
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    StickyCornersViewController is a UIViewController subclass demonstrating the use of UIFieldBehavior.
import UIKit
class StickyCornersViewController: UIViewController {
    // MARK: Properties
    // Dynamics.
    var animator: UIDynamicAnimator!
    var stickyBehavior: StickyCornersBehavior!
    var itemView: UIView!
    // Touch handling.
    var offset =
    let itemAspectRatio: CGFloat = 0.70
    // MARK: UIViewController
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Determine a reasonable item size.
        let screenBounds = UIScreen.main.bounds
        let length = floor(0.1  * max(screenBounds.width, screenBounds.height))
            Create the itemView, add a pan gesture recognizer, then add the `itemView`
            as a subview of the viewController's view.
        itemView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: length, height: floor(length / itemAspectRatio)))
        itemView.autoresizingMask = []
        itemView.backgroundColor =
        let panGestureRecognizer = UIPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(StickyCornersViewController.pan(_:)))
        // Create a UIDynamicAnimator.
        animator = UIDynamicAnimator(referenceView: view)
            Create a StickyCornersBehavior with the itemView and a corner inset, 
            then add it to the animator.
        stickyBehavior = StickyCornersBehavior(item: itemView, cornerInset: length * 0.5)
    override func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) {
        super.viewWillTransition(to: size, with: coordinator)
        // Ensure the item stays on screen during a bounds change.
        guard let corner = stickyBehavior.currentCorner else { return }
        stickyBehavior.isEnabled = false
        let bounds = CGRect(origin:, size: size)
        coordinator.animate(alongsideTransition: { context in
   = self.stickyBehavior.positionForCorner(corner)
        completion: { context in
            self.stickyBehavior.isEnabled = true
    // MARK: Gesture Callbacks
    func pan(_ pan: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
        var location = pan.location(in: view)
        switch pan.state {
            case .began:
                // Capture the initial touch offset from the itemView's center.
                let center =
                offset.x = location.x - center.x
                offset.y = location.y - center.y
                // Disable the behavior while the item is manipulated by the pan recognizer.
                stickyBehavior.isEnabled = false
            case .changed:
                // Get reference bounds.
                let referenceBounds = view.bounds
                let referenceWidth = referenceBounds.width
                let referenceHeight = referenceBounds.height
                // Get item bounds.
                let itemBounds = itemView.bounds
                let itemHalfWidth = itemBounds.width / 2.0
                let itemHalfHeight = itemBounds.height / 2.0
                // Apply the initial offset.
                location.x -= offset.x
                location.y -= offset.y
                // Bound the item position inside the reference view.
                location.x = max(itemHalfWidth, location.x)
                location.x = min(referenceWidth - itemHalfWidth, location.x)
                location.y = max(itemHalfHeight, location.y)
                location.y = min(referenceHeight - itemHalfHeight, location.y)
                // Apply the resulting item center.
       = location
            case .cancelled, .ended:
                // Get the current velocity of the item from the pan gesture recognizer.
                let velocity = pan.velocity(in: view)
                // Re-enable the stickyCornersBehavior.
                stickyBehavior.isEnabled = true
                // Add the current velocity to the sticky corners behavior.
            default: ()