); |
outWritable = false; |
break; |
#endif |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ContextName: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
outDataSize = sizeof(CFStringRef); |
outWritable = true; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterValueStrings: |
result = GetParameterValueStrings(inScope, inElement, NULL); |
if (result == noErr) { |
outDataSize = sizeof(CFArrayRef); |
outWritable = false; |
validateElement = false; |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_HostCallbacks: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
outDataSize = sizeof (HostCallbackInfo); |
outWritable = true; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_IconLocation: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
outWritable = false; |
if (!HasIcon()) |
goto InvalidProperty; |
outDataSize = sizeof(CFURLRef); |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterClumpName: |
outDataSize = sizeof(AudioUnitParameterNameInfo ); |
outWritable = false; |
break; |
#endif // !CA_NO_AU_UI_FEATURES |
case 'lrst' : // kAudioUnitProperty_LastRenderedSampleTime |
outDataSize = sizeof(Float64); |
outWritable = false; |
break; |
default: |
result = GetPropertyInfo(inID, inScope, inElement, outDataSize, outWritable); |
validateElement = false; |
break; |
} |
if (result == noErr && validateElement) { |
ca_require(GetElement(inScope, inElement) != NULL, InvalidElement); |
} |
return result; |
InvalidProperty: |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
InvalidScope: |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidScope; |
InvalidElement: |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidElement; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::DispatchGetProperty( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
void * outData) |
{ |
// NOTE: We're currently only called from AUBase::ComponentEntryDispatch, which |
// calls DispatchGetPropertyInfo first, which performs validation of the scope/element, |
// and ensures that the outData buffer is non-null and large enough. |
OSStatus result = noErr; |
switch (inID) { |
case kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat: |
*(CAStreamBasicDescription *)outData = GetStreamFormat(inScope, inElement); |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_SampleRate: |
*(Float64 *)outData = GetStreamFormat(inScope, inElement).mSampleRate; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterList: |
{ |
UInt32 nparams = 0; |
result = GetParameterList(inScope, (AudioUnitParameterID *)outData, nparams); |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterInfo: |
result = GetParameterInfo(inScope, inElement, *(AudioUnitParameterInfo *)outData); |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterHistoryInfo: |
{ |
AudioUnitParameterHistoryInfo* info = (AudioUnitParameterHistoryInfo*)outData; |
result = GetParameterHistoryInfo(inScope, inElement, info->updatesPerSecond, info->historyDurationInSeconds); |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ClassInfo: |
{ |
*(CFPropertyListRef *)outData = NULL; |
result = SaveState((CFPropertyListRef *)outData); |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_FactoryPresets: |
{ |
*(CFArrayRef *)outData = NULL; |
result = GetPresets ((CFArrayRef *)outData); |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_PresentPreset: |
#ifndef __LP64__ |
case kAudioUnitProperty_CurrentPreset: |
#endif |
#endif |
{ |
*(AUPreset *)outData = mCurrentPreset; |
// retain current string (as client owns a reference to it and will release it) |
if (inID == kAudioUnitProperty_PresentPreset && mCurrentPreset.presetName) |
CFRetain (mCurrentPreset.presetName); |
result = noErr; |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ElementName: |
{ |
AUElement * element = GetElement(inScope, inElement); |
if (element->HasName()) { |
*(CFStringRef *)outData = element->GetName(); |
CFRetain (element->GetName()); |
result = noErr; |
} else |
result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ElementCount: |
*(UInt32 *)outData = GetScope(inScope).GetNumberOfElements(); |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_Latency: |
*(Float64 *)outData = GetLatency(); |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_TailTime: |
if (SupportsTail()) |
*(Float64 *)outData = GetTailTime(); |
else |
result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice: |
*(UInt32 *)outData = mMaxFramesPerSlice; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_LastRenderError: |
*(OSStatus *)outData = mLastRenderError; |
mLastRenderError = 0; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedNumChannels: |
{ |
const AUChannelInfo* infoPtr; |
UInt32 num = SupportedNumChannels (&infoPtr); |
memcpy (outData, infoPtr, num * sizeof (AUChannelInfo)); |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_SupportedChannelLayoutTags: |
{ |
AudioChannelLayoutTag* ptr = outData ? static_cast<AudioChannelLayoutTag*>(outData) : NULL; |
UInt32 numLayouts = GetChannelLayoutTags (inScope, inElement, ptr); |
if (numLayouts == 0) |
result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_AudioChannelLayout: |
{ |
AudioChannelLayout* ptr = outData ? static_cast<AudioChannelLayout*>(outData) : NULL; |
Boolean writable; |
UInt32 dataSize = GetAudioChannelLayout(inScope, inElement, ptr, writable); |
if (!dataSize) { |
result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
} |
break; |
} |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ShouldAllocateBuffer: |
{ |
AUIOElement * element = GetIOElement(inScope, inElement); |
*(UInt32*)outData = element->WillAllocateBuffer(); |
break; |
} |
#endif |
case kAudioUnitProperty_FastDispatch: |
if (!IsCMgrObject()) result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
else { |
switch (inElement) { |
case kAudioUnitGetParameterSelect: |
*(AudioUnitGetParameterProc *)outData = (AudioUnitGetParameterProc)CMgr_AudioUnitBaseGetParameter; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitSetParameterSelect: |
*(AudioUnitSetParameterProc *)outData = (AudioUnitSetParameterProc)CMgr_AudioUnitBaseSetParameter; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitRenderSelect: |
if (AudioUnitAPIVersion() > 1) |
*(AudioUnitRenderProc *)outData = (AudioUnitRenderProc)CMgr_AudioUnitBaseRender; |
else result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidElement; |
break; |
default: |
result = GetProperty(inID, inScope, inElement, outData); |
break; |
} |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_GetUIComponentList: |
GetUIComponentDescs ((ComponentDescription*)outData); |
break; |
#endif |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterValueStrings: |
result = GetParameterValueStrings(inScope, inElement, (CFArrayRef *)outData); |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_IconLocation: |
{ |
CFURLRef iconLocation = CopyIconLocation(); |
if (iconLocation) { |
*(CFURLRef*)outData = iconLocation; |
} else |
result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_HostCallbacks: |
*(HostCallbackInfo *)outData = mHostCallbackInfo; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ContextName: |
*(CFStringRef *)outData = mContextName; |
if (mContextName) { |
CFRetain(mContextName); |
// retain CFString (if exists) since client will be responsible for its release |
result = noErr; |
} else { |
result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ParameterClumpName: |
{ |
AudioUnitParameterNameInfo * ioClumpInfo = (AudioUnitParameterNameInfo*) outData; |
if (ioClumpInfo->inID == kAudioUnitClumpID_System) // this ID value is reserved |
result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
else |
{ |
result = CopyClumpName(inScope, ioClumpInfo->inID, ioClumpInfo->inDesiredLength, &ioClumpInfo->outName); |
// this is provided for compatbility with existing implementations that don't know |
// about this new mechanism |
if (result == kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty) |
result = GetProperty (inID, inScope, inElement, outData); |
} |
} |
break; |
#endif // !CA_NO_AU_UI_FEATURES |
case 'lrst' : // kAudioUnitProperty_LastRenderedSampleTime |
*(Float64*)outData = mCurrentRenderTime.mSampleTime; |
break; |
default: |
result = GetProperty(inID, inScope, inElement, outData); |
break; |
} |
return result; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::DispatchSetProperty( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
const void * inData, |
UInt32 inDataSize) |
{ |
OSStatus result = noErr; |
switch (inID) { |
case kAudioUnitProperty_MakeConnection: |
ca_require(inDataSize >= sizeof(AudioUnitConnection), InvalidPropertyValue); |
{ |
AudioUnitConnection &connection = *(AudioUnitConnection *)inData; |
result = SetConnection(connection); |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback: |
{ |
ca_require(inDataSize >= sizeof(AURenderCallbackStruct), InvalidPropertyValue); |
ca_require(AudioUnitAPIVersion() > 1, InvalidProperty); |
AURenderCallbackStruct &callback = *(AURenderCallbackStruct*)inData; |
result = SetInputCallback(kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback, inElement, callback.inputProc, callback.inputProcRefCon); |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ElementCount: |
ca_require(inDataSize == sizeof(UInt32), InvalidPropertyValue); |
ca_require(BusCountWritable(inScope), NotWritable); |
result = SetBusCount(inScope, *(UInt32*)inData); |
if (result == noErr) { |
PropertyChanged(inID, inScope, inElement); |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_MaximumFramesPerSlice: |
ca_require(inDataSize == sizeof(UInt32), InvalidPropertyValue); |
result = CanSetMaxFrames(); |
if (result) return result; |
SetMaxFramesPerSlice(*(UInt32 *)inData); |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat: |
{ |
if (inDataSize < 36) goto InvalidPropertyValue; |
ca_require(GetElement(inScope, inElement) != NULL, InvalidElement); |
CAStreamBasicDescription newDesc; |
// now we're going to be ultra conservative! because of discrepancies between |
// sizes of this struct based on aligment padding inconsistencies |
memset (&newDesc, 0, sizeof(newDesc)); |
memcpy (&newDesc, inData, 36); |
ca_require(ValidFormat(inScope, inElement, newDesc), InvalidFormat); |
const CAStreamBasicDescription curDesc = GetStreamFormat(inScope, inElement); |
if ( !curDesc.IsEqual(newDesc, false) ) { |
ca_require(IsStreamFormatWritable(inScope, inElement), NotWritable); |
result = ChangeStreamFormat(inScope, inElement, curDesc, newDesc); |
} |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_SampleRate: |
{ |
ca_require(inDataSize == sizeof(Float64), InvalidPropertyValue); |
ca_require(GetElement(inScope, inElement) != NULL, InvalidElement); |
const CAStreamBasicDescription curDesc = GetStreamFormat(inScope, inElement); |
CAStreamBasicDescription newDesc = curDesc; |
newDesc.mSampleRate = *(Float64 *)inData; |
ca_require(ValidFormat(inScope, inElement, newDesc), InvalidFormat); |
if ( !curDesc.IsEqual(newDesc, false) ) { |
ca_require(IsStreamFormatWritable(inScope, inElement), NotWritable); |
result = ChangeStreamFormat(inScope, inElement, curDesc, newDesc); |
} |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_AudioChannelLayout: |
{ |
const AudioChannelLayout *layout = static_cast<const AudioChannelLayout *>(inData); |
ca_require(inDataSize >= offsetof(AudioChannelLayout, mChannelDescriptions) + layout->mNumberChannelDescriptions * sizeof(AudioChannelDescription), InvalidPropertyValue); |
result = SetAudioChannelLayout(inScope, inElement, layout); |
if (result == noErr) |
PropertyChanged(inID, inScope, inElement); |
break; |
} |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ClassInfo: |
ca_require(inDataSize == sizeof(CFPropertyListRef *), InvalidPropertyValue); |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
result = RestoreState(*(CFPropertyListRef *)inData); |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_PresentPreset: |
#ifndef __LP64__ |
case kAudioUnitProperty_CurrentPreset: |
#endif |
#endif |
{ |
ca_require(inDataSize == sizeof(AUPreset), InvalidPropertyValue); |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
AUPreset & newPreset = *(AUPreset *)inData; |
if (newPreset.presetNumber >= 0) |
{ |
result = NewFactoryPresetSet(newPreset); |
// NewFactoryPresetSet SHOULD call SetAFactoryPreset if the preset is valid |
// from its own list of preset number->name |
if (!result) |
PropertyChanged(inID, inScope, inElement); |
} |
else if (newPreset.presetName) |
{ |
CFRelease (mCurrentPreset.presetName); |
mCurrentPreset = newPreset; |
CFRetain (mCurrentPreset.presetName); |
PropertyChanged(inID, inScope, inElement); |
} |
else |
result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ElementName: |
{ |
ca_require(GetElement(inScope, inElement) != NULL, InvalidElement); |
ca_require(inDataSize == sizeof(CFStringRef), InvalidPropertyValue); |
AUElement * element = GetScope(inScope).GetElement (inElement); |
element->SetName (*(CFStringRef *)inData); |
PropertyChanged(inID, inScope, inElement); |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ShouldAllocateBuffer: |
{ |
ca_require((inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Input || inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Output), InvalidScope); |
ca_require(GetElement(inScope, inElement) != NULL, InvalidElement); |
ca_require(inDataSize == sizeof(UInt32), InvalidPropertyValue); |
ca_require(!IsInitialized(), Initialized); |
AUIOElement * element = GetIOElement(inScope, inElement); |
element->SetWillAllocateBuffer(*(UInt32 *)inData != 0); |
} |
break; |
#endif |
case kAudioUnitProperty_SetExternalBuffer: |
ca_require(inDataSize >= sizeof(AudioUnitExternalBuffer), InvalidPropertyValue); |
ca_require(IsInitialized(), Uninitialized); |
{ |
AudioUnitExternalBuffer &buf = *(AudioUnitExternalBuffer*)inData; |
if (intptr_t(buf.buffer) & 0x0F) result = kAudio_ParamError; |
else if (inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Input) { |
AUInputElement *input = GetInput(inElement); |
input->UseExternalBuffer(buf); |
} else { |
AUOutputElement *output = GetOutput(inElement); |
output->UseExternalBuffer(buf); |
} |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ContextName: |
{ |
ca_require(inDataSize == sizeof(CFStringRef), InvalidPropertyValue); |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
CFStringRef inStr = *(CFStringRef *)inData; |
if (mContextName) CFRelease(mContextName); |
if (inStr) CFRetain(inStr); |
mContextName = inStr; |
PropertyChanged(inID, inScope, inElement); |
} |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_HostCallbacks: |
{ |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
UInt32 availSize = (inDataSize < sizeof (mHostCallbackInfo) ? inDataSize : sizeof (mHostCallbackInfo)); |
bool hasChanged = !memcmp (&mHostCallbackInfo, inData, availSize); |
memset (&mHostCallbackInfo, 0, sizeof (mHostCallbackInfo)); |
memcpy (&mHostCallbackInfo, inData, availSize); |
if (hasChanged) |
PropertyChanged(inID, inScope, inElement); |
break; |
} |
#endif // !CA_NO_AU_UI_FEATURES |
default: |
result = SetProperty(inID, inScope, inElement, inData, inDataSize); |
if (result == noErr) |
PropertyChanged(inID, inScope, inElement); |
break; |
} |
return result; |
NotWritable: |
return kAudioUnitErr_PropertyNotWritable; |
InvalidFormat: |
return kAudioUnitErr_FormatNotSupported; |
Uninitialized: |
return kAudioUnitErr_Uninitialized; |
#endif |
Initialized: |
return kAudioUnitErr_Initialized; |
#endif |
InvalidScope: |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidScope; |
InvalidProperty: |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
InvalidPropertyValue: |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
InvalidElement: |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidElement; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::DispatchRemovePropertyValue (AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement) |
{ |
OSStatus result = noErr; |
switch (inID) |
{ |
case kAudioUnitProperty_AudioChannelLayout: |
{ |
result = RemoveAudioChannelLayout(inScope, inElement); |
if (result == noErr) |
PropertyChanged(inID, inScope, inElement); |
break; |
} |
case kAudioUnitProperty_ContextName: |
if (mContextName) CFRelease(mContextName); |
mContextName = NULL; |
result = noErr; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_HostCallbacks: |
{ |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
bool hasValue = false; |
void* ptr = &mHostCallbackInfo; |
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof (HostCallbackInfo); ++i) { |
if (static_cast<char*>(ptr)[i]) { |
hasValue = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (hasValue) { |
memset (&mHostCallbackInfo, 0, sizeof (HostCallbackInfo)); |
PropertyChanged(inID, inScope, inElement); |
} |
break; |
} |
#endif // !CA_NO_AU_UI_FEATURES |
default: |
result = RemovePropertyValue (inID, inScope, inElement); |
break; |
} |
return result; |
InvalidScope: |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidScope; |
#endif |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::GetPropertyInfo( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
UInt32 & outDataSize, |
Boolean & outWritable) |
{ |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::GetProperty( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
void * outData) |
{ |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::SetProperty( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
const void * inData, |
UInt32 inDataSize) |
{ |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::RemovePropertyValue ( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement) |
{ |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::AddPropertyListener( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitPropertyListenerProc inProc, |
void * inProcRefCon) |
{ |
PropertyListener pl; |
pl.propertyID = inID; |
pl.listenerProc = inProc; |
pl.listenerRefCon = inProcRefCon; |
if (mPropertyListeners.empty()) |
mPropertyListeners.reserve(32); |
mPropertyListeners.push_back(pl); |
return noErr; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::RemovePropertyListener( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitPropertyListenerProc inProc, |
void * inProcRefCon, |
bool refConSpecified) |
{ |
// iterate in reverse so that it's safe to erase in the middle of the vector |
for (int i = mPropertyListeners.size(); --i >=0; ) { |
PropertyListeners::iterator it = mPropertyListeners.begin() + i; |
if ((*it).propertyID == inID && (*it).listenerProc == inProc && (!refConSpecified || (*it).listenerRefCon == inProcRefCon)) |
mPropertyListeners.erase(it); |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUBase::PropertyChanged( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement) |
{ |
for (PropertyListeners::iterator it = mPropertyListeners.begin(); it != mPropertyListeners.end(); ++it) |
if ((*it).propertyID == inID) |
((*it).listenerProc)((*it).listenerRefCon, mComponentInstance, inID, inScope, inElement); |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::SetRenderNotification( AURenderCallback inProc, |
void * inRefCon) |
{ |
if (inProc == NULL) |
return kAudio_ParamError; |
mRenderCallbacksTouched = true; |
mRenderCallbacks.deferred_add(RenderCallback(inProc, inRefCon)); |
// this will do nothing if it's already in the list |
return noErr; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::RemoveRenderNotification( AURenderCallback inProc, |
void * inRefCon) |
{ |
mRenderCallbacks.deferred_remove(RenderCallback(inProc, inRefCon)); |
return noErr; // error? |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::GetParameter( AudioUnitParameterID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
AudioUnitParameterValue & outValue) |
{ |
AUElement *elem = SafeGetElement(inScope, inElement); |
outValue = elem->GetParameter(inID); |
return noErr; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::SetParameter( AudioUnitParameterID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
AudioUnitParameterValue inValue, |
UInt32 inBufferOffsetInFrames) |
{ |
AUElement *elem = SafeGetElement(inScope, inElement); |
elem->SetParameter(inID, inValue); |
return noErr; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::ScheduleParameter ( const AudioUnitParameterEvent *inParameterEvent, |
UInt32 inNumEvents) |
{ |
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < inNumEvents; ++i) |
{ |
if (inParameterEvent[i].eventType == kParameterEvent_Immediate) |
{ |
SetParameter (inParameterEvent[i].parameter, |
inParameterEvent[i].scope, |
inParameterEvent[i].element, |
inParameterEvent[i].eventValues.immediate.value, |
inParameterEvent[i].eventValues.immediate.bufferOffset); |
} |
mParamList.push_back (inParameterEvent[i]); |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
// ____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
static bool SortParameterEventList(const AudioUnitParameterEvent &ev1, const AudioUnitParameterEvent &ev2 ) |
{ |
int offset1 = ev1.eventType == kParameterEvent_Immediate ? ev1.eventValues.immediate.bufferOffset : ev1.eventValues.ramp.startBufferOffset; |
int offset2 = ev2.eventType == kParameterEvent_Immediate ? ev2.eventValues.immediate.bufferOffset : ev2.eventValues.ramp.startBufferOffset; |
if(offset1 < offset2) return true; |
return false; |
} |
// ____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::ProcessForScheduledParams( ParameterEventList &inParamList, |
UInt32 inFramesToProcess, |
void *inUserData ) |
{ |
OSStatus result = noErr; |
int totalFramesToProcess = inFramesToProcess; |
int framesRemaining = totalFramesToProcess; |
unsigned int currentStartFrame = 0; // start of the whole buffer |
// sort the ParameterEventList by startBufferOffset |
std::sort(inParamList.begin(), inParamList.end(), SortParameterEventList); |
ParameterEventList::iterator iter = inParamList.begin(); |
while(framesRemaining > 0 ) |
{ |
// first of all, go through the ramped automation events and find out where the next |
// division of our whole buffer will be |
int currentEndFrame = totalFramesToProcess; // start out assuming we'll process all the way to |
// the end of the buffer |
iter = inParamList.begin(); |
// find the next break point |
while(iter != inParamList.end() ) |
{ |
AudioUnitParameterEvent &event = *iter; |
int offset = event.eventType == kParameterEvent_Immediate ? event.eventValues.immediate.bufferOffset : event.eventValues.ramp.startBufferOffset; |
if(offset > (int)currentStartFrame && offset < currentEndFrame ) |
{ |
currentEndFrame = offset; |
break; |
} |
// consider ramp end to be a possible choice (there may be gaps in the supplied ramp events) |
if(event.eventType == kParameterEvent_Ramped ) |
{ |
offset = event.eventValues.ramp.startBufferOffset + event.eventValues.ramp.durationInFrames; |
if(offset > (int)currentStartFrame && offset < currentEndFrame ) |
{ |
currentEndFrame = offset; |
} |
} |
iter++; |
} |
int framesThisTime = currentEndFrame - currentStartFrame; |
// next, setup the parameter maps to be current for the ramp parameters active during |
// this time segment... |
for(ParameterEventList::iterator iter2 = inParamList.begin(); iter2 != inParamList.end(); iter2++ ) |
{ |
AudioUnitParameterEvent &event = *iter2; |
bool eventFallsInSlice; |
if(event.eventType == kParameterEvent_Ramped) |
eventFallsInSlice = event.eventValues.ramp.startBufferOffset < currentEndFrame |
&& event.eventValues.ramp.startBufferOffset + event.eventValues.ramp.durationInFrames > currentStartFrame; |
else /* kParameterEvent_Immediate */ |
// actually, for the same parameter, there may be future immediate events which override this one, |
// but it's OK since the event list is sorted in time order, we're guaranteed to end up with the current one |
eventFallsInSlice = event.eventValues.immediate.bufferOffset <= currentStartFrame; |
if(eventFallsInSlice) |
{ |
AUElement *element = GetElement(event.scope, event.element ); |
if(element) element->SetScheduledEvent( event.parameter, |
event, |
currentStartFrame, |
currentEndFrame - currentStartFrame ); |
} |
} |
// Finally, actually do the processing for this slice..... |
result = ProcessScheduledSlice( inUserData, |
currentStartFrame, |
framesThisTime, |
inFramesToProcess ); |
if(result != noErr) break; |
framesRemaining -= framesThisTime; |
currentStartFrame = currentEndFrame; // now start from where we left off last time |
} |
return result; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUBase::SetWantsRenderThreadID (bool inFlag) |
{ |
if (inFlag == mWantsRenderThreadID) |
return; |
mWantsRenderThreadID = inFlag; |
if (!mWantsRenderThreadID) |
mRenderThreadID = NULL; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::DoRender( AudioUnitRenderActionFlags & ioActionFlags, |
const AudioTimeStamp & inTimeStamp, |
UInt32 inBusNumber, |
UInt32 inFramesToProcess, |
AudioBufferList & ioData) |
{ |
OSStatus theError; |
RenderCallbackList::iterator rcit; |
AUTRACE(kCATrace_AUBaseRenderStart, mComponentInstance, (intptr_t)this, inBusNumber, inFramesToProcess, 0); |
try { |
ca_require(IsInitialized(), Uninitialized); |
ca_require(mAudioUnitAPIVersion >= 2, ParamErr); |
ca_require(inFramesToProcess <= mMaxFramesPerSlice, TooManyFrames); |
AUOutputElement *output = GetOutput(inBusNumber); // will throw if non-existant |
if (output->GetStreamFormat().NumberChannelStreams() != ioData.mNumberBuffers) { |
DebugMessageN4("%s:%d ioData.mNumberBuffers=%u, output->GetStreamFormat().NumberChannelStreams()=%u; kAudio_ParamError", |
__FILE__, __LINE__, (unsigned)ioData.mNumberBuffers, (unsigned)output->GetStreamFormat().NumberChannelStreams()); |
goto ParamErr; |
} |
unsigned expectedBufferByteSize = inFramesToProcess * output->GetStreamFormat().mBytesPerFrame; |
for (unsigned ibuf = 0; ibuf < ioData.mNumberBuffers; ++ibuf) { |
AudioBuffer &buf = ioData.mBuffers[ibuf]; |
if (buf.mData != NULL) { |
// only care about the size if the buffer is non-null |
if (buf.mDataByteSize < expectedBufferByteSize) { |
// if the buffer is too small, we cannot render safely. kAudio_ParamError. |
DebugMessageN7("%s:%d %u frames, %u bytes/frame, expected %u-byte buffer; ioData.mBuffers[%u].mDataByteSize=%u; kAudio_ParamError", |
__FILE__, __LINE__, (unsigned)inFramesToProcess, (unsigned)output->GetStreamFormat().mBytesPerFrame, expectedBufferByteSize, ibuf, (unsigned)buf.mDataByteSize); |
goto ParamErr; |
} |
// Some clients incorrectly pass bigger buffers than expectedBufferByteSize. |
// We will generally set the buffer size at the end of rendering, before we return. |
// However we should ensure that no one, DURING rendering, READS a |
// potentially incorrect size. This can lead to doing too much work, or |
// reading past the end of an input buffer into unmapped memory. |
buf.mDataByteSize = expectedBufferByteSize; |
} |
} |
if (WantsRenderThreadID()) |
{ |
mRenderThreadID = pthread_self(); |
#elif TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
mRenderThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); |
#endif |
} |
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags flags; |
if (mRenderCallbacksTouched) { |
mRenderCallbacks.update(); |
flags = ioActionFlags | kAudioUnitRenderAction_PreRender; |
for (rcit = mRenderCallbacks.begin(); rcit != mRenderCallbacks.end(); ++rcit) { |
RenderCallback &rc = *rcit; |
AUTRACE(kCATrace_AUBaseRenderCallbackStart, mComponentInstance, (intptr_t)this, (intptr_t)rc.mRenderNotify, 1, 0); |
(*(AURenderCallback)rc.mRenderNotify)(rc.mRenderNotifyRefCon, |
&flags, |
&inTimeStamp, inBusNumber, inFramesToProcess, &ioData); |
AUTRACE(kCATrace_AUBaseRenderCallbackEnd, mComponentInstance, (intptr_t)this, (intptr_t)rc.mRenderNotify, 1, 0); |
} |
} |
theError = DoRenderBus(ioActionFlags, inTimeStamp, inBusNumber, output, inFramesToProcess, ioData); |
flags = ioActionFlags | kAudioUnitRenderAction_PostRender; |
if (SetRenderError (theError)) { |
flags |= kAudioUnitRenderAction_PostRenderError; |
} |
if (mRenderCallbacksTouched) { |
for (rcit = mRenderCallbacks.begin(); rcit != mRenderCallbacks.end(); ++rcit) { |
RenderCallback &rc = *rcit; |
AUTRACE(kCATrace_AUBaseRenderCallbackStart, mComponentInstance, (intptr_t)this, (intptr_t)rc.mRenderNotify, 2, 0); |
(*(AURenderCallback)rc.mRenderNotify)(rc.mRenderNotifyRefCon, |
&flags, |
&inTimeStamp, inBusNumber, inFramesToProcess, &ioData); |
AUTRACE(kCATrace_AUBaseRenderCallbackEnd, mComponentInstance, (intptr_t)this, (intptr_t)rc.mRenderNotify, 2, 0); |
} |
} |
// The vector's being emptied |
// because these events should only apply to this Render cycle, so anything |
// left over is from a preceding cycle and should be dumped. New scheduled |
// parameters must be scheduled from the next pre-render callback. |
if (!mParamList.empty()) |
mParamList.clear(); |
} |
catch (OSStatus err) { |
theError = err; |
goto errexit; |
} |
catch (...) { |
theError = -1; |
goto errexit; |
} |
done: |
AUTRACE(kCATrace_AUBaseRenderEnd, mComponentInstance, (intptr_t)this, theError, ioActionFlags, ioData.mBuffers[0].mData != NULL ? *(int64_t *)ioData.mBuffers[0].mData : 0); |
return theError; |
Uninitialized: theError = kAudioUnitErr_Uninitialized; goto errexit; |
ParamErr: theError = kAudio_ParamError; goto errexit; |
TooManyFrames: theError = kAudioUnitErr_TooManyFramesToProcess; goto errexit; |
errexit: |
DebugMessageN2 (" from %s, render err: %d", GetLoggingString(), (int)theError); |
SetRenderError(theError); |
goto done; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::DoProcess ( AudioUnitRenderActionFlags & ioActionFlags, |
const AudioTimeStamp & inTimeStamp, |
UInt32 inFramesToProcess, |
AudioBufferList & ioData) |
{ |
OSStatus theError; |
AUTRACE(kCATrace_AUBaseRenderStart, mComponentInstance, (intptr_t)this, inFramesToProcess, 0, 0); |
try { |
if (!(ioActionFlags & (1 << 9)/*kAudioUnitRenderAction_DoNotCheckRenderArgs*/)) { |
ca_require(IsInitialized(), Uninitialized); |
ca_require(inFramesToProcess <= mMaxFramesPerSlice, TooManyFrames); |
AUInputElement *input = GetInput(0); // will throw if non-existant |
if (input->GetStreamFormat().NumberChannelStreams() != ioData.mNumberBuffers) { |
DebugMessageN4("%s:%d ioData.mNumberBuffers=%u, input->GetStreamFormat().NumberChannelStreams()=%u; kAudio_ParamError", |
__FILE__, __LINE__, (unsigned)ioData.mNumberBuffers, (unsigned)input->GetStreamFormat().NumberChannelStreams()); |
goto ParamErr; |
} |
unsigned expectedBufferByteSize = inFramesToProcess * input->GetStreamFormat().mBytesPerFrame; |
for (unsigned ibuf = 0; ibuf < ioData.mNumberBuffers; ++ibuf) { |
AudioBuffer &buf = ioData.mBuffers[ibuf]; |
if (buf.mData != NULL) { |
// only care about the size if the buffer is non-null |
if (buf.mDataByteSize < expectedBufferByteSize) { |
// if the buffer is too small, we cannot render safely. kAudio_ParamError. |
DebugMessageN7("%s:%d %u frames, %u bytes/frame, expected %u-byte buffer; ioData.mBuffers[%u].mDataByteSize=%u; kAudio_ParamError", |
__FILE__, __LINE__, (unsigned)inFramesToProcess, (unsigned)input->GetStreamFormat().mBytesPerFrame, expectedBufferByteSize, ibuf, (unsigned)buf.mDataByteSize); |
goto ParamErr; |
} |
// Some clients incorrectly pass bigger buffers than expectedBufferByteSize. |
// We will generally set the buffer size at the end of rendering, before we return. |
// However we should ensure that no one, DURING rendering, READS a |
// potentially incorrect size. This can lead to doing too much work, or |
// reading past the end of an input buffer into unmapped memory. |
buf.mDataByteSize = expectedBufferByteSize; |
} |
} |
} |
if (WantsRenderThreadID()) |
{ |
mRenderThreadID = pthread_self(); |
#elif TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
mRenderThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); |
#endif |
} |
if (NeedsToRender (inTimeStamp)) { |
theError = ProcessBufferLists (ioActionFlags, ioData, ioData, inFramesToProcess); |
} else |
theError = noErr; |
} |
catch (OSStatus err) { |
theError = err; |
goto errexit; |
} |
catch (...) { |
theError = -1; |
goto errexit; |
} |
done: |
AUTRACE(kCATrace_AUBaseRenderEnd, mComponentInstance, (intptr_t)this, theError, ioActionFlags, ioData.mBuffers[0].mData != NULL ? *(int64_t *)ioData.mBuffers[0].mData : 0); |
return theError; |
Uninitialized: theError = kAudioUnitErr_Uninitialized; goto errexit; |
ParamErr: theError = kAudio_ParamError; goto errexit; |
TooManyFrames: theError = kAudioUnitErr_TooManyFramesToProcess; goto errexit; |
errexit: |
DebugMessageN2 (" from %s, process err: %d", GetLoggingString(), (int)theError); |
SetRenderError(theError); |
goto done; |
} |
OSStatus AUBase::DoProcessMultiple ( AudioUnitRenderActionFlags & ioActionFlags, |
const AudioTimeStamp & inTimeStamp, |
UInt32 inFramesToProcess, |
UInt32 inNumberInputBufferLists, |
const AudioBufferList ** inInputBufferLists, |
UInt32 inNumberOutputBufferLists, |
AudioBufferList ** ioOutputBufferLists) |
{ |
OSStatus theError; |
try { |
if (!(ioActionFlags & (1 << 9)/*kAudioUnitRenderAction_DoNotCheckRenderArgs*/)) { |
ca_require(IsInitialized(), Uninitialized); |
ca_require(inFramesToProcess <= mMaxFramesPerSlice, TooManyFrames); |
for (unsigned ibl = 0; ibl < inNumberInputBufferLists; ++ibl) { |
if (inInputBufferLists[ibl] != NULL) { |
AUInputElement *input = GetInput(ibl); // will throw if non-existant |
unsigned expectedBufferByteSize = inFramesToProcess * input->GetStreamFormat().mBytesPerFrame; |
if (input->GetStreamFormat().NumberChannelStreams() != inInputBufferLists[ibl]->mNumberBuffers) { |
DebugMessageN5("%s:%d inInputBufferLists[%u]->mNumberBuffers=%u, input->GetStreamFormat().NumberChannelStreams()=%u; kAudio_ParamError", |
__FILE__, __LINE__, ibl, (unsigned)inInputBufferLists[ibl]->mNumberBuffers, (unsigned)input->GetStreamFormat().NumberChannelStreams()); |
goto ParamErr; |
} |
for (unsigned ibuf = 0; ibuf < inInputBufferLists[ibl]->mNumberBuffers; ++ibuf) { |
const AudioBuffer &buf = inInputBufferLists[ibl]->mBuffers[ibuf]; |
if (buf.mData != NULL) { |
if (buf.mDataByteSize < expectedBufferByteSize) { |
// the buffer is too small |
DebugMessageN8("%s:%d %u frames, %u bytes/frame, expected %u-byte buffer; inInputBufferLists[%u].mBuffers[%u].mDataByteSize=%u; kAudio_ParamError", |
__FILE__, __LINE__, (unsigned)inFramesToProcess, (unsigned)input->GetStreamFormat().mBytesPerFrame, expectedBufferByteSize, ibl, ibuf, (unsigned)buf.mDataByteSize); |
goto ParamErr; |
} |
} else { |
// the buffer must exist |
goto ParamErr; |
} |
} |
} else { |
// skip NULL input audio buffer list |
} |
} |
for (unsigned obl = 0; obl < inNumberOutputBufferLists; ++obl) { |
if (ioOutputBufferLists[obl] != NULL) { |
AUOutputElement *output = GetOutput(obl); // will throw if non-existant |
unsigned expectedBufferByteSize = inFramesToProcess * output->GetStreamFormat().mBytesPerFrame; |
if (output->GetStreamFormat().NumberChannelStreams() != ioOutputBufferLists[obl]->mNumberBuffers) { |
DebugMessageN5("%s:%d ioOutputBufferLists[%u]->mNumberBuffers=%u, output->GetStreamFormat().NumberChannelStreams()=%u; kAudio_ParamError", |
__FILE__, __LINE__, obl, (unsigned)ioOutputBufferLists[obl]->mNumberBuffers, (unsigned)output->GetStreamFormat().NumberChannelStreams()); |
goto ParamErr; |
} |
for (unsigned obuf = 0; obuf < ioOutputBufferLists[obl]->mNumberBuffers; ++obuf) { |
AudioBuffer &buf = ioOutputBufferLists[obl]->mBuffers[obuf]; |
if (buf.mData != NULL) { |
// only care about the size if the buffer is non-null |
if (buf.mDataByteSize < expectedBufferByteSize) { |
// if the buffer is too small, we cannot render safely. kAudio_ParamError. |
DebugMessageN8("%s:%d %u frames, %u bytes/frame, expected %u-byte buffer; ioOutputBufferLists[%u]->mBuffers[%u].mDataByteSize=%u; kAudio_ParamError", |
__FILE__, __LINE__, (unsigned)inFramesToProcess, (unsigned)output->GetStreamFormat().mBytesPerFrame, expectedBufferByteSize, obl, obuf, (unsigned)buf.mDataByteSize); |
goto ParamErr; |
} |
// Some clients incorrectly pass bigger buffers than expectedBufferByteSize. |
// We will generally set the buffer size at the end of rendering, before we return. |
// However we should ensure that no one, DURING rendering, READS a |
// potentially incorrect size. This can lead to doing too much work, or |
// reading past the end of an input buffer into unmapped memory. |
buf.mDataByteSize = expectedBufferByteSize; |
} |
} |
} else { |
// skip NULL output audio buffer list |
} |
} |
} |
if (WantsRenderThreadID()) |
{ |
mRenderThreadID = pthread_self(); |
#elif TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
mRenderThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); |
#endif |
} |
if (NeedsToRender (inTimeStamp)) { |
if (inNumberInputBufferLists == 1 && inNumberOutputBufferLists == 1) |
theError = ProcessBufferLists (ioActionFlags, *inInputBufferLists[0], *ioOutputBufferLists[0], inFramesToProcess); |
else { |
theError = ProcessMultipleBufferLists (ioActionFlags, inFramesToProcess, inNumberInputBufferLists, inInputBufferLists, inNumberOutputBufferLists, ioOutputBufferLists); |
} |
} else |
theError = noErr; |
} |
catch (OSStatus err) { |
theError = err; |
goto errexit; |
} |
catch (...) { |
theError = -1; |
goto errexit; |
} |
done: |
return theError; |
Uninitialized: theError = kAudioUnitErr_Uninitialized; goto errexit; |
ParamErr: theError = kAudio_ParamError; goto errexit; |
TooManyFrames: theError = kAudioUnitErr_TooManyFramesToProcess; goto errexit; |
errexit: |
DebugMessageN2 (" from %s, processmultiple err: %d", GetLoggingString(), (int)theError); |
SetRenderError(theError); |
goto done; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::SetInputCallback( UInt32 inPropertyID, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
AURenderCallback inProc, |
void * inRefCon) |
{ |
AUInputElement *input = GetInput(inElement); // may throw |
input->SetInputCallback(inProc, inRefCon); |
PropertyChanged(inPropertyID, kAudioUnitScope_Input, inElement); |
return noErr; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::SetConnection( const AudioUnitConnection & inConnection) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
AUInputElement *input = GetInput(inConnection.destInputNumber); // may throw |
if (inConnection.sourceAudioUnit) { |
// connecting, not disconnecting |
CAStreamBasicDescription sourceDesc; |
UInt32 size = sizeof(CAStreamBasicDescription); |
ca_require_noerr(err = AudioUnitGetProperty( |
inConnection.sourceAudioUnit, |
kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, |
kAudioUnitScope_Output, |
inConnection.sourceOutputNumber, |
&sourceDesc, |
&size), errexit); |
ca_require_noerr(err = DispatchSetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, |
kAudioUnitScope_Input, inConnection.destInputNumber, |
&sourceDesc, sizeof(CAStreamBasicDescription)), errexit); |
} |
input->SetConnection(inConnection); |
PropertyChanged(kAudioUnitProperty_MakeConnection, kAudioUnitScope_Input, inConnection.destInputNumber); |
return noErr; |
errexit: |
return err; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
UInt32 AUBase::SupportedNumChannels ( const AUChannelInfo** outInfo) |
{ |
return 0; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
bool AUBase::ValidFormat( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
const CAStreamBasicDescription & inNewFormat) |
{ |
return FormatIsCanonical(inNewFormat); |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
bool AUBase::IsStreamFormatWritable( AudioUnitScope scope, |
AudioUnitElement element) |
{ |
switch (scope) { |
case kAudioUnitScope_Input: |
{ |
AUInputElement *input = GetInput(element); |
if (input->HasConnection()) return false; // can't write format when input comes from connection |
} |
// ... fall ... |
case kAudioUnitScope_Output: |
return StreamFormatWritable(scope, element); |
//#warning "aliasing of global scope format should be pushed to subclasses" |
case kAudioUnitScope_Global: |
return StreamFormatWritable(kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0); |
} |
return false; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
const CAStreamBasicDescription & |
AUBase::GetStreamFormat( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement) |
{ |
//#warning "aliasing of global scope format should be pushed to subclasses" |
AUIOElement *element; |
switch (inScope) { |
case kAudioUnitScope_Input: |
element = Inputs().GetIOElement(inElement); |
break; |
case kAudioUnitScope_Output: |
element = Outputs().GetIOElement(inElement); |
break; |
case kAudioUnitScope_Global: // global stream description is an alias for that of output 0 |
element = Outputs().GetIOElement(0); |
break; |
default: |
COMPONENT_THROW(kAudioUnitErr_InvalidScope); |
} |
return element->GetStreamFormat(); |
} |
OSStatus AUBase::SetBusCount( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
UInt32 inCount) |
{ |
if (IsInitialized()) |
return kAudioUnitErr_Initialized; |
GetScope(inScope).SetNumberOfElements(inCount); |
return noErr; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::ChangeStreamFormat( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
const CAStreamBasicDescription & inPrevFormat, |
const CAStreamBasicDescription & inNewFormat) |
{ |
//#warning "aliasing of global scope format should be pushed to subclasses" |
AUIOElement *element; |
switch (inScope) { |
case kAudioUnitScope_Input: |
element = Inputs().GetIOElement(inElement); |
break; |
case kAudioUnitScope_Output: |
element = Outputs().GetIOElement(inElement); |
break; |
case kAudioUnitScope_Global: |
element = Outputs().GetIOElement(0); |
break; |
default: |
COMPONENT_THROW(kAudioUnitErr_InvalidScope); |
} |
element->SetStreamFormat(inNewFormat); |
PropertyChanged(kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, inScope, inElement); |
return noErr; |
} |
UInt32 AUBase::GetChannelLayoutTags( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
AudioChannelLayoutTag * outLayoutTags) |
{ |
return GetIOElement(inScope, inElement)->GetChannelLayoutTags(outLayoutTags); |
} |
UInt32 AUBase::GetAudioChannelLayout( AudioUnitScope scope, |
AudioUnitElement element, |
AudioChannelLayout * outLayoutPtr, |
Boolean & outWritable) |
{ |
AUIOElement * el = GetIOElement(scope, element); |
return el->GetAudioChannelLayout(outLayoutPtr, outWritable); |
} |
OSStatus AUBase::RemoveAudioChannelLayout( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement) |
{ |
OSStatus result = noErr; |
AUIOElement * el = GetIOElement(inScope, inElement); |
Boolean writable; |
if (el->GetAudioChannelLayout(NULL, writable)) { |
result = el->RemoveAudioChannelLayout(); |
} |
return result; |
} |
OSStatus AUBase::SetAudioChannelLayout( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
const AudioChannelLayout * inLayout) |
{ |
AUIOElement* ioEl = GetIOElement (inScope, inElement); |
// the num channels of the layout HAS TO MATCH the current channels of the Element's stream format |
UInt32 currentChannels = ioEl->GetStreamFormat().NumberChannels(); |
UInt32 numChannelsInLayout = CAAudioChannelLayout::NumberChannels(*inLayout); |
if (currentChannels != numChannelsInLayout) |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
UInt32 numLayouts = GetChannelLayoutTags (inScope, inElement, NULL); |
if (numLayouts == 0) |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
AudioChannelLayoutTag *tags = (AudioChannelLayoutTag *)CA_malloc (numLayouts * sizeof (AudioChannelLayoutTag)); |
GetChannelLayoutTags (inScope, inElement, tags); |
bool foundTag = false; |
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numLayouts; ++i) { |
if (tags[i] == inLayout->mChannelLayoutTag || tags[i] == kAudioChannelLayoutTag_UseChannelDescriptions) { |
foundTag = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
free(tags); |
if (foundTag == false) |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
return ioEl->SetAudioChannelLayout(*inLayout); |
} |
static void AddNumToDictionary (CFMutableDictionaryRef dict, CFStringRef key, SInt32 value) |
{ |
CFNumberRef num = CFNumberCreate (NULL, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &value); |
CFDictionarySetValue (dict, key, num); |
CFRelease (num); |
} |
#define kCurrentSavedStateVersion 0 |
OSStatus AUBase::SaveState( CFPropertyListRef * outData) |
{ |
AudioComponentDescription desc = GetComponentDescription(); |
CFMutableDictionaryRef dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable (NULL, 0, |
&kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); |
// first step -> save the version to the data ref |
SInt32 value = kCurrentSavedStateVersion; |
AddNumToDictionary (dict, kVersionString, value); |
// second step -> save the component type, subtype, manu to the data ref |
value = desc.componentType; |
AddNumToDictionary (dict, kTypeString, value); |
value = desc.componentSubType; |
AddNumToDictionary (dict, kSubtypeString, value); |
value = desc.componentManufacturer; |
AddNumToDictionary (dict, kManufacturerString, value); |
// fourth step -> save the state of all parameters on all scopes and elements |
CFMutableDataRef data = CFDataCreateMutable(NULL, 0); |
for (AudioUnitScope iscope = 0; iscope < 3; ++iscope) { |
AUScope &scope = GetScope(iscope); |
AudioUnitElement nElems = scope.GetNumberOfElements(); |
for (AudioUnitElement ielem = 0; ielem < nElems; ++ielem) { |
AUElement *element = scope.GetElement(ielem); |
UInt32 nparams = element->GetNumberOfParameters(); |
if (nparams > 0) { |
struct { |
UInt32 scope; |
UInt32 element; |
} hdr; |
hdr.scope = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(iscope); |
hdr.element = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(ielem); |
CFDataAppendBytes(data, (UInt8 *)&hdr, sizeof(hdr)); |
element->SaveState(data); |
} |
} |
} |
// save all this in the data section of the dictionary |
CFDictionarySetValue(dict, kDataString, data); |
CFRelease (data); |
//OK - now we're going to do some properties |
//save the preset name... |
CFDictionarySetValue (dict, kNameString, mCurrentPreset.presetName); |
// Does the unit support the RenderQuality property - if so, save it... |
value = 0; |
OSStatus result = DispatchGetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_RenderQuality, |
kAudioUnitScope_Global, |
0, |
&value); |
if (result == noErr) { |
AddNumToDictionary (dict, kRenderQualityString, value); |
} |
// Does the unit support the CPULoad Quality property - if so, save it... |
Float32 cpuLoad; |
result = DispatchGetProperty (6/*kAudioUnitProperty_CPULoad*/, |
kAudioUnitScope_Global, |
0, |
&cpuLoad); |
if (result == noErr) { |
CFNumberRef num = CFNumberCreate (NULL, kCFNumberFloatType, &cpuLoad); |
CFDictionarySetValue (dict, kCPULoadString, num); |
CFRelease (num); |
} |
// Do we have any element names for any of our scopes? |
// first check to see if we have any names... |
bool foundName = false; |
for (AudioUnitScope i = 0; i < kNumScopes; ++i) { |
foundName = GetScope (i).HasElementWithName(); |
if (foundName) |
break; |
} |
// OK - we found a name away we go... |
if (foundName) { |
CFMutableDictionaryRef nameDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable (NULL, 0, |
&kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); |
for (AudioUnitScope i = 0; i < kNumScopes; ++i) { |
GetScope (i).AddElementNamesToDict (nameDict); |
} |
CFDictionarySetValue (dict, kElementNameString, nameDict); |
CFRelease (nameDict); |
} |
// we're done!!! |
*outData = dict; |
return noErr; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::RestoreState( CFPropertyListRef plist) |
{ |
if (CFGetTypeID(plist) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID()) return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
AudioComponentDescription desc = GetComponentDescription(); |
CFDictionaryRef dict = static_cast<CFDictionaryRef>(plist); |
// zeroeth step - make sure the Part key is NOT present, as this method is used |
// to restore the GLOBAL state of the dictionary |
if (CFDictionaryContainsKey (dict, kPartString)) |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
// first step -> check the saved version in the data ref |
// at this point we're only dealing with version==0 |
CFNumberRef cfnum = reinterpret_cast<CFNumberRef>(CFDictionaryGetValue (dict, kVersionString)); |
if (cfnum == NULL) return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
SInt32 value; |
CFNumberGetValue (cfnum, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &value); |
if (value != kCurrentSavedStateVersion) return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
// second step -> check that this data belongs to this kind of audio unit |
// by checking the component subtype and manuID |
// We're not checking the type, since there may be different versions (effect, format-converter, offline) |
// of essentially the same AU |
cfnum = reinterpret_cast<CFNumberRef>(CFDictionaryGetValue (dict, kSubtypeString)); |
if (cfnum == NULL) return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
CFNumberGetValue (cfnum, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &value); |
if (UInt32(value) != desc.componentSubType) return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
cfnum = reinterpret_cast<CFNumberRef>(CFDictionaryGetValue (dict, kManufacturerString)); |
if (cfnum == NULL) return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
CFNumberGetValue (cfnum, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &value); |
if (UInt32(value) != desc.componentManufacturer) return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidPropertyValue; |
// fourth step -> restore the state of all of the parameters for each scope and element |
CFDataRef data = reinterpret_cast<CFDataRef>(CFDictionaryGetValue (dict, kDataString)); |
if (data != NULL) |
{ |
const UInt8 *p, *pend; |
p = CFDataGetBytePtr(data); |
pend = p + CFDataGetLength(data); |
// we have a zero length data, which may just mean there were no parameters to save! |
// if (p >= pend) return noErr; |
while (p < pend) { |
struct { |
UInt32 scope; |
UInt32 element; |
} hdr; |
hdr.scope = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(*(UInt32 *)p); p += sizeof(UInt32); |
hdr.element = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(*(UInt32 *)p); p += sizeof(UInt32); |
AUScope &scope = GetScope(hdr.scope); |
AUElement *element = scope.GetElement(hdr.element); |
// $$$ order of operations issue: what if the element does not yet exist? |
// then we just break out of the loop |
if (!element) |
break; |
p = element->RestoreState(p); |
} |
} |
//OK - now we're going to do some properties |
//restore the preset name... |
CFStringRef name = reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef>(CFDictionaryGetValue (dict, kNameString)); |
if (mCurrentPreset.presetName) CFRelease (mCurrentPreset.presetName); |
if (name) |
{ |
mCurrentPreset.presetName = name; |
mCurrentPreset.presetNumber = -1; |
} |
else { // no name entry make the default one |
mCurrentPreset.presetName = kUntitledString; |
mCurrentPreset.presetNumber = -1; |
} |
CFRetain (mCurrentPreset.presetName); |
#ifndef __LP64__ |
PropertyChanged(kAudioUnitProperty_CurrentPreset, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0); |
#endif |
#endif |
PropertyChanged(kAudioUnitProperty_PresentPreset, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0); |
// Does the dict contain render quality information? |
if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent (dict, kRenderQualityString, reinterpret_cast<const void**>(&cfnum))) |
{ |
CFNumberGetValue (cfnum, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &value); |
DispatchSetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_RenderQuality, |
kAudioUnitScope_Global, |
0, |
&value, |
sizeof(value)); |
} |
// Does the unit support the CPULoad Quality property - if so, save it... |
if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent (dict, kCPULoadString, reinterpret_cast<const void**>(&cfnum))) |
{ |
Float32 floatValue; |
CFNumberGetValue (cfnum, kCFNumberFloatType, &floatValue); |
DispatchSetProperty (6/*kAudioUnitProperty_CPULoad*/, |
kAudioUnitScope_Global, |
0, |
&floatValue, |
sizeof(floatValue)); |
} |
// Do we have any element names for any of our scopes? |
CFDictionaryRef nameDict; |
if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent (dict, kElementNameString, reinterpret_cast<const void**>(&nameDict))) |
{ |
char string[64]; |
for (int i = 0; i < kNumScopes; ++i) |
{ |
sprintf (string, "%d", i); |
CFStringRef key = CFStringCreateWithCString (NULL, string, kCFStringEncodingASCII); |
CFDictionaryRef elementDict; |
if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent (nameDict, key, reinterpret_cast<const void**>(&elementDict))) |
{ |
bool didAddElements = GetScope (i).RestoreElementNames (elementDict); |
if (didAddElements) |
PropertyChanged (kAudioUnitProperty_ElementCount, i, 0); |
} |
CFRelease (key); |
} |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
OSStatus AUBase::GetPresets ( CFArrayRef * outData) const |
{ |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
} |
OSStatus AUBase::NewFactoryPresetSet (const AUPreset & inNewFactoryPreset) |
{ |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
} |
// set the default preset for the unit -> the number of the preset MUST be >= 0 |
// and the name should be valid, or the preset WON'T take |
bool AUBase::SetAFactoryPresetAsCurrent (const AUPreset & inPreset) |
{ |
if (inPreset.presetNumber < 0 || inPreset.presetName == NULL) return false; |
CFRelease (mCurrentPreset.presetName); |
mCurrentPreset = inPreset; |
CFRetain (mCurrentPreset.presetName); |
return true; |
} |
int AUBase::GetNumCustomUIComponents () |
{ |
return 0; |
} |
void AUBase::GetUIComponentDescs (ComponentDescription* inDescArray) {} |
#endif |
bool AUBase::HasIcon () |
{ |
CFURLRef url = CopyIconLocation(); |
if (url) { |
CFRelease (url); |
return true; |
} |
#endif |
return false; |
} |
CFURLRef AUBase::CopyIconLocation () |
{ |
return NULL; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::GetParameterList( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitParameterID * outParameterList, |
UInt32 & outNumParameters) |
{ |
AUScope &scope = GetScope(inScope); |
AUElement *elementWithMostParameters = NULL; |
UInt32 maxNumParams = 0; |
int nElems = scope.GetNumberOfElements(); |
for (int ielem = 0; ielem < nElems; ++ielem) { |
AUElement *element = scope.GetElement(ielem); |
UInt32 nParams = element->GetNumberOfParameters(); |
if (nParams > maxNumParams) { |
maxNumParams = nParams; |
elementWithMostParameters = element; |
} |
} |
if (outParameterList != NULL && elementWithMostParameters != NULL) |
elementWithMostParameters->GetParameterList(outParameterList); |
outNumParameters = maxNumParams; |
return noErr; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::GetParameterInfo( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID, |
AudioUnitParameterInfo &outParameterInfo ) |
{ |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::GetParameterValueStrings(AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID, |
CFArrayRef * outStrings) |
{ |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::GetParameterHistoryInfo( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID, |
Float32 & outUpdatesPerSecond, |
Float32 & outHistoryDurationInSeconds) |
{ |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
OSStatus AUBase::CopyClumpName( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
UInt32 inClumpID, |
UInt32 inDesiredNameLength, |
CFStringRef * outClumpName) |
{ |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUBase::SetNumberOfElements( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
UInt32 numElements) |
{ |
if (inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global && numElements != 1) |
COMPONENT_THROW(kAudioUnitErr_InvalidScope); |
GetScope(inScope).SetNumberOfElements(numElements); |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
AUElement * AUBase::CreateElement( AudioUnitScope scope, |
AudioUnitElement element) |
{ |
switch (scope) { |
case kAudioUnitScope_Global: |
return new AUElement(this); |
case kAudioUnitScope_Input: |
return new AUInputElement(this); |
case kAudioUnitScope_Output: |
return new AUOutputElement(this); |
case kAudioUnitScope_Group: |
return new AUElement(this); |
case kAudioUnitScope_Part: |
return new AUElement(this); |
#endif |
} |
COMPONENT_THROW(kAudioUnitErr_InvalidScope); |
return NULL; // get rid of compiler warning |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
bool AUBase::FormatIsCanonical( const CAStreamBasicDescription &f) |
{ |
return (f.mFormatID == kAudioFormatLinearPCM |
&& f.mFramesPerPacket == 1 |
&& f.mBytesPerPacket == f.mBytesPerFrame |
// && f.mChannelsPerFrame >= 0 -- this is always true since it's unsigned |
// so far, it's a valid PCM format |
&& (f.mFormatFlags & kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsFloat) == 0 |
&& (((f.mFormatFlags & kLinearPCMFormatFlagsSampleFractionMask) >> kLinearPCMFormatFlagsSampleFractionShift) == kAudioUnitSampleFractionBits) |
#else |
&& (f.mFormatFlags & kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsFloat) != 0 |
#endif |
&& ((f.mChannelsPerFrame == 1) || ((f.mFormatFlags & kAudioFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved) == 0) == (mAudioUnitAPIVersion == 1)) |
&& (f.mFormatFlags & kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsBigEndian) != 0 |
#else |
&& (f.mFormatFlags & kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsBigEndian) == 0 |
#endif |
&& f.mBitsPerChannel == 8 * sizeof(AudioUnitSampleType) |
&& f.mBytesPerFrame == f.NumberInterleavedChannels() * sizeof(AudioUnitSampleType) |
); |
} |
//_____________________________________________________________________________ |
// |
void AUBase::MakeCanonicalFormat( CAStreamBasicDescription & f, |
int nChannels) |
{ |
f.SetAUCanonical(nChannels, mAudioUnitAPIVersion < 2); // interleaved for v1, non for v2 |
f.mSampleRate = 0.0; |
} |
const Float64 AUBase::kNoLastRenderedSampleTime = -1.; |
#include "AUBaseHelper.h" |
char* AUBase::GetLoggingString () const |
{ |
if (mLogString) return mLogString; |
AudioComponentDescription desc = GetComponentDescription(); |
const_cast<AUBase*>(this)->mLogString = new char[256]; |
char str[24]; |
char str1[24]; |
char str2[24]; |
sprintf (const_cast<AUBase*>(this)->mLogString, "AU (%p): %s %s %s", |
GetComponentInstance(), |
CAStringForOSType(desc.componentType, str), |
CAStringForOSType(desc.componentSubType, str1), |
CAStringForOSType(desc.componentManufacturer, str2)); |
return mLogString; |
} |
Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2012-10-23