Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Relevant replacement documents include:
/* |
File: AUBase.h |
Abstract: Part of CoreAudio Utility Classes |
Version: 1.0.1 |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple |
Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following |
terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of |
this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do |
not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or |
redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and |
subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive |
license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the |
"Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple |
Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; |
provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and |
without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following |
text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. |
Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may |
be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software |
without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as |
expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or |
implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any |
patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other |
works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE |
Copyright (C) 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
*/ |
#ifndef __AUBase_h__ |
#define __AUBase_h__ |
#include <TargetConditionals.h> |
#include <pthread.h> |
#elif TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
#include <windows.h> |
#else |
#error Unsupported Operating System |
#endif |
#include <vector> |
#include "AUScopeElement.h" |
#include "AUInputElement.h" |
#include "AUOutputElement.h" |
#include "AUBuffer.h" |
#include "CAMath.h" |
#include "CAThreadSafeList.h" |
#include "CAVectorUnit.h" |
#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h> |
#include <AudioUnit/MusicDevice.h> |
#endif |
#else |
#include "AudioUnit.h" |
#include "MusicDevice.h" |
#endif |
#endif |
#ifndef AUTRACE |
#define AUTRACE(code, obj, a, b, c, d) |
#endif |
#include "AUPlugInDispatch.h" |
// ________________________________________________________________________ |
// These are to be moved to the public AudioUnit headers |
#define kAUDefaultSampleRate 44100.0 |
#if !TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
#define kAUDefaultMaxFramesPerSlice 1156 |
//this allows enough default frames for a 512 dest 44K and SRC from 96K |
// add a padding of 4 frames for any altivec rounding |
#else |
#define kAUDefaultMaxFramesPerSlice 2048 |
#endif |
// ________________________________________________________________________ |
/*! @class AUBase */ |
class AUBase : public ComponentBase { |
public: |
/*! @ctor AUBase */ |
AUBase( AudioComponentInstance inInstance, |
UInt32 numInputElements, |
UInt32 numOutputElements, |
UInt32 numGroupElements = 0); |
/*! @dtor AUBase */ |
virtual ~AUBase(); |
/*! @method PostConstructor */ |
virtual void PostConstructor() { CreateElements(); } |
/*! @method PreDestructor */ |
virtual void PreDestructor(); |
/*! @method CreateElements */ |
void CreateElements(); |
// Called immediately after construction, when virtual methods work. |
// Or, a subclass may call this in order to have access to elements |
// in its constructor. |
/*! @method CreateExtendedElements */ |
virtual void CreateExtendedElements() {} |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark AU dispatch |
// ________________________________________________________________________ |
// Virtual methods (mostly) directly corresponding to the entry points. Many of these |
// have useful implementations here and will not need overriding. |
/*! @method DoInitialize */ |
OSStatus DoInitialize(); |
// this implements the entry point and makes sure that initialization |
// is only attempted exactly once... |
/*! @method Initialize */ |
virtual OSStatus Initialize(); |
// ... so that overrides to this method can assume that they will only |
// be called exactly once. |
/*! @method IsInitialized */ |
bool IsInitialized() const { return mInitialized; } |
/*! @method HasBegunInitializing */ |
bool HasBegunInitializing() const { return mHasBegunInitializing; } |
/*! @method DoCleanup */ |
void DoCleanup(); |
// same pattern as with Initialize |
/*! @method Cleanup */ |
virtual void Cleanup(); |
/*! @method Reset */ |
virtual OSStatus Reset( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement); |
// Note about GetPropertyInfo, GetProperty, SetProperty: |
// Certain properties are trapped out in these dispatch functions and handled with different virtual |
// methods. (To discourage hacks and keep vtable size down, these are non-virtual) |
/*! @method DispatchGetPropertyInfo */ |
OSStatus DispatchGetPropertyInfo(AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
UInt32 & outDataSize, |
Boolean & outWritable); |
/*! @method DispatchGetProperty */ |
OSStatus DispatchGetProperty( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
void * outData); |
/*! @method DispatchSetProperty */ |
OSStatus DispatchSetProperty( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
const void * inData, |
UInt32 inDataSize); |
OSStatus DispatchRemovePropertyValue( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement); |
/*! @method GetPropertyInfo */ |
virtual OSStatus GetPropertyInfo( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
UInt32 & outDataSize, |
Boolean & outWritable); |
/*! @method GetProperty */ |
virtual OSStatus GetProperty( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
void * outData); |
/*! @method SetProperty */ |
virtual OSStatus SetProperty( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
const void * inData, |
UInt32 inDataSize); |
/*! @method ClearPropertyUsage */ |
virtual OSStatus RemovePropertyValue ( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement); |
/*! @method AddPropertyListener */ |
virtual OSStatus AddPropertyListener( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitPropertyListenerProc inProc, |
void * inProcRefCon); |
/*! @method RemovePropertyListener */ |
virtual OSStatus RemovePropertyListener( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitPropertyListenerProc inProc, |
void * inProcRefCon, |
bool refConSpecified); |
/*! @method SetRenderNotification */ |
virtual OSStatus SetRenderNotification( AURenderCallback inProc, |
void * inRefCon); |
/*! @method RemoveRenderNotification */ |
virtual OSStatus RemoveRenderNotification( |
AURenderCallback inProc, |
void * inRefCon); |
/*! @method GetParameter */ |
virtual OSStatus GetParameter( AudioUnitParameterID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
AudioUnitParameterValue & outValue); |
/*! @method SetParameter */ |
virtual OSStatus SetParameter( AudioUnitParameterID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
AudioUnitParameterValue inValue, |
UInt32 inBufferOffsetInFrames); |
/*! @method ScheduleParameter */ |
virtual OSStatus ScheduleParameter ( const AudioUnitParameterEvent *inParameterEvent, |
UInt32 inNumEvents); |
/*! @method DoRender */ |
OSStatus DoRender( AudioUnitRenderActionFlags & ioActionFlags, |
const AudioTimeStamp & inTimeStamp, |
UInt32 inBusNumber, |
UInt32 inNumberFrames, |
AudioBufferList & ioData); |
/*! @method Process */ |
OSStatus DoProcess ( AudioUnitRenderActionFlags & ioActionFlags, |
const AudioTimeStamp & inTimeStamp, |
UInt32 inFramesToProcess, |
AudioBufferList & ioData); |
/*! @method ProcessMultiple */ |
OSStatus DoProcessMultiple ( AudioUnitRenderActionFlags & ioActionFlags, |
const AudioTimeStamp & inTimeStamp, |
UInt32 inFramesToProcess, |
UInt32 inNumberInputBufferLists, |
const AudioBufferList ** inInputBufferLists, |
UInt32 inNumberOutputBufferLists, |
AudioBufferList ** ioOutputBufferLists); |
/*! @method ProcessBufferLists */ |
virtual OSStatus ProcessBufferLists( AudioUnitRenderActionFlags & ioActionFlags, |
const AudioBufferList & inBuffer, |
AudioBufferList & outBuffer, |
UInt32 inFramesToProcess ) |
{ |
return kAudio_UnimplementedError; |
} |
/*! @method ProcessMultipleBufferLists */ |
virtual OSStatus ProcessMultipleBufferLists( AudioUnitRenderActionFlags & ioActionFlags, |
UInt32 inFramesToProcess, |
UInt32 inNumberInputBufferLists, |
const AudioBufferList ** inInputBufferLists, |
UInt32 inNumberOutputBufferLists, |
AudioBufferList ** ioOutputBufferLists) |
{ |
return kAudio_UnimplementedError; |
} |
/*! @method ComplexRender */ |
virtual OSStatus ComplexRender( AudioUnitRenderActionFlags & ioActionFlags, |
const AudioTimeStamp & inTimeStamp, |
UInt32 inOutputBusNumber, |
UInt32 inNumberOfPackets, |
UInt32 * outNumberOfPackets, |
AudioStreamPacketDescription * outPacketDescriptions, |
AudioBufferList & ioData, |
void * outMetadata, |
UInt32 * outMetadataByteSize) |
{ |
return kAudio_UnimplementedError; |
} |
// Override this method if your AU processes multiple output busses completely independently -- |
// you'll want to just call Render without the NeedsToRender check. |
// Otherwise, override Render(). |
// |
// N.B. Implementations of this method can assume that the output's buffer list has already been |
// prepared and access it with GetOutput(inBusNumber)->GetBufferList() instead of |
// GetOutput(inBusNumber)->PrepareBuffer(nFrames) -- if PrepareBuffer is called, a |
// copy may occur after rendering. |
/*! @method RenderBus */ |
virtual OSStatus RenderBus( AudioUnitRenderActionFlags & ioActionFlags, |
const AudioTimeStamp & inTimeStamp, |
UInt32 inBusNumber, |
UInt32 inNumberFrames) |
{ |
if (NeedsToRender(inTimeStamp)) |
return Render(ioActionFlags, inTimeStamp, inNumberFrames); |
return noErr; // was presumably already rendered via another bus |
} |
// N.B. For a unit with only one output bus, it can assume in its implementation of this |
// method that the output's buffer list has already been prepared and access it with |
// GetOutput(0)->GetBufferList() instead of GetOutput(0)->PrepareBuffer(nFrames) |
// -- if PrepareBuffer is called, a copy may occur after rendering. |
/*! @method Render */ |
virtual OSStatus Render( AudioUnitRenderActionFlags & ioActionFlags, |
const AudioTimeStamp & inTimeStamp, |
UInt32 inNumberFrames) |
{ |
return noErr; |
} |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark Property Dispatch |
static const Float64 kNoLastRenderedSampleTime; |
// ________________________________________________________________________ |
// These are generated from DispatchGetProperty/DispatchGetPropertyInfo/DispatchSetProperty |
/*! @method BusCountWritable */ |
virtual bool BusCountWritable( AudioUnitScope inScope) |
{ |
return false; |
} |
virtual OSStatus SetBusCount( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
UInt32 inCount); |
/*! @method SetConnection */ |
virtual OSStatus SetConnection( const AudioUnitConnection & inConnection); |
/*! @method SetInputCallback */ |
virtual OSStatus SetInputCallback( UInt32 inPropertyID, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
AURenderCallback inProc, |
void * inRefCon); |
/*! @method GetParameterList */ |
virtual OSStatus GetParameterList( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitParameterID * outParameterList, |
UInt32 & outNumParameters); |
// outParameterList may be a null pointer |
/*! @method GetParameterInfo */ |
virtual OSStatus GetParameterInfo( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID, |
AudioUnitParameterInfo & outParameterInfo); |
virtual OSStatus GetParameterHistoryInfo(AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID, |
Float32 & outUpdatesPerSecond, |
Float32 & outHistoryDurationInSeconds); |
/*! @method SaveState */ |
virtual OSStatus SaveState( CFPropertyListRef * outData); |
/*! @method RestoreState */ |
virtual OSStatus RestoreState( CFPropertyListRef inData); |
/*! @method GetParameterValueStrings */ |
virtual OSStatus GetParameterValueStrings(AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID, |
CFArrayRef * outStrings); |
/*! @method CopyClumpName */ |
virtual OSStatus CopyClumpName( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
UInt32 inClumpID, |
UInt32 inDesiredNameLength, |
CFStringRef * outClumpName); |
/*! @method GetPresets */ |
virtual OSStatus GetPresets ( CFArrayRef * outData) const; |
// set the default preset for the unit -> the number of the preset MUST be >= 0 |
// and the name should be valid, or the preset WON'T take |
/*! @method SetAFactoryPresetAsCurrent */ |
bool SetAFactoryPresetAsCurrent (const AUPreset & inPreset); |
// Called when someone sets a new, valid preset |
// If this is a valid preset, then the subclass sets its state to that preset |
// and returns noErr. |
// If not a valid preset, return an error, and the pre-existing preset is restored |
/*! @method NewFactoryPresetSet */ |
virtual OSStatus NewFactoryPresetSet (const AUPreset & inNewFactoryPreset); |
/*! @method GetNumCustomUIComponents */ |
virtual int GetNumCustomUIComponents (); |
/*! @method GetUIComponentDescs */ |
virtual void GetUIComponentDescs (ComponentDescription* inDescArray); |
#endif |
/*! @method CopyIconLocation */ |
virtual CFURLRef CopyIconLocation (); |
// default is no latency, and unimplemented tail time |
/*! @method GetLatency */ |
virtual Float64 GetLatency() {return 0.0;} |
/*! @method GetTailTime */ |
virtual Float64 GetTailTime() {return 0;} |
/*! @method SupportsRampAndTail */ |
virtual bool SupportsTail () { return false; } |
/*! @method IsStreamFormatWritable */ |
bool IsStreamFormatWritable( AudioUnitScope scope, |
AudioUnitElement element); |
/*! @method StreamFormatWritable */ |
virtual bool StreamFormatWritable( AudioUnitScope scope, |
AudioUnitElement element) = 0; |
// scope will always be input or output |
// pass in a pointer to get the struct, and num channel infos |
// you can pass in NULL to just get the number |
// a return value of 0 (the default in AUBase) means the property is not supported... |
/*! @method SupportedNumChannels */ |
virtual UInt32 SupportedNumChannels ( const AUChannelInfo** outInfo); |
/*! @method ValidFormat */ |
virtual bool ValidFormat( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
const CAStreamBasicDescription & inNewFormat); |
// Will only be called after StreamFormatWritable |
// has succeeded. |
// Default implementation requires canonical format: |
// native-endian 32-bit float, any sample rate, |
// any number of channels; override when other |
// formats are supported. A subclass's override can |
// choose to always return true and trap invalid |
// formats in ChangeStreamFormat. |
/*! @method FormatIsCanonical */ |
bool FormatIsCanonical( const CAStreamBasicDescription &format); |
/*! @method MakeCanonicalFormat */ |
void MakeCanonicalFormat( CAStreamBasicDescription & outDesc, |
int numChannels = 2); |
/*! @method GetStreamFormat */ |
virtual const CAStreamBasicDescription & |
GetStreamFormat( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement); |
/*! @method ChangeStreamFormat */ |
virtual OSStatus ChangeStreamFormat( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
const CAStreamBasicDescription & inPrevFormat, |
const CAStreamBasicDescription & inNewFormat); |
// Will only be called after StreamFormatWritable |
// and ValidFormat have succeeded. |
// ________________________________________________________________________ |
/*! @method ComponentEntryDispatch */ |
static OSStatus ComponentEntryDispatch( ComponentParameters * params, |
AUBase * This); |
#endif |
// ________________________________________________________________________ |
// Methods useful for subclasses |
/*! @method GetScope */ |
AUScope & GetScope( AudioUnitScope inScope) |
{ |
if (inScope >= kNumScopes) { |
AUScope * scope = GetScopeExtended(inScope); |
if (!scope) COMPONENT_THROW(kAudioUnitErr_InvalidScope); |
return *scope; |
} |
return mScopes[inScope]; |
} |
/*! @method GetScopeExtended */ |
virtual AUScope * GetScopeExtended (AudioUnitScope inScope) { return NULL; } |
/*! @method GlobalScope */ |
AUScope & GlobalScope() { return mScopes[kAudioUnitScope_Global]; } |
/*! @method Inputs */ |
AUScope & Inputs() { return mScopes[kAudioUnitScope_Input]; } |
/*! @method Outputs */ |
AUScope & Outputs() { return mScopes[kAudioUnitScope_Output]; } |
/*! @method Groups */ |
AUScope & Groups() { return mScopes[kAudioUnitScope_Group]; } |
#endif |
/*! @method Globals */ |
AUElement * Globals() { return mScopes[kAudioUnitScope_Global].GetElement(0); } |
/*! @method SetNumberOfElements */ |
void SetNumberOfElements( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
UInt32 numElements); |
/*! @method GetElement */ |
AUElement * GetElement( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement) |
{ |
return GetScope(inScope).GetElement(inElement); |
} |
/*! @method GetIOElement */ |
AUIOElement * GetIOElement( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement) |
{ |
return GetScope(inScope).GetIOElement(inElement); |
} |
/*! @method SafeGetElement */ |
AUElement * SafeGetElement( AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement) |
{ |
return GetScope(inScope).SafeGetElement(inElement); |
} |
/*! @method GetInput */ |
AUInputElement * GetInput( AudioUnitElement inElement) |
{ |
return static_cast<AUInputElement *>(Inputs().SafeGetElement(inElement)); |
} |
/*! @method GetOutput */ |
AUOutputElement * GetOutput( AudioUnitElement inElement) |
{ |
return static_cast<AUOutputElement *>(Outputs().SafeGetElement(inElement)); |
} |
/*! @method GetGroup */ |
AUElement * GetGroup( AudioUnitElement inElement) |
{ |
return Groups().SafeGetElement(inElement); |
} |
#endif |
/*! @method PullInput */ |
OSStatus PullInput( UInt32 inBusNumber, |
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags &ioActionFlags, |
const AudioTimeStamp & inTimeStamp, |
UInt32 inNumberFrames) |
{ |
AUInputElement *input = GetInput(inBusNumber); // throws if error |
return input->PullInput(ioActionFlags, inTimeStamp, inBusNumber, inNumberFrames); |
} |
/*! @method GetMaxFramesPerSlice */ |
UInt32 GetMaxFramesPerSlice() const { return mMaxFramesPerSlice; } |
/*! @method GetVectorUnitType */ |
static SInt32 GetVectorUnitType() { return sVectorUnitType; } |
/*! @method HasVectorUnit */ |
static bool HasVectorUnit() { return sVectorUnitType > 0; } |
/*! @method HasAltivec */ |
static bool HasAltivec() { return sVectorUnitType == kVecAltivec; } |
/*! @method HasSSE2 */ |
static bool HasSSE2() { return sVectorUnitType >= kVecSSE2; } |
/*! @method HasSSE3 */ |
static bool HasSSE3() { return sVectorUnitType == kVecSSE3; } |
/*! @method AudioUnitAPIVersion */ |
UInt8 AudioUnitAPIVersion() const { return mAudioUnitAPIVersion; } |
/*! @method IsRenderThread */ |
bool InRenderThread () const |
{ |
return (mRenderThreadID ? pthread_equal (mRenderThreadID, pthread_self()) : false); |
#elif TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
return (mRenderThreadID ? mRenderThreadID == GetCurrentThreadId() : false); |
#endif |
} |
/*! @method HasInput */ |
bool HasInput( AudioUnitElement inElement) { |
AUInputElement *in = static_cast<AUInputElement *>(Inputs().GetElement(inElement)); |
return in != NULL && in->IsActive(); |
} |
// says whether an input is connected or has a callback |
/*! @method PropertyChanged */ |
virtual void PropertyChanged( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement); |
// These calls can be used to call a Host's Callbacks. The method returns -1 if the host |
// hasn't supplied the callback. Any other result is returned by the host. |
// As in the API contract, for a parameter's value, you specify a pointer |
// to that data type. Specify NULL for a parameter that you are not interested |
// as this can save work in the host. |
/*! @method CallHostBeatAndTempo */ |
OSStatus CallHostBeatAndTempo (Float64 *outCurrentBeat, |
Float64 *outCurrentTempo) |
{ |
return (mHostCallbackInfo.beatAndTempoProc |
? (*mHostCallbackInfo.beatAndTempoProc) (mHostCallbackInfo.hostUserData, |
outCurrentBeat, |
outCurrentTempo) |
: -1); |
} |
/*! @method CallHostMusicalTimeLocation */ |
OSStatus CallHostMusicalTimeLocation (UInt32 *outDeltaSampleOffsetToNextBeat, |
Float32 *outTimeSig_Numerator, |
UInt32 *outTimeSig_Denominator, |
Float64 *outCurrentMeasureDownBeat) |
{ |
return (mHostCallbackInfo.musicalTimeLocationProc |
? (*mHostCallbackInfo.musicalTimeLocationProc) (mHostCallbackInfo.hostUserData, |
outDeltaSampleOffsetToNextBeat, |
outTimeSig_Numerator, |
outTimeSig_Denominator, |
outCurrentMeasureDownBeat) |
: -1); |
} |
/*! @method CallHostTransportState */ |
OSStatus CallHostTransportState (Boolean *outIsPlaying, |
Boolean *outTransportStateChanged, |
Float64 *outCurrentSampleInTimeLine, |
Boolean *outIsCycling, |
Float64 *outCycleStartBeat, |
Float64 *outCycleEndBeat) |
{ |
return (mHostCallbackInfo.transportStateProc |
? (*mHostCallbackInfo.transportStateProc) (mHostCallbackInfo.hostUserData, |
outIsPlaying, |
outTransportStateChanged, |
outCurrentSampleInTimeLine, |
outIsCycling, |
outCycleStartBeat, |
outCycleEndBeat) |
: -1); |
} |
#endif |
char* GetLoggingString () const; |
// ________________________________________________________________________ |
/*! @method CreateElement */ |
virtual AUElement * CreateElement( AudioUnitScope scope, |
AudioUnitElement element); |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark AU Output Base Dispatch |
// ________________________________________________________________________ |
// ________________________________________________________________________ |
// ________________________________________________________________________ |
// output unit methods |
/*! @method Start */ |
virtual OSStatus Start() { return kAudio_UnimplementedError; } |
/*! @method Stop */ |
virtual OSStatus Stop() { return kAudio_UnimplementedError; } |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark AU Music Base Dispatch |
// these methods are deprecated, so we don't include them except for compatability |
/*! @method PrepareInstrument */ |
virtual OSStatus PrepareInstrument(MusicDeviceInstrumentID inInstrument) { return kAudio_UnimplementedError; } |
/*! @method PrepareInstrument */ |
virtual OSStatus ReleaseInstrument(MusicDeviceInstrumentID inInstrument) { return kAudio_UnimplementedError; } |
#endif |
// ________________________________________________________________________ |
// ________________________________________________________________________ |
// ________________________________________________________________________ |
// music device/music effect methods -- incomplete |
/*! @method MIDIEvent */ |
virtual OSStatus MIDIEvent( UInt32 inStatus, |
UInt32 inData1, |
UInt32 inData2, |
UInt32 inOffsetSampleFrame) { return kAudio_UnimplementedError; } |
/*! @method SysEx */ |
virtual OSStatus SysEx( const UInt8 * inData, |
UInt32 inLength) { return kAudio_UnimplementedError;} |
/*! @method StartNote */ |
virtual OSStatus StartNote( MusicDeviceInstrumentID inInstrument, |
MusicDeviceGroupID inGroupID, |
NoteInstanceID * outNoteInstanceID, |
UInt32 inOffsetSampleFrame, |
const MusicDeviceNoteParams &inParams) { return kAudio_UnimplementedError; } |
/*! @method StopNote */ |
virtual OSStatus StopNote( MusicDeviceGroupID inGroupID, |
NoteInstanceID inNoteInstanceID, |
UInt32 inOffsetSampleFrame) { return kAudio_UnimplementedError; } |
#endif |
// ________________________________________________________________________ |
// ________________________________________________________________________ |
// ________________________________________________________________________ |
protected: |
#pragma mark - |
#pragma mark Implementation methods |
/*! @method ReallocateBuffers */ |
virtual void ReallocateBuffers(); |
// needs to be called when mMaxFramesPerSlice changes |
/*! @method FillInParameterName */ |
static void FillInParameterName (AudioUnitParameterInfo& ioInfo, CFStringRef inName, bool inShouldRelease) |
{ |
ioInfo.cfNameString = inName; |
ioInfo.flags |= kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasCFNameString; |
if (inShouldRelease) |
ioInfo.flags |= kAudioUnitParameterFlag_CFNameRelease; |
CFStringGetCString (inName,, offsetof (AudioUnitParameterInfo, clumpID), kCFStringEncodingUTF8); |
} |
static void HasClump (AudioUnitParameterInfo& ioInfo, UInt32 inClumpID) |
{ |
ioInfo.clumpID = inClumpID; |
ioInfo.flags |= kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasClump; |
} |
/*! @method SetMaxFramesPerSlice */ |
virtual void SetMaxFramesPerSlice(UInt32 nFrames); |
/*! @method CanSetMaxFrames */ |
virtual OSStatus CanSetMaxFrames() const; |
/*! @method WantsRenderThreadID */ |
bool WantsRenderThreadID () const { return mWantsRenderThreadID; } |
/*! @method SetWantsRenderThreadID */ |
void SetWantsRenderThreadID (bool inFlag); |
/*! @method SetRenderError */ |
OSStatus SetRenderError (OSStatus inErr) |
{ |
if (inErr && mLastRenderError == 0) { |
mLastRenderError = inErr; |
PropertyChanged(kAudioUnitProperty_LastRenderError, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0); |
} |
return inErr; |
} |
private: |
/*! @method DoRenderBus */ |
// shared between Render and RenderSlice, inlined to minimize function call overhead |
OSStatus DoRenderBus( AudioUnitRenderActionFlags & ioActionFlags, |
const AudioTimeStamp & inTimeStamp, |
UInt32 inBusNumber, |
AUOutputElement * theOutput, |
UInt32 inNumberFrames, |
AudioBufferList & ioData) |
{ |
if (ioData.mBuffers[0].mData == NULL || (theOutput->WillAllocateBuffer() && Outputs().GetNumberOfElements() > 1)) |
// will render into cache buffer |
theOutput->PrepareBuffer(inNumberFrames); |
else |
// will render into caller's buffer |
theOutput->SetBufferList(ioData); |
OSStatus result = RenderBus(ioActionFlags, inTimeStamp, inBusNumber, inNumberFrames); |
if (result == noErr) { |
if (ioData.mBuffers[0].mData == NULL) { |
theOutput->CopyBufferListTo(ioData); |
AUTRACE(kCATrace_AUBaseDoRenderBus, mComponentInstance, inNumberFrames, (intptr_t)theOutput->GetBufferList().mBuffers[0].mData, 0, *(UInt32 *)ioData.mBuffers[0].mData); |
} else { |
theOutput->CopyBufferContentsTo(ioData); |
AUTRACE(kCATrace_AUBaseDoRenderBus, mComponentInstance, inNumberFrames, (intptr_t)theOutput->GetBufferList().mBuffers[0].mData, (intptr_t)ioData.mBuffers[0].mData, *(UInt32 *)ioData.mBuffers[0].mData); |
theOutput->InvalidateBufferList(); |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
/*! @method HasIcon */ |
bool HasIcon (); |
/*! @method ResetRenderTime */ |
void ResetRenderTime () |
{ |
memset (&mCurrentRenderTime, 0, sizeof(mCurrentRenderTime)); |
mCurrentRenderTime.mSampleTime = kNoLastRenderedSampleTime; |
} |
protected: |
/*! @method GetAudioChannelLayout */ |
virtual UInt32 GetChannelLayoutTags( AudioUnitScope scope, |
AudioUnitElement element, |
AudioChannelLayoutTag * outLayoutTags); |
/*! @method GetAudioChannelLayout */ |
virtual UInt32 GetAudioChannelLayout( AudioUnitScope scope, |
AudioUnitElement element, |
AudioChannelLayout * outLayoutPtr, |
Boolean & outWritable); |
/*! @method SetAudioChannelLayout */ |
virtual OSStatus SetAudioChannelLayout( AudioUnitScope scope, |
AudioUnitElement element, |
const AudioChannelLayout * inLayout); |
/*! @method RemoveAudioChannelLayout */ |
virtual OSStatus RemoveAudioChannelLayout(AudioUnitScope scope, AudioUnitElement element); |
/*! @method NeedsToRender */ |
bool NeedsToRender( const AudioTimeStamp & inTimeStamp) |
{ |
bool needsToRender = fnotequal(inTimeStamp.mSampleTime, mCurrentRenderTime.mSampleTime); |
if (needsToRender) // only copy this if we need to render |
mCurrentRenderTime = inTimeStamp; |
return needsToRender; |
} |
// Scheduled parameter implementation: |
typedef std::vector<AudioUnitParameterEvent> ParameterEventList; |
// Usually, you won't override this method. You only need to call this if your DSP code |
// is prepared to handle scheduled immediate and ramped parameter changes. |
// Before calling this method, it is assumed you have already called PullInput() on the input busses |
// for which the DSP code depends. ProcessForScheduledParams() will call (potentially repeatedly) |
// virtual method ProcessScheduledSlice() to perform the actual DSP for a given sub-division of |
// the buffer. The job of ProcessForScheduledParams() is to sub-divide the buffer into smaller |
// pieces according to the scheduled times found in the ParameterEventList (usually coming |
// directly from a previous call to ScheduleParameter() ), setting the appropriate immediate or |
// ramped parameter values for the corresponding scopes and elements, then calling ProcessScheduledSlice() |
// to do the actual DSP for each of these divisions. |
virtual OSStatus ProcessForScheduledParams( ParameterEventList &inParamList, |
UInt32 inFramesToProcess, |
void *inUserData ); |
// This method is called (potentially repeatedly) by ProcessForScheduledParams() |
// in order to perform the actual DSP required for this portion of the entire buffer |
// being processed. The entire buffer can be divided up into smaller "slices" |
// according to the timestamps on the scheduled parameters... |
// |
// sub-classes wishing to handle scheduled parameter changes should override this method |
// in order to do the appropriate DSP. AUEffectBase already overrides this for standard |
// effect AudioUnits. |
virtual OSStatus ProcessScheduledSlice( void *inUserData, |
UInt32 inStartFrameInBuffer, |
UInt32 inSliceFramesToProcess, |
UInt32 inTotalBufferFrames ) {return noErr;}; // default impl does nothing... |
/*! @method CurrentRenderTime */ |
const AudioTimeStamp & CurrentRenderTime () const { return mCurrentRenderTime; } |
// ________________________________________________________________________ |
// Private data members to discourage hacking in subclasses |
private: |
struct RenderCallback { |
RenderCallback(AURenderCallback proc, void *ref) : |
mRenderNotify(proc), |
mRenderNotifyRefCon(ref) |
{ } |
AURenderCallback mRenderNotify; |
void * mRenderNotifyRefCon; |
bool operator == (const RenderCallback &other) { |
return this->mRenderNotify == other.mRenderNotify && |
this->mRenderNotifyRefCon == other.mRenderNotifyRefCon; |
} |
}; |
typedef TThreadSafeList<RenderCallback> RenderCallbackList; |
enum { kNumScopes = 4 }; |
#else |
enum { kNumScopes = 3 }; |
#endif |
/*! @var mElementsCreated */ |
bool mElementsCreated; |
protected: |
/*! @var mInitialized */ |
bool mInitialized; |
/*! @var mHasBegunInitializing */ |
bool mHasBegunInitializing; |
private: |
/*! @var mAudioUnitAPIVersion */ |
UInt8 mAudioUnitAPIVersion; |
/*! @var mInitNumInputEls */ |
const UInt32 mInitNumInputEls; |
/*! @var mInitNumOutputEls */ |
const UInt32 mInitNumOutputEls; |
/*! @var mInitNumGroupEls */ |
const UInt32 mInitNumGroupEls; |
#endif |
/*! @var mScopes */ |
AUScope mScopes[kNumScopes]; |
/*! @var mRenderCallbacks */ |
RenderCallbackList mRenderCallbacks; |
bool mRenderCallbacksTouched; |
/*! @var mRenderThreadID */ |
pthread_t mRenderThreadID; |
#elif TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
UInt32 mRenderThreadID; |
#endif |
/*! @var mWantsRenderThreadID */ |
bool mWantsRenderThreadID; |
/*! @var mCurrentRenderTime */ |
AudioTimeStamp mCurrentRenderTime; |
/*! @var mMaxFramesPerSlice */ |
UInt32 mMaxFramesPerSlice; |
/*! @var mLastRenderError */ |
OSStatus mLastRenderError; |
/*! @var mCurrentPreset */ |
AUPreset mCurrentPreset; |
protected: |
struct PropertyListener { |
AudioUnitPropertyID propertyID; |
AudioUnitPropertyListenerProc listenerProc; |
void * listenerRefCon; |
}; |
typedef std::vector<PropertyListener> PropertyListeners; |
/*! @var mParamList */ |
ParameterEventList mParamList; |
/*! @var mPropertyListeners */ |
PropertyListeners mPropertyListeners; |
/*! @var mBuffersAllocated */ |
bool mBuffersAllocated; |
/*! @var mLogString */ |
// if this is NOT null, it will contain identifying info about this AU. |
char* mLogString; |
private: |
/*! @var sVectorUnitType */ |
static SInt32 sVectorUnitType; |
protected: |
/*! @var mHostCallbackInfo */ |
HostCallbackInfo mHostCallbackInfo; |
/*! @var mContextInfo */ |
CFStringRef mContextName; |
#endif |
}; |
inline OSStatus AUInputElement::PullInputWithBufferList( |
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags & ioActionFlags, |
const AudioTimeStamp & inTimeStamp, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
UInt32 nFrames, |
AudioBufferList * inBufferList) |
{ |
OSStatus theResult; |
if (HasConnection()) { |
// only support connections for V2 audio units |
if (mConnRenderProc != NULL) |
theResult = reinterpret_cast<AudioUnitRenderProc>(mConnRenderProc)( |
mConnInstanceStorage, &ioActionFlags, &inTimeStamp, mConnection.sourceOutputNumber, nFrames, inBufferList); |
else |
#endif |
theResult = AudioUnitRender( |
mConnection.sourceAudioUnit, &ioActionFlags, &inTimeStamp, mConnection.sourceOutputNumber, nFrames, inBufferList); |
} else { |
// kFromCallback: |
theResult = (mInputProc)( |
mInputProcRefCon, &ioActionFlags, &inTimeStamp, inElement, nFrames, inBufferList); |
} |
if (mInputType == kNoInput) // defense: the guy upstream could have disconnected |
// it's a horrible thing to do, but may happen! |
return kAudioUnitErr_NoConnection; |
return theResult; |
} |
#endif // __AUBase_h__ |
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