Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: CFCode.h |
Description: This file contains all the X11 source which is used to put up a GUI and then call Carbon |
Cocoa and Core Foundation. |
Author: Chad Jones |
Copyright: © Copyright 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. |
("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your |
use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software |
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Change History (most recent first): |
*/ |
#include "X11Code.h" |
#include "CFCode.h" |
#include "CarbonCode.h" |
#include "CocoaCode.h" |
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h> |
#include <X11/StringDefs.h> |
#include <X11/Shell.h> |
#include <X11/Xaw/Box.h> |
#include <X11/Xaw/Label.h> |
#include <X11/Xaw/Command.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
XtAppContext gApplicationContext; |
Display* gXWindowsDisplay = NULL; |
Widget gX11MainWindow; |
const char* gApplicationName = "DTSX11CallCarbonCocoaApplication"; |
const char* gApplicationClass = "DTSX11CallCarbonCocoaApplicationClass"; |
Widget gContentWindow, gWindowHeaderLabel, gClickButtonMessage, gBeepFromCarbonButton, gBeepFromCocoaButton; |
Widget gDialogFromCarbonButton, gDialogFromCFButton, gDialogFromCocoaButton, gQuitButton; |
int InitializeX11(int Argc, char* Argv[]) |
{ |
const char* defaultXWindowsDisplayConnectionString = ":0.0"; |
//Initalizing X toolkit. |
XtToolkitInitialize(); |
//Getting the application context. |
gApplicationContext = XtCreateApplicationContext(); |
/* Here we are opening a display within X11. Note this actually estabilishes our connection with the |
* X11. |
* First Argument: Application context obtained from a previous call of XtCreateApplicationContext |
* Second Argument: The display connection string. This string is used in connecting to the display. |
* Here we pass null since we want to use the display which is default for system (usually defined |
* in the DISPLAY envionment variable. |
* Third Argument: The application name to be used for this applicaiton. Here is this the |
* string we defined. Note the application name is the name of the instance of the application. |
* Forth Argument: The application class to be used for this application. Note the application class |
* is the name for the generic class for this type of application. |
* Fifth argument: Options to use when opening the display. Here we have none so pass NULL. |
* Sixth Argument: The number of options contained in the fifth argument. Here we have no arguments |
* so pass NULL. |
* Seventh Argument: argc of the application we are running within (passed to us from main). |
* Eight Argument: argv of the application we are running within (passed to us from main). |
*/ |
gXWindowsDisplay = XtOpenDisplay(gApplicationContext, NULL, gApplicationName, |
gApplicationClass, NULL, 0, &Argc, Argv); |
//On error XtOpenDisplay will return NULL. if that occurs then we will retry with the |
//default display connection string on MacOSX ":0.0". If this doesn't work then we just give up compeltely |
//and return NULL indicating error. |
if (gXWindowsDisplay == NULL) |
{ |
printf("First try was unable to connect to X11. Attempting connection again with display string: \":0.0\"\n"); |
fflush(stdout); |
/* Redoing earlier call but this time with our default display connection string. Hopefully if X11 is running |
* this call will be successful. If unsuccessful its likely because X11 isn't running at all. |
*/ |
gXWindowsDisplay = XtOpenDisplay(gApplicationContext, defaultXWindowsDisplayConnectionString, |
gApplicationName, gApplicationClass, NULL, 0, |
&Argc, Argv); |
} |
//If still can't get dislay then give up here |
if (gXWindowsDisplay == NULL) |
{ |
XtDestroyApplicationContext (gApplicationContext); //getting rid of the application context. |
printf("Unable to connect to X11 on second attempt. Giving up and quitting...\n");fflush(stdout); |
return(1); //failed return |
} |
else //successfully got XWindows display |
{ |
/* Creating the shell which will hold our main window |
* First Argument: The name of the application which |
* First Argument: The application name to be used for this applicaiton. Here is this the |
* string we defined. Note the application name is the name of the instance of the application. |
* Second Argument: The application class to be used for this application. Note the application class |
* is the name for the generic class for this type of application. |
* Third Argument: The type of shell we are creating. Here we want an appliaction so pass applicationShellWidgetClass. |
* Forth Argument: The display we are using. Here we pass the XWindows display we just obtained. |
* Fifth Argument: Additional Arguments to specify resources of the shell. Here we don't want to specify additional |
* resources so pass NULL |
* Sixth Argument: The number of arguments passed in Fifth argument. We pass no arguments so pass NULL. |
* Return Value: The main window for our X11 application. |
*/ |
gX11MainWindow = XtAppCreateShell(gApplicationName, gApplicationClass, |
applicationShellWidgetClass, |
gXWindowsDisplay, NULL, 0); |
} |
return(0); //if got this far were successful |
} |
// The callback function for when we want to produce a system beep from carbon. |
void BeepFromCarbonCallBack (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) |
{ |
//Calling the carbon native function. |
BeepFromCarbon(); |
} |
// The callback function for when we want to display a dialog from Carbon |
void DialogFromCarbonCallBack (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) |
{ |
/* Calling the carbon native function. Here we are even passing the strings that will be |
* displayed in the dialog |
*/ |
DisplayDialogFromCarbon("This is Carbon saying Hello X11!", "HELLO!"); |
} |
// The callback function for when we want to display a dialog from Core Foundation |
void DialogFromCFCallBack (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) |
{ |
/* Calling the CoreFoundation native function. Here we are even passing the strings that will be |
* displayed in the dialog |
*/ |
DisplayCoreFoundationDialog("This is Core Foundation saying Hello X11!", "HELLO!"); |
} |
// The callback function for when we want to produce a system beep from cocoa. |
void BeepFromCocoaCallBack (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) |
{ |
//Calling the cocoa native function. |
BeepFromCocoa(); |
} |
// The callback function for when we want to display a dialog from Cocoa |
void DialogFromCocoaCallBack (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) |
{ |
/* Calling the Cocoa native function. Here we are even passing the strings that will be |
* displayed in the dialog |
*/ |
DisplayDialogFromCocoa("This is Cocoa saying Hello X11!", "HELLO!"); |
} |
// The callback function for when we want to quit X11 |
void QuitX11Callback (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data) |
{ |
/* Quitting the X11 event loop here. When we return from this callback we will return to whoever |
* started the X11 event loop. In this case we will return to main() for quitting the application |
*/ |
XtAppSetExitFlag(gApplicationContext); |
//Remove all callbacks on the buttons here. |
XtRemoveCallback (gBeepFromCarbonButton, XtNcallback, BeepFromCarbonCallBack, NULL); |
XtRemoveCallback (gDialogFromCarbonButton, XtNcallback, DialogFromCarbonCallBack, NULL); |
XtRemoveCallback (gDialogFromCFButton, XtNcallback, DialogFromCFCallBack, NULL); |
XtRemoveCallback (gDialogFromCocoaButton, XtNcallback, DialogFromCocoaCallBack, NULL); |
XtRemoveCallback (gQuitButton, XtNcallback, QuitX11Callback, NULL); |
/* destroy all widgets here. |
* First argument: The widget to destroy |
*/ |
XtDestroyWidget(gWindowHeaderLabel); |
XtDestroyWidget(gClickButtonMessage); |
XtDestroyWidget(gBeepFromCarbonButton); |
XtDestroyWidget(gDialogFromCarbonButton); |
XtDestroyWidget(gDialogFromCFButton); |
XtDestroyWidget(gDialogFromCocoaButton); |
XtDestroyWidget(gQuitButton); |
XtDestroyWidget(gContentWindow); |
//Closing the X11 display |
XtCloseDisplay(gXWindowsDisplay); |
//To cleanup X11 we need to destroy the application context. |
XtDestroyApplicationContext (gApplicationContext); |
printf("\nX11 Application is Quitting\n");fflush(stdout); |
} |
int DisplayInitialX11GUI() |
{ |
XFontStruct* headerLabelFont; |
XFontStruct* regularLabelFont; |
XFontStruct* buttonFont; |
/* Here we are loading the fonts for use in the window we will display. We actually |
* load three different fonts here. Each font loading call uses the following description: |
* First Argument: The display we are connected to. This is the XWindows display we found |
* when initalizing X11. |
* Second Argument: The name of the font to load. Here we use a named font |
* which will suit our purposes. Note you can get a list of fonts by typing |
* xlsfonts at the XWindows terminal. |
* Return Value: The font structure which is used to describe the font. |
* On failure this return value will be NULL. |
*/ |
headerLabelFont = XLoadQueryFont(gXWindowsDisplay, "r24"); |
regularLabelFont = XLoadQueryFont(gXWindowsDisplay, "r14"); |
buttonFont = XLoadQueryFont(gXWindowsDisplay, "9x15"); |
if ((headerLabelFont == NULL) || (regularLabelFont == NULL) || (buttonFont == NULL)) |
{ |
//can't load a font so give up |
return(1); |
} |
/* Here we are creating the box widget which will hold all other |
* items in the window. |
* First Argument: Name of the widget (must be unique within the program). |
* Here we use the same as the variable name |
* Second Argument: The class of the widget. Here we want the box class |
* Third Argument: The parent widget. Here the parent is the topmost |
* main window of the program |
* Forth Argument: NULL indicating we don't need to set any additional resources. |
* Return Value: The widget representing the box which was created. |
*/ |
gContentWindow = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("gContentWindow", boxWidgetClass, gX11MainWindow,NULL); |
/* Now creating a label which uses the font we just loaded. This label will |
* be the header on our window. |
* First Argument: Name of the widget (must be unique within the program). |
* Here we use the same as the variable name |
* Second Argument: The class of the widget. Here we want a label |
* Third Argument: The parent widget. Here the parent is the box we |
* created which will hold all elements of this window |
* Forth Argument: XtNfont indicating the font we want to use is described in the next argument |
* Fifth Argument: The font we want the label to have. In this case the label font we just loaded. |
* Sixth Argument: XtNlabel indicating we want to edit the text of the label and the text is |
* in the next argument. |
* Seventh Argument: The title we want the label to have. In this case a message describing the application. |
* Eigth Argument: XtNborderWidth indicating we want to set the width of the border around the label and the |
* width is in the next argument. |
* Ninth Argument: Width of the border. Here we pass zero because we don't want a visible border. |
* Tenth Argument: NULL indicating we are done specifying additional resources for the widget. |
* Return Value: The widget representing the label which was created. |
*/ |
gWindowHeaderLabel = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("gWindowHeaderLabel", labelWidgetClass, gContentWindow, |
XtNfont, headerLabelFont, XtNlabel, |
"X11 Call Carbon and Cocoa", |
XtNborderWidth, 0, NULL); |
/* Now creating a label which will be used to indicate that the user should click a button below. |
* First Argument: Name of the widget (must be unique within the program). |
* Here we use the same as the variable name |
* Second Argument: The class of the widget. Here we want a label |
* Third Argument: The parent widget. Here the parent is the box we |
* created which will hold all elements of this window |
* Forth Argument: XtNfont indicating the font we want to use is described in the next argument |
* Fifth Argument: The font we want the label to have. In this case the label font we just loaded. |
* Sixth Argument: XtNlabel indicating we want to edit the text of the label and the text is |
* in the next argument. |
* Seventh Argument: The title we want the label to have. In this case a message telling the user what to do. |
* Eigth Argument: XtNborderWidth indicating we want to set the width of the border around the label and the |
* width is in the next argument. |
* Ninth Argument: Width of the border. Here we pass zero because we don't want a visible border. |
* Tenth Argument: NULL indicating we are done specifying additional resources for the widget. |
* Return Value: The widget representing the label which was created. |
*/ |
gClickButtonMessage = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("gClickButtonMessage", labelWidgetClass, gContentWindow, |
XtNfont, regularLabelFont, XtNlabel, |
"Click a button below to perform a native MacOSX call:", |
XtNborderWidth, 0, NULL); |
/* Now we are providing buttons to make MacOSX native calls. |
* First Argument: Name of the widget (must be unique within the program). |
* Here we use the same as the variable name |
* Second Argument: The class of the widget. Here we want a command widget (button) |
* Third Argument: The parent widget. Here the parent is the box we |
* created which will hold all elements of this window |
* Forth Argument: XtNfont indicating the font we want to use is described in the next argument |
* Fifth Argument: The font we want the button to have. In this case the button font we just loaded. |
* Sixth Argument: XtNlabel indicating we want to edit the text of the button and the text is |
* in the next argument. |
* Seventh Argument: The title we want the button to have. In this case a message describing the action. |
* Eigth Argument: NULL indicating we are done specifying additional resources for the widget. |
* Return Value: The widget representing the box which was created. |
*/ |
gDialogFromCarbonButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("gDialogFromCarbonButton", commandWidgetClass, |
gContentWindow, XtNfont, buttonFont, XtNlabel, |
"Put up standard dialog from Carbon", NULL); |
/* Now we are providing buttons to make MacOSX native calls. |
* First Argument: Name of the widget (must be unique within the program). |
* Here we use the same as the variable name |
* Second Argument: The class of the widget. Here we want a command widget (button) |
* Third Argument: The parent widget. Here the parent is the box we |
* created which will hold all elements of this window |
* Forth Argument: XtNfont indicating the font we want to use is described in the next argument |
* Fifth Argument: The font we want the button to have. In this case the button font we just loaded. |
* Sixth Argument: XtNlabel indicating we want to edit the text of the button and the text is |
* in the next argument. |
* Seventh Argument: The title we want the button to have. In this case a message describing the action. |
* Eigth Argument: NULL indicating we are done specifying additional resources for the widget. |
* Return Value: The widget representing the box which was created. |
*/ |
gBeepFromCarbonButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("gBeepFromCarbonButton", commandWidgetClass, |
gContentWindow, XtNfont, buttonFont, XtNlabel, |
"Produce a system beep from Carbon", NULL); |
/* Here we are setting the button's behavior that is what routine the button will call. |
* First Argument: The button we are editing the behavior of. In this case the button we just made. |
* Second Argument: XtNcallback indicating that we want to add this to our default list of button callbacks. |
* Third Argument: Additional data we want to pass the callback. Here we will provide no extra data |
* so just pass NULL |
*/ |
XtAddCallback (gBeepFromCarbonButton, XtNcallback, BeepFromCarbonCallBack, NULL); |
/* Here we are setting the button's behavior that is what routine the button will call. |
* First Argument: The button we are editing the behavior of. In this case the button we just made. |
* Second Argument: XtNcallback indicating that we want to add this to our default list of button callbacks. |
* Third Argument: Additional data we want to pass the callback. Here we will provide no extra data |
* so just pass NULL |
*/ |
XtAddCallback (gDialogFromCarbonButton, XtNcallback, DialogFromCarbonCallBack, NULL); |
/* Now we are providing buttons to make MacOSX native calls. |
* First Argument: Name of the widget (must be unique within the program). |
* Here we use the same as the variable name |
* Second Argument: The class of the widget. Here we want a command widget (button) |
* Third Argument: The parent widget. Here the parent is the box we |
* created which will hold all elements of this window |
* Forth Argument: XtNfont indicating the font we want to use is described in the next argument |
* Fifth Argument: The font we want the button to have. In this case the button font we just loaded. |
* Sixth Argument: XtNlabel indicating we want to edit the text of the button and the text is |
* in the next argument. |
* Seventh Argument: The title we want the button to have. In this case a message describing the action. |
* Eigth Argument: NULL indicating we are done specifying additional resources for the widget. |
* Return Value: The widget representing the box which was created. |
*/ |
gDialogFromCFButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("gDialogFromCFButton", commandWidgetClass, |
gContentWindow, XtNfont, buttonFont, XtNlabel, |
"Put up standard dialog from Core Foundation", |
NULL); |
/* Here we are setting the button's behavior that is what routine the button will call. |
* First Argument: The button we are editing the behavior of. In this case the button we just made. |
* Second Argument: XtNcallback indicating that we want to add this to our default list of button callbacks. |
* Third Argument: Additional data we want to pass the callback. Here we will provide no extra data |
* so just pass NULL |
*/ |
XtAddCallback (gDialogFromCFButton, XtNcallback, DialogFromCFCallBack, NULL); |
//Adding button to show dialog from Cocoa. Using same method as above. |
gDialogFromCocoaButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("gDialogFromCocoaButton", commandWidgetClass, |
gContentWindow, XtNfont, buttonFont, XtNlabel, |
"Put up standard dialog from Cocoa", |
NULL); |
//Adding callback to dialog button. Using same method as above. |
XtAddCallback (gDialogFromCocoaButton, XtNcallback, DialogFromCocoaCallBack, NULL); |
/* Now we are providing buttons to make MacOSX native calls. |
* First Argument: Name of the widget (must be unique within the program). |
* Here we use the same as the variable name |
* Second Argument: The class of the widget. Here we want a command widget (button) |
* Third Argument: The parent widget. Here the parent is the box we |
* created which will hold all elements of this window |
* Forth Argument: XtNfont indicating the font we want to use is described in the next argument |
* Fifth Argument: The font we want the button to have. In this case the button font we just loaded. |
* Sixth Argument: XtNlabel indicating we want to edit the text of the button and the text is |
* in the next argument. |
* Seventh Argument: The title we want the button to have. In this case a message describing the action. |
* Eigth Argument: NULL indicating we are done specifying additional resources for the widget. |
* Return Value: The widget representing the box which was created. |
*/ |
gBeepFromCocoaButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("gBeepFromCocoaButton", commandWidgetClass, |
gContentWindow, XtNfont, buttonFont, XtNlabel, |
"Produce a system beep from Cocoa", NULL); |
/* Here we are setting the button's behavior that is what routine the button will call. |
* First Argument: The button we are editing the behavior of. In this case the button we just made. |
* Second Argument: XtNcallback indicating that we want to add this to our default list of button callbacks. |
* Third Argument: Additional data we want to pass the callback. Here we will provide no extra data |
* so just pass NULL |
*/ |
XtAddCallback (gBeepFromCocoaButton, XtNcallback, BeepFromCocoaCallBack, NULL); |
/* Now we are providing quit button. |
* First Argument: Name of the widget (must be unique within the program). |
* Here we use the same as the variable name |
* Second Argument: The class of the widget. Here we want a command widget (button) |
* Third Argument: The parent widget. Here the parent is the box we |
* created which will hold all elements of this window |
* Forth Argument: XtNfont indicating the font we want to use is described in the next argument |
* Fifth Argument: The font we want the button to have. In this case the button font we just loaded. |
* Sixth Argument: XtNlabel indicating we want to edit the text of the button and the text is |
* in the next argument. |
* Seventh Argument: The title we want the button to have. In this case a message describing the action. |
* Eigth Argument: NULL indicating we are done specifying additional resources for the widget. |
* Return Value: The widget representing the box which was created. |
*/ |
gQuitButton = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("gQuitButton", commandWidgetClass, |
gContentWindow, XtNfont, buttonFont, XtNlabel, |
"Quit Application", |
NULL); |
/* Here we are setting the button's behavior that is what routine the button will call. |
* First Argument: The button we are editing the behavior of. In this case the button we just made. |
* Second Argument: XtNcallback indicating that we want to add this to our default list of button callbacks. |
* Third Argument: Additional data we want to pass the callback. Here we will provide no extra data |
* so just pass NULL |
*/ |
XtAddCallback (gQuitButton, XtNcallback, QuitX11Callback, NULL); |
// Display the window. |
XtRealizeWidget(gX11MainWindow); |
return(0); //if got this far were successful |
} |
void StartX11EventLoop() |
{ |
// Event loop, waiting for events to happen. |
XtAppMainLoop (gApplicationContext); |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-07-28