
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    StickyCornersBehavior is a compound UIDynamicBehavior subclass that causes the asscoiated item to stick to one of the corners of the reference system.
import UIKit
enum StickyCorner: Int {
    case topLeft = 0
    case bottomLeft
    case bottomRight
    case topRight
class StickyCornersBehavior: UIDynamicBehavior {
    // MARK: Properties
    fileprivate var cornerInset: CGFloat
    fileprivate let itemBehavior: UIDynamicItemBehavior
    fileprivate let collisionBehavior: UICollisionBehavior
    fileprivate let item: UIDynamicItem
    fileprivate var fieldBehaviors = [UIFieldBehavior]()
    // Enabling/disabling effectively adds or removes the item from the child behaviors.
    var isEnabled = true {
        didSet {
            if isEnabled {
                for fieldBehavior in fieldBehaviors {
            else {
                for fieldBehavior in fieldBehaviors {
    var currentCorner: StickyCorner? {
        guard dynamicAnimator != nil else { return nil }
        let position =
        for (i, fieldBehavior) in fieldBehaviors.enumerated() {
            let fieldPosition = fieldBehavior.position
            let location = CGPoint(x: position.x - fieldPosition.x, y: position.y - fieldPosition.y)
            if fieldBehavior.region.contains(location) {
                // Force unwrap the result because we know we have an actual corner at this point.
                let corner = StickyCorner(rawValue: i)!
                return corner
        return nil
    // MARK: Initializers
    init(item: UIDynamicItem, cornerInset: CGFloat) {
        self.item = item
        self.cornerInset = cornerInset
        // Setup a collision behavior so the item cannot escape the screen.
        collisionBehavior = UICollisionBehavior(items: [item])
        collisionBehavior.translatesReferenceBoundsIntoBoundary = true
        // Setup the item behavior to alter the items physical properties causing it to be "sticky."
        itemBehavior = UIDynamicItemBehavior(items: [item])
        itemBehavior.density = 0.01
        itemBehavior.resistance = 10
        itemBehavior.friction = 0.0
        itemBehavior.allowsRotation = false
        // Add each behavior as a child behavior.
            Setup a spring field behavior, one for each quadrant of the screen. 
            Then add each as a child behavior.
        for _ in 0...3 {
            let fieldBehavior = UIFieldBehavior.springField()
    // MARK: UIDynamicBehavior
    override func willMove(to dynamicAnimator: UIDynamicAnimator?) {
        super.willMove(to: dynamicAnimator)
        guard let bounds = dynamicAnimator?.referenceView?.bounds else { return }
    // MARK: Public
    func updateFieldsInBounds(_ bounds: CGRect) {
        if bounds != {
            let itemBounds = item.bounds
                Determine the horizontal & vertical adjustment required to satisfy
                the cornerInset given the itemBounds.
            let dx = cornerInset + itemBounds.width / 2.0
            let dy = cornerInset + itemBounds.height / 2.0
            // Get bounds width & height.
            let h = bounds.height
            let w = bounds.width
            // Private function to update the position & region of a given field.
            func updateRegionForField(_ field: UIFieldBehavior, _ point: CGPoint) {
                field.position = point
                field.region = UIRegion(size: CGSize(width: w - (dx * 2), height: h - (dy * 2)))
            // Calculate the field origins.
            let topLeft = CGPoint(x: dx, y: dy)
            let bottomLeft = CGPoint(x: dx, y: h - dy)
            let bottomRight = CGPoint(x: w - dx, y: h - dy)
            let topRight = CGPoint(x: w - dx, y: dy)
            // Update each field.
            updateRegionForField(fieldBehaviors[StickyCorner.topLeft.rawValue], topLeft)
            updateRegionForField(fieldBehaviors[StickyCorner.bottomLeft.rawValue], bottomLeft)
            updateRegionForField(fieldBehaviors[StickyCorner.bottomRight.rawValue], bottomRight)
            updateRegionForField(fieldBehaviors[StickyCorner.topRight.rawValue], topRight)
    func addLinearVelocity(_ velocity: CGPoint) {
        itemBehavior.addLinearVelocity(velocity, for: item)
    func positionForCorner(_ corner: StickyCorner) -> CGPoint {
        return fieldBehaviors[corner.rawValue].position